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Grindhouse and many others.......


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[QUOTE=Crychon;222758]The reason it bombed is because people don't have the attention span to sit through a 3 hour movie, which is sad, as I totally loved the experience of seeing the double feature[/QUOTE] Exactly, it's TWO movies, and a LOT of people did not realise that and that is why some of the people that exited were upset and said it wasn't that great. They left before Death Proof. Bob & Harvey Weinstein have said that is why they are going to release them both seperate soon, not so much because it is doing poorly, but because the feedback they have recieved showed a lot of confusion from the public about it being 2 movies instead of just one.
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[QUOTE=ACCBiggz;223825]Exactly, it's TWO movies, and a LOT of people did not realise that and that is why some of the people that exited were upset and said it wasn't that great. They left before Death Proof. Bob & Harvey Weinstein have said that is why they are going to release them both seperate soon, not so much because it is doing poorly, but because the feedback they have recieved showed a lot of confusion from the public about it being 2 movies instead of just one.[/QUOTE] I imagine it is kind of confusing. I'm not going to bother watching any of these till they are on HBO or something to be honest... A girl with a gun for a leg, lol....
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[QUOTE=ACCBiggz;223825]Exactly, it's TWO movies, and a LOT of people did not realise that and that is why some of the people that exited were upset and said it wasn't that great. They left before Death Proof. Bob & Harvey Weinstein have said that is why they are going to release them both seperate soon, not so much because it is doing poorly, but because the feedback they have recieved showed a lot of confusion from the public about it being 2 movies instead of just one.[/QUOTE] confusing? CONFUSING? CONFUSING???? HOW IS IT CONFUSING? TURN ON A TELEVISION! THE PUBLIC IS A BUNCH OF IDIOTS (my comments are not directed to anyone on the GDS Board, just to people who have been living in a cave for the past 10 years)
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I hardly watch TV, outside of wrestling and maybe a couple of movies here and there.. Oh, and Smallville, but bassically that's it. If I didn't get hooked on this game, I wouldn't even be watching wrestling, lol. So my knowledge would be nothing far as if there are one or two movies that are going to show, probably. I only know because of the heavy ads specifically during wrestling (I guess they think WE meet the criteria of what they are targetting).
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[QUOTE=djthefunkchris;223839]I hardly watch TV, outside of wrestling and maybe a couple of movies here and there.. Oh, and Smallville, but bassically that's it. If I didn't get hooked on this game, I wouldn't even be watching wrestling, lol. So my knowledge would be nothing far as if there are one or two movies that are going to show, probably. I only know because of the heavy ads specifically during wrestling (I guess they think WE meet the criteria of what they are targetting).[/QUOTE] If they had done more internet advertising, they would have done better. but alas, none.
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[QUOTE=djthefunkchris;223839]I hardly watch TV, outside of wrestling and maybe a couple of movies here and there.. Oh, and Smallville, but bassically that's it. If I didn't get hooked on this game, I wouldn't even be watching wrestling, lol. So my knowledge would be nothing far as if there are one or two movies that are going to show, probably. I only know because of the heavy ads specifically during wrestling (I guess they think WE meet the criteria of what they are targetting).[/QUOTE] you are missing out by not watching Heroes Chris, that show is awesome. If you like comic books you will love the mini plots involved, plus Claire Bennet is sooooo gorgeous i want to marry her - polygmy (SP?) is OK by me 'cos my dad is a mormon! :D Just kidding, although my old man is a mormon, guess that explains my massive amount of siblings!
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[QUOTE=panix04;223870] guess that explains my massive amount of siblings![/QUOTE] NO!! That beautifull wife of yours explains it!! [QUOTE]If you like comic books you will love the mini ploats involved[/QUOTE] I haven't bought a comicbook in over 20 years, about 26 years to be exact, lol. I do like the comicbook movies, and smallville is done up really neat and tidy. I don't know why I haven't seen Hero's yet... Is that the one where they are trying to be the next comicbook hero (or villain) with Stan Lee in it? IF not, then I don't even think I've heard of it outside of these forums, might not be available here in sunny florida, lol. NOTE: Although I haven't bought any comics, I've read literally hundreds, probably thousands of reviews and especially have looked up stats in other games and such, for helping me with the comicbook mod. My knowledge on them staggers me now, lol, I know more now then I ever even tried to know about them as a kid.... For example, the latest movie "Ghost Rider" has misrepresented the old school guy, who was always in white riding his horse (not a horse of flames either). Although known also as "ghost rider's", the previous versions were actually called "Phantom Rider's". Venom in the upcoming Spidey movie, is only one of like a dozen of those things to inhabit the earth... Fantastic Four's new movie with Silver Surfer has to be about Galactus (formerly, before the world as we know it, known as Gallen) coming to feed off earth... Sending in Silver Surfer ahead, as Silver Surfer should be his herald at this point. Victor Doom should end up the leader of a WHOLE country, etc.. IF they follow the comic script that is. Before working on the Sci/Fi mod, I didn't even really know who Venom was (found out he's about the most popular villain spidey has faced, and I always thought that would have to be Green Goblin, bah). Anyways, when is Hero on? What's it about, etc?
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*shrug* I liked Grindhouse. I liked The Reaping. I liked 300. I liked Are We Done Yet. I liked Shooter. I hated The Lookout. I'm going to love Pathfinder and Next and Slow Burn and RedLine. But then, I don't take movies too seriously. Sometimes they go crazy with the special effects but that's only to try to heighten a scene's impact (even when it doesn't need to be heightened). But it always makes me laugh when folks call certain movies 'flops'. In this day and age, few movies are ever truly flops (hi DVD income!). So it didn't do $150 million its opening weekend. But having been out a week, I think pulling the 'flop' card is just a wee bit premature. Critics panned "A Night at the Museum" and it's still chuggin' along, having rolled up almost $250 mil in the 5 months its been out. Imagine what it'll do on DVD.
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[QUOTE=djthefunkchris;223876]NO!! That beautifull wife of yours explains it!! I haven't bought a comicbook in over 20 years, about 26 years to be exact, lol. I do like the comicbook movies, and smallville is done up really neat and tidy. I don't know why I haven't seen Hero's yet... Is that the one where they are trying to be the next comicbook hero (or villain) with Stan Lee in it? IF not, then I don't even think I've heard of it outside of these forums, might not be available here in sunny florida, lol. NOTE: Although I haven't bought any comics, I've read literally hundreds, probably thousands of reviews and especially have looked up stats in other games and such, for helping me with the comicbook mod. My knowledge on them staggers me now, lol, I know more now then I ever even tried to know about them as a kid.... For example, the latest movie "Ghost Rider" has misrepresented the old school guy, who was always in white riding his horse (not a horse of flames either). Although known also as "ghost rider's", the previous versions were actually called "Phantom Rider's". Venom in the upcoming Spidey movie, is only one of like a dozen of those things to inhabit the earth... Fantastic Four's new movie with Silver Surfer has to be about Galactus (formerly, before the world as we know it, known as Gallen) coming to feed off earth... Sending in Silver Surfer ahead, as Silver Surfer should be his herald at this point. Victor Doom should end up the leader of a WHOLE country, etc.. IF they follow the comic script that is. Before working on the Sci/Fi mod, I didn't even really know who Venom was (found out he's about the most popular villain spidey has faced, and I always thought that would have to be Green Goblin, bah). Not true. There was a point in the 90's when Venom was popular but he's hardly the most popular villain Spidey's ever faced. In fact if you go to some comic boards you'll see there's a large portion of Spidey fans who can't stand Venom. Or the black costume since that led to Venom being introduced. The black costume I didn't mind, but Venom sucked.
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[QUOTE=gbasalmon;223823]That wasn't completely directed against you, just some of the things I've read in various threads in the Dog Pound lately. It seems like any time the subject of religion comes up, it is labeled as archaic or the solace of the stupid or uninformed. Quite frankly, that fact makes me sick.[/QUOTE] Agree to disagree? And sorry I took it as a personal shot. And Gonzo, cool name. Hunter S. Thompson is a hero, and I don't think he really killed himself.
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[QUOTE=MightyDavidson;224025]Not true. There was a point in the 90's when Venom was popular but he's hardly the most popular villain Spidey's ever faced. In fact if you go to some comic boards you'll see there's a large portion of Spidey fans who can't stand Venom. Or the black costume since that led to Venom being introduced. The black costume I didn't mind, but Venom sucked.[/QUOTE] Awww, quit hatin' on Eddie! :p I'd think the most popular Spidey villain would probably be Deadpool (amongst the current set) and Green Goblin (overall). Maybe Doctor Octopus due to the movie. Hate the costume all you want but Carnage was badass! FINALLY, a real superpowered serial killer. Crazy as a shocked loon too. :p
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[QUOTE=Remianen;224037]Awww, quit hatin' on Eddie! :p I'd think the most popular Spidey villain would probably be Deadpool (amongst the current set) and Green Goblin (overall). Maybe Doctor Octopus due to the movie. Hate the costume all you want but Carnage was badass! FINALLY, a real superpowered serial killer. Crazy as a shocked loon too. :p[/QUOTE] Deadpool is actually more of an X-Man villain, though they've turned him into more of an anti-hero in recent times. Still you're right about his personality, even if I myself am not terribly fond of him. As for Eddie, he ain't even Venom anymore so nyah. :p
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[QUOTE=MightyDavidson;224040]Deadpool is actually more of an X-Man villain, though they've turned him into more of an anti-hero in recent times. Still you're right about his personality, even if I myself am not terribly fond of him. As for Eddie, he ain't even Venom anymore so nyah. :p[/QUOTE] Yeah, it's actually Scorpian that's venom now, kind of whicked... Spidey, Venom, and Scorpian all rolled into one... Oh well, lol. I wasn't trying to spead for anyone, I was going by information I gathered on the net, probably was not correct, or they didn't do it thoughough enough. Fact is, I never knew about him at all till I started this venture, lol.
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[QUOTE=MightyDavidson;224040]Deadpool is actually more of an X-Man villain, though they've turned him into more of an anti-hero in recent times. Still you're right about his personality, even if I myself am not terribly fond of him.[/QUOTE] A link that's topical [i]and[/i] kinda-sorta a plug for my mod! [url]http://img141.imageshack.us/img141/5710/shoryuken5jh.jpg[/url]
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