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Posts posted by Matt_Black

  1. Both of my shows have had workers show up too high and needing to be sent home. I suspended both of them, and both workers were happy with my decision and it had a positive impact on them, lol. If only all interactions with druggies were like that.


    Well, going by my experiences running QAW, Coco Malloy and Foxy LaRue show up high on soft drugs, and I've (generally) had success in dealing with them. I think in part because they're both positive influences and in part because it's really hard to get too upset when you've been raiding RVD's medicine cabinet.

  2. You guys are free do book however you want, obviously, but if you're going to book the women in a B-show, you might just want to cut the division entirely. I guess you can use a B-show until their contracts run out, but it's better to change them to managers as most have good charisma. But seriously, it might even be better to just plain cut them if it's not your thing.



    I don't think it's a question of it not being anyone's thing, I think it's a question of trying to get the ladies more exposure. It's similar to the criticisms levied at AEW- they find plenty of time for the men on Dynamite and Dark, but we're lucky if we get more than one women's singles match a week (a sometimes we don't even get that one match!), and there's really not much in the way of storylines.

  3. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Bigpapa42" data-cite="Bigpapa42" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="48272" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>When testing mods, this is an unbelievably helpful addition. Removes an entire dynamic of trial and error that previous versions had to figure out the financial issues affecting a company before you could even try to stabilize financials for individual companies.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Well, for me, I'm a softy, so if I know a company is struggling, I'll join COTT or whatever and invite them or otherwise try to strike up a relationship so I can float them money, but every now and then, a company will go bankrupt and I had no idea. This makes it a lot easier for me.</p>
  4. <p><strong>Who To Hire</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    Rose & Lilly are both incredibly talented and they've got 100 tag experience, AND they get the Tag Specialist bonus on top of that. On the other hand, they're a bit pricey for a company QAW's size. I mean, they're worth it, but you might want to wait a bit until you have a bigger war chest.</p><p> </p><p>

    There's no one who speaks Japanese on the roster, so if you'd like to start a trade agreement with 5SSW (or WINNOW or Kitsune whenever they open) or talk any of the unemployed Japanese wrestlers into coming over (Spider Isako!) you'll need someone who speaks the tongue. Of the unemployed talent, Connie Morris and Tsuki Kawamata both speak Japanese, and they both will work for about $30-40 per show, if I recall correctly. Of the two, I prefer Connie, as her in-ring skills like Basics, Psychology, and other fundamentals, are a bit better, so she's an excellent "carpenter" or "technician".</p><p> </p><p>

    Haven't had much time to poke around with the rest of unemployed list, but Black Diamond, Joanna Silver, and DupliKate all look like they could be winners in QAW.</p>

  5. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="LloydCross" data-cite="LloydCross" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="48156" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Given that you can straight up disable "Pro mode" that seems like a pretty unnecessary thing to do.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Yes, but that's CHEATING! *ba-dum-tss*</p>
  6. I'm kinda sad that my favourite CVerse promotion (WLW) got screwed, when it was the Exodus owner that had shady business connections. :( I figured it would be them that turned out to be funded by the Yakuza! Boo. :p


    #kojima was framed


    I think the most upsetting thing is that Watoga dropped the "Sir Winston" moniker and decided to be a more serious grappler. That made me die a little inside.

  7. Oh, here's something that's a little gamey- on the character select screen, it shows you exactly what everyone's stats are. So, whatever company you're going to play, filter by that company, write down whatever stats you definitely want to know for as many characters, and then later you won't have to worry about scouting levels or poking your head into the in-game editor.
  8. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Remianen" data-cite="Remianen" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47833" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Not counting the times I bought out CZCW, I've seen them rise to Cult once (and then immediately drop back down). That has to do with the owner. Cliff Anderson died and someone else took over and I'm guessing made changes to the product. Also, CZCW regularly produced talent that winds up in SWF (or RIPW), TCW, NOTBPW, CGC, and/or WLW. AAA, with only a few exceptions (Sara Marie York, for example) does not, by and large. CZCW also serves a role where talent released from those bigger companies go there to rehab their images and get signed elsewhere. Coastal Resort regularly produced decent talent that developed and moved on. Feeder leagues have value. Cat's Lair wasn't nearly as prolific. Now granted, that could very well be because they're competing with me (and I largely make their roster untenable by "sharing" many of their top workers, making them WAY too expensive for AAA to use), but even in watcher games, they never progressed. They were happy to run shows in the North West, occasionally in the South West, and rarely in the Mid South or British Columbia. That, along with an outdated product that <strong><em>does not fit their personnel</em></strong>, makes them dead weight, in my view. Again, if you're not moving forward, you're falling behind.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> The AI in 2016 would rarely replace talent that got poached by USPW or NOTBPW, and similarly not sign any talent released by those companies. Especially befuddling when you consider that Alicia was often cut, and with her stats and pop you'd think AAA would be all over that.</p><p> </p><p> But then, the only companies I'd reliably see increase in size and not immediately drop back down were FCW and QAW. Occasionally GCG, but that was a bit rarer.</p>
  9. The only thing I noticed in 2016 (aside from spamming battle royals to get workers trained up) is when I started a women's division in SWF. Since SWF had Risque set pretty high, adding a women's division meant you needed to have an eye candy match. Now, I would knock Risque down from Heavy to Medium, so I didn't HAVE to use an eye candy match but COULD and get good ratings. And I mean GOOD ratings. Sometimes, it would rate higher than the main event!


    Eye Candy matches would give such a huge boost to the performance, bypassing the penalties for pop or performance that would plague women's matches in, say, USPW. Using this, I wound up getting people like Tamara McFly or Bonnie Clyde (?!?) rated higher in the year end rankings over people like DEVIL Karube or the NOTPBW roster.


    Now, looking at the new product system, it doesn't seem like I'll be able to do that.

  10. You have to remember, Adam LOVES him some puns. But tsk tsk, and he even changed her name to HURRICANE to make it more obvious. :p Did you at least get Air Raid Syren? :)


    It's hard to NOT get that one.


    The one that probably took me the longest was Wanda Fish, which shouldn't have, but I blame that "The Dish" nickname threw me off.


    "Wanda Fish. Wanda. Fish. Fish named- oh dagnabbit!"

  11. Yep also guilty here, don't know why, i can't help be be tempted by her each time. Something about her look and history.


    Oh, good, it's not just me. And I don't know why; if you need a "lady hoss", Deborah Young and (to a lesser extent*) Emma Bitch both could fill that role in 2016, and both were better workers and backstage influences to boot!


    *I never realized how big Emma is compared to other women wrestlers until one time, when I hired her, she packed on some muscle mass and went from Lightweight to Middleweight, putting her in the same weight class as Young or Juliette King.

  12. YES!


    And another great feature added is that workers who aren't exclusive can still work independent shows! That gets them even more work and leads to a heightened improvement curve (theoretically. Can't amass enough data to be sure until we can play for more than two months).


    While I still have an enormous roster, it's mainly to develop managers moreso than in-ring workers.


    Oh, yeah, all the indy shows are great for scouting, both your own workers ("Hey, this worker did much better in this show, I'm going to rethink how I book them") and people you're thinking of hiring.


    Technically, I know people did that in 2016, too, but the indy shows were much more infrequent and, since I tend to play companies with a focus towards women's workers, maybe I'd see a women's match on the indy scene in an area I can hire once a year or so.

  13. Blackman, I could not possibly disagree with you more.


    The C-Verse women's scene is FAR better off now than in 2016. It's not even close. You're looking at raw popularity but what about skills? Skill development with the women, without editing, was glacial unless you could land a Strong/Easter/Rodriguez/Allen. There were only a handful of workers you could effectively use to improve other workers in-ring. Remember that not all products make popularity the be-all, end-all. Besides, popularity has always been easy to generate and that hasn't changed. Adding integration to male dominated promotions solves that problem. The women in CZCW and ACPW get to work with MUCH better in-ring workers with a far more diverse range of styles and thus have more opportunities to improve. THAT is a WIN. AAA never moved (up) in any save I played in TEW16, unless I was running them. Not a single one. We're talking 325 completely separate save games. I've seen 5 Star get to Cult but AAA was always Regional. The very definition of dead weight. When I hit Global with QAW, they typically didn't even have a large enough roster to even run shows, even with shared workers from 5 Star (restricted areas off). If you're not moving forward, you're falling behind.


    For years I've moaned about the stagnation in the women's scene in the C-Verse. This is a MUCH better state of affairs. With the addition of training camps (and funneling new workers through them) and especially performance centers (which allow you to bootstrap workers AND theoretically increases the number of debutants), the body count should be decent. More than that, the QUALITY of new workers will be more consistent (again, theoretically).


    To quote the great philosopher, Dave Chappelle, yes they deserved to die and I hope they burn in.......... :p


    You'll also note there are far fewer unemployed female wrestlers in 2020, at least in North America. In part, yeah, quite a few retirements, but even then, people seem to be getting work. Part of the reason I always wound up with such huge rosters in AAA and QAW is because I felt obligated to give people regular work.

  14. The scenarios I had in my head were: Cat secured some big deal that either integrated the company into a bigger one (probably NOTBPW) or gave them a small TV show weekly.


    Or maybe they got raided and there just weren't any stars left but her little sis.


    As for the state of the women in general: I really thought there was a chance QAW could be integrated into TCW in their struggle for relevance.


    Remember you can always buy the rights for the championship for a mere 5K and start over. A bit disrespectful it's got less prestige then the 4C hardcore championship (really? :p), but it's still there.


    Yeah. The only problem is you'll have to call them AAA2 or something, because you can't revive stuff aside from titles after the fact. (Maybe that's something to suggest for the next game; I mean, if Cody can bring back Bash At The Beach...)

  15. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Jomosensual" data-cite="Jomosensual" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47833" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Tracy leaving the business hurt me in my soul. She was one of my top stars in the womens division early to help make up the popularity gaps and then when everyone caught up she was basically the Candice LeRae of TCW, fighting with Joshua in the tag division and making a few singles runs here and there against the men. Was a real fun thing to book last time.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> God, YES. She was fantastic. Great at face or heel, and while not great at any one thing, she was good at so many things. You needed a brawler? She could do it. High flier? Yup. Technical wrestling. Yup. Good on the stick? Yup.</p>
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