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The (Re)Birth of a Phenom(inal) Deadman

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week 4, June 1984 -- Monday thru Wednesday [color=blue]Monday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News MLW[/b] - The Mighty Igor retained the NWA Canadian Heavyweight title by defeating Pampero Firpo [b]UWF[/b] - Genichiro Tenryu won the Universal International Heavyweight title by defeating Akira Maeda [b]PPW[/b] - Lars Anderson retained the Polynesian Pacific title by defeating Bobby Fulton [color=blue]Tuesday[/color] [b]WCCW - The Dallas Sportatorium Show Match: [color=red]Texas Red[/color], Ken Wayne and Akio Sato versus Steve DiSalvo and Brian Pillman[/b] The bell rings and the match opens with me and Steve DiSalvo. DiSalvo applies a hammerlock and hits me in the back of the head with a forearm. I slip from a hammerlock and gave him a backbreaker. He avoids a kick in the back and gives me a kick in the gut. I slip from a top wrist lock and irish whip DiSalvo. He avoids a clubbing blow and applies a side headlock then kicks me in the gut. DiSalvo irish whips me into a clothesline then I try to fight back but he counters a suplex with a kick in the gut and applies a hammerlock. DiSalvo hits me in the back of the head with a forearm and drives me into the turnbuckles after applying a hammerlock. I slip away and gave him a throat thrust then DiSalvo counters a clubbing blow with a punch and gives me a running body smash. I avoided a stomp and whipped him into my corner and tag Ken Wayne. Wayne gives DiSalvo a knife edge chop and a dropkick. DiSalvo breaks a hammerlock and tags Brian Pillman. Wayne slips from a hammerlock and dropkicks Pillman. Pillman breaks head scissors and irish whips Wayne but he avoids a clothesline. Pillman counters a running clothesline with a side headlock and irish whips Wayne and gouges his eyes. Pillman puts Wayne in a schoolboy roll up but Wayne kicks out at one. Pillman gives him a jab punch, a snap mare, and a legdrop before applying an arm bar. Wayne fights back and whips him into our corner and tags Akio Sato. Sato gives Pillman a knife edge chop then a judo sweep before applying a double hand wrist lock. Sato applies a head and straight arm lock and then puts Pillman in a bearhug and smashes his back against the turnbuckles. Pillman counters a forearm charge with a dropkick but is stopped from making a tag by Sato. Pillman avoids a dropkick towards his knee and applies an arm wringer before gouging his eyes and tagging DiSalvo. DiSalvo gives Sato a headbutt and applies a side headlock before tossing him into a corner. Sato slips away and irish whips DiSalvo into a snap kick and then gives him a european uppercut and drives his knee into a leg. DiSalvo breaks an arm wringer and headbutts Sato and applies a side headlock. Sato slips from a hammerlock and applies a russian legsweep and a double hand wrist lock. DiSalvo counters a double underhook suplex with a kick in the gut but Sato slips from a side headlock and applies a head vice and gives him a rolling wheel kick. Sato applies a head and straight arm lock but DiSalvo slips from a knee pull and tags Pillman. Pillman applies a front facelock and snap mares Sato then gives him a hamstring pull, a knee drop, and an elbow drop. Sato slips from an arm bar and whips Pillman into our corner and tags me in. Pillman counters a spear attempt with a dropkick and gives me a knee drop before applying an armbar. Pillman drops an elbow on me but I slip from an arm bar and gave him a hammerlock back bomb and then choke slammed him. Pillman kicks out of the pin attempt at the last second and counters an inverted piledriver attempt with an eye gouge. Pillman gives me a side headlock takedown but I slip from a single leg grapevine and whip him into our corner and tag in Ken Wayne. Pillman fights back and gives Wayne a side headlock takedown but Wayne slips from an arm bar and hits Flyin' Brian with a Thesz press and pins him. [b]Time: 12 minutes, Rating: C[/b] In the main event Michael Hayes won the WCCW Texas Heavyweight title by defeating David Von Erich. [b]Today's Wrestling News WWF[/b] - Jesse Ventura retained the WWF World Heavyweight title by defeating Sgt. Slaughter [b]WWC[/b] - Abdullah the Butcher retained the WWC Puerto Rican Heavyweight title by defeating Carlos Colon [b]CWA[/b] Otto Wanz retained the Southern Heavyweight title by defeating Ken Timbs [b]PNW[/b] - Ed Wiskowski won the PNW Heavyweight title by defeating Dan Severn [color=blue]Wednesday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News MACW[/b] - Wahoo McDaniel retained the Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight title by defeating Dusty Rhodes [b]AWA[/b] - The Crusher retained the AWA World Heavyweight title by defeating Dick the Bruiser [b]WWF[/b] - Masked Superstar won the WWF World Heavyweight title by defeating Jesse Ventura [b]GCW[/b] - Ronnie Garvin and Otto Wanz won the National Tag Team titles by defeating The Road Warriors [b]CMLL[/b] - Fishman retained the NWA World Middleweight title by defeating Perro Aguayo [b]NJPW[/b] - Antonio Inoki retained the NWF World Heavyweight title by defeating Seiji Sakaguchi [b]MSW[/b] - Junk Yard Dog retained the Mid-South Television title by defeating The Mighty Igor [b]CWF[/b] - Dory Funk, Jr retained the Florida Heavyweight title by defeating Kevin Sullivan [b]CStates[/b] - Harley Race retained the Central States Television title by defeating Killer Karl Kox [b]CSW[/b] - Mongolian Stomper retained the CSW North American Heavyweight title by defeating Davey Boy Smith
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Ronnie Garvin & Otto freaking Wanz?? That's hilarious! :) The Road Warriors better just retire in shame. The Crusher facing Dick the Bruiser is pretty darned cool - even though Bockwinkel lost that AWA title along the way. I'm sure that might be a lot of fun to put through an exhibition match, actually; Da Bruiser v. Da Crusher. Heh. Was also cool to see another chapter of the Freebirds v. Von Erichs war play out. You have to wonder what underhanded tactics P.S. Hayes took to unseat David.
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week 4, June 1984 -- Thursday thru Sunday [color=blue]Thursday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News SWCW[/b] - Bam Bam Bigelow won the Southwest Television title by defeating David Sammartino [b]SWCW[/b] - Dick Slater retained the Southwest Heavyweight title by defeating Phil Lafon [color=blue]Friday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News WCCW[/b] - Signed Bob Holly. Released Ken Timbs. [b]NJPW[/b] - El Solitario retained the WWF International title by defeating Dynamite Kid [b]JPUK[/b] - Johnny Saint retained the World Light Heavyweight title by defeating Chic Cullen [b]CStates[/b] - Harley Race retained the Central States Television title by defeating Riki Chosyu [b]SWCW[/b] - Allen Sarven won the Southwest Television title by defeating Bam Bam Bigelow [b]ASW[/b] - Moose Morowski retained the Canadian Heavyweight title by defeating Barry Darsow [color=blue]Saturday[/color] [b]WCCW - World Class Wrestling TV Show Match: [color=red]Texas Red[/color] versus Akio Sato[/b] The match begins and Akio Sato applies a side headlock but I slip from a front facelock and gave him a backbreaker, a kick in the back, and a clubbing blow. I then gave him a kick in the chest, a flying double axe handle, and a throat thrust before picking him up in a choke hold and throwing him to the mat. Sato avoided a mafia kick and applies a side headlock. I countered a top wrist lock with a punch and he countered a flap jack attempt with a dropkick and applies a rear chinlock. Sato gives me a single leg trip and I slip from a knee pull and gave him a bear hug and slammed his back against the turnbuckles. I speared him in the corner but Sato countered a press slam attempt with a back fist. I slip from a side headlock and gave Sato a hammerlock back bomb and twisted his head. Sato fights back and gives me a european uppercut and a side headlock takedown. I fight back but he reverses an irish whip and gives me a snap kick and a knee pull. I slip from a rear chinlock and gave him a backbreaker against the turnbuckles. Sato countered an inverted piledriver attempt with a back fist and then applied a front facelock, a side headlock, and a top wrist lock. He then put me in a hammerlock and drove me into a corner where he smashes my head against the turnbuckle. Sato applies a double hand wrist lock but I slip from a head and straight arm lock. Sato avoids a mafia kick and gives me a european uppercut. I prevent him from giving me a single leg trip but he breaks from my choke slam attempt. Sato takes me down with a side headlock and gives me a knee pull and an arm breaker. I get away before he could drive a knee into my leg and gave him a driving knee lift. Sato countered a spinning inverted piledriver attempt with a back fist but I slip from a side headlock and irish whip him. Sato avoids a lariat clothesline and I slip from a judo sweep and whip him into a corner. I then speared Sato and choke slammed him. I then covered and pinned Sato for the win. [b]Time: 11 minutes, Rating: C+[/b] [b]Today's Wrestling News GCW[/b] - Ole Anderson retained the National Television title by defeating Ronnie Garvin [b]CWA[/b] - The Fabulous Ones retained the Southern Tag Team titles by defeating Dutch Savage and Kung Fu [b]SWCW[/b] - Bam Bam Bigelow won the Southwest Television title by defeating Allen Sarven [b]SWCW[/b] - Dick Slater retained the Southwest Heavyweight title by defeating Jim Powers [color=blue]Sunday[/color] There were no title matches today.
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Monthly Progress Report - July 1, 1984 [color=red]Changes are in red[/color] [b]World Overness[/b] USA - 18 ([color=red]+1[/color]) Canada - 0 Mexico - 0 Japan - 0 UK - 0 [b]Skills/Attributes[/b] Spirit - 32 power - 76 technique - 40 ([color=red]+3[/color]) speed - 45 ([color=red]+3[/color]) psychology - 83 ([color=red]+5[/color]) stamina - 60 ([color=red]+1[/color]) toughness - 80 charisma - 91 ([color=red]+1[/color]) microphone - 28 ([color=red]+2[/color]) safety - 55 ([color=red]+2[/color]) looks - 92 respect - 16 ([color=red]+2[/color]) [b]Promotions & Match Records[/b] [color=blue]Pacific Northwest[/color] Disposition: Heel Upper Midcarder Won/Lost records: Singles: 18-3 Tag Teams: 10-0 [color=blue]World Class Championship Wrestling[/color] Disposition: Heel Lower Midcarder Won/Lost records: Singles: 9-2 Tag Teams: 6-1
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week 1, July 1984 -- Monday thru Wednesday [color=blue]Monday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News MLW[/b] - The Mighty Igor retained the NWA Canadian Heavyweight title by defeating Roger Kirby [b]UWF[/b] - Genichiro Tenryu retained the Universal International Heavyweight title by defeating Tatsumi Fujinami [b]UWA[/b] - Doug Somers retained the UWA World Lightweight title by defeating Ken Wayne [color=blue]Tuesday[/color] [b]WCCW - The Dallas Sportatorium Show Match: [color=red]Texas Red[/color] versus Frank Dusek[/b] The match begins with Dusek avoiding a throat thrust and gouging my eyes and giving me a forearm blow. I slip from a top wrist lock and gave him a backbreaker. Dusek avoids a kick in the back but I counter an eye gouge with a throat thrust and kicked him in the chest. I suplexed hi amd then gave him an arm wringer smash before irish whipping him. Dusek avoids a clubbing blow and applies a front facelock and gouges my eyes. He irish whips me into a forearm blow and a punch. Dusek gives me a flying double axe handle and a punch before raking me on the ropes and gouging my eyes. He punches me then I avoid a flying double axe handle and suplexed him and gave him a mafia kick. Dusek counters a choke hold with a punch and gives me a forearm blow before gouging my eyes. An eye gouge is sandwiched between punches then Dusek applies a top wrist lock and gives me an arm wringer smash. I block a punch but he gives me a forearm blow and gouges my eyes before applying a top wrist lock. I slip from an arm wringer and give Dusek a hammerlock back bomb but he reverses a whip into a corner and punches me ten times. I slip out of the corner and irish whip him into a lariat clothesline. Dusek kicks out of a pin attempt at the last second so I put him in an inverted piledriver and then pinned him. [b]Time: 10 minutes, Rating: C+[/b] In the main event Michael Hayes retained the WCCW Texas Heavyweight title by defeating Cyclone Negro. [b]Today's Wrestling News WWF[/b] - Masked Superstar retained the WWF World Heavyweight title by defeating Tito Santana [b]WWF[/b] - The Wild Samoans retained the WWF World Tag Team titles by defeating Ivan Putski and Chief Jay Strongbow [b]PNW[/b] - David Taylor retained the PNW Television title by defeating Ron Simmons [color=blue]Wednesday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News MACW[/b] - Terry Funk retained the NWA World Heavyweight title by defeating Ric Flair [b]AWA[/b] - The Crusher retained the AWA World Heavyweight title by defeating Wahoo McDaniel [b]WWF[/b] - Masked Superstar retained the WWF World Heavyweight title by defeating Dick Murdoch [b]WWF[/b] - Sika retained the WWF Intercontinental title by defeating Nikolai Volkoff [b]CMLL[/b] - Dr. Wagner won the NWA World Middleweight title by defeating Fishman [b]MSW[/b] - Junk Yard Dog retained the Mid-South Television title by defeating Dennis Condrey [b]UWA[/b] - Doug Somers retained the UWA World Lightweight title by defeating La Parka [b]PNW[/b] - David Taylor retained the PNW Television title by defeating Jim Powers [b]PNW[/b] - Ed Wiskowski retained the PNW Heavyweight title by defeating Dr. Tom Pritchard
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[QUOTE=D. Boon's Ghost]Ronnie Garvin & Otto freaking Wanz?? That's hilarious! :) The Road Warriors better just retire in shame. The Crusher facing Dick the Bruiser is pretty darned cool - even though Bockwinkel lost that AWA title along the way. I'm sure that might be a lot of fun to put through an exhibition match, actually; Da Bruiser v. Da Crusher. Heh. Was also cool to see another chapter of the Freebirds v. Von Erichs war play out. You have to wonder what underhanded tactics P.S. Hayes took to unseat David.[/QUOTE] Road Warrior Hawk must have forgotten his steroids during the week. I thought that David Von Erich would never lose given that Fritz owns WCCW, but Fritz isn't the head booker. He stepped down months ago.
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Would anyone like for me to include how any other wrestlers are doing in their matches? For example I could include a listing under the wrestling news of the results of matches, or movements, that pertain to D.Boon's fav, The Spoiler. This would not be a problem at all for me since I look at all of the match results in order to see title matches from other territories.
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[QUOTE=captainlou]Would anyone like for me to include how any other wrestlers are doing in their matches? For example I could include a listing under the wrestling news of the results of matches, or movements, that pertain to D.Boon's fav, The Spoiler. This would not be a problem at all for me since I look at all of the match results in order to see title matches from other territories.[/QUOTE] For your enjoyment I've decided to go ahead and keep track of the two wrestlers that are also journaled, Lyger and Sabu, and also Mr. Jardine, AKA The Spoiler for everyone to follow along. After I get back to work I will put down where each are located at this time and I'll continue to follow them from this point in time on. They will be noted in red print.
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The trio to finish our quartet [color=red]Jushin Lyger[/color] Currently Seen In: NJPW - New Japan Pro Wrestling SECW - Southeastern Championship Wrestling [b]Record[/b]: Overall: 11-42 NJPW: 3-33 SECW: 8-9 [color=red]Sabu[/color] Currently Seen In: CWA - Championship Wrestling Association [b]Record[/b]: Overall: 7-22 SECW: 4-16 (left promotion) CWA: 3-6 [color=red]The Spoiler[/color] Former National Heavyweight champion (GCW) Currently Seen In: GCW - Georgia Championship Wrestling [b]Record[/b]: Overall: 29-6
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[QUOTE=D. Boon's Ghost]Cool beans, on the Jardine. ;) It will be mighty interesting to see how the other diary wrestlers are charted. The three of you are the most active of the posters in this section; tying them together in this manner is a swell idea. One guy's star might be another's unemployed. :)[/QUOTE] Speaking of the unemployed, Dangerous Danny Spivey and Lex Luger are still unemployed.
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[QUOTE=XellenceOfXecution]Ouch! :eek: Who has young Keiichi Yamada been facing in New Japan to have such a poor record, I wonder? Go to Calgary! :D[/QUOTE] Yamada has yet to win a singles match in New Japan. He is 0-14 in singles matches. Lost to The Cobra twice. Lost to Kantaro Hoshino, Kazuo Yamazaki, Black Cat, Jim Duggan, Kamala, Yoshiaki Fujiwara, Isamu Teranishi, Tiger Chung Lee, Kendo Nagasaki, El Canek, Osamu Kido, and Hiroshi Hase. At SECW he is 5-6 in singles matches. Lost to Perry Saturn [color=red]Defeated Perry Saturn Defeated Perry Saturn[/color] Lost to Shane Douglas Lost to Shane Douglas [color=red]Defeated Tanc Tanc0ck Defeated Perry Saturn[/color] Lost to Tanc Tanc0ck [color=red]Defeated Angel of Death[/color] Lost to Doug Furnas Lost to Doug Furnas
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week 2, July 1984 -- Monday thru Wednesday [color=blue]Monday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News MLW[/b] - The Mighty Igor retained the NWA Canadian Heavyweight title by defeating Rick Martel [b]CWA[/b] - [color=red]Brian Knobbs & La Parka defeated Randy Mulkey and Sabu[/color] [b]UWF[/b] - Genichiro Tenryu retained the Universal International Heavyweight title by defeating Akira Maeda [b]UWA[/b] - Doug Somers retained the UWA World Lightweight title by defeating Atlantis [b]PPW[/b] - Rocky Johnson won the Polynesian Pacific title by defeating Lars Anderson [color=blue]Tuesday[/color] [b]WCCW - The Dallas Sportatorium Show Match: [color=red]Texas Red[/color], Fumihiro Nikura & Akio Sato versus Brian Pillman, Chris Youngblood & Randy Mulkey - Elimination Rules[/b] The match begins with me in the ring against Brian Pillman. Brian gouges my eyes then punches me before applying a front facelock and snap maring me. I slip from an arm bar and gave him a backbreaker and a kick in the back. I then suplex Brian but he avoids a mafia kick. Brian hits me with a flying standing knee and applies an arm bar before tagging Randy Mulkey. Randy applies a rear chinlock. I fought back and gave him a clubbing blow and kicked him in the chest. I gave him an arm wringer smash and Randy countered a bear hug with a dropkick. I slipped from an arm bar and gave him a hammerlock back bomb. Randy slips from a head twist and irish whips me into a jab punch and a punch before tagging Chris Youngblood. I slip from a side headlock and whip him into a corner. Chris stops me from tagging and applies a side headlock. I slip from a top wrist lock and gave him a backbreaker then tagged Fumihiro Nikura. Nikura gives Chris a european uppercut and a drop kick before giving him a double underhook suplex. Chris breaks a roll up attempt and applies a side headlock and takes Nikura down and applies a knee bar. Chris tags Pillman and Brian gives Nikura an elbow drop and irish whips him into a punch. Brian irish whips Nikura but he avoids a punch and dropkicks Brian. Nikura drives a knee into a leg but Brian avoids a dropkick and goes to the second rope turnbuckle and dropkicks Nikura. Brian gives Nikura a hamstring pull and an elbow drop before landing a jab punch then going to the second rope turnbuckle and dropkicking him. Brian gives Nikura a hamstring pull, an elbow drop, an eye gouge, and a rope rake. Brian then gives Nikura a knife edge chop and applies a front facelock. Nikura avoids a job punch and tags Akio Sato. Sato puts Pillman in a bearhug and smashes him into the turnbuckles and then hits him in the corner with a forearm. Brian counters a powerbomb with a punch and applies a side headlock and a front facelock before gouging his eyes and tagging Youngblood. Chris applies a front facelock then Sato slips from a side headlock and gives him a judo sweep and a rolling wheel kick. Sato applies a head and straight arm lock and a front facelock before irish whipping Chris and knocking the ref out. Chris avoids a rolling wheel kick and slaps Sato in the chest and gives him a tomahawk chop. Sato slips from a front facelock and gives Chris an arm wringer/back kick combo, a knee pull, and a snap kick. Chris reverses an irish whip and tags Mulkey, who clotheslines Sato. The ref recovers as Randy dropkicks Sato. Sato slips from an arm bar and whips Mulkey into our corner and tags me in. Mulkey counters a spear attempt with a dropkick but I fight back and choke him and twisted his head. Mulkey fights back and punches me then I slip from a side headlock and gave him a double backbreaker. Mulkey counters a choke slam attempt with a punch then I avoid another punch and irish whip him. Mulkey avoids a lariat clothesline and applies a side headlock and gives me a jab punch and a european uppercut. Mulkey tags Pillman and he irish whips me and gouges my eyes and applies a side headlock. Pillman gouges my eyes twice and applies a front facelock before giving me a drop toe hold and a knee drop. Pillman gives me a hamstring pull then I slip from a single leg grapevine and whip him into our corner and tag Nikura. Pillman breaks a suplex attempt and gouges his eyes. Nikura avoids a jab punch and gives him an enziguri kick and puts him in a double leg bridging roll up. Pillman kicks out at the last second and Nikura nails a leaping DDT but Pillman again kicks out of a pin attempt at the last second. Pillman avoids a running enziguri kick and covers Nikura but he only gets a two-count then tags Youngblood. Youngblood applies a front facelock but Nikura slips from an airplane spin and gives him a spinning inferno kick and puts him in a double leg bridging roll up. Youngblook kicks out at the last second and then breaks a DDT attempt. Nikura reverses an irish whip and knocks the ref out. Youngblood avoids a triple kick combo and gives Nikura a flying knife edge chop and a slap in the chest. Nikura avoids a tomahawk chop and irish whips Youngblood into a side spinning kick. Youngblood avoids a dropkick and gives Nikura a slap in the chest and a leaping tomahawk chop. The ref recovers and Youngblood gives Nikura an arm wringer smash and a piledriver. Nikura kicks out at the last second so Youngblood gives him another one and Nikura again kicks out at the last second. Nikura breaks a piledriver and whips Youngblood into the corner and tags Sato. Youngblood slips from a bodylock reverse sleeper hold but Sato avoids a back rake and gives him a headbutt. Youngblood breaks a judo sweep but Sato stops him from climbing the turnbuckles and gives him a back fist and a double underhook suplex. Sato applies a belly to belly wristlock but Youngblood doesn't submit. Youngblood then avoids a snap kick and applies a side headlock and tags Mulkey. Mulkey applies a side headlock and gives Sato a jab punch before irish whipping him. Sato avoids a dropkick and gives Mulkey a sustained suplex and applies the achilles tendon hold. Randy Mulkey submits. Pillman rushes in and avoids a back kick. Pillman gives Sato a palm thrust and gouges his eyes. Pillman gives Sato a knife edge chop and irish whips him into a pair of eye gouges and a punch. Pillman applies a side headlock and a snap mare before irish whipping Sato into a clothesline. Sato avoids an elbow drop and gives Pillman an arm breaker before applying a belly to belly wristlock. Brian Pillman submits and Youngblood rushes in. Sato gives him a rolling wheel kick and applies the achilles tendon hold but Chris does not submit. Sato gives Youngblood a side kick but he breaks a belly to belly wristlock and applies a top wrist lock. Sato reverses and irish whip and dropkicks Youngblood. He then applies another achilles tendon hold and Youngblood submits, ending the match. [b]Time: 23 minutes, Rating: C[/b] During the show Killer Tim Brooks retained the WCCW Television title by defeating Tiger Mask. [b]Today's Wrestling News WWC[/b] - Carlos Colon retained the Universal Heavyweight title by defeating Bob Sweetan [b]PNW[/b] - Ed Wiskowski retained the PNW Heavyweight title by defeating Scott McGee [b]SECW[/b] - [color=red]Bam Bam Bigelow defeated Jushin Lyger[/color] [b]SECW[/b] - Bob Armstrong retained the Southeastern Heavyweight title by defeating Gerry Morrow [color=blue]Wednesday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News AWA[/b] - Blackjack Lanza won the AWA World Heavyweight title by defeating The Crusher [b]WWF[/b] - Sika retained the WWF Intercontinental title by defeating Jimmy Snuka [b]GCW[/b] - Hostile Intent retained the National Tag Team titles by defeating The Road Warriors [b]CMLL[/b] - Dr. Wagner retained the NWA World Middleweight title by defeating El Gran Markus [b]NJPW[/b] - [color=red]Yoshiaki Fujiwara and El Canek defeated Stan Lane and Jushin Lyger[/color] [b]AJPW[/b] - Giant Baba retained the PWF Heavyweight title by defeating Umanosuke Ueda [b]CStates[/b] - Harley Race retained the Central States Television title by defeating Genichiro Tenryu [b]PNW[/b] - David Taylor retained the PNW Television title by defeating Jim Powers
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week 2, July 1984 -- Thursday thru Sunday [color=blue]Thursday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News SWCW[/b] - Dick Slater retained the Southwest Heavyweight title by defeating Bob Sweetan [b]CSW[/b] - Mongolian Stomper retained the CSW North American Heavyweight title by defeating Bob Della Serra [b]SECW[/b] - [color=red]Jushin Lyger defeated Angel of Death[/color] [color=blue]Friday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News WCCW[/b] - Released Les Thornton [b]NJPW[/b] - [color=red]Villano III defeated Jushin Lyger[/color] [b]NJPW[/b] - Team Pride retained the I.W.G.P. Tag Team titles by defeating El Solitario and Rusher Kimura [b]CStates[/b] - Harley Race retained the Central States Television title by defeating Mando Guerrero [color=blue]Saturday[/color] [b]WCCW - World Class Wrestling TV Show Match: [color=red]Texas Red[/color] versus Randy Mulkey[/b] The match begins and I give Mulkey a clubbing blow, a throat thrust, and a giant suplex then I kicked him in the back. I gave him a backbreaker then a hammerlock back bomb and twisted his head. Before I could sink my teeth into his forehead he gets away and snap mares me and gives me a knee drop. I slip from an arm bar and grabbed him in a bearhug and rammed his back into the turnbuckles. Mulkey jumps away from a spear attempt and punches me. He irish whips me but I avoid a dropkick. Mulkey countered my attempt to drop him on the top rope with a dropkick then he gave me an elbow drop. I slip from a rear chinlock and gave him a hammerlock shoulder breaker. I then choke slammed him and pinned him. [b]Time: 5 minutes, Rating: C[/b] [b]Today's Wrestling News MACW[/b] - Harley Race retained the United States Heavyweight title by defeating Manny Fernandez [b]GCW[/b] - Ole Anderson retained the National Heavyweight title by defeating Jumbo Tsuruta [b]CWA[/b] - [color=red]Samu defeated Michael Kirschner[/color] [b]CWA[/b] - Ken Timbs retained the AWA International title by defeating Giant Haystacks [b]SECW[/b] - [color=red]Shane Douglas and Jerry O defeated Doug Furnas and Jushin Lyger[/color] [b]ASW[/b] - Moose Morowski retained the Canadian Heavyweight title by defeating Al Tomko [color=blue]Sunday[/color] There were no title matches today.
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week 3, July 1984 -- Monday thru Wednesday [color=blue]Monday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News MLW[/b] - The Mighty Igor retained the NWA Canadian Heavyweight title by defeating Tony Parisi [b]UWF[/b] - Genichiro Tenryu retained the Universal International Heavyweight title by defeating Isamu Teranishi [b]UWA[/b] - Mil Mascaras retained the UWA World Middleweight title by defeating El Satanico [b]PPW[/b] - Rocky Johnson retained the Polynesian Pacific title by defeating Chris Carter [color=blue]Tuesday[/color] [b]WCCW - The Dallas Sportatorium Show Match: [color=red]Texas Red[/color] versus Steve DiSalvo[/b] The match begins and I irish whip DiSalvo into a clubbing blow. DiSalvo counters a suplex with a kick in the gut and applies an arm wringer and a side headlock. He punches me and applies a hammerlock before giving me a forearm in the back of the head and applying an arm wringer. I slip from a side headlock and give him a backbreaker and a kick in the back. I then give him an arm wringer smash and whip DiSalvo into a corner and rammed him repeatedly with my shoulder. I kicked him in the chest and DiSalvo fights back and applies a top wrist lock and an arm wringer before punching me. He hits me in the back of the head with a forearm and then irish whips me into a punch and a running clothesline. I slip from a knee pull and irish whip DiSalvo but he avoids a throat thrust and punches me. I slip from a side headlock and gave him a backbreaker and a mafia kick before twisting his head. DiSalvo countered a choke attempt with a side headlock and applies a hammerlock before giving me a forearm in the back of the head and a backbreaker. DiSalvo gives me a double stomp but I slip from a knee pull and gave him a hammerlock back bomb. DiSalvo avoids a flurry of elbows and I reverse an irish whip and choked him. I gave him a powerbomb and DiSalvo kicked out of a pin attempt at the last second. DiSalvo countered an inverted piledriver try with a kick in the gut and irish whips me into a clothesline. I slip away before he could drive a knee into my arm but he counters a backbreaker with a punch and punches me again. DiSalvo gives me a clubbing blow and applies a hammerlock before giving me a forearm in the back of the head and applying a hammerlock. I avoided a forearm and gave DiSalvo a flap jack. I then put him in a bearhug and smashed his back into the turnbuckles. DiSalvo counters a press slam attempts with a kick in the gut and he kicks me there again. I slip from a side headlock and gave him a double backbreaker but he counters my choke slam attempt with a punch. DiSalvo bodyslams me but I slip from a knee pull and gave him a driving knee lift. DiSalvo counters an inverted piledriver attempt with a punch and applies a hammerlock. I slip from a hammerlock and gave him a double backbreaker and a running powerslam. DiSalvo kicks out of the pin attempt at the last second and countered an inverted piledriver try with a punch. I slip from a hammerlock and irish whip him, knocking out the ref. I hit DiSalvo with a lariat clothesline and gave him a flurry of bionic elbows before picking him up by the neck and throwing him to the mat. DiSalvo counters a press slam attempt with a kick in the gut and gives me a backbreaker and an arm wringer smash. I counter a forearm with a kick in the gut and applied a bearhug before choking him. The ref comes to as DiSalvo counters a choke slam with a punch and whips me into a corner. DiSalvo charges into me with a forearm and gives me a hammerlock shoulder breaker. I break out of a bearhug and irish whip DiSalvo but he avoids a lariat. DiSalvo gives me a giant killer bodyslam and a gorilla press but I kick out of the pin attempt at the last second. I slip out of a bear hug but he counters a mafia kick with a kick in the gut. I stop DiSalvo from throwing me over the top rope and gave him a running powerslam. I then pinned DiSalvo. [b]Time: 21 minutes, Rating: B-[/b] [b]Today's Wrestling News WWF[/b] - Masked Superstar retained the WWF World Heavyweight title by defeating Sgt. Slaughter [b]CWF[/b] - Dory Funk, Jr retained the Florida Heavyweight title by defeating Kevin Sullivan [b]WWC[/b] - Carlos Colon retained the Universal Heavyweight title by defeating Medic #1 [b]CWA[/b] - [color=red]Skull Murphy, Kendall Windham and Sabu defeated Adam Yawrenko, Brian Pillman and Bob Della Serra[/color] [b]CWA[/b] - The Fabulous Ones retained the Southern Tag Team titles by defeating Giant Haystacks and Dutch Mantell [b]PNW[/b] - David Taylor retained the PNW Television title by defeating Tanc Tanc0ck [b]PNW[/b] - Ed Wiskowski retained the PNW Heavyweight title by defeating Jim Powers [b]SECW[/b] - [color=red]Barry Orton defeated Jushin Lyger[/color] [b]SECW[/b] - Bob Armstrong retained the Southeastern Heavyweight title by defeating Rick Patterson [color=blue]Wednesday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News WWF[/b] - Sika retained the WWF Intercontinental title by defeating Pedro Morales [b]GCW[/b] - Ole Anderson retained the National Television title by defeating Otto Wanz [b]NJPW[/b] - Antonio Inoki won the WWF International title by defeating El Solitario [b]CWF[/b] - Dory Funk, Jr retained the Florida Heavyweight title by defeating Pak Song [b]UWA[/b] - Mascara Sagrada won the UWA World Lightweight title by defeating Doug Somers
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week 3, July 1984 -- Thursday thru Sunday [color=blue]Thursday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News JPUK[/b] - Kwik-Kik Lee and Cowboy Bret Hart won the World of Sport Tag Team titles by defeating Heavy Duty [b]JPUK[/b] - Johnny Saint retained the World Light Heavyweight title by defeating Jackie Pallo [b]WWC[/b] - Carlos Colon retained the Universal Heavyweight title by defeating Bob Sweetan [b]SWCW[/b] - Dick Slater retained the Southwest Heavyweight title by defeating Gama Singh [b]CSW[/b] - Mongolian Stomper retained the CSW North American heavyweight title by defeating Owen Hart [b]SECW[/b] - [color=red]The Flame defeated Jushin Lyger[/color] [b]SECW[/b] - Bob Armstrong retained the Southeastern Heavyweight title by defeating John Nord [color=blue]Friday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News CWA[/b] - [color=red]Signed Jushin Lyger[/color] (This looks like the start of Lygermania) [b]WCCW[/b] - Released Barbarian and Tony Garea There were no title matches today. [color=blue]Saturday[/color] [b]WCCW - World Class Wrestling TV Show Match: [color=red]Texas Red[/color] versus Chris Youngblood - Cage Escape[/b] The match begins and I give Youngblood a throat thrust and a kick in the back followed by a clubbing blow. Youngblood avoided a kick in the chest and applies a side headlock and a front facelock. I slip from a hammerlock and give him a backbreaker and launch him into a cage wall. I then give Youngblood a mafia kick and then choke him and twist his head. I whipped Youngblood into a corner but he counters a spear attempt with a dropkick. I slip from a knee bar and launched Youngblood into a cage wall. Youngblood avoids a flurry of elbows and gives me a dropkick from a second rope turnbuckle then applies a knee bar. He then gives me a slap in the chest and a dropkick before applying a knee bar and a rear chinlock. Youngblood snap mares me but I slip from a knee bar and whip him into a corner. Youngblood counters a spear with a dropkick. I slip from a rear chinlock and give Youngblood a backbreaker against the turnbuckles. Youngblood breaks a choke slam attempt and gives me a dropkick from the second rope turnbuckle then applies a side headlock and gives me a kick in the gut. Youngblood applies a front facelock but I stop him from climbing the turnbuckles and give him a flap jack. Youngblood counters an inverted piledriver try with a slap in the chest and he takes me down with a side headlock. I slip from an arm wringer and irish whip Youngblood but he avoids a lariat clothesline and applies a side headlock. Youngblood gives me a tomahawk chop then I slip from a side headlock and give him a backbreaker and a suplex. He fights back and launches me into a cage wall and applies a rear chinlock. Youngblook kicks me in the gut and applies a front facelock before irish whipping me into a running dropkick. He then applies a knee bar and an inside toe hold before I avoid a dropkick and launch him into a cage wall. Youngblood fights back and gives me a dropkick and a tomahawk chop before applying an inside toe hold and giving me another tomahawk chop. I break an inside toe hold and choked him. Youngblood counters a choke slam attempt with a slap to the chest and gives me a flying knife edged chop. I slip from an arm wringer and give him a bearhug and smashing his back into the turnbuckles. Youngblood counters another choke slam try with a kick in the gut but then I counter his war dance flurry with a choke slam and climb up and over the cage for the win. [b]Time: 17 minutes, Rating: C+[/b] [b]Today's Wrestling News GCW[/b] - [color=red]The Spoiler defeated Ronnie Garvin[/color] [b]SECW[/b] - [color=red]Robert Fuller defeated Jushin Lyger[/color] [b]CWA[/b] - [color=red]Adam Yawrenko defeated Sabu[/color] [b]ASW[/b] - Tomko and Morowski retained the Canadian Heavyweight Tag Team titles by defeating Brickhouse Brown and Barry Darsow [color=blue]Sunday[/color] No title matches today.
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Great stuff, Cap! The one hilarious thing about Chief Jay Strongbow was that he would always start off by taking massive beatings. He'd then get the crowd all excited when he would start the War Dance, only to go back to taking more of a beating. :) Looks like Chris Youngblood is following in those footsteps. And Jardine is 'da man; 30-6 - and still climbing!
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Great Diary! Great match with Youngblood, That was well-written and it was A great read. I could only imagine the War Dance to turn into A Chokeslam! Poor Youngblood, Couldn't even finish his super War Dance. :( But yeah, This is great. Texas Red is the coolest. guy. ever. :) If you quit writing, I'll hunt you down, that's how much I like this! :D
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[QUOTE=Dwight Mighton]Great Diary! Great match with Youngblood, That was well-written and it was A great read. I could only imagine the War Dance to turn into A Chokeslam! Poor Youngblood, Couldn't even finish his super War Dance. :( But yeah, This is great. Texas Red is the coolest. guy. ever. :) If you quit writing, I'll hunt you down, that's how much I like this! :D[/QUOTE] It seemed like I could have ended the match in the first four minutes but the pesky Youngblood showed no quit in him. I was starting to get frustrated late in the match when I just couldn't put him away but Texas Red had had enough and just reached for him at the beginning of the war dance. If you are going to hunt me down and kill me you will have to take a number because I'm first in line. --------------------------------------------------------------------- D.Boon, as far as Chief Jay Strongbow is concerned, I never met an italian indian before until I met him. He was at Jack Witchie's arena almost every Friday in the ring when I used to go there with my dad and my two brothers. In fact, my youngest brother was taken to the locker room by the son of the owner and he got to meet Stan Staziak and Peter Maiva and got autographed pictures of them.
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week 4, July 1984 -- Monday thru Wednesday [color=blue]Monday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News MLW[/b] - Rick Martel won the NWA Canadian Heavyweight title by defeating The Mighty Igor [b]CWA[/b] - [color=red]Tracy Smothers defeated Sabu and La Parka[/color] [b]UWF[/b] - Terror Rising retained the Universal International Tag Team titles by defeating Isamu Teranishi and Skull Murphy [b]PPW[/b] - Rocky Johnson retained the Polynesian Pacific title by defeating Lars Anderson [color=blue]Tuesday[/color] [b]WCCW - The Dallas Sportatorium Show Match: Ken Mantell and [color=red]Texas Red[/color] versus Frank Dusek and Fumihiro Nikura - Table Elimination match[/b] The match begins with Ken Mantell in the ring against Frank Dusek. Dusek gouges Mantell's eyes and applies a front facelock. Dusek irish whips Mantell into a punch. Mantell avoids a rake on the ropes and gives Dusek a forearm blow. Dusek breaks an arm wringer and irish whips Mantell into an eye gouge and gives him a rope rake. Dusek gives Mantell a few stomps and kicks in the back to go along with a couple of elbow drops. Mantell avoids a stomp but Dusek counters a suplex with an eye gouge. Mantell reverses an irish whip and gives Dusek a headbutt and an elbow drop before applying head scissors. Mantell gives Dusek a knee drop and a bodyslam then applies head scissors. Dusek reverses a whip into a corner and gives Mantell ten punches and smashes his head into the turnbuckle. Dusek gouges Mantell's eyes and punches him before gouging his eyes again. Mantell avoids a forearm blow and tags me in. Dusek counters a clubbing blow with a forearm blow and then punches me. I avoid an eye gouge and give him a backbreaker and a mafia kick then put him in a bear hug and smash his back into the turnbuckles. Dusek avoids a spear attempt and tags in Fumihiro Nikura, who gives me a couple of knee pulls and a legdrop. I slip from a knee pull and give Nikura a backbreaker and a kick in the back before suplexing him. I kick him in the chest and give him a throat thrust and a clubbing blow. Nikura breaks a choke hold and applies a hammerlock. I slip from an arm wringer and put him in a bearhug and smash his back into the turnbuckles. I then choke him in the corner. Nikura breaks from a hammerlock and gives me a european uppercut then applies a hammerlock. Nikura gives me an arm wringer smash and a dropkick before driving a knee into my leg. He then gives me a jab punch and I slip from an arm wringer and whip him into our corner and tag Mantell. Mantell stomps on Nikura a few times in the corner then Nikura blocks a couple of holds and gives Mantell a spinning backhand blow and a knee pull. Nikura gives him a spinning backhand blow and a legdrop then he gives him a jab punch and applies an arm wringer. Nikura irish whips Mantell into a clothesline but Mantell slips from a back suplex and irish whips Nikura into a headbutt. Nikura counters a suplex with a dropkick and gives Mantell a knee pull before tagging Dusek. Dusek gives Mantell an elbow drop, a kick in the back, and a bionic elbow before Mantell avoids a stomp. Dusek reverses a whip into the corner and punches him ten times and rams his head into the turnbuckle. Dusek slams Mantell's face into the mat then Mantell avoids a kick in the back and tags me in. I give Dusek a spear in the corner but he counters a backbreaker with a punch. I slip from a hammerlock and throw Dusek over the top rope. I go outside and grab a chair but he catches me by surprise and counters a chair shot at his head with a punch and applies a top wrist lock. He gives me a forearm in the back of the head then grabs a weapon but I avoid the thumb jab in the throat and give him a flap jack. I slid a table into the ring. I gave Dusek a giant suplex and a press slam then rolled him into the ring. Dusek slips from a hammerlock and gives me a hammerlock blow and an arm wringer smash before irish whipping me into a forearm blow. I slip from a top wrist lock and tag Mantell. Dusek reverses a whip into the corner and smashes Mantell's head into the turnbuckle and gouges his eyes. Dusek applies a front facelock and gouges Mantell's eyes before applying another front facelock. Mantell reverses an irish whip and dropkicks Dusek in the knee. Mantell then gives Dusek a leaping piledriver through the table and he's eliminated. Nikura comes in and takes control as he breaks a suplex and gives Mantell a snap suplex then a series of knee drives into his leg and knee pulls with a few legdrops mixed in. Nikura then gives Mantell a few double leg bridging roll ups and then a legdrop. Mantell fights back and whips Nikura into the corner and tags me in. Nikura avoids a spear and gives me a spinning backhand blow then applies a hammerlock. Nikura then gives me a dropkick, drives a knee into my leg, a knee pull and applies an arm wringer. Nikura gives me an arm wringer smash and a pair of rolling wheel kicks. I slip from an arm wringer and give Nikura a hammerlock bomb then irish whipping him, knocking the ref out in the process. Nikura counters a lariat clothesline with a clothesline and gives me a legdrop and an arm wringer smash. He then gives me a flurry of forearms and a legdrop before putting me in a double leg bridging roll up. Nikura gives me a basement dropkick but I break a double leg bridging roll up and tag Mantell. Nikura counters a double underhook suplex try with a dropkick and gives Mantell a basement dropkick and another dropkick. Mantell breaks a double leg bridging roll up as the ref recovers and Nikura counters a double underhook suplex try with a dropkick. Mantell avoids a legdrop and applies an inside toe hold. Nikura blocks a couple of holds and gives Mantell a rolling wheel kick. Mantell avoids a basement dropkick but Nikura counters a punch with a bodyslam. Mantell breaks a double leg bridging roll up and applies the indian deathlock. Mantell then goes outside and slides a table into the ring. Nikura fights back but Mantell counters a double underhook suplex try with a kick in the gut. Mantell gives Nikura a gutwrench suplex and tags me in. I give Nikura a giant suplex then he blocks a couple of holds and gives me an enziguri kick. I slip from a DDT but Nikura counters a mafia kick with a dropkick. I avoid a enziguri kick and bite Nikura in the forehead. Nikura breaks a choke slam but I counter a running enziguri kick with a kick in the gut. Nikura reverses an irish whip but I avoid an enziguri kick. I irish whip Nikura but he avoids a lariat clothesline. I slip from an arm wringer and irish whip Nikura into a twisting powerslam. I then pick Nikura up and choke slam him through the table, ending the match. [b]Time: 36 minutes, Rating: C+[/b] [b]Today's Wrestling News AWA[/b] - Blackjack Lanza retained the AWA World Heavyweight title by defeating Bruiser Brody [b]CMLL[/b] - Super Pinocho retained the NWA World Lightweight title by defeating Villano III [b]WWC[/b] - Carlos Colon retained the Universal Heavyweight title by defeating Invader #3 [color=blue]Wednesday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News MACW[/b] - Harley Race retained the United States Heavyweight title by defeating Dory Funk, Jr [b]GCW[/b] - Hostile Intent retained the National Tag Team titles by defeating Ken Timbs and Ole Anderson [b]MSW[/b] - Junk Yard Dog retained the Mid-South Television title by defeating Eric Embry [b]AJPW[/b] - Giant Baba retained the PWF Heavyweight title by defeating Umanosuki Ueda [b]UWA[/b] - Dominance retained the UWA World Tag Team titles by defeating Mike Shaw and Sunny War Cloud [b]PNW[/b] - David Taylor retained the PNW Television title by defeating Norman Smiley
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week 4, July 1984 -- Thursday thru Sunday [color=blue]Thursday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News UWA[/b] - Mil Mascaras retained the UWA World Middleweight title by defeating Lanny Poffo [b]SWCW[/b] - Dick Slater retained the Southwest Heavyweight title by defeating Ed Moretti [b]PPW[/b] - Rocky Johnson retained the Polynesian Pacific title by defeating Lars Anderson [b]SECW[/b] - Bob Armstrong retained the Southeastern Heavyweight title by defeating Norvell Austin [b]SECW[/b] - [color=red]Brian Knobbs defeated Jushin Lyger[/color] [color=blue]Friday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News WCCW[/b] - Released Steve DiSalvo and Rick Martel [b]CStates[/b] - Harley Race retained the Central States Television title by defeating Mando Guerrero [b]CSW[/b] - Mongolian Stomper retained the CSW North American Heavyweight title by defeating Jose Luis Rivera [color=blue]Saturday[/color] [b]WCCW - World Class Wrestling TV Show Match: [color=red]Texas Red[/color] versus Gypsy Joe - Cage Escape[/b] I was training in the Pacific Northwest territory and the matches against Gypsy Joe were just plain brutal at times. The match begins and I give Joe a throat thrust. Joe slips from a backbreaker and applies an arm wringer then gives me a forearm blow. I slip from a top wrist lock and give him a backbreaker and a kick in the back before suplexing him. I kicked him in the chest and give him a clubbing blow then Joe reverses an irish whip and gives me a forearm blow. I slip from an arm drag and launch Joe into a cage wall. Joe slips from a backbreaker and applies an arm wringer before irish whipping me. I avoid a punch and give him an arm wringer smash before irish whipping him into a clubbing blow and a backbreaker. Joe counters a suplex try with a kick in the gut and I avoid a rope rake. I give Joe a throat thrust and a giant suplex then Joe reverses a launch and I go into a cage wall. Joe applies a rear chinlock then I fight back and give him a bearhug and smash his back into the turnbuckles. I give Joe a hammerlock back bomb but he avoids a mafia kick and punches me. Joe irish whips me but I avoid a punch and give him a flap jack then I bite his forehead. I choke him then Joe avoids an elbow and kicks me in the gut. Joe applies a top wrist lock and an arm wringer then I avoid a kick in the gut and irish whip him into a twisting powerslam. I whip him into a corner and speared him then Joe fights back and launches me into a cage wall. I return the favor by fighting back and launching him into a cage wall. Joe counters a press slam try with a punch and gives me a forearm blow. I avoid a rope rake but Joe counters a flap jack try with a forearm blow. I reverse a launch and Joe goes into a cage wall. I twist his head then Joe counters a choke slam try with a punch and he kicks me in the gut. Joe gives me a gutwrench suplex and I slip from a choke hold and give him a hammerlock back bomb. Joe counters an inverted piledriver try with a forearm blow and he punches me. Joe takes me down with a side headlock and chokes me. I slip from an arm bar and put him in a bear hug and smash his back into the turnbuckles. Joe reverses in the corner and gives me a knife edge chop. I slip from a stomp in the corner and give him a backbreaker onto the turnbuckles. Joe counters a running powerslam try with a forearm blow and launches me into a cage wall. I slip from a rear chinlock and give him a hammerlock shoulder breaker. Joe counters a choke slam try with a punch and launches me into a cage wall. I avoid a driving knee and choke slammed him. I started to climb a cage wall but Joe catches me at the top and brings me back. Joe launches me into a cage wall and gives me a bionic elbow and a double chop in the neck. Joe gives me a double knee lift and a flurry of punches before I slip from a step over arm bar try. I give Joe a double backbreaker but then he counters an inverted piledriver try with a punch. I break from a face crusher and give Joe a flap jack. Joe counters a spinning inverted piledriver try with a punch and then verbally abuses me and removes the cover from one of the turnbuckles. Joe irish whips me but I neutralize his move so he launches me into a cage wall and incites the crowd. Joe gives me a face crusher and starts climbing a cage wall but I am able to stop him at the top and bring him back. I drop him on the top rope and then give him a running powerslam. I then climb a cage wall and I go over and down for the victory. [b]Time: 22 minutes, Rating: B-[/b] [b]Today's Wrestling News MACW[/b] - Superstar Graham and Bob Orton, Jr won the Mid-Atlantic U.S. Tag Team titles by defeating the Scooby Gang [b]WWF[/b] - Masked Superstar retained the WWF World Heavyweight title by defeating George Steele [b]GCW[/b] - [color=red]Hostile Intent retained the National Tag Team titles by defeating Ken Timbs and The Spoiler[/color] [b]CStates[/b] - Harley Race retained the Central States Television title by defeating Ted Oates [b]UWF[/b] - Genichiro Tenryu retained the Universal International Heavyweight title by defeating Akira Maeda [b]SECW[/b] - Brad Armstrong won the Alabama Heavyweight title by defeating Atsushi Onita [color=blue]Sunday[/color] No title matches today.
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Mark's monthly progress report - August 1, 1984 [color=red]Changes are in red[/color] [b]World Overness[/b] USA - 20 ([color=red]+2[/color]) Canada - 0 Mexico - 0 Japan - 0 UK - 0 [b]Skills/Attributes[/b] Spirit - 34 ([color=red]+2[/color]) power - 76 technique - 43 ([color=red]+3[/color]) speed - 48 ([color=red]+3[/color]) psychology - 83 stamina - 60 toughness - 80 charisma - 91 microphone - 29 ([color=red]+1[/color]) safety - 57 ([color=red]+2[/color]) looks - 92 respect - 16 [b]Promotions & Match Records[/b] [color=blue]Pacific Northwest[/color] Disposition: Heel Upper Midcarder Won/Lost records: Singles: 18-3 Tag Teams: 10-0 [color=blue]World Class Championship Wrestling[/color] Disposition: Heel Lower Midcarder Won/Lost records: Singles: 15-2 Tag Teams: 9-1
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week 1, August 1984 -- Monday thru Wednesday [color=blue]Monday[/color] [b]Irving Texas Stadium Match: [color=red]Texas Red[/color], Bob Holly and Ken Wayne against Randy Rich and Gypsy Joe -- 3 vs. 2[/b] The bell rings and I am in the ring against Randy Rich. Rich slips a backbreaker and gives me a dropkick and a kick in the gut before irish whipping me into another kick in the gut. I slip from a top wrist lock and give Rich a backbreaker and a kick in the back before giving him a clubbing blow. I give him a suplex and a mafia kick then he counters a bear hug with a kick in the gut and tags Gypsy Joe. Joe gives me a forearm blow and a punch then gives me an arm drag. I avoid a kick in the gut and give Joe a throat thrust and a kick in the chest. I then give Joe a backbreaker, a kick in the back, and an airplane spin. Joe counters a suplex try with a punch and takes me down with a side headlock. Joe kicks me in the gut then applies a side headlock. He gives me a forearm blow and a punch before taking me down with a side headlock. I slip from a choke hold and whip Joe into my corner and tag Bob Holly. Joe slips away and gives Holly a forearm in the gut and applies an arm wringer. Joe irish whips Holly into a punch then Holly slips from a side headlock and gives Joe a hammerlock, drives him into a corner, and then clotheslines him. Joe breaks a kneeling jaw breaker and irish whips Holly. Holly avoids a kick in the gut and gives Joe a reverse fallaway slam and a measured knee drop. Joe breaks a piledriver and goes for a tag but Holly stops him and irish whips him into a shoulder tackle. Holly gives Joe a flurry of elbows and irish whips him. Holly tags Ken Wayne and Wayne gives Joe a running body press. Joe kicks out of a pin attempt at the last second then Wayne gives him a thesz press. Joe again kicks out a the last second and breaks a small package try. Joe punches Wayne and irish whips him into a kick in the gut. Wayne slips from a front facelock and gives Joe a thesz press but Joe ends up on top and gets a one-count. Joe irish whips Wayne and tags Rich, who gives Wayne a hip toss. Wayne reverses an irish whip and gives Rich a running clothesline and a shoulder breaker. Rich breaks a figure-four leglock and applies a side headlock before kicking Wayne in the gut. Wayne stops Rich from climbing the turnbuckles but Rich counters a discus punch with a punch. Rich punches Wayne and irish whips him into a kick in the gut and a jab punch. Wayne slips from a side headlock and whips Rich into our corner and tags me in. I spear Rich in the corner and then choke slam him. Rich kicks out of the pin attempt at the last second so I gave him an inverted piledriver and again Rich kicks out at the last second. Rich counters a running powerslam try with a punch. I avoid a dropkick and Rich counters a flap jack try with a punch. He goes for a tag but the ref doesn't see it. I put him in a bear hug and smash his back into the turnbuckles and then choke slam him. I then pinned him to end the match. [b]Time: 10 minutes, Rating: C+[/b] [b]Today's Wrestling News CWA[/b] - [color=red]Knobbs, Sabu, La Parka and Kendall Windham defeated Simmons, Smothers, Mighty Yawrenko and Jushin Lyger[/color] [b]UWF[/b] - Genichiro Tenryu retained the Universal International Heavyweight title by defeating Isamu Teranishi [color=blue]Tuesday[/color] [b]WCCW - The Dallas Sportatorium Show Match: Fred Ottman, [color=red]Texas Red[/color], and Ken Wayne against Randy Rich and Mike Von Erich -- 3 vs. 2[/b] The match begins with Fred Ottman in the ring against Randy Rich. Ottman gives Rich a forearm blow, a backbreaker, a kick in the chest, and a stomp. Ottman gives Rich an elbow drop and Rich avoids a mafia kick and applies a side headlock. Rich gives Ottman a knife edge chop then Ottman avoids an elbow drop and gives Rich a butt drop and a flurry of punches. Rich starts bleeding and Ottman gives him an elbow drop. Rich counters a shoulder breaker try with a punch and applies a top wrist lock. Rich gives Ottman a dropkick and tags Mike Von Erich. Ottman slips from an arm bar and gives Von Erich an arm wringer smash and a head butt. Ottman gives Von Erich a clubbing blow and a backbreaker before giving him a mafia kick. Ottman gives Von Erich a butt drop and follows that with the big splash and pins Von Erich to win the match. [b]Time: 3 minutes, Rating: D[/b] During the show Michael Hayes retained the WCCW Texas Heavyweight title by defeating Cyclone Negro [b]Today's Wrestling News WWC[/b] - Abdullah the Butcher retained the WWC Puerto Rican Heavyweight title by defeating Carlos Colon [b]PNW[/b] - Ed Wiskowski retained the PNW Heavyweight title by defeating Scott McGee [b]SECW[/b] - [color=red]Jushin Lyger and Atsushi Onita defeated Ed Moretti and La Parka[/color] [color=blue]Wednesday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News AWA[/b] - Nick Bockwinkle retained the AWA Television title by defeating The Crusher [b]GCW[/b] - Otto Wanz won the National Television title by defeating Ole Anderson [b]CMLL[/b] - Dr. Wagner retained the NWA World Middleweight title by defeating Perro Aguayo [b]NJPW[/b] - [color=red]Atsushi Onita defeated Jushin Lyger[/color] [b]NJPW[/b] - Antonio Inoki retained the NWF World Heavyweight title by defeating Don Muraco [b]MSW[/b] - Junk Yard Dog retained the Mid-South Television title by defeating Jos Leduc [b]AJPW[/b] - Giant Baba retained the PWF Heavyweight title by defeating Umanosuke Ueda [b]UWA[/b] - Mil Mascaras retained the UWA World Middleweight title by defeating Enrique Vera
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