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5SSW: Dream A Little Dream

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My story starts much like any other story with a dream of the life I wanted to have,a dream that is going to have to go unfulfilled. I wanted to be a wrestler a high flying top rope wrestler my heroes were the Japanese greats Elemental, The Awesome Kiyaru and Awesome Thunder and I wanted to be as good as them. I had natural athletic ability being a gymnast and a martial artist. I had a natural charisma and a talent for using the words that people wanted to here. Most of all I had the drive, the drive to be what I wanted to be. It’s a real shame though that my body just couldn’t live up to the heart I had for the business. Since my heroes were the Japanese legends I traveled to Japan and I camped out at arenas and in front of Dojos, all I wanted was to be trained as a Japanese Super Junior and maybe one day join the BHOTWG Junior Division. I wanted training but my lack of ability to speak any Japanese was a big hindrance but still didn’t stop me from going straight to the biggest names. I hit WLW and Awesome Thunder politely turned me down The Great Hisato not so politely. BHOTWG was next Elemental, Elemental II and The Great Kiyaru all turned me down. Elemental though apparently liked my spunk and he recommend I try some of the workers who weren’t currently working on frequent tours. He specifically sent me in the direction of one worker, “The Fire Fox” Washichi Inao. He said that Inao may not have gone to far in the business but he was a talented high flier and could teach me a lot. Inao was a willing to teach me even with the language barrier, I found out later Elemental put in a word for me which was nice because he didn’t have to. My training began in earnest between the job in the mornings, the training with Inao and the language lessons in Japanese my days were packed. I was with Inao for six months and I was quite moving along as fast as I would have liked when the worst thing in the world that could happen did, I broke my leg. That was it for my training with the broken leg and my lack of progress Inao told me that maybe I was cut out for the business at least not as a wrestler. So that was that no longer be trained I was mad at the world and mad at myself and I spent the next few weeks sulking. Inao finally called me up and asked me to come over to his place to talk. When I got there he sat me down for a heart to heart reminding me that active competitors weren’t the only part of wrestling. He said he had a couple of independent bookings and some of them were with feds where he may need to give an interview or two and his skills on the Microphone left a little to be desired. So for awhile I was the manager of the mysterious “Fire Fox”. So things didn’t turn out the way I wanted them but not everything went wrong. My life in Japan were getting better, I had expanded from just being a manager to doing regular color commentary work, especially now that my Japanese was good. I was being paid enough working in the wrestling world that I didn’t need to work days anymore which was nice. And then the something happened, I was half way around the world from my home in America and I met a girl, not a Japanese girl and American Girl and a wrestler at that. All the way over here in Japan I started dating Joanne Rodriguez who was over here working at 5SSW. I started going to a lot of 5SSW shows after that although I knew very little about the Japanese style of women’s wrestling. They had no real need for managers but I became a fixture in the backstage area and I got to know everyone pretty well. My break came when I heard the owner Sakurako Kagawa and the lead announcer Kuniyoshi Chishu having an argument. Apparently Chishu wasn’t putting his heart into anymore and Kagawa called him on it. Chishu stormed out and that meant there was no announcer for the show. Kagawa didn’t know what to do I’ve seen her announce before but Chishu was better, I went to Joanne and told her what I’d heard and asked her if she’d put in a word for me with her boss. After awhile I was sitting down with Sakurako and we ironed some things out I’d sit out the announce table but as a commentator and she would announce seeing as the fans new her better. The problem she confessed to me was that Chishu was also their head booker and now they had a tour to finish but no one to lay out the shows. I explained I could do it as I was a decent writer and I may not know Joshi one hundred percent but I know the epic battles of good and evil that the fans like. Kagawa seemed trapped but she’d agree, although she made it clear she’d have final say and their would be quite a few rules but we’d talk about them after the nights show. Anyway we did that last show in December and she told me to show up ready to commentate on the first Monday of January and she’d have everything laid out for me. So that’s my story and I’m sticking to it, I left my home country to follow a dream and I’ve ended up on a completely different path. I’ve got a beautiful girl, I’ve got a nice job in the industry I love and I’m now the head booker for the world most famous women’s wrestling promotion.
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[FONT="Arial"][SIZE="2"]So I had a few days and I needed to lay out who was on my roster, I had only seen a few shows since I started dating Joanne and I didn’t really know who was who except for the most popular stars. [CENTER][B]Main Event [COLOR="red"]Crusher Ichihara[/COLOR] / [COLOR="Red"]June Butler[/COLOR] / [COLOR="blue"]Sensational Ogiwara[/COLOR] / [COLOR="blue"]Thunder Hike[/COLOR][/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/CrusherIchihara.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/JuneButler.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/SensationalOgiwara.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/ThunderHike.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The main event scene is pretty even split between faces and heels including the most popular female worker in all of Japan. Crusher Ichihara was our current champion and our top heel and an Old School brawler who has had long standing rivalry with Sensational Ogiwara, our top face and the number one all around woman wrestler in Japan possibly the world. Also in the main event scene is Thunder Hike an incredible technical wrestler and sometimes partner of Ogiwara and also June Butler the Canadian powerhouse and on and off partner of Crusher Ichihara. All in all the top competitors of the company give a solid base to build off of I try and take 5SSW to the top. [CENTER][B]Upper Midcard [COLOR="red"]DEVIL Karube[/COLOR] / [COLOR="red"]Saeko Hiroyuki[/COLOR] / [COLOR="blue"]Kiko Sakakibara[/COLOR] / [COLOR="Blue"]Kit Hatoyama[/COLOR][/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/DEVILKarube.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/SaekoHiroyuki.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/KikoSakakibara.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/KitHatoyama.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The upper midcard has two veteran respected female workers and two up and coming youngsters who have begun to cement their place in the company. Babyface “White Lightning” Kit Hatoyama a top rope sensation came back after two years out of the business and is still popular but needs to gain some momentum with the fans. Saeko Hiroyuki the other veteran high flier has been truly making a name for herself as a heel with her devastating Hiroyuki (Legsweep Bomb) Bomb. Up and comer Kiko Sakakibara is a face who has won the fans over with her flying and technical skills as well as her bubble gum pink outfit from which she gets her nickname. Lastly there is DEVIL Karube who like Kiko brings both a Flying and Technical game and since turning heel has really begun to make a name for herself. [CENTER][B]Midcard [COLOR="Blue"]Joanne Rodriguez[/COLOR] / [COLOR="blue"]Megumi Makajima[/COLOR] / [COLOR="blue"]Yuma Maruya[/COLOR][/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/JoanneRodriguez.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/MegumiNakajima.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/YumaMaruya.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The midcard looks good as well and includes three Americans and all young up and comers with the talent to break out and replace our main stars when they retire. On the face side includes our two top midcarders Yuma Maruya, the current 5SSW All Asian title holder and a decent high flying fun babyface, and my girl Joanne Rodriguez who rivals Yuma in her top rope skills but also brings a good graps of technical skills to the ring. These two already have a handle on in ring psychology which will help mold the other young star including Megumi Nakajima the other midcard face who made her debut in 5SSW not two months ago and is already headed some where with her all around attack style and killer suplexes, including the Nakajima Straight Jacket, Tiger Suplex Variation. [CENTER][B][COLOR="red"]Connie Morris[/COLOR] / [COLOR="Red"]Gorgon[/COLOR] / [COLOR="red"]Saori Nakadan[/COLOR][/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/ConnieMorris.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/Gorgon.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/SaoriNakadan.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The heels include the other two Americans and AAA stars high flying blonde Connie Morris, although I’m afraid she won’t take as she has no charisma and is just unlikable in the ring even for a heel, and bad ass face painted brawler gorgon who seems to be growing more skilled as a technician as she spends time with 5SSW. The heels is Saori Nakadan a technician who with veteran high flier Saeko Hiroyuki make up the tag team of The Bomb Squad. [CENTER][B]Lower Midcard [COLOR="red"]Ikuko Temko[/COLOR] / [COLOR="red"]Raku Makuda[/COLOR] / [COLOR="red"]Tomoko Nakatsuka[/COLOR][/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/IkukoTemko.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/RakuMakuda.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/TomokoNagatsuka.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Three young up and coming heels make up our lower midcard; “The Mistress of Pain” Ikuko Temkno, a brawler and one half of the tag team Seek & Destroy, “The Assassin” Raku Makuda, a masked high flier with a growing technical bent and half of the current tag team champions All Business with her partner and the last of the lower midcard Tomoko Nagatsuka a capabale but not spectacular technician. [CENTER][B]Openers [COLOR="red"]Hunterss Makiko[/COLOR] / [COLOR="Blue"]Chistose Ariwara[/COLOR][/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/HuntressMakiko.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/ChitoseAriwara.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The two workers that make up the openers of 5SSW are the rookie Chitose Ariwara who has a handle on the actual flying but will need a loit of work before she learns to string a match together, and the other half of Seek & Destroy, Huntress Makiko whose technical skills compelent her partners Brawling. [CENTER][B]Enahncment Talent [COLOR="blue"]Otsune Tsumara[/COLOR] / [COLOR="blue"]Tsuki Kawamata[/COLOR][/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/OtsuneTsumura.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/TsukiKawamata.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Lastly we have the rising talent of 5SSW the tag team partner of Kiko Sakakibara in The Rainbow Girls, “High Energy” high flier Otsune Tsumara who like her partner wears very colorful ring attire and the other half of Culture Shock with Joanne, Tsuki Kawamata a top rope worker who also spends time in AAA. Well that at least gives me some idea of who I’ve got to work with and I must say I’m more impressed with this roster then some of the male centered feds I’ve seen, at least in the US. Just need to lay out my tag teams and see what I have to work with there. [CENTER][B]Faces Sensational Thunder Sensation Ogiwara / Thunder Hike[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/SensationalOgiwara.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/ThunderHike.jpg[/IMG] This semi active team includes the top two faces of 5SSW who generally have things going on as singles but will occasionally meet when the foes begin to out number them. [B]The Rainbow Girls Kiko Sakakibara / Otsune Tsumura[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/KikoSakakibara.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/OtsuneTsumura.jpg[/IMG] Called The Rainbow Girls because of the bright and colorful costumes the two wear these two are the top of the active face tag teams in 5SSW. Kiko shows great aerial and technical skills and is by no means a slouch in the brawling department, she has also been one of the most consistent stars over the past few years. Otsune who has been with 5SSW since 2003 hasn’t made as big a leap as Kiko but her Energetic high flying is gaining her popularity as people see her more and more in this team. It is occasionally joked that you can see Otsune’s bright costumes from space something I find very funny [B]Culture Shock Joanne Rodrigue / Tsuki Mawamata[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/JoanneRodriguez.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/TsukiKawamata.jpg[/IMG] These two are a nice young tag team with Joanne already moving her singles career into the midcard with her grasp of psychology, technical and flying skills she should be able to rub off on her partner as she grows into the world of wrestling Heels [B]Destruction Inc. Crusher Ichihara / June Butler[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/CrusherIchihara.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/JuneButler.jpg[/IMG] The other two main event workers in the company also have an on and off team who meet when these two tough as nails brawlers have to gang up on their opponents. Generally reformed when the time comes to meet up with Ogirwara and Thunder in tag team action. [B]The Bomb Squad Saeko Hiroyuki / Saori Nakadan[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/SaekoHiroyuki.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/SaoriNakadan.jpg[/IMG] Saeko is a marvelous high flier who holds the whole team with her veteran status and grasp of in ring psychology. Saori brings some technical skills to the mix and learns, quite quickly, from her more experienced partner. [B]All Business Raku Makuda / Tomoko Nagatsuka[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/RakuMakuda.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/TomokoNagatsuka.jpg[/IMG] “The Assassin” and “The Machine” are defiantly all business when they hit the ring with Tomoko capable but not spectacular technical skills adding to the lighting speed or Raku’s all around game and generally top off by one of Raku legendary high impact finsihers. [B]Seek & Destroy Huntress Makiko / Ikuko Temko[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/HuntressMakiko.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/IkukoTemko.jpg[/IMG] The youngest and least experienced tag team on the Makiko and Ikuko are none the less very intense Huntress being the seek as she clinically dismantles her foes with her technical prowess and Ikuko being the destroy as she powers through the foes with her brutal brawling skills [B]Champions 5SSW World Championship – Crusher Ichihara[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/CrusherIchihara.jpg[/IMG] This is Crushers sixth title reign and she’ll have to lose it and gain it again without Sensational Ogiwara getting her hands on it to match her rivals reigns. She seems reluctant to give up the title though and for Crusher it could very well be time held and not number of times. [B]5SSW All-Asian Championship – Yaku Maruya[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/YumaMaruya.jpg[/IMG] After having her now former tag team partner turn on her Yaku Maruya managed to wrest the title from Joanne Rodriquez. She has held the title for one month and nobody has yet to rival it’s first holders five months and Kiko Sakakibara is probably thankful of that. [B]5SSW Tag Team Championship – All Business (Raku Makuda and Tomoko Nagatsuka)[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/RakuMakuda.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/TomokoNagatsuka.jpg[/IMG] These titles have gone back and forth many times with either Destruction Inc. or Sensational Thunder holding it most of the time. All Business has held them since November of 2006 and hope to hold on to them as long as they can.[/CENTER][/SIZE][/FONT]
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[FONT="Arial"][SIZE="2"]Half the tour was over and Kuniyoshi Chishu had left a mess I wasn’t even sure where the end of the tour was going. So I threw some things together and presented my vision of the 5SSW Brightest Star Tour together and hoped Sakurako liked it. She laid it out to the women (I’ve learned very quickly not to call them girls) and we were well on our way. She had her people throw up the next leg of the tour on the website and I prepared myself to make the next matches sound as memorable as I could.[/SIZE] [QUOTE][CENTER]T[SIZE="1"][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/5SSWBST.jpg[/IMG] [B]The 5SSW Brightest Star Tour continues next week Live from Doshisha Athletic Center Kinki Region Monday Week 1 January 2007 Brightest Star Tour Show 13[/B] All Asian Title Match Champion Yaku Maruya versus Huntress Makiko Tag Team Title Match Champions All Business (Raku Makuda and Tomoko Nagatsuka) versus The Bomb Squad (Saeko Hiroyuki and Saori Nakadan) Joanne Rodriguez versus June Butler Thunder Hike versus DEVIL Karube World Title Match Champion Crusher Ichihara versus Kiko Sakakibar1 [B]Live from Hofu Arena Chugoku Region Wednesday Week 1 January 2007 Brightest Star Tour Show 14[/B] DEVIL Karube versus Chitose Ariwara Raku Makuda versus Kiko Sakaibara Megumi Nakajuma versus Kit Hatoyama Sensational Ogiwara versus Gorgon Also Tag Team Title Match Culture Shock (Joanne Rodriguez and Tsuki Kawamata) versus Monday’s winner World Title Match Thunder Hike versus Monday’s winner [B]Live from Doshisha Athletic Center Kinki Region Friday Week 1 January 2007 Brightest Star Tour Show 15[/B] The Rainbow Girls (Kiko Sakakibara and Otsune Tsumura) versus Seek & Destroy (Huntress Makiko and Ikuko Temko) Sensational Thunder (Sensational Ogiwara and Thunder Hike) versus All Business (Raku Makuda and Tomoko Nagatsuka) June Butler versus Megumi Nakajima Also World Title Match Kit Hatoyama versus Wednesday’s winner[/SIZE][/CENTER][/QUOTE][/FONT]
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The 5SSW Brightest Star Tour continues next week Live from Doshisha Athletic Center Kinki Region Monday Week 1 January 2007 Brightest Star Tour Show 13 All Asian Title Match [B]Champion Yaku Maruya[/B] versus Huntress Makiko Tag Team Title Match Champions All Business (Raku Makuda and Tomoko Nagatsuka) versus [B]The Bomb Squad (Saeko Hiroyuki and Saori Nakadan)[/B] [B]Joanne Rodriguez[/B] versus June Butler [B]Thunder Hike[/B] versus DEVIL Karube World Title Match [B]Champion Crusher Ichihara[/B] versus Kiko Sakakibar1 Liver from Hofu Arena Chugoku Region Wednesday Week 1 January 2007 Brightest Star Tour Show 14 [B]DEVIL Karube[/B] versus Chitose Ariwara Raku Makuda versus [B]Kiko Sakaibara[/B] [B]Megumi Nakajuma [/B]versus Nakajuma [B]Sensational Ogiwara[/B] versis Gorgon Also Tag Team Title Match [B]Culture Shock (Joanne Rodriguez and Tsuki Kawamata)[/B] versus Monday’s winner World Title Match [B]Thunder Hike[/B] versus Monday’s winner Live from Doshisha Athletic Center Kinki Region Friday Week 1 January 2007 Brightest Star Tour Show 15 [B]The Rainbow Girls (Kiko Sakakibara and Otsune Tsumura[/B]) versus Seek & Destroy (Huntress Makiko and Ikuko Temko) [B]Sensational Thunder (Sensational Ogiwara and Thunder Hike) [/B]over All Business (Raku Makuda and Tomoko Nagatsuka) [B]June Butler [/B]versus Megumi Nakajima Also World Title Match [B]Kit Hatoyama[/B] versus Wednesday’s winner
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[QUOTE=Remianen;219946]pssst, you're giving away endings in your match promos. ;)[/QUOTE] oops and one of the macthes was wrong and I misspelled a name or two it's hard with the Japanese names ntill I get the hang of them. also here's a little note for those who are going to be predicting (and thank you for doing so it lets me know you're readuing) the Young Lion system is on and Traditional is a Key Feature of 5SSW and there are only like 6 workers in the fed who are over D+ in respect and thus not young lions.
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[B][U]Monday Week 1 January 2007[/U][/B] All Asian Title Match: [B]Champion Yuma Maruya[/B] versus Huntress Makiko [I]Champ wins[/I] Tag Team Title Match: [B]Champions All Business[/B] versus The Bomb Squad [I]Champs win[/I] Joanne Rodriguez versus [B]June Butler[/B] [I]She's a main eventer whereas JRo is only midarder[/I] [B]Thunder Hike[/B] versus DEVIL Karube [I]Hike is more talented[/I] World Title Match: [B]Champion Crusher Ichihara[/B] versus Kiko Sakakibara [I]Wednesday Sakakibara has another match so. :)[/I] [B][U]Wednesday Week 1 January 2007[/U][/B] [B]DEVIL Karube[/B] versus Chitose Ariwara [I]Ariwara is pretty bad[/I] [B]Raku Makuda[/B] versus Kiko Sakaibara [I]Wild guess[/I] Megumi Nakajuma versus [B]Kit Hatoyama[/B] [I]Young lion rule[/I] [B]Sensational Ogiwara[/B] versus Gorgon [I]Duh![/I] Tag Team Title Match: Culture Shock versus [B]Champions All Business[/B] [I]champs win[/I] World Title Match: Thunder Hike versus [B]Champion Crusher Ichihara[/B] [I]Thunder has a match Friday[/I] [B][U]Friday Week 1 January 2007[/U][/B] The Rainbow Girls versus [B]Seek & Destroy[/B] [I]Wild guess, so I went for the metallica song[/I] [B]Sensational Thunder[/B] versus All Business [I]I see a tag team title match in the make[/I] [B]June Butler[/B] versus Megumi Nakajima [I]she's better[/I] World Title Match: Kit Hatoyama versus [B]Champion Crusher Ichihara[/B] [I]Always 95% certain the champ wins at a normal show, on a ppv or big show it's about 75%[/I]
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[FONT="Arial"][SIZE="2"][CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/5SSWBST.jpg[/IMG] [B]Live from Doshisha Athletic Center in Kinki Brightest Star Tour Show 13[/B] [B]Connie Morris over Chitose Ariwara[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/ConnieMorris.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/ChitoseAriwara.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE]About what I had hoped from the bottom of the card although I’m pretty sure commentary from Sakurako Kagawa and myself helped things along a bit. Connie Morris ended it with an unspectacular springboard moonsault and I wasn’t sure anyone could make that move bland.[/QUOTE] [CENTER][B]Yuma Maruya versus Huntress Makiko For the 5SSW All-Asian Title[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/YumaMaruya.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/5SSWAll-Asian.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/HuntressMakiko.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE]These two put on a hell of a performance for midcard workers and I was impressed by the display of athleticism from them both. The champion controlled most of the match showing why she was champ and mounting a great aerial assault. Yaku finished off Makiko with a nicely placed frog splash for a good end to a good match.[/QUOTE] [CENTER][B]The Bomb Squad (Saeko Hiroyuki and Saori Nakadan) over Champions All Business (Raku Makuda and Tomoko Nagatsuka) For the 5SSW Tag Team Titles[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/SaekoHiroyuki.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/SaoriNakadan.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/5SSWTagTeam.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/RakuMakuda.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/TomokoNagatsuka.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE]Veteran Saeko Hiroyuki looked exceedingly good out there and you could tell the other women were learning from her even during the match. All Business stood toe to toe with their opponents for awhile but the end of the match was really all The Bomb Squad. Even though Saeko had the upper hand Saori was tagged in to finish off Tomoko with the Nakada Spike, a Brainbuster DDT into a Cradle pin, while Saeko fended off Raku[/QUOTE] [CENTER][B]June Butler over Joanne Rodriguez[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/JuneButler.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/JoanneRodriguez.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE]Joanne is probably the better all around worker but June Butler was a real powerhouse running over the power American (sorry sweetie). To some it was apparent that Joanne brought the psychology to the match but it didn’t really matter because she just couldn’t find a grove with June. June controlled the last five minutes of the short match and almost took off Joanne’s head with her deadly Lariat of Doom, widely regard as the best in pro wrestling, for the pin.[/QUOTE] [CENTER][B]Champion Crusher Ichihara over Kiko Sakakibara For the 5SSW World Title[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/CrusherIchihara.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/5SSWWorld.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/KikoSakakibara.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE]Kiko Sakaibara actually gave Crusher Ichihara a run for her money tying up the champ in some nice holds and hitting her with the occasional top rope assault. Crusher was not to be deterred and definitely had no intention of losing her title. Crusher got the much smaller Sakakibara up and into a nasty Leaping Piledriver to keep the title firmly around her waits.[/QUOTE] [CENTER][B]Thunder Hike over DEVIL Karube[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/ThunderHike.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/DEVILKarube.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE]The main event of the night was most certainly worthy of being called so. The match was a clinic in old school mat wrestling with the occasional burst of speed from Karube in an attempt to throw Hike off, to no avail. The crowd was enthralled by the two workers but the veteran Hike would eventually take the win from the up and coming Karube.[/QUOTE] [B][CENTER]Connie Morris over Chitose Ariwara – E+ Yuma Maruya over Huntress Makiko to retain the 5SSW All-Asian Title – D+ The Bomb Squad over All Business for the 5SSW Tag Team Titles – D+ June Butler over Joanne Rodriguez – D Champion Crusher Ichihara over Kiko Sakakibara to retain the 5SSW World Title – B- Thunder Hike over DEVIL Karube – B Overal Rating: C+[/CENTER][/B] The card was better then I thought I was gonna get and I think the 817 fans in attendance enjoyed themselves. If this is just the beginning for me to build on then I can say with some assurance to myself that 5SSW well be growing rather quickly in prominence.[/SIZE][/FONT]
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[FONT="Arial"][SIZE="2"][CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/5SSWBST.jpg[/IMG] [B]Live from Hofu Arena in Chugoku Brightest Star Tour Show 14[/B] [B]Devil Karube over Chitose Ariwara[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/DEVILKarube.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/ChitoseAriwara.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE]After her loss to Thunder Hike on Monday, DEVIL Karube was on fire as she took on Chitose Ariwara. Ariwara’s single minded offense was no match for Karube’s aerial and technical ability as the sensational DEVIL tore Ariwara apart the whole match. Chitose met her end to the DEVIL Drop, a Tumbleweed Leg Drop with a massive impact.[/QUOTE] [CENTER][B]Kiko Sakakibara over Raku Makuda[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/KikoSakakibara.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/RakuMakuda.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE]Kiko Sakakibara also looked to redeem herself after last weeks loss to Crusher Ichihara and she did so by taking the masked “Assassin” Raku Makuda to her limit. The match stayed firmly in control of Sakakibara except for a short offensive by Makuda but like any good warrior you could tell Raku was learning from her mistakes. Kiko finished Raku off by debuting her new finish, the Bubble Gum Pop, an awesome Top Rope DDT.[/QUOTE] [CENTER][B]The Bomb Squad (Saeko Hiroyuki and Saori Nakadan) over Culture Shock (Joanne Rodriguez and Tsuki Kawamata) For the 5SSW Tag Team Titles[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/SaekoHiroyuki.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/SaoriNakadan.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/5SSWTagTeam.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/JoanneRodriguez.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/TsukiKawamata.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE]The Bomb Squad had to defend their newly won titles just two days after taking them from all business and this time against Culture Shock. It was a decent match but the fact that the other three competitors had to carry Tsuki a bit may have hurt it a little. Both teams showed this stuff allowing the crowd to get an eyeful of everyone but in the end Saori Nakadan pinned Joanne Rodriquez after the Nakadan Spike.[/QUOTE] [CENTER][B]Kit Hatoyama over Negumi Nakajima[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/KitHatoyama.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/MegumiNakajima.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE]Kit Hatoyama and Negumi Nakajima are two great all around workers and they each had a chance to show case their stand up fighting, high flying and technical skills for the hot crowd. The match went back and forth for the full eight minutes and ended with the famous Hatoyama (Death Valley) Driver.[/QUOTE] [CENTER][B]Crusher Ichihara draws Thunder Hike For the 5SSW World Title[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/CrusherIchihara.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/5SSWWorld.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/ThunderHike.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE]If you’ve never seen Crusher Ichihara and Thunder Hike in the ring together it is a thing of beauty. The two put on a near flawless performance that had the crowd oohing and aahing eve as they left the arena. The match went evenly the whole way and it looked like both competitors would pass out before conceding. Hike went up for a Missile Dropkick and hit just as Ichihara slammed her meaty fist into the head of her opponent knocking her out of the sky. Both opponents went down and the ref got to the ten count before either could arise.[/QUOTE] [CENTER][B]Sensational Ogiwara over Gorgon[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/SensationalOgiwara.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/Gorgon.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE]This was a slightly let down from the previous match but just slightly. Ogirwara took it to American brawler giving no quarter to the slightly larger woman. Gorgon managed to mount a little of her own offense but it was too little to late. Gorgon seemed really surprised to be lifted up into the Fireman’s Carry Face Crusher that is the Sensation Stunner and Ogiwara got the win.[/QUOTE] [CENTER][B]Devil Karube over Chitose Ariwara – C Kiko Sakakibara over Raku Mukuda – C The Bomb Squad over Culture Shock to retain the 5SSW Tag Team Titles – D+ Kit Hatoyama over Negumi Nakajima – C+ Crusher Ichihara draws Thunder Hike to retain the 5SSW World Title – A Sensational Ogiwara over Gorgon – B- Overall Rating – B-[/B][/CENTER] The 220 in attendance certainly got their money’s worth at the show and the Thunder Hike Crusher Ichihara match really brought things up a serious notch. It’s just to bad Crusher can’t go more than 10 or 11 minutes because its difficult to give her a long main event worthy match up.[/SIZE][/FONT]
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Good to see you having a crack at another diary, 5SSW is probably one of the promotions I know least about. I've always though Kit Hatoyama looks cool though...... This statement amused me from the first show... [B]Connie Morris ended it with an unspectacular springboard moonsault and I wasn’t sure anyone could make that move bland. [/B]
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[QUOTE=Apupunchau@optonline] Crusher Ichihara draws Thunder Hike to retain the 5SSW World Title – A Sensational Ogiwara over Gorgon – B- Overall Rating – B-[/B][/CENTER] [/QUOTE] That's the divine punishment you get for not putting your world title matches in the main event ;)
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[FONT="Arial"][SIZE="2"][CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/5SSWBST.jpg[/IMG] [B]Live from Doshisha Athletic Center in Kinki Brightest Star Tour Show 15 Connie Morris over Tsuki Kawamata[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/ConnieMorris.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/TsukiKawamata.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE]Morris and Kawamata managed to string together a decent if unspectacular cruiserweight style match. For moves made to be done with speed the women seemed to be slowing it down more concerned with doing it right than making it looks good which is I suppose how you learn. Connie Morris used a hurricarana, slightly slipping up, to finish of Tsuki.[/QUOTE] [CENTER][B]Yuma Maruya over Gorgon For the 5SSW All Asian Title[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/YumaMaruya.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/5SSWAll-Asian.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/Gorgon.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE]Yuma Maruya was a fan favorite in another David and goliath story match up against Gorgon who towered over the champ. Yuma took a beating for awhile before getting a second wind and running the lumbering Gorgon ragged with her hit and run attacks. Yuma finished Gorgon off by knocking her down with a well placed Enzuguri Kick and then going up for her newly named 5 Star Supreme Frog Splash.[/QUOTE] [CENTER][B]The Rainbow Girls (Kiko Sakakibara and Otsune Tsumura) over Seek & Destroy (Huntress Makiko and Ikuko Temko)[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/KikoSakakibara.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/OtsuneTsumura.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/HuntressMakiko.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/IkukoTemko.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE]Seek & Destroy started out strong but were soon silenced by the seemingly superior skill of The Rainbow Girls. Kiko Sakakibara did a lot of the work but Otsune took good instruction from her partner and pulled a few exciting top rope moves of her own. Ostune finished off the match by hitting her Flying Leg Drop on a fallen and battered Ikuko.[/QUOTE] [CENTER][B]June Butler over Megumi Nakajima[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/JuneButler.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/MegumiNakajima.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE]Young all arounder Megumi Nakajima went after June Butler like a rabid dog but was knocked away from her victory at most turns by the larger and more powerful woman. Nakajima tried to tie up butler and fly at her and finally stand up to her at the striking game, which in the end was her downfall. June nearly decapitated poor Megumi and came out of the match looking as powerful as ever after her Lariat of Doom.[/QUOTE] [CENTER][B]Crusher Ichihara over Kit Hatoyama For the 5SSW World Title[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/CrusherIchihara.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/5SSWWorld.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/KitHatoyama.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE]Crusher Ichihara does it again, this time meeting and beating the returning heroine Kit Hatoyama. Crusher may only play one game but she plays it well and “White Lightning” just wasn’t fast enough to keep away from the Skull Crusher PileDriver. Kit was laid out for the count and Crusher retained her title yet again.[/QUOTE] [CENTER][B]Sensational Thunder (Sensational Ogiwara and Thunder Hike) over All Business (Raku Makuda and Tomoko Nagatsuka)[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/SensationalOgiwara.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/ThunderHike.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/RakuMakuda.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/TomokoNagatsuka.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE]It was good to see Sensational Thunder back together again but it was a real shame to see them in such an average match. Even with Ogiwara and Hike dominating things Makuda and Nagatsuka really brought things down a notch. The fans seemed happy to see Tomoko take the Sensational Stunner from the Sensational one herself to end the match.[/QUOTE] [B][CENTER]Connie Morris over Tsuki Kawamata – D Yuma Maruya over Gorgon to retain the 5SSW All-Asian Title– C The Rainbow Girls over Seek & Destroy – D June Butler over Megumi Nakajima – C- Crusher Ichihara over Kit Hatoyama to retain the 5SSW World Title – B Sensational Thunder over All Business – C Overall Rating: C[/CENTER][/B] A bit of a let down from Wednesdays show but it was still above what the fans expect out of the show and that kept me happy. We seem to fill more seats in our home region of Kinki even though I’m pretty sure we have a blanket popularity over all of Japan. Still 791 fans in the seats is nothing to sneeze at.[/SIZE][/FONT]
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[FONT="Arial"][SIZE="2"]The first week was over and I think we’d done pretty well with three solid shows. I actually planned out quite a bit more and presented it to Sakurako Kagawa and she seemed to like it. We decided to present it in week long shots on the website so people could see what the upcoming week would be like.[/SIZE] [CENTER][QUOTE][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/5SSWBST.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="1"][B]The 5SSW Brightest Star Tour continues next week Live from Hofu Arena Chugoku Region Monday Week 2 January 2007 Brightest Star Tour Show 16[/B] Tag Team Title Match Champions The Bomb Squad (Saeko Hiroyuki and Saori Nakadan) versus Culture Shock (Joanne Rodriguez and Tsuki Kawamata) Rematch All Business (Raku Makuda and Tomoko Nagatsuka) versus The Rainbow Girls (Kiko Sakakibara and Otsune Tsumura) Champion Versus Champion Non-Title Match Crusher Ichihara versus Yuma Maruya Gorgon versus Thunder Hike DEVIL Karube versus Sensational Ogiwara [B]Live from Doshisha Athletic Center Kinki Region Wednesday Week 2 January 2007 Brightest Star Tour Show 17[/B] Seek & Destroy (Huntress Makiko and Ikuko Temko) versus The Rainbow Girls (Kiko Sakakibara and Otsune Tsumura) June Butler versus Chitose Ariwara Tomoko Nagatsuka versus Kit Hatayoma Thunder Hike versus Connie Morris Saeko Hiroyuki versus Sensational Ogiwara [B]Live from Hofu Arena Chugoku Region Friday Week 2 January 2007 Brightest Star Tour Show 18[/B] All Business (Raku Makuda and Tomoko Nagatsuka) versus Culture Shock (Joanne Rodriguez and Tsuki Kawamata) All Asian Title Match Champion Yaku Maruya versus Gorgon Rematch DEVIL Karube versus Kit Hayoma Destruction Inc (Crusher Ichihara and June Butler) versus The Rainbow Girls (Kiko Sakakibara and Otsune Tsumura) Saori Nakadan versus Thunder Hike[/QUOTE][/CENTER][/SIZE][/FONT]
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[FONT="Arial"][SIZE="2"]With the addition of some new Finishers and my first time seeing some of the ladies moves I needed to lay out the things for myself along with an idea of the strengths of each woman. Just seeing it down on paper really helps me visualize what each match will be like [B]Chitose Ariwara - Face[/B] Small Luchador Decent High Flier Finisher: None [B]Connie Morris - Heel[/B] Lightweight Regular Wrestler Weak High Flier Finisher: None [B]Crusher Ichihara - Heel[/B] Middleweight Brawler Decent Brawler Finisher: Skull Crusher Piledriver (Leaping Piledriver) [B]DEVIL Karube - Heel[/B] Small Regular Wrestler Very Weak Brawler, Decent High Flier and Technician Finisher: DEVIL Drop (Tumbleweed Leg Drop) Finisher: DEVIL Lock (Scorpion Deathlock) [B]Gorgon - Heel[/B] Middleweight Brawler Decent Brawler, Weak Technician Finisher: Hydra Bomb (Crucifix Powerbomb) [B]Huntress Makiko - Heel[/B] Small Technician Decent Technician, Very Weak Brawler and High Flier Finisher: None [B]Ikuko Tempko - Heel[/B] Lightweight Brawler Decent Brawler Finisher: None [B]Joanne Rodriguez - Face[/B] Small Regular Wrestler Decent Technician and High Flier Finisher: J-Rocker (Twisting Face Cruser) [B]June Butler - Heel[/B] Middleweight Brawler Decent Brawler, Very Weak Technician Finisher: Lariat of Doom (Best Lariat in wrestling) [B]Kiko Sakakibara - Face[/B] Small Regular Wrestler Weak Brawler, Decent Technician and High Flier Finisher: Bubble Gum Pop (Top Rope DDT) Finisher: Rainbow DDT (Lifting Reverse DDT) [B]Kit Hatoyama - Face[/B] Lightweight Cruiserweight Decent Brawler and Technician, Good High Flier Finisher: Hatoyama Driver (Death Valley Driver) [B]Megumi Nakajima - Face[/B] Small Regular Wrestler Weak Brawler, Technician and High Flier Finisher: Nakajima Straightjacket (Tiger Suplex Variation) [B]Otsune Tsumura - Face[/B] Very Small Cruiserweight Decent High Flier, Weak Technician Finsiher: Flying Legdrop (Top Rope Legdrop) [B]Raku Makuda - Heel[/B] Small Regular Wrestler Good High Flier, Weak Technician, Very Weak Brawler Finisher: None [B]Saeko Hiroyuki - Heel[/B] Lightweight Cruiserweight Decent High Flier, Weak Technician Finisher: Hiroyuki Bomb (Top Rope Legsweep Bomb) [B]Saori Nakadan - Heel[/B] Very Small Technician Weak Technician, Very Weak Brawler Finisher: Nakadan Spike (Brainbuster DDT into a Cradle Pin) [B]Sensational Ogiwara - Face[/B] Lightweight Regular Wrestler Excellent Technician and High Flier, Good Brawler Finisher: Sensation Stunner (Fireman’s Carry Face Crushser) [B]Thunder Hike - Face[/B] Lightweight Technician Good Technician, Weak High Flier, Very Weak Brawler Finisher: Thunder Ankle Lock (Scissored Ankle Lock) Finisher: Thunder Clap (Slingshot Suplex) [B]Tomoko Nagatsuka - Heel[/B] Lightweight Technician Weak Technician, Very Weak Brawler Finisher: None [B]Tsuki Kawamata - Face[/B] Small Regular Wrestler Weak High Flier, Very Weak Technician Finisher: None [B]Yuma Maruya - Face[/B] Small Cruiserweight Decent High Flier, Very Weak Technician Finisher: 5 Star Supreme Frog Splash OOC: I know I sometimes have a hard time visualizing the matches when I don’t know what to expect form the workers so I hope this helps give everyone a better picture.[/SIZE][/FONT]
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[FONT="Arial"][SIZE="2"][CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/5SSWBST.jpg[/IMG] [B]Live from Hofu Arena in Chugoku Brightest Star Tour Show 16 Megumi Nakajima over Huntress Makiko[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/MegumiNakajima.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/HuntressMakiko.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE]Megumi has been taking a licking from the veteran upper card members of the 5SSW but she proved that she can still stand toe to toe with the rest of the roster as she and Huntress Makiko went at it. Nakajima looked good out there and if the match was any indication the next time she faces one of the upper carders she will definitely give them a rn for their money. The fans seemed incredibly impressed by Megumi’s variation Tiger Suplex, the Nakajima Straightjacket.[/QUOTE] [CENTER][B]The Bomb Squad (Saeko Hiroyuki and Saori Nakandan) over Culture Shock (Joanne Rodriguez and Tsuki Kawamata) For the 5SSW Tag Team Titles[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/SaekoHiroyuki.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/SaoriNakadan.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/5SSWTagTeam.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/JoanneRodriguez.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/TsukiKawamata.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE]Culture Shock got their second shot at the tag team titles as they tried to end The Bomb Squad’s title reign early on. All four did their best and the crowd was really behind Joanne and Tsuki but Saeko and Saori couldn’t be stopped. Saori brought the match to an end by catching Joanne in the Nakadan Spike.[/QUOTE] [CENTER][B]The Rainbow Girls (Kiko Sakakibara and Otsune Tsumura) over All Business (Raku Makuda and Tomoko Nagatsuka)[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/KikoSakakibara.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/OtsuneTsumura.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/RakuMakuda.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/TomokoNagatsuka.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE]The Rainbow Girls and All Business but on a decent tag match keeping the crowd interested with a few high spots and some fast paced action. Otsune managed to be the one to finish the match by hitting the her Flying Legdrop on Tomoko who had just been laid out by the Rainbow DDT.[/QUOTE] [CENTER][B]Crusher Ichihara over Yuma Maruya Champion versus Champion[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/CrusherIchihara.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/YumaMaruya.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE]The two champions put on a great match up due to their skill and the fact that they clicked in the ring perfectly. Crusher who had dominated most of the other under card workers Crusher just couldn’t keep her hands on Yuma which gave the fans a nice even match. Even giving Crusher a hard time could not manage to take the win as she was laid out by the Skull Crusher Piledriver.[/QUOTE] [CENTER][B]Thunder Hike over Gorgon[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/ThunderHike.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/Gorgon.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE]Gorgon may be biger and stronger but she just couldn’t stand up to the technical skill of Thunder Hike. After taking Gorgon down to the mat there Hike used every stretch, bar and lock in the book to wear her down. Hike finally ended the match by cinching in the Thunder Ankle Lock on the leg she had been working the whole match.[/QUOTE] [CENTER][B]Sensational Ogiwara over DEVIL Karube[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/SensationalOgiwara.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/DEVILKarube.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE]The night was capped off with a great match between probably the greatest women wrestlers of all time and one of the best up and comers in the business. The two had a good cohesion in the ring that helped the match along. DEVIL stood toe to toe with the Sensational one but could not overcome her superior talent and was ended by the Sensational Stunner.[/QUOTE] [B][CENTER]Megumi Nakajima over Huntress Makiko – C- The Bomb Squad over Culture Shock to retain the 5SSW Tag Team Titles – C+ The Rainbow Girls over All Business – C- Crusher Ichihara over Yuma Maruya – B Thunder Hike over Gorgon – C+ Sensational Ogiwara over DEVIL Karube – A Overall Rating: B[/CENTER][/B] This was by far by far the best show to date and I can say honestly say I was very happy with it the same could probably be said about the 447 fans that came out to se us. Finding good chemistry has been good for out shows and I hope that things continue going as they have been.[/SIZE][/FONT]
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If I might make a few suggestions? :) [QUOTE=Apupunchau@optonline;221766] [B]Chitose Ariwara - Face[/B] Small Luchador Decent High Flier [B]Finisher: Ariwara Senton[/B] (think: RVD's Rolling Thunder) [B]Huntress Makiko - Heel[/B] Small Technician Decent Technician, Very Weak Brawler and High Flier Finisher: Huntress Arrow (Spear) Finisher: Makiko Lock ([URL="http://www.luchawiki.org/index.php?title=Reverse_Bow-and-Arrow_Submission"]Reverse Bow & Arrow Lock[/URL]) [B]Ikuko Tempko - Heel[/B] Lightweight Brawler Decent Brawler [B]Finisher: Painkiller[/B] ([URL="http://www.luchawiki.org/index.php?title=Inverted_Gory_Special_Bomb"]Inverted Gory Special Bomb[/URL]) [B]Raku Makuda - Heel[/B] Small Regular Wrestler Good High Flier, Weak Technician, Very Weak Brawler [B]Finisher: Assassin Strike[/B] (High Impact Dropkicksault) [B]Sensational Ogiwara - Face[/B] Lightweight Regular Wrestler Excellent Technician and High Flier, Good Brawler Finisher: Sensation Stunner (Fireman’s Carry Face Crushser) [B]Finisher: Sensation Special[/B] (Octopus Hold) [B]Tomoko Nagatsuka - Heel[/B] Lightweight Technician Weak Technician, Very Weak Brawler [B]Finisher: Rise of the Machine[/B] ([URL="http://www.luchawiki.org/index.php?title=Delfin_Clutch"]Delfin Clutch[/URL])[/QUOTE]
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[FONT="Arial"][SIZE="2"][CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/5SSWBST.jpg[/IMG] [B]Live from Doshisha Athletic Center in Kinki Brightest Star Tour Show 17 The Rainbow Girls (Kiko Sakakibara and Ostune Tsumura) over Seek & Destroy (Huntress Makiko and Ikuko Temko)[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/KikoSakakibara.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/OtsuneTsumura.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/HuntressMakiko.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/IkukoTemko.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE]The Rainbow girls have been building a lot of momentum looking for the tag team titles and once again they look to go through Seek & Destroy in hope of actually getting that title show. Kiko Sakakibara and Ostune Tsumura truly dominated Huntress Makiko and Ikuko Temko showing they are worthy of the titles. The Bubble Gum Pop, Top Rope DDT, from Kiko put Ikuko out for the count and allowd the Rainbow Girls to get the win.[/QUOTE] [CENTER][B]DEVIL Karube over Megumi Nakajima[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/DEVILKarube.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/MegumiNakajima.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE]Two of the brightest young stars in 5SSW Karube and Nakajima gave the fans a really show with an all out assault on each other.Both ladies showed the skill and talent it takes to make it inthis business and gave the fans a little bit of every kind of wrestling under the sun. In the end DEVIL Karube tied the DEVIL Lock on Megumi Nakajima, forcing her to tap out right in the middle of the ring.[/QUOTE] [CENTER][B]June Butler over Chitose Ariwara[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/JuneButler.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/ChitoseAriwara.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE]June Butler spent about seven minutes beating around Chitose Ariwara. She probably could have pinned the young up and comer early but Butler obviously wanted to toy with Ariwara. Staggered and stumbling June almost ended Chitose’s career with a Lariat of Doom that send the smaller woman doing a 180 in the air.[/QUOTE] [CENTER][B]Kit Hatoyama over Tomoko Nagatsuka[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/KitHatoyama.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/TomokoNagatsuka.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE]Kit Hatoyama dragged Tomoko Nagatsuka to a decent match that had Kit coming out looking great. Hatoyama really controlled most of the match Flying around like a pinball around the arena with Tomoko unable to catch her. After taking a beating Nagatsuka finally fell victim to the Hatoyama Driver.[/QUOTE] [CENTER][B]Thunder Hike over Connie Morris[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/ThunderHike.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/ConnieMorris.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE]Thunder Hike met up with Connie Morris in a good match made probably better by the fact that the two seemed to have a great chemistry together. Hike took control of the match often and only lost it once or twice showing why she is near the top of the business. Connie obviously coun’t stand up to the assault for long and fell to the Thunder Clap for the pin.[/QUOTE] [CENTER][B]Sensational Ogiwara over Saeko Hiroyuki[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/SensationalOgiwara.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/SaekoHiroyuki.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE]The Bomb Squad has been on a tear since winning the 5SSW Tag Team Titles and Saeko Hiroyuki looked to keep her winning streak growing by taking on probably the best women’s wrestler in the world, Sensational Ogiwara. The two had a great chemistry and Saeko managed to stand toe to toe with Ogiwara for awhile but she just could not pull out the win. Sensational Ogiwara took the opportunity to debut her new finisher the Sensation Special, a modified Octopus Stretch, for the win.[/QUOTE] [B][CENTER]The Rainbow Girls over Seek & Destroy – D+ DEVIL Karube over Megumi Nakajima – C+ June Butler over Chitose Ariwara – D- Kit Hatoyama over Tomoko Nagatsuka – C Thunder Hike over Connie Morris – B Sensational Ogiwara over Saeko Hiroyuki – B+ Overall Rating: B[/CENTER][/B] Due to scheduling conflict we notched down to a smaller area in the region selling out to 300at the Hall of Nagahama. The show was another good one rivaling Monday’s show although Monday’s main event was a little better. All the ladies are growing daily by leaps and bounds in popularity as well as skill as word spreads around Kinki and Chugoku regions of the shows we’ve been bringing. If things continue in this manner we well grow into a formidable force in any type of wrestling.[/SIZE][/FONT]
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[FONT="Arial"][SIZE="2"][CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/5SSWBST.jpg[/IMG] [B]Live from Hofu Arena in Chugoku Brightest Star Tour Show 18 Connie Morris over Chitose Ariwara[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/ConnieMorris.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/ChitoseAriwara.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE]After a couple of big losses Connie Morris took it to Chitose Ariwara ina dull match that the fans turned against very quickly. Both these women need quite a bit more training before they truly stand against some of the top competitors. Connie Morris end the match with a second rope Leg Drop and a pin.[/QUOTE] [CENTER][B]Culture Shock (Joanne Rodriguez and Tsuki Kawamata) over All Business (Raku Makuda and Tomoko Nagatsuka)[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/JoanneRodriguez.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/TsukiKawamata.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/RakuMakuda.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/TomokoNagatsuka.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE]Neither Culture Shock, nor All Business have been able to break past the two top teams in the tag division but they give each other a run for their money. They had a nicely paced match that the crowd could get behind with Joanne Rodriguez looking especially good. After a bit f back and forth my girl J-Ro hit the J-Rocker, Twisting Face Crusher, on Raku Makuda for the win.[/QUOTE] [CENTER][B]Yuma Maruya over Gorgon For the 5SSW All-Asian TItle[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/YumaMaruya.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/5SSWAll-Asian.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/Gorgon.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE]When they came out and stood face to face the crowd saw the difference right away, Gorgon stood a good foot or more taller than the champ Yuma Maruya. Gorgon started out as an obvious favorite pummeling the holy hell out of Yuma but once the champ got her second wind the face painted monstrosity could barely catch the pinball. A Dropkick to the knees then another to the head laid out Gorgon long enough for Yuma to hit the 5 Star Supreme Frog Splash for the win.[/QUOTE] [CENTER][B]Kit Hatoyama over DEVIl Karube[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/KitHatoyama.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/DEVILKarube.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE]White Lightning and the DEVIL brought the crowd to their feet in a action packed high flying match up. The two women brought everything in their arsenal to bear on each other and made it one for the record books. Kit Hatoyama took the win over the DEVIL Karube by hitting her with the Hatoyama Driver.[/QUOTE] [CENTER][B]Destruction Inc. (Crusher Ichihara and June Butler) over The Rainbow Girls (Kiko Sakakibara and Otsune Tsumura)[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/CrusherIchihara.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/JuneButler.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/KikoSakakibara.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/OtsuneTsumura.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE]The Rainbow girls are set to meet up for the 5SSW Tag Team Titles but first they have to survive Destruction Inc. Crusher and June are two of the most powerful women in wrestling today and Kiko and Otsune managed to stay in the ring with them and even meet them evenly in battle. The Rainbow Girls however couldn’t take the win and Crusher Ichihara hit the Skull Crusher Piledriver on Otsune Tsumura.[/QUOTE] [CENTER][B]Thunder Hike over Saori Nakadan[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/ThunderHike.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/SaoriNakadan.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE]Thunder Hike met with Saori Nakaadan and almost obvisouly managed to carry the technician to a good match. Even though the match had an equal amount of control by both women, Ogiwara still managed to lok much better than Nakadan by the time the match was over. The Sensational Stunner was the final move of the match allowing Ogiwara to get the win.[/QUOTE] [B][CENTER]Connie Morris over Chitose Ariwara – E+ Culture Shock over All Business – C- Yuma Maruya over Gorgon – C- Kit Hatoyama over DEVIl Karube – B Destruction Inc. over The Rainbow Girls – C Thunder Hike over Saori Nakadan – B Overall: C+[/CENTER][/B] Not quite as good as our past few shows it was still good enough to spread the lgend that is the women of 5SSW. We had an attendance of 447 and they all seemed to leave happy. Things are moving forward although I admit it has been hard to plan a real tour but with half of it over when I started and my lack of knowledge of the women’s strengths has been a slight hinderance but Joanne things I’m doing well even though she’s lost more than she’s one.[/SIZE][/FONT]
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[FONT="Arial"][SIZE="2"]The end of week two and things are beginning to build a head of steam, Sakurako even said the shows never came out like this before and fan reaction has been better than ever. She didn’t even bother asking to see the match up she told me to just take them to the website guys so they can put them up, it seems I’ve gained a bit of trust. I had to remember to change the day of our third weekly show as INSPIRE hired our referee Tsugiharu Odaka and were running their one show on Friday and Odaka would get more notice their so I don’t really begrudge him wanting to be there. The other thing is that our shows will now be one and half hours not just one hour long.[/SIZE][/FONT] [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/5SSWBST.jpg[/IMG][FONT="Arial"][SIZE="1"] [B]The 5SSW Brightest Star Tour continues next week Now 1 ½ Hour Shows Live from Doshisha Athletic Center Kinki Region Monay Week 3 January 2007 Brightest Star Tour Show 19[/B] All-Asian Title Match Champion Yuma Maruya versus Connie Morris Saori Nakadan versus Kit Hatoyama All Business (Raku Makuda and Tomoko Nagatsuka) versus The Rainbow Girls (Kiko Sakakibara and Otsune Tsumura) Thunder Hike versus DEVIL Karube Main Event Saeko Hiroyuki versus Sensational Ogiwara [B]Live from Hofu Arena Chugoku Region Wednesday Week 3 January 2007 Brightest Star Tour Show 20[/B] Gorgon versus Tsuki Kawamata Connie Morris versus Joanne Rodriguez 5SSW Tag Team Titles Match Champions The Bomb Squad (Saeko Hiroyuki and Saori Nakadan) versus The Rainbow Girls (Kiko Sakakibara and Otsune Tsumura) 5SSW World Title Match Champion Crusher Ichihara versus Megumi Nakajima DEVIL Karube versus Kit Hatoyama Main Event Sensational Ogiwara versus Thunder Hike Also 5SSW All-Asian Title Match Raku Maukda versus Monday night’s winner [B]Live from Doshisha Athletic Center Kinki Region Friday Week 3 January 2007 Brightest Star Tour Show 21[/B] Ikuko Temko versus Chistose Ariwara Huntress Makiko versus Megumi Nakajima Thunder Hike versus Joanne Rodriguez Also All-Asian Title Match Tomoko Nagatsuka versus Wednesday night’s winner Tag Team Titles Match Wednesday’s Winner will put the titles on the line right away June Butler versus ???[/CENTER][/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE] [FONT="Arial"][SIZE="2"]For some reason bold isn't working on fonts size 1 although it had in the past posts like for the show previews anyway just thought I'd put that out there.[/SIZE][/FONT]
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