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Posts posted by Matt_Black

  1. I wonder if it's worth it to start a relationship with 5SSW.


    I'd do it occasionally in 2016 sometimes to open up a worker to the U.S., but I always sent money, never workers. Because in 2016, so few companies ran shows more than once a month (and those that did sometimes would use a small fraction of the roster), the workers sent would often never get used before the loan period expired.


    In 2020, however, 5SSW runs a lot more shows, and looking at the autobooker, they use a LOT of tag & trios matches this time around. I could send 4 or 5 workers on a loan, and watch them improve significantly.

  2. That has been a pain so far. I wanted to get John Greed, someone who I always covet and generally think is one of the most underrated workers in the game, and I couldn't because he wouldn't let me vid higher. I convinced Buddy Garner to come out of retirement so he could face Wolf and USPW got him because he prevented me from bidding higher. It's a challenge for sure and it makes me weary about what'll happen when some of my top guys' contracts are up.


    I guess with Jeremy Stone out, the game needed a new "biggest tightwad".

  3. Would anyone be interested in sharing what canon they recall is tied to TCW’s PPVs in terms of gimmicks? I’d also be interested in hearing if anybody does any special like a RR, MITB, KOTM, etc approach with any of the events?


    As far as I recall, the only thing in 2016 was "The War To Settle The Score" which had an AI note of "All 1 v 1", which I never followed, as that's what the auto-booker mostly does anyway for TV for TCW. It's not special if we see it all the time anyway! (There's also the fact that since it's not a season finale, few, if any, scores are actually settled.)


    And while not official due to AI limitations in 2016, I have to imagine that a Total Mayhem PPV without an actual Total Mayhem match would be like the few times the WWE did Survivor Series without an elimination tag match.

  4. If possible I’d like a scale put in the in game manual but if that not possible I’ll be fine with it,


    After all I love the fact that road against are actually warning me now lol


    Yeah, it used to be you only got warnings if someone was injured, or you set a road agent note for a finish someone didn't like (which was especially fun if the other worker had a good enough menace score. "*Cracks knuckles*").

  5. CZCW is going to dominate the Independent Scene for most of 2020. The only thing that could kill them is if roster gets signed away. Frankie Perez, American Flash, Going Coastal, American Cobras, Wild Cats, and Beach Boys are all potential stars and put up studly ratings.


    The product is very Indy friendly. They should dominate the hardcore companies and regional battles. The money shouldn't be much of an issue, as product seems to sponsor friendly.


    If I was to run a save with them, Id remove integrated part of roster or have it ala Candice in PWG. I'd sign Aldous, Fro Sure, and Remmy Skye right away or to replace Frankie & Pablo when inventible signed.


    They've also got enough money to start a Very Small broadcaster. That could definitely help them out.


    Another thing I'd do- add a Women's Title to COTT, but it on one of your female wrestlers, and then she'll most likely get pulled over to OLLIE every now and then. A few matches against Purple Viper or Celeste Moon should up her stats nicely.

  6. Ok so stamina is product dependent good to know (wondering if anyone has a scale sitting around so we can know the cut off points)


    I don't know the scale, but generally, a lot of the Lucha products (surprisingly) and Western entertainment products tend to be more forgiving on the workers.


    Even then, you'll often be given warnings by road agents before booking if you put a worker in a match that would be way to long for them. F'rinstance, I hired Connie Morris for QAW, and was going to put her in an 18 minute match. Both she and her opponent had good enough psychology for a "Slow Build" approach, but the road agent still warned me that Connie isn't built for a match that long anymore.

  7. Forgot to exclude managers so her, Del Ray, Huggins and Saunders don't count. Same with the development picture (Bowen, Lawrence, and Buck).


    Speaking of development, was that MAW you sent them to? Can you convince an owner of a developmental territory that you don't actually own into starting a women's division, or did you in-game edit or temporarily take control via adding another player?

  8. So, if you upgrade the production quality, you can get on Shogun TV. However, you're looking at either the graveyard shift or (if you want to give Shogun a bigger cut) late night. Worth it? Or should you use some of your starting money to launch an internet broadcaster.


    Or, you could do both- get on Shogun and launch a broadcaster in another country.

  9. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="fusionfreak" data-cite="fusionfreak" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="48362" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div> Who was struggling with the Punk vs Rock match? </div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I'm guessing The Rock. It was a common criticism of his 2010s appearances. Even in the Royal Rumble where he helped out Roman Reigns, he was looking a little "Aw, geez, I forgot how much work this can be".</p>
  10. I Started a women's division too so I'll show you my main roster and then the girls I put down in development. I started a child company solely so I can put the girls in their own development.


    Main Roster: http://greydogsoftware.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=7278&stc=1&d=1588110418


    Development: http://greydogsoftware.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=7279&stc=1&d=1588110469



    One note on Foxxy Larue. She's a drug user and immediately got popped for it. I sent her to rehab and convinced her to give up using but she's out for 5 months. She's awesome but be weary of that.


    Those links don't seem to work.

  11. I love Spider. I built a stable around her (led by Devil's Daughter with Queens of the Damned as well). I'm planning for her to be like the Rock in the Nation of Domination. Someday, she's going to usurp Double D.


    My project right now is Black Diamond. Since it seems Foxxy has quite a, uh, landscaping habit, I'm depushing her and BD is going up the card to replace her. Eventually they'll go head-to-head for leadership of Ronin 3 and BD will go over and take the reins.


    I also love Coco, DupliKate, and Izzy (bless her heart).


    I've noticed that with Foxy too! And the game lists her as "extremely positive". Well, yeah, when you're living life like a Cheech & Chong outtake, you're going to be smiling a lot.


    Keep an eye on Coco. I think she and Foxy know the same people, if you catch my drift.

  12. It's fine if the game world stays absolutely the same as it does at the start, with no players adding women's divisions or companies or new companies debuting later.


    Now, admittedly, this is less of a big deal. The unemployed list for women's wrestlers is much smaller this time around, but between performance centers and "Talk To Worker", that's something to work around.


    However, if you like playing women's companies or divisions, there's really not a lot to get excited about in regards to new workers showing up later, and many of those were "Yet To Debut" in 2016, too.

  13. I can totally understand an obese wrestler like Yokozuna or Andre The Giant having trouble with stamina but what about someone that should be in about as good as shape as Triple H or Austin or even Batista?



    Look at Triple H's matches with Scott Steiner in the early 2000s. Admittedly, Scott had some other physical issues, and HHH was going out of his way to not do Scott any favors.


    Another example of someone who you wouldn't necessarily think of as "out of shape", Shane Douglas's match with (I'm pretty sure it was) Raven in the first year or so of TNA. Douglas was VOMITING during the course of the match.

  14. This isn't going to come up until the full game is out, but I'm fishing for ideas now- running QAW, who should be in the 2020 Queen Of The Ring Tournament, and who should win it?


    2016 was much easier, at least the first year. The storylines were Danielle & Jarvis and Raquel & Foxy, so one of those two feuds would culminate in a bout for the World title at Crowning The Queen, and the other would be the finals of the tournament.


    In 2020, with so many of the starting stories being faction/ stable driven, with 5-6 people each, it's a lot harder to narrow things down.

  15. In the other TV Shows section, I would say that any of the stuff regarding the NFL probably should have some impact in Canada even if it is at the lowest level.


    Also, where is the ALCS, NLCS, and World Series? MLB might not get the ratings it used to but it still draws around what the NBA Finals gets and it draws in both the States and Canada (I am not sure how popular it is in Mexico). Just seems odd it was left out when it does draw ratings aways from RAW all of the time.


    The MLB was destroyed by that dastardly heel, Abe "Knuckleball" Schwartz!

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