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5SSW: Dream A Little Dream

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[FONT="Arial"][SIZE="2"][CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/JadeEmpress.jpg[/IMG] [B]Live from Doshisha Athletic Center in Kinki Jade Empress Tour Show 7 Quarter Finals (Round 3) Kit Hatoyama over Dragon Assassin[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/KitHatoyama.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/DragonAssassin.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE]The quarter finals started off with a bang with Kit Hatoyama finally taking the wind out of new comer Dragon Assassin’s sails. Dragon had pulled off some great wins over workers even slightly less talented then she was but she could not stand up to the superior all around assault of Kit. The match broke down about evenly in terms of offense. The beginning saw Kit in control completely out wrestling Dragon on the mat. Dragon made her comeback with devastating and flashy American style brawling moves, that was until Kit changed gears and came at Dragon with traditional Japanese strikes and blows. After regaining the advantage Kit went to the speed and aerial assult. Although she was tiring Kit managed to do a lot of damage to Dragon, enough to soften her up for the Hatoyama Driver (Death Valley Driver) which allowed her to get the pin.[/QUOTE] [CENTER][B]Quarter Finals (Round 3) Sensational Ogiwara over Joanne Rodriguez[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/SensationalOgiwara.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/JoanneRodriguez.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE]After last week’s highly rated match a lot was expected from Ogiwara as she move into the final rounds of the tournament. Joanne hadn’t taken as many impressive wins but the J-Rocker had garnered her the same number as Ogiwara up to this point. The champion versus champion match was just as good as Ogiwara’s showing against Hiroyuki last week and the fans were breathless by the end. Both women are all arounders and they used every inch of talent hey had in an attempt to beat each other. The Sensational One proved that the 5SSW was just ever so much better than the 5SSW All-Asian with an impressive win over J-Ro using Sensation Stunner (Fireman’s Carry Face Crusher) to finish off the champion.[/QUOTE] [CENTER][B]Quarter Finals (Round 3) Crusher Ichihara over Alicia Strong[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/CrusherIchihara.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/AliciaStrong_alt.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE]Strong may not have won but she proved what she could do against a woman with talent. Even with awkward chemistry between the two Ichihara and Stong managed to put on one hel of a show rivaling anything we’ve seen from Crusher all year. Strong proved that she could take on bigger foes by beating June Butler last week so Ichihara played a cautious game falling back on some of the old school cheats like thumbing the eyes and using the ropes to her advantage. The match went an incredible nineteen minutes and a visibly tiring Ichihara managed to connect with the Skull Crusher Piledriver (Leaping Piledriver) in a last ditch effort to put away Strong before she was too tired to fight anymore.[/QUOTE] [CENTER][B]Quarter Finals (Round 3) DEVIL Karube over Thunder Hike[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/DEVILKarube.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/ThunderHike.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE]A match with no less then five finishing moves hit and four escaped from. Twenty one minutes of wrestling bliss and DEVIL Karube’s third match of the year candidate battle. It looked like Thunder Hike was going to put DEVIL Karube away early after a quick round of chain German Suplexes ending in the Thunder Clap (Slingshot Suplex), but Karube broke free. Karube took the second truly near fall after laying out Hike with a Tornado DDT and then heading up to the top rope for her DEVIL Drop (Tumbleweed Leg Drop), again a kick out. Karube got the third near fall when Hike was caught in the DEVIL Lock (Scorpion Deathlock) but she crawled ever so slowly to the ropes. Karube almost tapped out a few minutes later when she was stuck in the middle of the ring in the Thunder Ankle Lock (Scissored Ankle Lock). A bizarre crab crawl to the ropes and the DEVIL managed to make her escape. The end came with Karube doing a weird flip out of another Thunder Clap (Slingshot Suplex) then laying Hike out with the nastiest clothesline seen in 5SSW. Up to the top rope again and it was all over after DEVIL Drop (Tumbleweed Leg Drop).[/QUOTE] [B][CENTER]Hype Semi Finals[/CENTER][/B] [QUOTE]With the quarter finals over Simon Munoz and Sakurako Kagawa spend a few minutes talking about who will be there. Sakurako backs Crusher Ichihara as the woman to beat saying that Ichihara has been around the block a few times and will use any trick in the book to win, and she knows them all. Simon Munoz picks Sensational Ogiwara as his pick claiming she isn’t the 5SSW World Champion for nothing. Ogiwara has always been Ogiwara and that’s been good enough to win matches. Commentary on Kit Hatoyama likened her to the heart of Japan, especially after two big best of seen wins last tour. Munoz and Kagawa both agreed that Karube was the wild card of the semi finals. Karube has gone toe to toe with all of these women and grown tremendously in skill and as small as she is her bad ass attitude has always made her seem bigger than life.[/QUOTE] [B][CENTER]Kit Hatoyama over Dragon Assassin – B Sensational Ogiwara over Joanne Rodriguez – A Crusher Ichihara over Alicia Strong – B+ DEVIL Karube over Thunder Hike – A* Overall Rating: A[/CENTER][/B] The semi finals showed who the top of the 5SSW food chain truly are. This show is now the top show of the tour and match of the tour so far is another match of the year candidate. Hopefully things will keep getting better because this kind of competition is what 5SSW is all about and the sold out crowd of the Doshisha Arena loves it.[/SIZE][/FONT]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/JadeEmpress.jpg[/IMG] [B]Live from Hofu Arena Chugoku Region Wednesday Week 3 August 2007 Jade Empress Tour Show 8 Shiori Jippensha versus Tomoko Saitoh[/B][/CENTER] After losing out of the in the first round to Sensational Ogiwara, last tour’s Young Lion of the Tour looks to prove herself in singles competition. Her opponent making her debut is a young woman on a mission to prove herself to her mentor, Sensational Ogiwara, the rookie Tomoko Saitoh [B][CENTER]Karen Bilous versus Megumi Nakajima[/CENTER][/B] Ukrainian Karen Bilous took a win on her debut match in 5SSW but now she faces off with one of top junior workers in the field, Megumi Nakajima. Megumi managed to hang on to round two of the Jade Empress tournament and looks to continue the way she had been last year. [B][CENTER]The Serpents (Dragon Assassin and Dragon Power) verusus Pan-Am Connection (Tsuki Kawamata and Kinuye Mushashibo)[/CENTER][/B] With both women out of the Jade Empress Tournament, Serpents look to take the tag team division by storm. They go up against the newly formed team of Tsuki Kawamata and Kinuye Mushashibo, The Pan-Am Connection. [B][CENTER]Semi Finals (Round Four) Crusher Ichihara versus Sensational Ogiwara[/CENTER][/B] Bitter rivals Crusher Ichihara and Sensational Ogiwara fight it out to eb the frist to make it into the finals of the Jade Empress tournament. [B][CENTER]Semi Finals (Round Four) DEVIL Karube versus Kit Hatoyama[/CENTER][/B] After the last two tours this eay Kit Hatoyama and DEVIL Karube have put on some of the best matches seen in 5SSW. Now they face off yet again to determine who will move on to the finals of the Jade Empress tournament. Full Card Shiori Jippensha versus Tomoko Saitoh Karen Bilous versus Megumi Nakajima The Serpents (Dragon Assassin and Dragon Power) verusus Pan-Am Connection (Tsuki Kawamata and Kinuye Mushashibo) Crusher Ichihara versus Sensational Ogiwara DEVIL Karube versus Kit Hatoyama
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[B]Shiori Jippensha[/B] versus Tomoko Saitoh Sh[I]iori is more excellent in her execution.[/I] Karen Bilous versus [B]Megumi Nakajima[/B] [I]Local girl over no name foreigner[/I] [B]The Serpents[/B] (Dragon Assassin and Dragon Power) verusus Pan-Am Connection (Tsuki Kawamata and Kinuye Mushashibo) [I]going with established team over newcomers[/I] Crusher Ichihara versus [B]Sensational Ogiwara[/B] [I]After all, she IS Sensational.[/I] DEVIL Karube versus [B]Kit Hatoyama[/B] [I]My gut tells me Kit goes all the way[/I]
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[B]Shiori Jippensha[/B] versus Tomoko Saitoh Karen Bilous versus [B]Megumi Nakajima[/B] [B]The Serpents (Dragon Assassin and Dragon Power)[/B] verusus Pan-Am Connection (Tsuki Kawamata and Kinuye Mushashibo) Crusher Ichihara versus [B]Sensational Ogiwara[/B] DEVIL Karube versus [B]Kit Hatoyama[/B]
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[B]Shiori Jippensha[/B] versus Tomoko Saitoh [B]Karen Bilous[/B] versus Megumi Nakajima [B]The Serpents (Dragon Assassin and Dragon Power)[/B] verusus Pan-Am Connection (Tsuki Kawamata and Kinuye Mushashibo) Crusher Ichihara versus [B]Sensational Ogiwara[/B] [B]DEVIL Karube[/B] versus Kit Hatoyama
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[FONT="Arial"][SIZE="2"][CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/JadeEmpress.jpg[/IMG] [B]Live from Hofu Arena in Chugoku Jade Empress Tour Show 8 Shiori Jippensha over Tomoko Saitoh[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/ShioriJippensha.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/TomokoSaitoh.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE]Shiori Jippensha lived up to her moniker “The Excellence of Execution” as she clinically dismantled black and gold clad Tomoko Siatoh. Tomoko didn’t get a chance to show any of her high speed moves and didn’t look like the protégé of someone as great as Sensational Ogiwara. This short nine minute match was a below average showing for the 5SSW roster. However, it did the job of making Shiori look like a technical juggernaut.[/QUOTE] [CENTER][B]Megumi Nakajima over Karen Bilous[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/MegumiNakajima.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/KarenBilous.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE]This go worse and I think some fans actually considered leaving during the Megumi versus Karen match. Neither woman had the in ring psychology to carry the match. Twenty two minutes was just too long and the match fell apart in the middle. The match was a total mess of Puro style with a lot of missed or ineffectual blows and quite a few botched moves. Like Jippensha before her Nakajima totally dominated her opponent but since the match came off badly it really did nothing to show of her talent.[/QUOTE] [CENTER][B]The Serpents (Dragon Assassin and Dragon Power) over The Pan-Am Connection (Tsuki Kawamata and Kinuye Mushashibo)[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/DragonAssassin.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/DragonPower.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/TsukiKawamata.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/KinuyeMushashibo.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE]Things continued in the same vein with a tag match that was slightly better than the last one but not as good as the opening bout. With J-Ro moving on to a singles championship Tsuki Kawamata finds herself in another tag team with fellow mixed heritage worker Kinuye Mushashibo. A new partner didn’t turn Tsuki into a winner and the two were totally destroyed by the two powerhouses that are The Serpents. The smiles and carefree attitude of The Pan-Am Connection were quickly silenced by the brutal blows of the Dragons and a win was finally taken by Dragon Assassin coming off the top rope with the Flight of the Dragon (Flying Clothesline). Surprisingly even fro being off her game for the evening Dragon Assassin managed also to standout as being the best performer in the ring.[/QUOTE] [CENTER][B]Semi Final (Round Four) Sensational Ogiwara over Crusher Ichihara[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/SensationalOgiwara.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/CrusherIchihara.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE]The long time rivalry of these two women has not lost any heat as Sensational Ogiwara and Crusher Ichihara literally tried to kill each other in the ring. Everyone has always been amazed how the contrasting styles of these two workers have managed to put on good matches. This match was another example of what happens when two pure athletes get in the ring. Ichihara opened up with her usual brutal blows to her opponent and followed those up with some devastating kicks as well. Sensational Ogiwara took to the air first looking for one big move to floor her opponent and allow here to work her ground magic. When she managed to get Crusher with a Flying Head Scissors, The Sensational one went immediately into isolating her opponent’s leg. There was quite a bit more back and forth in eighteen minute match and al the energy expended really started to show on Ichihara’s face. The fans weren’t surprised but still impressed to see Ogiwara get her larger opponent up into the Sensation Stunner (Fireman’s Carry Face Crusher) for the win.[/QUOTE] [CENTER][B]Semi Final (Round Four) DEVIL Karube over Kit Hatoyama[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/DEVILKarube.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/KitHatoyama.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE]One good match was followed by another good match from yet another long running rivalry. DEVIL Karube and Kit Haotyama have put on some of 5SSW’s best matches this year both against each other and against other opponents. The fans expect a serious match form these two and that is exactly what they got. Unlike Ogiwara and Ichihara who have clashing styles KArube and Hatoyama are both excellent all arounders. Although the DEVIL fights in a more tradtitional Japanese super junior style and Kit uses a more American cruiserweight style. The match was all about speed; from the top rope, on the mat, standing on the outside. Every where these two women went it was all about getting there fast and hitting their opponent hard. The match had a lot of back and forth and Kit seemed to be in control at the end but she missed the Lightning Strike (Top Rope Hurricarana) and that gave DEVIL enough time to get to the top rope and hit her stunned opponent with DEVIL Drop (Tumbleweed Leg Drop) to get the win.[/QUOTE] [B][CENTER]Hype Finals[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/SakurakoKagawa.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/4C/SimonMunoz.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE]With the last of the semifinal matches over Sakurako and Simon took a few minutes to talk about the finals. Munoz used words like ‘legend’ and ‘greatest’ to talk about Sensational Ogiwara. He spoke of her role as backbone of the company and how as 5SSW World Champion she is surely favored to win the first ever Jade Empress Tournament. Kagawa had other things in mind and used words like ‘hungry’, ‘passionate’ and ‘devious’ to describe DEVIl Karube’s will to win. She said that Karube was younger then her opponent and hungrier then anyone on the roster. The two announcers didn’t quite agree to disagree but their predictions held a lot of weight with the fans.[/QUOTE] [CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/SensationalOgiwara.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/DEVILKarube.jpg[/IMG] [B]Shiori Jippensha over Tomoko Saitoh –D+ Megumi Nakajima over Karen Bilous – D- The Serpents (Dragon Assassin and Dragon Power) over Pan-Am Connection (Tsuki Kawamata and Kinuye Mushashibo) – D Sensational Ogiwara over Crusher Ichihara – B DEVIL Karube over Kit Hatoyama – B Overall Rating: B-[/B][/CENTER] The semifinals were a bit of a let down from the quarter finals but they were still good. There is a lot of young green talent on the current roster and although there is a lot of potential there is definitely a lot of work to be done. 749 in the Hofu Arena is nothing to sneeze at and the fans again have gone home more than satisfied.[/SIZE][/FONT]
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[FONT="Arial"][SIZE="2"][CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/JadeEmpress.jpg[/IMG] [B]Live from Doshisha Athletic Center Kinki Region Thursday Week 3 August 2007 Jade Empress Tour Show 9 Shiori Jippensha versus Yori Toyoshima[/B][/CENTER] “The Excellence of Execution” has aleady begun living up to her name now she faces off against “The Fire Fly” Yori Toyoshima who has made a huge turn around in 2006. Can the technical wonder kid pull out a win against a seriously intense super junior or will Toyoshima pick up her first big name win. [B][CENTER]Sakura Sada versus Megumi Nakajima[/CENTER][/B] Cruiserweight Sakura Sada took a loss to Kit Hatoyama in the opening round of the Jade Empress Tournament. Now Sada faces off against one of 5SSW fastest rising stars, and the mistress of the Suplex, Megumi Nakajima. Megumi may not being in a league with Hatoyama but is she woman enough to beat Sada. [B][CENTER]True Power (Nikki Power and Tai) versus Intercontinental Flight (Connie Morris and Yuma Maruya)[/CENTER][/B] Up and coming tag team Intercontinental Flight faces off against some of 5SSW’s new, tough as nails competitors, True Power. Nikki Power and Tai are some of the most impressive looking women on the roster and have the actual strength to back up their name. Intercontinental Flight has yet to take a tag team win and facing off against opponents like these mean they may still be out of luck. [B][CENTER]The Bomb Squad (Saeko Hiroyuki and Saori Hiroyuki) versus The Speed Queens (Chitose Ariwara and Otsune Tsumura)[/CENTER][/B] Current 5SSW Tag Team champions meet up with newly formed team of Chitose Ariwara and Otsune Tsumura, The Speed Queens. Chitose and Otusne have horrible singles records but Otsune does have a good tag record as a former Rainbow Girl. Although this is a non-title match The Bomb Squad will still be looking to take a win to give whoever will be their first true opponent fro their titles something to think about. [B][CENTER]Finals (Round Five) DEVIL Karube versus Sensational Ogiwara 60 Minute Iron Woman Match For the 5SSW Jade Empress Tournament Trophy[/CENTER][/B] Eight shows and four rounds have led up to one match. 5SSW Wold Champion Sensational Ogiwara versus Bad Ass DEVIL Karube. To make the win of the first ever Jade Empress Tournament Trophy truly mean something it has been determined that the match will be a 60 minute iron woman match. One of these women will leave with bragging rights for the rest of the year as the best that 5SSW has to offer. Full Card Shiori Jippensha versus Yori Toyoshima Saukra Sada versus Megumi Nakajima True Power (Nikki Power and Tai) versus Intercontinental Flight (Connie Morris and Yuma Maruya) The Bomb Squad (Saeko Hiroyuki and Saori Hiroyuki) versus The Speed Queens (Chitose Ariwara and Otsune Tsumura) DEVIL Karube versus Sensational Ogiwara[/SIZE][/FONT]
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[B]Shiori Jippensha[/B] versus Yori Toyoshima Saukra Sada versus [B]Megumi Nakajima[/B] [B]True Power (Nikki Power and Tai)[/B] versus Intercontinental Flight (Connie Morris and Yuma Maruya) [B]The Bomb Squad (Saeko Hiroyuki and Saori Hiroyuki)[/B] versus The Speed Queens (Chitose Ariwara and Otsune Tsumura) [B]DEVIL Karube[/B] versus Sensational Ogiwara
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[B]Shiori Jippensha [/B]versus Yori Toyoshima [B]Sakura Sada [/B]versus Megumi Nakajima [B]True Power (Nikki Power and Tai) [/B]versus Intercontinental Flight (Connie Morris and Yuma Maruya) [B]The Bomb Squad (Saeko Hiroyuki and Saori Hiroyuki)[/B] versus The Speed Queens (Chitose Ariwara and Otsune Tsumura) [B]DEVIL Karube [/B]versus Sensational Ogiwara
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[B]Shiori Jippensha[/B] versus Yori Toyoshima Saukra Sada versus [B]Megumi Nakajima[/B] [B]True Power (Nikki Power and Tai)[/B] versus Intercontinental Flight (Connie Morris and Yuma Maruya) [B]The Bomb Squad (Saeko Hiroyuki and Saori Hiroyuki)[/B] versus The Speed Queens (Chitose Ariwara and Otsune Tsumura) [B]DEVIL Karube[/B] versus Sensational Ogiwara
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[FONT="Arial"][SIZE="2"][CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/JadeEmpress.jpg[/IMG] [B]Live from Doshisha Athletic Center in Kinki Jade Empress Tour Show 9 Shiori Jippensha over Yori Toyoshima[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/ShioriJippensha.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/YoriToyoshima.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE]Yori Toyoshima is the underdog even to the likes of the lightweight Shiori Jippensha. Jippensha’s no nonsense style based on her live healthy attitude gave her a strong showing in this match up. Yori Toyoshima always looked like she was fighting an up hill battle even when she had control of the match. “The Fire Fly” Took to the air a few times but her attacks seemed a bit planned. Yori showed equal amounts of flash and substance and what she did she did with a great consistency. What seemed to be Toyoshima’s strong point was taking hits from Jippensha. Shiori’s technical acumen kept the high flier grounded. Every time Yori seemed to have an escape Shiori turned in to another move. A row of Chain Suplexes at the beginning of the match were precise and devastating, a prelude to the end of the match. The end was another row a various Suplexes chained together and then top off with the debut of a new move, the Executioner’s Suplex (Modified German Suplex ending in a bridge pin).[/QUOTE] [CENTER][B]Megumi Nakajima over Sakura Sada[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/MegumiNakajima.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/SakuraSada.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE]Megumi Nakajima put on an even worse show then last week as she took on “The Hawk” Sakura Sada. To start both women were visibly tiring at the end of the match. On top of that a lack of ring cohesion had the match coming off sloppy and awkward. These two women were just not meant to be in the ring together. Sakura had absolutely no offense and was totally dominated by Megumi. It’s been said that the two women rival each other in aerial skill but Nakajima had an all around game to bring to the table. Some stand up brawling to stun Sada, followed by aerial assuslts to do maximum damage. Finally the match was one on the mat were Megumi tied Sada in knots before knocking her cold with the Nakajima Straightjacket (Tiger Suplex Variation).[/QUOTE] [CENTER][B]Intercontinental Flight (Connie Morris and Yuma Maruya) over True Power (Nikki Power and Tai)[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/ConnieMorris.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/YumaMaruya.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/NikkiPower.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/Tai.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE]The size difference apparently meant absolutely nothing to Morris and Maruya who wrestle circles around Power and Tai. Yuma and Connie are still a bit of an odd pair. Yuma showed off with a smile for the crowd and a bubbly attitude. Connie was a bit more stoic but definitely a down to earth person. Nikki Power bullied the crowd as Tai came to the ring with a deep Amazonian yell. The was decent and all the workers showed their ring competence. True Power had all the control in the early going using frequent tags and powerful blows to level Yuma Maruya. Yuma never really mounted a comeback but a missed Lariat gave her the opportunity to leap to her partner in the corner. Morris hit the ring and leveled Tai and the Nikki with a few standing Dropkicks. After the turn over in momentum Intercontinental held the rest of the match. Yuma Had the of the night jumping off the top rope into a Missile Dropkick but landing upright on the body of Tai and then pushing off to clobber Nikki Power with a flying Lariat in their corner. With Nikki down and Tai stunned Yuma made the tag and Connie and her got up to the top rope for the East Meets West (Double Flying Elbow Drops).[/QUOTE] [CENTER][B]The Bomb Squad (Saeko Hiroyuki and Saori Hiroyuki) over Speed Queens (Chitose Ariwara and Otsune Tsumura)[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/SaekoHiroyuki.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/SaoriNakadan.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/ChitoseAriwara.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/OtsuneTsumura.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE]A surprisingly good match and a good showing from a tag team that used to get dominated as singles performers. Otsune and Chitose put on quite a show even though they couldn’t take the win over the Tag Team Champions. The Bomb Squad did their work as a team of different styles. Saeko Hiroyuki was all about speed, beat her opponents at their own game. Her flash and style was the same as her personality playing prima donna to the crowd. Saori had brought no nonsense ground work to the match single mindedly dismantling her opponents. The Speed Queens both had the same style and personality moving fast and enjoying themselves while doing it. Both Otsune and Chitose seemed to be a blur of motion but even their speed couldn’t keep them from losing. Saeko Hiroyuki caught Otsune Tsumura on the top rope taking to long and caught her in the Hiroyuki Bomb (Top Rope Legsweep Bomb) for the win.[/QUOTE] [CENTER][B]Finals (Round Five) DEVIL Karube over Sensational Ogiwara 60 Minute Iron Man Match For the 5SSW Jade Empress Tournament Trophy[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/DEVILKarube.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/5SSWJadeEmpress.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/SensationalOgiwara.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE]Not the best match of the tournament but still a great ending to a great tournament. On the plus side Sensational Ogiwara and DEVIL Karube have a good cohesion in the ring, really playing of each other. On the bad side sixty minutes was just two long for the two competitors. Karube was totally exhausted by the end and Ogiwara was visibly tiring. Even taking the loss Sensational Ogiwara came out of this match looking like a true champion. Sensational Ogiwara took some early control of the match using her using her hard hitting brawling skills. Karube’s lack of same such skills also gave her the in ability to stand against Ogiwara assault of mixed American and Puro style brawling. After a few stunning elbows Karube was dazed long enough for Ogiwara to get an early first pinfall after a Sensation Stunner (Fireman’s Carry Face Crusher). When Ogiwara moved into her speed work she stepped into Karube’s realm and the young super junior took control. DEVIL Karube took her match to the skies with flying Legdrops, Elbows and Clotheslines trying to do as much damage to Sensational Ogiwara as quickly as possible. After quite a few high impact moves Karube took her first pinfall from the DEVIL Drop (Tumbleweed Leg Drop) One pin a piece and the match moved to the mat with Karube tring and bring her opponent down by taking out her legs. This allowed Ogiwara to move into the best aspect of her game. The end of the match was an intense back and forth of locks, holds and stretches by both opponents more than once both women almost tapped out. Sensational Ogiwara almost had the Sensation Special (Octopus Hold) locked in but a slippery DEVIL Karube slipped out and reversed it into the DEVIL Lock (Scorpion Deathlock) giving Karube the fall by tap out. There was less than a minute left to go and Ogiwara was totally in control beating Karube from pillar to post. She lifted the DEVIL up into the Sensation Stunner (Fireman’s Carry Face Crusher) and completed the move. She went down for the pin to tie it up and one, two but the time ran out before the ref could get to three. DEVIL Karube was the winner, a battered and bruised winner but a winner none the less.[/QUOTE] [B][CENTER]Shiori Jippensha over Yori Toyoshima – D+ Megumi Nakajima over Saukra Sada – E+ Intercontinental Flight (Connie Morris and Yuma Maruya) over True Power (Nikki Power and Tai) – D+ The Bomb Squad (Saeko Hiroyuki and Saori Hiroyuki) over Speed Queens (Chitose Ariwara and Otsune Tsumura) – C DEVIL Karube over Sensational Ogiwara – B Overall Rating: C+[/CENTER][/B] Overall the show was good DEVIL Karube cemented herself as a top level performer taking her first win over a main event star. The Bomb Squad and Intercontinental Flight both took wins and a whole new tag division has opened up with no teams. Shiori Jippensha and Megumi Nakajima both with three wins under their belt seem poised to make impressive runs this tour. There were a lot of winners in the ring but the real winners were the sold out crowd at the Doshisha Athletic Center who got one hell of a show. [QUOTE]OOC Notes: First again I'd like to thank Trypio for the Tournament Trophy Graphic. Second after reading the thread about diary writing I decided to try seperating the match write ups into paragraphs. I was wondering if people preffered this two big block of text?[/QUOTE][/SIZE][/FONT]
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[FONT="Arial"][SIZE="2"][CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/JadeEmpress.jpg[/IMG] [B]Live from Hofu Arena Chugoku Region Tuesday Week 4 August 2007 Jade Empress Tour Show 10 Shiori Jippensha versus Kinuye Mushashibo[/B][/CENTER] Shiori Jippensha looks to continue her now two match winning streak against newcomer “True Blue” Kinuye Mushashibo. Mushashibo has joined forces with fellow mixed heritage star Tsuki Kawamata but their first showing as a tag team was lacking. [B][CENTER]Tai versus Megumi Nakajima[/CENTER][/B] Megumi Nakajima is said to have request a little time before the match to address the fans. Nakajima is already on some what of a winning streak but now she faces a most impressive opponent in the 6’ 2” Giantess Tai. [B][CENTER]Seek & Destroy (Ikuko Temko and Huntress Makiko) versus Intercontinental Flight (Connie Morris and Yuma Maruya)[/CENTER][/B] Neither of these teams did very well during the Maximum Overdrive Tour and are looking to change their fortunes. Intercontinental Flight has already taken an impressive win over the monsters in True Power but this is the first match for the team of Seek & Destroy. The only question remaining is, are Huntress and Ikuko as hungry as Connie and Yuma? [B][CENTER]Joanne Rodriguez vs Gorgon For the 5SSW All-Asian TItle[/CENTER][/B] They already face off in the Jade Empress Tournament with J-Ro taking the win but Gorgon gets her official rematch. Can the returning face painted freak use her newly honed street fighting skills to take out blue chipper Joane Rodriguez and regain her title. [B][CENTER]The Bomb Squad (Saeko Hiroyuki and Saori Nakadan) versus The Serpents (Dragon Assassin and Dragon Power) For the 5SSW Tag Team Titles[/CENTER][/B] The Bomb Squad make their first defense of the title this tour. The Serpents are a well established team in Japan and Dragon Assassin made it al the way to the quarter finals of the Jade Empress Tournament. After a two tour run with the 5SSW Tag Team Titles will this be all she wrote for The Bomb Squad. [B][CENTER]Main Event Alicia Strong versus Kit Hatoyama[/CENTER][/B] Kit Hatoyama may have actually main evented a few shows last tour but she still sits solidly on the cusp from the top of the midcard to being a true main eventer. Alicia Strong started in the midcard and rocked up to the top of the card on her peformances. Kit looks to finally push herself over the edge and into the main event by taking out the daughter of one of the biggest names in wrestling. Full Card Shiori Jippensha versus Kinuye Mushashibo Tai versus Megumi Nakajima Seek & Destroy versus Intercontinental Flight (Connie Morris and Yuma Maruya) Joanne Rodriguez versus Gorgon For the 5SSW All-Asian Title The Bomb Squad (Saeko Hiroyuki and Saori Nakadan) versus The Serpents (Dragon Assassin and Dragon Power) For the 5SSW Tag Team Titles Alicia Strong versus Kit Hatoyama[/SIZE][/FONT]
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[B]Shiori Jippensha[/B] versus Kinuye Mushashibo Tai versus [B]Megumi Nakajima[/B] Seek & Destroy versus [B]Intercontinental Flight[/B] (Connie Morris and Yuma Maruya) [B]Joanne Rodriguez[/B] versus Gorgon For the 5SSW All-Asian Title [B]The Bomb Squad[/B] (Saeko Hiroyuki and Saori Nakadan) versus The Serpents (Dragon Assassin and Dragon Power) For the 5SSW Tag Team Titles [B]Alicia Strong[/B] versus Kit Hatoyama
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Full Card [B]Shiori Jippensha[/B] versus Kinuye Mushashibo - I see no reason to give the win to the True Blue here, Jippensha needs to momentum more Tai versus [B]Megumi Nakajima[/B] - Tai's got a bright future, but just not yet... and if Megumi can hit the Nakajima Straightjacket on Tai it'll be a highlight reel finish Seek & Destroy versus [B]Intercontinental Flight (Connie Morris and Yuma Maruya)[/B] - for reasons I don't understand Munoz seems quite high on IF [B]Joanne Rodriguez[/B] versus Gorgon For the 5SSW All-Asian Title - even if there's been a battle in the bedroom, there's no way Gorgon gets back the title The Bomb Squad (Saeko Hiroyuki and Saori Nakadan) versus [b]The Serpents (Dragon Assassin and Dragon Power)[/b] For the 5SSW Tag Team Titles - someone has to end the Bomb Squad's strangle hold on belts, why not the Serpents? Alicia Strong versus [B]Kit Hatoyama[/B] - easily the hardest call. Alicia is the obvious choice, but I think Kit offers more immediate upside and Alicia is young. Kit's window of opportunity could close quickly so I think she needs the win more. Just a quick note on the Jade Empress Tournament. Overall I thought it went really enjoyably and I'm glad to see that you finally gave the DEVIL her due. My only minor quibble would be having her go over Ogiwara. I think that was a missed opportunity, Ogiwara didn't need to trophy or to be in the finals. It could have given someone else a strong rub OR showed everyone just how much DEVIL had improved by knocking off the reigning queen in the semi-finals. Still, things appear bright for the ladies of 5SSW.
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[B]Shiori Jippensha[/B] versus Kinuye Mushashibo Tai versus [B]Megumi Nakajima[/B] Seek & Destroy versus [B]Intercontinental Flight[/B] (Connie Morris and Yuma Maruya) [B]Joanne Rodriguez[/B] versus Gorgon For the 5SSW All-Asian Title The Bomb Squad (Saeko Hiroyuki and Saori Nakadan) versus [B]The Serpents (Dragon Assassin and Dragon Power)[/B] For the 5SSW Tag Team Titles Alicia Strong versus [B]Kit Hatoyama[/B][/QUOTE]
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[FONT="Arial"][SIZE="2"][CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/JadeEmpress.jpg[/IMG] [B]Live from Hofu Arena in Chugoku Jade Empress Tour Show 10 Jade Empress Demand Shot[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/DEVILKarube.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE]The show opened with DEVIL Karube coming out to the ring to address the crowd. She carried with her the Jade Empress trophy. She entered the ring with a ****y attitude playing to the fans who were booing her. “I know you people don’t like me but I really don’t care. The only thing I’m here to do is take what Is rightfully mine as the baddest woman in 5SSW. I am the top of the heap, proven by me holding this trophy right here.” She lifted the Jade Empress Trophy into the air. “Not only am I the Jade Empress of 5SSW but I got my trophy by beating the woman who has beaten every competitor in her way, Sensational Ogiwara. What this means is that by rights as ‘THE’ baddest woman in wrestling the 5SSW World title belongs to me. So Ogiwara I’m letting you know right now I’m coming for that title one way or another because the Jade Empress deserves more than just a trophy.” DEVIL Karube left the ring and the fans actually seemed psyched to see what the response from Ogiwara would be.[/QUOTE] [CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/SensationalOgiwara.jpg[/IMG] [B]Shiori Jippensha over Kinuye Mushashibo[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/ShioriJippensha.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/KinuyeMushashibo.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE]A decent match from the under card with Shiori Jippensha, who was on a three match winning stream, took another win over two time loser “Baby Blue” Kinuye Mushashibo. The match was just below average but ok for a opening. Both women sized up well against each other and the match was short enough not to get out of control. Shiori Jippensha controlled the whole match. There wasn’t an ounce of offense from Mushashibo who seemed barely able to battle out of the holds Jippensha invariably caught her in. Shiori used a number of Forearm Blows and Kick to soften up Kinuye before heading into her routine of Suplexes. After giving the fans the show they have grown accustom to seeing, one of every Suplex there is, “The Excellence of Execution” ended Mushashibo’s pain with the second use of the Executioner’s Suplex (Modified German Suplex ending in a bridge pin).[/QUOTE] [CENTER][B]Nakajima To Go All Out[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/MegumiNakajima.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE]Megumi Nakajima came out to the ring as Shiori Jippensha left an watched as Kinuye Mushashibo was helped from the ring. Her match as next but she took a scant few minutes to say something to the crowd. She had a smile and attitude the fans like but she seemed unsure of herself on the mic. There were quite a few chants of “boring” and “we want wrestling” but Nakajima pushed through. “I know I’m still a pretty new face, young by most standards. I also know I’m not some over the top bad ass or lofty legend. I’m just Megumi Nakajima. So far this tour I’ve been winning more then I’ve been losing and I’d like to keep it that way. I just wanted to come out here to make a promise that every match I have, I’m going to give my all because that’s what you fan’s deserve.” Megumi handed the mic back to the rings side announcer and waited for her opponent to come out.[/QUOTE] [CENTER][B]Megumi Nakajima over Tai[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/MegumiNakajima.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/Tai.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE]With Megumi already in the ring the deep bass driven house music for the tag team True Power came on and the Amazonian Tai came to the ring. Upon entry there was a bit of a staredown, or maybe stareup for Megumi as Tai towered over her. The match itself was the best singles performance that Megumi had so far this tour but she did have a fight trying to take out Tai unlike the ease she had seen with other opponents. Even with Megumi’s words about winning just moments away Tai took early control using her size and animalist fury to attack Megumi. A few times it appeared one of Tai’s solid hits did nothing to the smaller Nakajima but both women played through it. Tai controlled literally the first half of the nine minute match before missing a Lariat and falling victim to a Drop Toe Hold. Megumi who has shown great skill as a stand up Puro fighter had the presence in the ring to know even with her greater skill Tai’s brute strength would win a stand up battle. Megumi took it to the mat isolating the body parts of Tai. She went after her arms to try and reduce Tai’s reliance on her power. She went after her legs to take away Tai’s vertical base. Tai may have been taller but her solid compact frame went over a lot easier then the fans expected when Megumi finally hit the Nakajima Straightjacket (Tiger Suplex Variation) to get the pinfall.[/QUOTE] [CENTER][B]Intercontinental Flight (Connie Morris and Yuma Maruya) over Seek & Destroy (Huntress Makiko and Ikuko Temko)[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/ConnieMorris.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/YumaMaruya.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/HuntressMakiko.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/IkukoTemko.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE]Intercontinental Flight didn’t take may wins after forming last tour but almost all the wins they did take were over Seek & Destroy. The last match of the Maximum Overdrive Tour saw them take a win over All Business who had been a contender for the 5SSW Tag Team titles all tour. Besides those stats Connie and Yuma didn’t put Huntress and Ikuko away to quickly this match. The short match saw a lot of back and forth and a lot of tag allowing all four women into the ring equal amount of times and giving us every combination. With Ikuko and Connie in the ring the match moved a little slowly but this was countered by Huntress and Yuma in together. The battle was quick but a missed Huntress Arrow by Makiko bought Yuma the time she needed to get up for the 5 Star Supreme Frog Splash (Long Hang Time Frog Splash) while Connie had Ikuko distracted on the outside.[/QUOTE] [CENTER][B]Joanne Rodriguez over Gorgon For the 5SSW All-Asian Title[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/JoanneRodriguez.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/5SSWAll-Asian.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/Gorgon.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE]The former champion Gorgon came into this match looking for vengeance and her title. J-Ro went into the match looking for vindication. She wanted to prove she was the real champ by putting away the former champ for a second time this fall. The match was decent, average even, but both these women are greats. The biggest thing holding back this match was the lack of in ring cohesion between the workers. Joanne took the early lead in the match coming out with the vigor only a champion can. She was like a lioness defending her cubs. She would swoop in with a high speed or aerial move and then latch on using her technical prowess. This tactic worked well for awhile but Gorgon turned out to be just biding her time. The face painted underground fighter move into action at a speed belying her size. A brutal series pf punches, kicks, slaps, elbows and knees slammed into J-Ro at every turn as Gorgon used every portion of her body as a weapon. The match went back and forth for awhile with both women taking an equal amount of offensive action. A last ditch Super Kick managed to stun Gorgon who had the momentum just scant seconds earlier. With Gorgon stunned J-Ro went on the attack catching her opponent in an Arm Wringer. J-Ro abused Gorgon’s arm for a solid minute before she was tossed into the ropes by the larger woman. On the rebound J-Ro went into a Flying knee Strike doubling Gorgon up and giving the champ the perfect opening for the J-Rocker (Twisting Face Crusher) followed immediately by a pin.[/QUOTE] [CENTER][B]Former Champion Blocks Way[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/ThunderHike.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE]Another unannounced ring vist by one of 5SSW’s top stars was Thunder Hike come out to the ring. Hike strode out with poise and determination and was offered a mic from the ring announcer which she gladly accepted. Thunder Hike’s usual calm looking face held a furrowed brow as she began to speak. “I don’t want to sound like an old lady but in my day a young up and coming star got her title shots when the champion and the fans knew it was her time. The up and comers had respect for those who had come before them and they never made demands. DEVIL Karube came out here and said she demands a shot at the 5SSW World title. She says she deserves her chance for all she’s accomplished. The problem is although I can’t disagree that she’s shown great improvement I’m not willing to let some one with her total lack of respect get near holding a title that is all about honor and dignity. For that reason, and the powers that be have made it so, you must go through me before you can try for the title. So tonight it will be Thunder Hike versus DEVIL Karube and if you win you’ll get your shot.” Hike politely gave the mic back to the ring announcer and she strode with authority out of the ringside area.[/QUOTE] [CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/DEVILKarube.jpg[/IMG] [B]The Serpents (Dragon Assassin and Dragon Power) over The Bomb Squad (Saeko Hiroyuki and Saori Nakadan) For the 5SSW Tag Team titles[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/DragonAssassin.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/DragonPower.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/5SSWTagTeam.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/SaekoHiroyuki.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/SaoriNakadan.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE]An uncommonly good tag team bout saw the two tour 5SSW Tag Team Champions brought low by a bigger team of thugs and monsters than themselves. The Serpents take their first title in this match making an even bigger splash on their first tour with 5SSW. Saeko and Saori may have lost their title but they didn’t make it easy for The Serpents. The opening of the match was a lot of quick back and forths as all four women tried to gauge each other. Dragon Assassin went in with a lot of quick and flashy power moves; Open Hand Slaps, European Uppercuts and a spear. This was followed by a turn around to Saori who took out Assassin’s legs and used a number Suplex followed by rest holds to slow the match down. Dragon Power was next with a lot of slow and lumbering power including a nasty Sit-Out Powerbomb before Nakadan tagged in Hiroyuki. Saeko came in picked up the speed again with a lot of high flying moves ending her run with her finisher Hiroyuki Bomb (Top Rope Legsweep Bomb) which Dragon Power managed to kick out from. After the quick back and forths the champs The Bomb Squad picked up some speed isolating Dragon Power in their corner. Saori Nakadan would keep Dragon Power down working on her legs to ground the powerhouse. After that Saeko would come in and hit her with a lot of high impact moves off the ropes. This worked well until Saeko decided she had things so wrapped up and started playing to the crowd. She gave Power more then enough time to recover and when Hiroyuki came off the top rope with the Hiroyuki Bomb (Top Rope Legsweep Bomb) again, this time she missed. As Hiroyuki writhed in pain on the floor Power tagged in Assassin. The Serpents took total control of the match from this point. Dragon Assassin completely destroyed Saeko Hiroyuki nearly breaking her in two with a devastating rope assisted spear. A quick tag out to Saori wasn’t enough to save the 5SSW Tag Team titles as she got a big boot to the face sending her spinning. In the ring for five second and Nakadan was laid out by the Serpent’s Kiss (Stunning Face Crusher) and pinned.[/QUOTE] [CENTER][B]Kit Hatoyama over Alicia Strong[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/KitHatoyama.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/AliciaStrong_alt.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE]Kit Hatoyama and Alicia Strong put on a great show for the crowd. Up and coming Alicia Strong managed to hold her own against the veteran competitor, Japan’s own, Kit Hatoyama. Alicia may not have taken the win over Hatoyama but she showed that much like Kit she is very close to being a main event in 5SSW, or any promotion for that matter. Alicia Strong offense was a slow build, starting with working the arms using Arm Wringers and Hammer Locks. She moved it up from there with Suplexes and turning that into some Stretches or pinning combinations. Finally she picked up the speed using ropes for a number of spring board moves and a top rope Splash which she missed thus turning the tides. Kits recovery began with puro style kicks, elbows, forearms and knees. Alicia was battered pretty badly before Hatoyama went into a program of mat work. Kit twisted and turned on the floor moving fluidly form an Arm Bar to a body stretch to a Chin Lock to a Japanese Figure Four. After failing to get Alicia to tap out, Kit picked up the speed and hit the limping Strong with a nasty Moonsault followed by a Second Rope Leg Drop. Hatoyma went back up to the top rope and waited as Alicia groggily got to standing position before taking to the air hitting the Lightning Strike (Top Rope Hurricarana) and then taking the win.[/QUOTE] [CENTER][B]Main Event Strikes Back[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/CrusherIchihara.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/JuneButler.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE]After the match as Kit was in the ring waving the Japanese flag she was brutally blinded sided by June Butler and Crusher Ichihara. The two on again off again tag team partners beat Hatoyama to within an inch of their life. After the beating the lay the flag over her body and Crusher said that Kit wasn’t welcome in the main event.[/QUOTE] [CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/KitHatoyama.jpg[/IMG] [B]DEVIL Karube over Thunder Hike[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/DEVILKarube.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/ThunderHike.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE]DEVIL Karube had to beat Thunder Hike to make it into the Semi Finals and she was more than prepared to make this match a repeat. The great chemistry allowed them to pull off another stellar bout. Both competitors cranked the intensity up to eleven and gave everything they had and more. The fans literally were on their feet through the entire match, breathless from anticipation of each move. This was a match of move for move where Hike would get in a few minutes of offense and then DEVIL Karube would do a variant on the same moves to show how bad she really was. Hike didn’t seem as amused by this show of skill. This went on for some time but Hike’s offenses were mostly technical moves but Karube had yet to open up her other offenses. The last few minutes of the match were all Karube who moved the speed of the match up three notches. The DEVIL must have hit every second rope move she knew before heading up to the top rope. From the top rope she hit a Moonsault, a Frogsplash and then finally DEVIL Drop (Tumbleweed Leg Drop). But Karube didn’t want to prove she could win at her own game so she cinched in the DEVIL Lock (Scorpion Deathlock) and forced Hike, a preeminent technician, to tap out for the win.[/QUOTE] [B][CENTER]Shiori Jippensha over Kinuye Mushashibo – D Megumi Nakajima over Tai – D+ Intercontinental Flight (Connie Morris and Yuma Maruya) over Seek & Destroy (Huntress Makiko and Ikuk Temko) – C- Joanne Rodriguez over Gorgon For the 5SSW All-Asian Title – C- The Serpents (Dargon Assassin and Dragon Power) over The Bomb Squad (Saeko Hiroyuki and Saori Nakadan) for the 5SSW Tag Team titles – C Kit Hatoyama over Alicia Strong – B- DEVIL Karube over Thunder Hike – A Overall Rating: B[/CENTER][/B] A superb double main event brought an average show into the ranks of greatness. The lower card is pulling below average but not below watchable matches. The midcard is sticking solidly to it guns with decent matches at every turn. The main event is blowing them out of the water and preparing the crowd for the same standard next show. It looked like one fan dropped off the face of the planet as this week 748 fans made it to the Hofu Arena. 5SSW has finally become a [B]CULT[/B] classic among the fans as women’s wrestling in Japan makes a comeback.[/SIZE][/FONT]
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[FONT="Arial"][SIZE="2"][CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/JadeEmpress.jpg[/IMG] [B]Live from Doshisha Athletic Center Kinki Region Wednesday Week 4 August 2007 Jade Empress Tour Show 11 Umeko Hotta versus Mitsu Ariwa[/B][/CENTER] Perfectly poised loner “The Cat” Umeko Hotta has been showing a vicious streak on the on the indy scene although she has take two loses in deent matches here in 5SSW. “Jade Dragon” Mitsu Ariwa has taken both a singles and tag loss on this tour. Both women look to get their first win in 5SSW and maybe start building a reputation for themselves. [B][CENTER]Shiori Jippensha versus Karen Bilous[/CENTER][/B] Losing in round one to Sensational Ogiwara hasn’t stopped the no nonsense straight edge Shiori Jippensha from racking up three impressive wins in the past three shows. She now faces “The Pain From The Ukraine” Europe’s hottest biker chick Karen Bilous. Both women are known for their intensity and this could prove to be a very physical match up. [B][CENTER]Tomoko Saitoh versus Megumi Nakajima[/CENTER][/B] The rookie in the black and gold Tomoko Saitoh hasn’t really lived up to the legend of her mentor but she’s young yet and these are her first matches. The 5SSW World champion’s young protégé must face Megumi Nakajima who made it to round two of the Jade Empress tour and has been on a streak of her own. [B][CENTER]All Business (Raku Makuda and Tomoko Nagatsuka) versus Intercontinental Flight (Connie Morris and Yuma Maruya)[/CENTER][/B] All Business was one of the main contenders for the 5SSW world titles during the Maximum Overdrive Tour and with one win already look to get back into a top spot for the title. Their opponents are Intercontinental Flight who beat them at the final show of the last tour and have two tag wins under their belts so far on this one. Whoever wins this will surely be in the running for the 5SSW Tag Team Titles. [B][CENTER]Joanne Rodriguez versus Kiko Sakakibara For the 5SSW All-Asian Title[/CENTER][/B] J-Ro is said to want to be a fighting champion and her first opponent other than the former champion is a another past 5SSW All-Asian title holder, Kiko Sakakibara. Kiko has had two runs with the belt between 2005 and 2006 for a total of eight months with the belt. J-Ro will have a tough fight here but as a defending champion looking to hold her belt for at least one tour she could be quite dangerous. [B][CENTER]The Serpents (Dargon Assassin and Dragon Power) versus The Bomb Squad (Saeko Hiroyuki and Saori Nakadan) For the 5SSW Tag Team titles[/CENTER][/B] The rematch for the 5SSW Tag Team titles is definitely going to be a battle for the ages. The Serpents will look to hold their newly taken titles for more than one tour. Meanwhile The Bomb Squad will look to erase this blemish on their title reign for good. This will be Saeko and Saori’s only shot before having to work their way back up the tag ranks. [B][CENTER]Crusher Ichihara versus Kit Hatoyama[/CENTER][/B] It looks like Kit Hatoyama is not welcome among the other veterans in the Main Event scene as witness by the attack against her. Crusher Ichihara looks to show her the menaing of pain by beating her out of her ambition to main event 5SSW once again. [B][CENTER]DEVIL Karube versus Sensational Ogiwra For the 5SSW World title[/CENTER][/B] DEVIL KArube made her way through Thunder Hike in an impressive match last night and now she gets her title shot against Sensational Ogiwara. The Sensational one will be less than eager to lose her title to Karube but this is a battle she won’t win easily. Full Card Umeko Hotta versus Mitsu Ariwa Shiori Jippensha versus Karen Bilous Tomoko Saitoh versus Megumi Nakajima All Business (Raku Makuda and Tomoko Nagatsuka) versus Intercontinental Flight (Connie Morris and Yuma Maruya) Joanne Rodriguez versus Kiko Sakakibara For the 5SSW All-Asian Title The Serpents (Dargon Assassin and Dragon Power) versus The Bomb Squad (Saeko Hiroyuki and Saori Nakadan) for the 5SSW Tag Team titles Crusher Ichihara versus Kit Hatoyama DEVIL Karube versus Sensational Ogiwra for the 5SSW World title[/SIZE][/FONT]
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[B]Umeko Hotta[/B] versus Mitsu Ariwa [B]Shiori Jippensha[/B] versus Karen Bilous Tomoko Saitoh versus [B]Megumi Nakajima[/B] All Business (Raku Makuda and Tomoko Nagatsuka) versus [B]Intercontinental Flight[/B] (Connie Morris and Yuma Maruya) [B]Joanne Rodriguez[/B] versus Kiko Sakakibara For the 5SSW All-Asian Title [B]The Serpents[/B] (Dargon Assassin and Dragon Power) versus The Bomb Squad (Saeko Hiroyuki and Saori Nakadan) for the 5SSW Tag Team titles Crusher Ichihara versus [B]Kit Hatoyama[/B] [B]DEVIL Karube[/B] versus Sensational Ogiwra for the 5SSW World title
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Sadly I something happened and the game got corrupted. Luckily I've been saving my games every now and again. However the saved game is like 2 weeks behind so I have to catchup to where I am. It may take me a day or three to make my way back but I'm not stopping. This gives you guys who are reading a little time make your predictions.
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[FONT="Arial"][SIZE="2"][CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/JadeEmpress.jpg[/IMG] [B]Live from Doshisha Athletic Center in Kinki Jade Empress Tour Show 11 Umeko Hotta over Mitsu Ariwa[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/UmekoHotta.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/MitsuAriwa.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE]Umeko “The Cat” Hotta stalked the ring while waiting for “Jade Dragon” Mitsu Ariwa in the ring. The match was decent showing that the midcard could bring talent just like the upper card. The battle was fierce and intense and Umeko showed some more of the vicious style she’d become known for on the indy scene The beginning of the match was a quick burst of speed from the high flying Hotta. Ariwa’s slower more technical style just couldn’t keep up with Hotta. The change in momentum onl came after a missed Second Rope Leg Drop by Umeko. Mitsu kept Umeko on the floor for most of the rest of the match but that still wasn’t enough to stop Hotta. After a rope break from a Japanese Figure Four Leg Lock Umeko gave Mitsu a swift boot to the head knocking her silly. An Irish Whip into the ropes and her signature Cat’s Pounce (Running Knee to the Face) laid out Mitsu for the one, two, three.[/QUOTE] [CENTER][B]Shiori Jippensha over Karen Bilous[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/ShioriJippensha.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/KarenBilous.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE]A decent match which showed more improving skill from Karen Bilous but still not enough to take this match to even the par range. Both women have a decent technical background and Karen has some Puro style fighting ability. Shiori was just the better athlete and by far as she dominated the entire match. Karen took the first offensive move which was a Forearm Blow but Shiori ducked into a Double Leg Trip brining her opponent to the floor. Jippensha quickly went to work on Bilous’ legs particularly giving he knees a lot of punishment. In twelve minutes Shiori totally destroyed Karen’s legs and then lock in the Jippensha Leg Lock (Scorpion Deathlock STF) forcing ”The Pain from the Ukraine” to tap out.[/QUOTE] [CENTER][B]Promised Undefeated Streak[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/ShioriJippensha.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE]After her fourth big win Shiori Jippensha addressed the crowd. “That was another in a long string of wins. That was another victim falling to the clean living of Shiori Jippensha. Nobody on the roster works as hard or keep their body in as top physical condition as I do. They call me “The Excellence of Execution” and for the rest of this tour I will continue to put my opponents on the chopping block. When this tour is over I will be totally undefeated and that is a promise.” Shoiri doesn’t even wait for the crowd to start booing her as she leaves the ring.[/QUOTE] [CENTER][B]Megumi Nakajima over Tomoko Saitoh[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/MegumiNakajima.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/TomokoSaitoh.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE]Megumi and Tomoko put on a total disaster of a match. First the two athletes had some awkward stops and starts showing a lack of in ring cohesion. Then, because both women are still a bit green, the lack of ring awareness on both parts made the match drag in the middle, seeming a little rehearsed. Tomoko is an ok cruiserweight in terms of but she still has a long way to go and Megumi is a good all arounder but she just doesn’t have the skill to carry anyone else.[/QUOTE] [CENTER][B]Intercontinental Flight (Connie Morris and Yuma Maruya) over All Business (Raku Makuda and Tomoko Nagatsuka)[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/ConnieMorris.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/YumaMaruya.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/RakuMakuda.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/TomokoNagatsuka.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE]Intercontinental Flight took a win over former 5SSW Tag Team Champions All Business. This match has cemented them as a contender for the titles for this tour. The match itself was decent but not spectacular but solid for the midcard. It was mostly a high flying match except for some below par mat work by super bitch, Tomoko Nagatsuka. Yuma Maruya and Raku Makuda were the stand out performers of the match, especially when they were in the ring together. Connie Morris need to be carried a bit but her increasing skill was evident in her ability to make her opponents look good. Highlight of the match was a Corkscrew Dive over the top rope by Yuma onto both Tomoko and Raku. The low point was the few minutes Tomoko and Connie were in the ring together which was punctuated the end of the match with Morris landing the Flying Fist Drop for the finish.[/QUOTE] [CENTER][B]Joanne Rodriguez over Kiko Sakakibara For the 5SSW All-Asian Title[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/JoanneRodriguez.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/5SSWAll-Asian.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/KikoSakakibara.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE]The first of two title matches was a great showing from Blue Chipper Joanne Rodriguez and the new slightly less bubbly Kiko Sakakibara. Kikos’s first title defense may have been a loss but it was a hard fight for J-Ro. Both women are small in size but they have a lot of energy and are consummate all arounders. This makes title defense number two for the two time 5SSW All-Asian champ. The match was fast paced with Kiko showing some real technical knowledge in the air and on the mat as she moved away from her more flash than substance bubble gum girl persona. She kept an even offense with J-Ro and worked the champion into a number of pinning combinations. Highlight of Kiko’s offense was a Corkscrew Moonsault about half way through the match. J-Ro may have been the younger of the two athletes but she was by no means behind Kiko in terms of talent. Her offenses were quick and deadly. She usually let with a few Arm Wringers and then some kicks. After softening Kiko up she would use a Suplex of some type to lay her out and then head to the ropes for a high risk, high reward move like a Moonsault or Senton. Most of Joanne’s momentum turns came when she missed a high risk move. The champ still took the win with her signature J-Rocker (Twisting Face Crusher).[/QUOTE] [CENTER][B]The Serpents (Dargon Assassin and Dragon Power) over The Bomb Squad (Saeko Hiroyuki and Saori Nakadan) For the 5SSW Tag Team titles[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/DragonAssassin.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/DragonPower.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/5SSWTagTeam.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/SaekoHiroyuki.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/SaoriNakadan.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE]The former tag team champions The Bomb Squad didn’t get the job done in their rematch. Saeko and Saori took another loss against The Serpents in a decent but not perfect tag bout. Both teams worked hard and heavy in the ring, with Saori and Dragon Power both showing the effects by the end. The mixed technical and aerial no how of The Bomb Squad was just no match of the raw brutality of The Serpents. The opening of the match was a quick burst of brutal blows from Dragon Power on Saori Nakadan. Saori was so shocked by the initial minutes long beating that she tagged out before getting any offense of her own in. Saeko Hiroyuki evened things up a bit using her speed and agility to stay away from the forearms and elbows of Power. A few risky moves that connected brought the momentum squarely to the former champions. After a bit Dragon power made a last ditch leap toward her corner and managed to tag in her partner Dragon Assassin. The match evened out a bit after that when Saelo was forced to face the fact that Assassin’s feet were just as fast as her own. Some beautiful moves, almost like ballet, followed and Saeko found herself isolates. Much like Dragon Power, Saeko Hiroyuki took a huge beating and then made a leap for her partner but unlike Power she missed. Staggering back into the middle of the ring after the Spear that stopped her from tagging out Saeko was hit with the Serpent’s Kiss (Stunning Face Crusher) and the pin soon followed.[/QUOTE] [CENTER][B]Crusher Ichihara over Kit Hatoyama[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/CrusherIchihara.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/KitHatoyama.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE]Kit Hatoyama went into this match the fan favorite and seemed keyed to take the big win propelling her into the main event but alas that win didn’t come. Ichihara didn’t cheat per se but she did stretch every rule to its allowable limit. Rope break on the five count, all five opened handed hits and quickly released choke holds helped Crusher keep or regain the upper hand. Referee Tsugiharu Odaka threatened to toss her on two occasions but in the end he let the match continue. The match itself was a thing of beauty Crusher Ichihara moved like a woman possessed as she used every part of her body as a weapon against Kit Hatoyama. For Kit’s part she stood toe to toe with one of the biggest and baddest women in the game and came close too winning on three occasions, two stopped by rakes to the eyes. After a seventeen minute back and forth Crusher Ichihara hit a devastating Lariat that turned Kit Inside out and then lifted her up into the Skull Crusher Piledriver (Leaping Piledriver) for the win.[/QUOTE] [CENTER][B]Sensational Ogiwra over DEVIL Karube For the 5SSW World title[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/SensationalOgiwara.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/5SSWWorld.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/DEVILKarube.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE]Following up the Ichihara, Hatoyama match up this title match seemed a little less, well just a little less. Less doesn’t mean bad and Ogiwara and Karube fought from pillar to post in a titanic battle of the ages. The match went around the world of styles but moved against the grain starting with the fast high paced top rope maneuvers, progressing to quick mat moves and then ending in the two women beating the holy hell out of each other. The momentum changed back and forth during each step of the match with Karube starting off as the aggressor using a number of Dropkicks and flip moves. Ogiwara took over after a few minutes and used her own high flying assault until she finally locked in and went for a few chain suplexes. With the mat work begun each woman targeted a body part; Karube the left leg probably warming it up for a DEVIL Lock and Ogiwara on the right arm setting up for the Sensational Stretch. The end of the match was a stand up brawl. DEVIL Karube was obviously not as good a stand up fighter as Ogiwara using only the traditional Forearms and Kicks of the Puroresu style. Ogiwara however moved seamlessly from the Forearms, Elbows and Kicks of the Puroresu style to the Lariats, Open Handed Strikes and Boots of the American brawling style. A final Spinning Forearm to the back of the head softened DEVIL Karube up just long enough for her to get caught up in the Sensation Stunner (Fireman’s Carry Face Crusher).[/QUOTE] [B][CENTER]Umeko Hotta over Mitsu Ariwa – C Shiori Jippensha over Karen Bilous – D Megumi Nakajima over Tomoko Saitoh – E+ Intercontinental Flight (Connie Morris and Yuma Maruya) over All Business (Raku Makuda and Tomoko Nagatsuka) – C- Joanne Rodriguez over Kiko Sakakibara For the 5SSW All-Asian Title – C+ The Serpents (Dargon Assassin and Dragon Power) over The Bomb Squad (Saeko Hiroyuki and Saori Nakadan) for the 5SSW Tag Team titles – C- Crusher Ichihara over Kit Hatoyama – B+ Sensational Ogiwra over DEVIL Karube for the 5SSW World title – B Overall Rating: B-[/CENTER][/B] An excellent show as we come up on the halfway point to the Jade Empress Tour. Joanne has made a few good defenses o her All-Asian title and The Serpents have cemented their win of the Tag Team titles, sending The Bomb Squad back to the bottom of the pile. Kit Hatoyama has taken huge beating as she tries to break out into the main event and Sensational Ogiwara has defended her title against the ruthless DEVIL Karube. And we continue to seel out the Doshisha Athletic Center which is always a positive influence on the athletes. OOC Note [QUOTE]Well I finally cuaght up and spent some time on other things to clear my head after having to play catch up. But I'm back and swinging so here we go.[/QUOTE][/SIZE][/FONT]
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[FONT="Arial"][SIZE="2"][CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/5SSW/JadeEmpress.jpg[/IMG] [B]Live from Hofu Arena Chugoku Region Thursday Week 4 August 2007 Jade Empress Tour Show 12 Nikki Power versus Tomoko Saitoh[/B][/CENTER] Neither of these two women have taken a win thus far in 5SSW. Nikki Power’s edges include her size, strength and veteran status. Tomoko has youth, intensity and training by Sensational Ogiwara. [B][CENTER]Tsuki Kawamata versus Principessa[/CENTER][/B] World traveled Principessa takes on 5SSW resident whipping girl Tsuki Kawamata. [B][CENTER]Tai versus Shiori Jippensha[/CENTER][/B] Powerhouse Tai looks to make a big splash by taking out Shiori Jippensha who has been on her promised winning streak. [B][CENTER]Kinuye Mushashibo versus Megumi Nakajima[/CENTER][/B] “Baby Blue” Kinuye Mushashibo has asked for a match against rising star Megumi Nakajima. Kinuye has said she respects what Megumi has accomplished it wants a chance to prove herself. [B][CENTER]The Bomb Squad (Saeko Hiroyuki and Saori Nakadan) versus the Speed Queens (Chitose Ariwara and Otsune Tsumura)[/CENTER][/B] The Bomb Squad starts again at the bottom of the barrel as the face off against newly formed tag team The Speed Queens. Chitose and Otsune look to make a big splash on the tag team seen by beating the former champions. [B][CENTER]Gorgon versus Kiko Sakakibara[/CENTER][/B] Gorgon and Kiko have both taken losses J-Ro and they both want second shots at her. They will face off against each other to try and prove who should be the next for a shot at the 5SSW All-Asian title. [B][CENTER]The Serpents (Dargon Assassin and Dragon Power) versus Fire Dragon (Mitus Ariwa and Kuniko Matsura) Non Title[/CENTER][/B] The Serpents have cemented themselves as the new 5SSW Tag Team champions but with The Bomb Squad now at the bottom of the pack there isn’t a real contender just yet. The Serpents not wanting to lose their fighting edge are taking on Fire Dragon in a none title match. [B][CENTER]June Butler versus Kit Hatoyama[/CENTER][/B] Kit Hatoyama took a loss to one of her two attackers Crusher Ichihara and after the beatdown and big loss she now takes on June Butler. “White Lighting” takes on the owner of the Lariat of Doom. [B][CENTER]DEVIL Karube versus Alicia Strong[/CENTER][/B] DEVIL Karube lost out in her title match but now faces off against the daughter of one of the best wrestlers in the world. Alicia looks for a big win but DEVIL is full of spit and vinegar trying to gain another shot a title she thinks is rightfully hers. [B][CENTER]Crusher Ichihara versus Thunder Hike[/CENTER][/B] Ichihara has been in the main event scene in 5SSW for some time and after edging Kit Hatoyama out of the top tier of the company she takes on another one of 5SSW’s staples, Thunder Hike. Hike has been on her own mission to show DEVIL Karube some respect for the veterans and looks to take a win here to show that age has not slowed her down. Full Card Nikki Power versus Tomoko Saitoh Tsuki Kawamata versus Principessa Tai versus Shiori Jippensha Kinuye Mushashino versus Megumi Nakajima The Bomb Squad (Saeko Hiroyuki and Saori Nakadan) versus the Speed Queens (Chitose Ariwara and Otsune Tsumura) Gorgon versus Kiko Sakakibara The Serpents (Dargon Assassin and Dragon Power) versus Fire Dragon (Mitus Ariwa and Kuniko Matsura) non title June Butler versus Kit Hatoyama DEVIL Karube versus Alicia Strong Crusher Ichihara versus Thunder Hike[/SIZE][/FONT]
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