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Posts posted by Matt_Black

  1. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Kingster" data-cite="Kingster" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47579" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>It's mentioned in the handbook under Cornellverse --> maintaining canon (or something along those lines): ACPW got moved for gameplay reasons.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Between moving the company to Quebec and allowing women wrestlers, Buchinsky better be careful or his company might last longer than a year in this version!</p>
  2. I've always said Remy Skye was Jeff Hardy without the popularity that let him have second and third chances.


    I'm a little surprised that, for having an integrated product, the women on the roster are either rookies or non-wrestlers. You'd think they'd've brought in someone to replace J-Ro and Miss Mexico as 'popular veteran female' to help out. Which means I know what I'm going to do...


    Also, a moment of silence (well, regret) for Fox Mask. Poor guy never got to Japan or made it big like he deserved, and is going to be forced out of the head booker role by anyone playing CZCW. Guy just can't catch a break.


    Yeah, I'm surprised there aren't more AAA alum. Suzanne Brazzle, Jana Marie Bowen, Katherine Goodlooks, Debbie Rose, and Kate Lilly are just a few I can think of off the top of my head that would fare fairly well in CZCW. Similarly, considering their membership in COTT and their good relationship with OLLIE, it's kind of baffling there aren't more luchadoras in the Zone.

  3. Certainly, I think it's easier to come up with 5SSW factions in 2020 than it was in 2016. Slap Paige Croft and the Uprising together, call them SERAPHIM or the AAA-List, bam. Put the Kanto Express with Thea Davis, call them the Continentals or something evoking Europe to reflect their collective time together in EWA and bam. Another stable.
  4. Just tinkering with it for a few hours finally (today at work was dreadful, wishing I could be at home with this trial, haha) and there's a few new options that seem really interesting. The ticket pricing model seems cool as I can really get into the gamble of being a small company trying to raise popularity with cheap/free shows but having to balance that against talent and production costs. That's something I'll definitely be playing with.


    It's really neat. As mentioned, I've been playing QAW, and added a weekly Lesser event with tickets priced at Cheap, and I've still been making a profit and gaining pop, though the latter has been a bit inconsistent.

  5. Agree with all of this


    CWA does feel very AEW without the hardcore stuff, which my just be my head cannon but I like immensely.


    QAW feels very AEW-esque as well. The tag titles are floating, so you'll absolutely see main eventers mixing it up with those lower down the card (admittedly, this was a feature back in 2016, too). They play loosely with the face/ heel dynamic while still paying lip service to it. High action product with stories and characters. Bigger focus on stables. Quite a few of their wrestlers also work in Mexico under working agreements.

  6. Okay, so QAW is the sole Women's Only country in the United States. Some nice new teams, some nice new stables, and the new tournament features should make booking Queen Of The Ring a breeze.


    I think the biggest surprise is how good the backstage atmosphere is. That's something I always struggled with at the start of 2016 in QAW.


    Some of the roster changes sting (Charity Sweet is gone?!? NOOOO!), but overall, I think they've got a lot of potential going forward.

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