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The (Re)Birth of a Phenom(inal) Deadman

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week 1, October 1984 -- Monday thru Wednesday [color=blue]Monday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News MLW[/b] - Rick Martel retained the NWA Canadian Heavyweight title by defeating Otto Wanz [b]CWA[/b] - [color=red]Shamrock, La Parka, Olsen and Huge defeated Smothers, Randy, Della Serra and Jushin Lyger[/color] [b]PPW[/b] - Lars Anderson retained the Polynesian Pacific title by defeating Porkchop Cash [color=blue]Tuesday[/color] [b]WCCW - The Dallas Sportatorium Show[/b] I am not scheduled to wrestle. During the card Kerry Von Erich won the WCCW Television title by defeating Killer Tim Brooks [b]Today's Wrestling News WWF[/b] - Jesse Ventura retained the WWF World Heavyweight title by defeating Paul Orndorff [b]WWF[/b] - The Iron Men retained the WWF World Tag Team titles by defeating Ivan Putski and Pedro Morales [b]PNW[/b] - Brian Pillman retained the PNW Heavyweight title by defeating Eddie Watts [b]SECW[/b] - [color=red]Bam Bam Bigelow and Robert Fuller defeated Jerry O and Jushin Lyger[/color] [b]SECW[/b] - Bob Armstrong retained the Alabama Heavyweight title by defeating Ed Moretti [color=blue]Wednesday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News MACW[/b] - [color=red]Legion of Death retained the Mid-Atlantic U.S. Tag Team titles by defeating Bob Backlund and Ted Dibiase[/color] [b]MACW[/b] - Terry Funk retained the NWA World Heavyweight title by defeating Roddy Piper [b]AWA[/b] - Billy Robinson retained the AWA Light Heavyweight title by defeating Jim Brunzell [b]AWA[/b] - Larry Hennig retained the AWA Television title by defeating Dick the Bruiser [b]AWA[/b] Wahoo McDaniel won the AWA World Heavyweight title by defeating Blackjack Lanza [b]GCW[/b] - [color=red]Hostile Intent retained the National Tag Team titles by defeating The Spoiler and Ole Anderson[/color] [b]NJPW[/b] - [color=red]Black Cat and Luke Williams defeated Tito Santana and Jushin Lyger[/color] [b]NJPW[/b] - Animal Hamaguchi retained the WWF Junior Heavyweight title by defeating Masanobu Fuchi [b]NJPW[/b] - Killer Kahn retained the NWF World Heavyweight title by defeating Seiji Sakaguchi [b]CWF[/b] - Dory Funk, Jr retained the CWF Television title by defeating Kevin Sullivan [b]CStates[/b] - Harley Race retained the Central States Heavyweight title by defeating Dr. Tom Prichard [b]CSW[/b] - Mongolian Stomper retained the CSW North American Heavyweight title by defeating Owen Hart
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week 1, October 1984 -- Thursday thru Sunday [color=blue]Thursday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News UWA[/b] - Dos Caras won the UWA World Lightweight title by defeating Enrique Vera [b]PPW[/b] - Lars Anderson retained the Polynesian Pacific title by defeating Man Mountain Mike [b]SECW[/b] - [color=red]Robert Fuller and Juan Rodriguez defeated Jushin Lyger and Paul Roma[/color] [color=blue]Friday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News CStates[/b] - Terry Funk retained the Central States Television title by defeating Bob Brown [color=blue]Saturday[/color] [b]WCCW - World Class Wrestling TV Show[/b] I am not scheduled to be on the show tonight. [b]Today's Wrestling News GCW[/b] - Ole Anderson retained the National Television title by defeating Otto Wanz [b]CWA[/b] - [color=red]Jushin Lyger defeated Charlie Fulton[/color] [b]SECW[/b] - Bob Armstrong retained the Southeastern Heavyweight title by defeating Gerry Morrow [b]ASW[/b] - Al Tomko retained the Canadian Heavyweight title by defeating One Man Gang [b]ASW[/b] - Team Chance retained the Canadian Heavyweight Tag Team titles by defeating Brickhouse Brown and David Sammartino [color=blue]Sunday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News WWF[/b] - Jesse Ventura retained the WWF World Heavyweight title by defeating Andre the Giant
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week 2, October 1984 -- Monday thru Wednesday [color=blue]Monday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News MLW[/b] - The Mercenaries retained the Canadian Open Tag Team titles by defeating Dynamite Kid and Luke Williams [b]CWA[/b] - [color=red]Hercules Ayala and Honky Tonk Man defeated Jushin Lyger and Dutch Savage[/color] [b]UWA[/b] - Dominance retained the UWA World TAg Team titles by defeating Don Running Bear and Sunny War Cloud [b]PNW[/b] - Lars Anderson retained the Polynesian Pacific title by defeating Joel Deaton [color=blue]Tuesday[/color] [b]WCCW - The Dallas Sportatorium Show Match: [color=red]Texas Red[/color], Ken Mantell and Fred Ottman versus Randy Mulkey and Frank Dusek - 3 vs. 2[/b] The match begins with me and Randy Mulkey in the ring. I give Mulkey a throat thrust and Mulkey avoids a kick in the back and punches me. Mulkey dropkicks me but I avoid an elbow drop and kick him in the chest. I climb the turnbuckles and give him a flying double axe handle. Mulkey counters a bearhug with a punch and then tags Frank Dusek. Dusek climbs the turnbuckles and gives me a flying double axe handle before giving me a forearm blow and a punch. He applies a top wrist lock then I reverse an irish whip, which knocks out the ref. Dusek avoids a clubbing blow and gives me a flying double axe handle. He gouges my eyes and punches me. I avoid another eye gouge and suplex Dusek. I kicked him in the back and gave him a throat thrust. I then give Dusek an arm wringer smash and an airplane spin. I whip Dusek into our corner and tag Ken Mantell. Mantell stomps on Dusek in our corner then applies an inside to hold. Dusek slips from a single leg boston crab and tags Mulkey. As the ref recovers, Mulkey gives Mantell a european uppercut. Mantell slips from a snap mare and gives Mulkey a dropkick and a knee drop. Mulkey avoids a kick in the gut and applies an arm wringer. Mulkey punches Mantell then Mantell reverses an irish whip and gives Mulkey a forearm blow. Mulkey slips from a backbreaker and irish whips Mantell into a jab punch then takes him down with a side headlock. Mantell fights back and gives Mulkey a double underhook suplex then applies head scissors. Mulkey avoids an elbow drop and applies an arm bar before punching Mantell. Mantell stops Mulkey from climbing the turnbuckles and gives him a hammerlock shoulder breaker and applies the spinning toe hold. Mulkey does not submit then Mantell whips him into our corner and tags Fred Ottman. Ottman gives Mulkey a mountain avalanche then covers Mulkey but he kicks out at the last second. Mulkey breaks a choke slam attempt then takes Ottman down with a snap mare. Mulkey gives Ottman a knee drop then applies an arm bar. Ottman slips from a rear chinlock and puts Mulkey in a sleeper hold but he does not submit. Ottman puts Mulkey in a bearhug and smashes his back against the turnbuckles. Mulkey avoids a mountain avalanche then covers Ottman but he only gets a one-count. Mulkey applies a side headlock then punches Ottman twice before Jean-Louis Cormier jumps up and distracts Mulkey. Ottman irish whips Mulkey and powerslams him. Mulkey avoids a big splash and covers Ottman but he gets a two-count. Mulkey tags Dusek and he gives Ottman a rope rake. Ottman avoids a stomp and whips Dusek into our corner then tags me in. Dusek avoids a spear and kicks me in the back. Dusek punches me then gouges my eyes. He gives me a forearm blow and applies a front facelock. Dusek punches me and applies a top wrist lock before I slip from a hammerlock, put him in a bearhug, and smash his back against the turnbuckles. Dusek avoids a mafia kick then punches me and gouges my eyes. Dusek applies a front facelock then gives me a forearm blow and an irish whip. He punches me and gouges my eyes before giving me a rope rake and another punch. I reverse an irish whip and tag in Mantell. Dusek slips from a side suplex and gives Mantell a forearm in the back of the head and an arm wringer smash. Dusek punches Mantell then Mantell slips from a front facelock and give Dusek a german suplex. Mantell gets a two-count then puts Dusek in the small package. Dusek kicks out at two the Mantell irish whips him into a running knee in the head. Mantell puts Dusek in the boston crab but he doesn't submit. Mantell then gives him a double arm DDT and Dusek kicks out of the pin attempt at the last second. Mantell then applies the head claw and Dusek finally submits. [b]Time: 13 minutes, Rating: C[/b] [b]Today's Wrestling News WWC[/b] - Hiroshi Hase won the WWC North American Heavyweight title by defeating Abdullah the Butcher [b]PNW[/b] - Brian Pillman retained the PNW Heavyweight title by defeating Dan Davis. [b]PNW[/b] - Charlie Fulton won the PNW Television title by defeating Pat Tanaka [b]SECW[/b] - [color=red]Ron Ritchie defeated Jushin Lyger[/color] [color=blue]Wednesday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News MACW[/b] - Dory Funk, Jr retained the Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight title by defeating Ric Flair [b]AWA[/b] - Wahoo McDaniel retained the AWA World Heavyweight title by defeating Larry Zbyszko [b]GCW[/b] - Cyclone Negro retained the National Heavyweight title by defeating Bobby Eaton [b]AJPW[/b] - Terry Funk retained the NWA International title by defeating Villano III [b]CStates[/b] - Harley Race retained the Central States Heavyweight title by defeating Dr. Tom Prichard [b]PNW[/b] - Charlie Fulton retained the PNW Television title by defeating Allen Sarven [b]PNW[/b] - John Nord won the PNW Heavyweight title by defeating Brian Pillman
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week 2, October 1984 -- Thursday thru Sunday [color=blue]Thursday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News SWCW[/b] - Ken Timbs retained the Southwest Television title by defeating Ed Moretti [b]CSW[/b] - Mongolian Stomper retained the CSW North American Heavyweight title by defeating Bret Hart [b]PPW[/b] - Lars Anderson retained the Polynesian Pacific title by defeating Gino Brito [b]SECW[/b] - [color=red]La Parka, Jimmy Golden and Rick Patterson defeated Juan Rodriguez, Norman Smiley and Jushin Lyger[/color] [color=blue]Friday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News JPUK[/b] - Team Edge retained the World of Sport Tag Team titles by defeating Scott McGee and Ben McCoy [b]JPUK[/b] - Jackie Pallo retained the World Light Heavyweight title by defeating Johnny Saint [color=blue]Saturday[/color] [b]WCCW - World Class Wrestling TV Show Match: Fumihiro Nikura, [color=red]Texas Red[/color] and Mike Von Erich versus Leo Burke and Ken Mantell -- 3 vs. 2[/b] The match begins with Fumihiro Nikura against Leo Burke. Burke applies a front facelock and gives Nikura a forearm blow and a dropkick. Burke then applies an arm bar and puts Nikura in a schoolboy roll up and gets a two-count. Burke applies a front facelock but Nikura stops him from climbing the turnbuckles and gives him a european uppercut and a dropkick. Burke slips from a knee pull and irish whips Nikura into a knee lift. Nikura avoids a knee drop and gives Burke a legdrop and a knee pull. Nikura then gives him a spinning backhand blow and irish whips Burke into a clothesline. Nikura drives a knee into Burke's leg then Burke avoids a dropkick and tags Mantell. Nikura slips from an arm drag and whips Mantell into a corner. Mantell stops Nikura from tagging. Nikura avoids a forearm blow and snap suplexes Mantell before tagging me in. I kick Mantell in the back then suplex him. I kick him in the chest and stomp on him. I give Mantell a backbreaker then climb the turnbuckles and give him a flying double axe handle. Mantell avoids a mafia kick and takes me down with a side headlock. Mantell gives me a series of kicks in the gut and applying side headlocks then applies a front facelock. I slip from an arm wringer and give him a hammerlock back bomb and twist his head. Mantell avoids a double stomp and tags Burke. Burke gives me a flying double axe handle and a knee drop. Then he takes me down with a pair of side headlocks and gives me an elbow drop each time. Burke applies an arm bar then I avoid a knee drop and kick him in the back. I whip Burke into the corner and tag in Von Erich. Burke counters a dropkick with a kick in the gut. Von Erich slips from a snap mare and gives Burke a running dropkick and a standing splash. Burke breaks a sunset flip and irish whips Von Erich into a knee lift. Von Erich slips from a side headlock and gives Burke a backslide and he kicks out at 2. Burke reverses an irish whip and punches Von Erich before applying a front facelock. Burke gives Von Erich a forearm blow. Von Erich slips from a side headlock and applies a hammerlock. Burke reverses an irish whip and gives Von Erich a headbutt. Von Erich avoids a knee drop and gives Burke a seated dropkick then a running dropkick. Von Erich climbs the turnbuckles and gives Burke a flying standing knee and irish whips him into a running body press. Burke kicks out at the last second then Von Erich puts him in the late inning small package and pins him. [b]Time: 10 minutes, Rating: D[/b] [b]Today's Wrestling News CStates[/b] - Team Hotrod retained the Central States Tag Team titles by defeating Genichiro Tenryu and Ted Oates [b]CWA[/b] - [color=red]Toshiaki Kawada defeated Jushin Lyger[/color] [b]SWCW[/b] - Dick Slater retained the Southwest Heavyweight title by defeating Jim Powers [b]SECW[/b] - Bob Armstrong retained the Southeastern Heavyweight title by defeating Atsushi Onita [color=blue]Sunday[/color] There were no title matches today.
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week 3, October 1984 -- Monday thru Wednesday [color=blue]Monday[/color] [b]WCCW - The Dallas Cotton Bowl Show Match: [color=red]Texas Red[/color] versus Randy Mulkey[/b] The match begins and I counter a european uppercut with a throat thrust and then give Mulkey a kick in the back. I give Mulkey a clubbing blow and irish whip him into a throat thrust then give him a backbreaker. I go up top and give Mulkey a flying double axe handle and then pick him up by the throat and throw him to the mat. I bit Mulkey's forehead and twisted his head before irish whipping him. Mulkey prevents me from giving him a twisting powerslam and applies a side headlock. Mulkey irish whips me into a european uppercut then I slip from a snap mare and give him a backbreaker onto the turnbuckles. Mulkey fights back and irish whips me into a dropkick and stomps on me. He applies an arm bar and stomps on me again. Mulkey punches me twice then I reverse an irish whip and give him a running double axe handle. Mulkey breaks a choke slam try and applies an arm wringer before punching me. Mulkey takes me down with a side headlock and gives me a knee drop before applying an arm bar. Mulkey irish whips me and punches me. I reverse an irish whip and start choking him. I give Mulkey a mafia kick but he counters an inverted piledriver try with a dropkick. I slip out of a rear chinlock and irish whip Mulkey but he avoids a lariat and gives me a flying double axe handle. Mulkey punches me and gives me a knee lift before irish whipping me. Mulkey dropkicks me and gives me a knee drop. I slip from an arm bar and whip Mulkey into a corner but he counters a spear with a dropkick. I avoid an elbow drop then he counters a press slam attempt with a punch and takes me down with a side headlock. Mulkey applies an arm bar and I avoid a stomp but he counters a flap jack with a dropkick. I avoid an elbow drop and give him a mafia kick. Mulkey counters a spinning inverted piledriver try with a punch then I counter a punch with a choke slam. I then pick Mulkey up and give him an inverted piledriver and pinned him for the victory. [b]Time: 14 minutes, Rating: C+[/b] Also on the card Kevin Von Erich retained the WCCW Television title by defeating Terry Gordy. [b]Today's Wrestling News CWA[/b] - [color=red]Toshiaki Kawada, Juan Rodriguez and Chavo Guerrero,Sr defeated Charlie Fulton, Oly Olsen and Jushin Lyger[/color] [b]PPW[/b] - Rocky Johnson won the Polynesian Pacific title by defeating Lars Anderson [color=blue]Tuesday[/color] [b]WCCW - The Dallas Sportatorium Show Match: [color=red]Texas Red[/color] versus Kendo Nagasaki[/b] The match begins and I give Nagasaki a clubbing blow then I am distracted by Sunshine, Nagasaki's manager. Nagasaki gives me a mongolian chop and two spinning back fists. I slip out of a choke hold and whip him into a corner but he slips out and applies an arm wringer. Nagasaki gives me a legsweep snap pinfall but I kick out at 1. He applies a front facelock and gives me a back kick before irish whipping me. I avoid a knife edge chop and suplex him. I kick him in the back then Nagasaki fights back and applies a front facelock before snap maring me. I slip out a trapezius nerve pinch and irish whip him. Sunshine distracts me again and this time the ref sends her back to the locker room. Nagasaki irish whips me and gives me a mongolian chop and a knife edge chop. I slip from a front facelock and give Nagasaki an arm wringer smash. Nagasaki slips from a backbreaker and gives me a spinning back fist and chokes me. I avoid an elbow drop and give Nagasaki a flying double axe handle and a backbreaker. I then mafia kicked him and give him a flap jack. Nagasaki gets away before I could bite him on the forehead and applies a front facelock. He gives me a legsweep snap pinfall and gets a two-count. Nagasaki gives me a judo sweep and chokes me then he kicks me in the chest and chokes me again. Nagasaki gives me an elbow drop and kicks me in the back before applying a rear chinlock and kicking me in the back again. A pair of elbow drops sandwiches a couple of kicks as Nagasaki is in complete control. Nagasaki gives me a pair of trapezius nerve pinches and follows both of them with kicks in the back. He chokes me and kicks me in the back before choking me again. Nagasaki applies an abdominal claw and gives me an elbow drop before re-applying an abdominal claw. He puts my leg on the second rope and stomps on my knee before applying an abdominal claw. Nagasaki applies an arm wringer and gives me a back kick. Nagasaki applies an abdominal claw then I avoid a drop kick and start choking him. I give Nagasaki a backbreaker against the turnbuckles then irish whip him. Nagasaki prevents me from giving him a twisting powerslam. I avoided getting hit by a green mist coming from his mouth but he breaks a hammerlock and irish whips me into a heart kick. Nagasaki then covers and pins me to end my winning streak at 19. [b]Time: 14 minutes, Rating: C+[/b] [b]Today's Wrestling News WWC[/b] - Hiroshi Hase retained the WWC North American Heavyweight title by defeating Black Bart [b]PNW[/b] - Charlie Fulton retained the PNW Television title by defeating Allen Sarven [b]SECW[/b] - Bob Armstrong retained the Southeastern Heavyweight title by defeating Brad Armstrong [color=blue]Wednesday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News MACW[/b] - Dory Funk, Jr retained the Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight title by defeating Jimmy Valiant [b]AWA[/b] - Larry Hennig retained the AWA Television title by defeating Blackjack Mulligan [b]WWF[/b] - Masked Superstar won the WWF Intercontinental title by defeating Tito Santana [b]GCW[/b] - [color=red]The Spoiler and Ole Anderson won the National Tag Team titles by defeating Hostile Intent[/color] [b]NJPW[/b] - [color=red]Villano III defeated Jushin Lyger[/color] [b]CStates[/b] - Terry Funk retained the Central States Television title by defeating Genichiro Tenryu
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week 3, October 1984 -- Thursday thru Sunday [color=blue]Thursday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News SWCW[/b] - Dick Slater retained the Southwest Heavyweight title by defeating Randy Rich [b]SECW[/b] - [color=red]The Stud Stable defeated Jushin Lyger and Mr. Olympia[/color] [color=blue]Friday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News CStates[/b] - Terry Funk retained the Central States Television title by defeating Ted Oates [b]CStates[/b] - Harley Race retained the Central States Heavyweight title by defeating Riki Chosyu [color=blue]Saturday[/color] [b]WCCW - World Class Wrestling TV Show[/b] I am not scheduled to be on the show and there were no title matches. [b]Today's Wrestling News MACW[/b] - [color=red]Ted Dibiase and Bob Backlund defeated The Assassin and Superstar Billy Graham[/color] [b]GCW[/b] - Ole Anderson retained the National Television title by defeating Otto Wanz [b]JPUK[/b] - Jackie Pallo retained the World Light Heavyweight title by defeating Johnny Saint [b]CStates[/b] - Harley Race retained the Central States Heavyweight title by defeating Genichiro Tenryu [b]CWA[/b] - [color=red]Phil Hickerson defeated Jushin Lyger[/color] [b]CWA[/b] - Ken Timbs retained the AWA International title by defeating Giant Haystacks [b]SECW[/b] - Bob Armstrong retained the Alabama Heavyweight title by defeating Rick Patterson [color=blue]Sunday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News WWC[/b] - Abdullah the Butcher retained the WWC Puerto Rican Heavyweight title by defeating The Mighty Igor
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The beating that Randy Mulkey took was a vicious one. Here's hoping Mulkey is an enhancement talent down there - because he sure made Texas Red look like a monster. Kendo Nagasaki, on the other hand... well, Sunshine must have slipped something into his face paint, as I've yet to see Calloway take such a pounding. I loved the ending to that match, actually. The failed Mist attack straight into a heart kick was a keeper. :) GO SPOILER!! As the puny Lyger and Sabu languish, Jardine racks up yet another title. ;)
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week 4, October 1984 -- Monday thru Wednesday [color=blue]Monday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News CWA[/b] - [color=red]Charlie Fulton, La Parka and Farmer Boy Ipo defeated Jushin Lyger and David Sammartino[/color] [b]UWA[/b] - Dos Caras retained the UWA World Lightweight title by defeating Enrique Vera [b]PPW[/b] - Rocky Johnson retained the Polynesian Pacific title by defeating Joel Deaton [color=blue]Tuesday[/color] [b]WCCW - The Dallas Sportatorium Show Match: [color=red]Texas Red[/color] versus Frank Dusek[/b] The match begins and I give Dusek a throat thrust and a suplex followed by a kick in the back. I irish whip Dusek and give him a clubbing blow and a backbreaker. I kicked him in the chest then he stopped me from climbing the turnbuckles and applies a top wrist lock. Dusek gouges my eyes then re-applies a top wrist lock. I countered a forearm in the back of my head with a throat thrust and give Dusek a mafia kick and a flying double axe handle. I go for Dusek's throat but he counters with an eye gouge. Dusek punches me then gouges my eyes again. Dusek punches me again then I counter an eye gouge with a punch. Dusek counters a bearhug with a punch then applies a front facelock. Dusek goes up top and gives me a flying double axe handle and a punch. I avoid a forearm and irish whip Dusek. I start choking him then he counters a backbreaker with a punch and applies a front facelock. Dusek hits me with a forearm and irish whips me. I avoid an eye gouge but he counters a flap jack with an eye gouge. Dusek gives me a forearm blow and gouges my eyes before applying a top wrist lock. Dusek irish whips me but I avoid a punch and give him a double backbreaker and a flurry of elbows. I choke slam Dusek then picked him up and gave him an inverted piledriver. I then covered him for the victory. [b]Time: 9 minutes, Rating: C[/b] [b]Today's Wrestling News CWA[/b] - [color=red]Charlie Fulton defeated Jushin Lyger[/color] [b]CWA[/b] - Ken Timbs retained the AWA International title by defeating Jerry Lawler [b]CWA[/b] - Austin Idol won the Southern Heavyweight title by defeating Otto Wanz [b]SECW[/b] - Bob Armstrong retained the Southeastern Heavyweight title by defeating Ron Ritchie [color=blue]Wednesday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News MACW[/b] - [color=red]Bob Backlund defeated Superstar Billy Graham[/color] [b]MACW[/b] - Dory Funk,Jr won the NWA World Heavyweight title by defeating Terry Funk [b]AWA[/b] - Larry Hennig retained the AWA Television title by defeating Blackjack Mulligan [b]WWF[/b] - Jesse Ventura retained the WWF World Heavyweight title by defeating Hulk Hogan [b]NJPW[/b] - Killer Kahn retained the NWF World Heavyweight title by defeating Seiji Sakaguchi [b]NJPW[/b] - Antonio Inoki retained the WWF International title by defeating Tatsumi Fujinami [b]CStates[/b] - Harley Race retained the Central States Heavyweight title by defeating Dr. Tom Prichard [b]PNW[/b] - John Nord retained the PNW Heavyweight title by defeating Eddie Watts
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[QUOTE=D. Boon's Ghost]The beating that Randy Mulkey took was a vicious one. Here's hoping Mulkey is an enhancement talent down there - because he sure made Texas Red look like a monster. Kendo Nagasaki, on the other hand... well, Sunshine must have slipped something into his face paint, as I've yet to see Calloway take such a pounding. I loved the ending to that match, actually. The failed Mist attack straight into a heart kick was a keeper. :) GO SPOILER!! As the puny Lyger and Sabu languish, Jardine racks up yet another title. ;)[/QUOTE] I'm beginning to like my finishing combo in using the choke slam to set up the inverted piledriver. The beating that Nagasaki gave me was the worst beating that I took since my debut in WCCW against Giant Haystacks in the steel cage. Poor Sabu has yet to be picked up by another territory and the "old guys" Jardine and Graham are still showing the kids how it's done.
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week 4, October 1984 -- Thursday thru Sunday [color=blue]Thursday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News CSW[/b] - Mongolian Stomper and Barry Darsow won the CSW International Tag Team titles by defeating Hart & Smith [b]PPW[/b] - Rocky Johnson retained the Polynesian Pacific title by defeating Kendall Windham [b]SECW[/b] - [color=red]Scott Armstrong defeated Jushin Lyger[/color] [b]SECW[/b] - Bob Armstrong retained the Southeastern Heavyweight title by defeating Brad Armstrong [color=blue]Friday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News WCCW[/b] - Signed Ken Lucas [b]SECW[/b] - [color=red]Released Jushin Lyger[/color] [b]MACW[/b] - Dory Funk,Jr retained the Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight title by defeating Ric Flair [b]AWA[/b] - Sgt. Slaughter won the AWA Television title by defeating Larry Hennig [b]JPUK[/b] - Bearcat Wright and Skull Murphy won the World of Sport Tag Team titles by defeating Team Edge [b]CStates[/b] - Team Hotrod retained the Central States Tag Team titles by defeating Ken Lucas and Ted Oates [color=blue]Saturday[/color] [b]WCCW - World Class Wrestling TV Show[/b] I am not scheduled to be on the show and there were no title matches. [b]Today's Wrestling News GCW[/b] - [color=red]The Spoiler defeated Dino Bravo[/color] [b]GCW[/b] - Ole Anderson won the National Heavyweight title by defeating Cyclone Negro [b]CStates[/b] - Terry Funk retained the Central States Television title by defeating Ted Oates [b]CWA[/b] - [color=red]Jushin Lyger, David, Della Serra and Smothers defeated Huge, Fulton, Ipo and Olsen[/color] [b]CWA[/b] - Ken Timbs retained the AWA International title by defeating Jerry Lawler [b]SECW[/b] - Bob Armstrong retained the Southeastern Heavyweight title by defeating Jimmy Golden [color=blue]Sunday[/color] There were no title matches today.
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Mark's Monthly Progress Report - November 1, 1984 [color=red]Changes are in red[/color] [b]World Overness[/b] USA - 28 Canada - 0 Mexico - 0 Japan - 0 UK - 0 [b]Skills/Attributes[/b] Spirit - 43 ([color=red]+2[/color]) power - 76 technique - 47 ([color=red]+1[/color]) speed - 51 ([color=red]+1[/color]) psychology - 83 stamina - 61 toughness - 81 charisma - 91 microphone - 29 safety - 59 looks - 92 respect - 17 [b]Promotions & Match Records[/b] [color=blue]Pacific Northwest[/color] Disposition: Heel Upper Midcarder Won/Lost records: Singles: 18-3 Tag Teams: 10-0 [color=blue]World Class Championship Wrestling[/color] Disposition: Heel Midcarder Won/Lost records: Singles: 25-3 Tag Teams: 16-1
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week 1, November 1984 -- Monday thru Wednesday [color=blue]Monday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News CWA[/b] - [color=red]Jushin Lyger, Toshiaki Kawada and La Parka defeated Oly Olsen, Ken Shamrock and Charlie Fulton[/color] [b]UWF[/b] - Genichiro Tenryu retained the Universal International Heavyweight title by defeating Yoshiaki Yatsu [b]PPW[/b] - Rocky Johnson retained the Polynesian Pacific title by defeating Lars Anderson [b]MLW[/b] - Fallen to small size. Frank Tunney stepped down as head booker. Maple Leaf All-Stars TV Show was cancelled. Jack Tunney has quit WWF, AWA and MACW to become head booker at MLW. [color=blue]Tuesday[/color] [b]WCCW - The Dallas Sportatorium Show Match: [color=red]Texas Red[/color] versus David Von Erich - One Fall Tables[/b] The match begins and Von Erich counters a throat thrust with a snap mare takedown and kicks me in the gut. I reverse an irish whip and give Von Erich a clubbing blow. Von Erich breaks an arm wringer and takes me down with a side headlock then applies a series of body and head scissors and mixing in elbow drops and hamstring pulls for the next minute or so. Von Erich dropkicks me after irish whipping me and gives me a hamstring pull. I break from head scissors and give Von Erich a suplex and a kick in the chest. Von Erich counters a flying double axe handle with a forearm in the gut then puts me in a schoolboy roll up before applying head scissors. I break from body scissors and give Von Erich an airplane spin but he slips from a backbreaker and gives me a forearm in the gut and a flying double axe handle. Von Erich applies body scissors and gives me a hamstring pull and an elbow drop. Von Erich applies body scissors and an inside toe hold then gives me an elbow drop. Von Erich applies body scissors and head scissors then gives me a single leg trip and applies body scissors. I avoid an elbow drop and go up top and give Von Erich a flying double axe handle and a suplex before kicking him in the back. Von Erich counters a clubbing blow with a side headlock takedown but I break from body scissors and whip him into a corner where I repeatedly ram him with my shoulder. I then give Von Erich a backbreaker and a mafia kick followed by a flap jack. I put Von Erich in a bearhug and smashed his back against the turnbuckles. Von Erich counters a spear with a dropkick then gives me a hamstring pull and applies an inside toe hold. Von Erich gives me a single leg trip but I avoid a kick in the gut and give him a hammerlock back bomb and twist his head. I give Von Erich a flurry of elbows then pick him up for an airplane spin and then threw him to the mat. Von Erich stops me from leaving the ring and irish whips me. He kicks me in the gut and applies a top wrist lock. I slip from a hammerlock and irish whip Von Erich but he avoids a lariat clothesline and gives me a bionic elbow and applies an inside toe hold. I break an abdominal claw and give Von Erich a flap jack before leaving the ring. Von Erich fights back and gives me a bionic elbow and a flurry of forearms. I fight back and smash Von Erich's head into a ringside table. I then picked up a steel chair but he counters my attempt to hit him in the head with a side headlock takedown. I stop Von Erich from climbing the turnbuckles but he counters a choke with a kick in the gut. Von Erich gives me an arm wringer smash and a dropkick on my knee before sliding a table into the ring. Von Erich hits me with rapid fire dropkicks but I slip from a spinning toe hold and hammerlock back bomb him into a steel chair. I rolled Von Erich into the ring then bodyslammed him through the table for the win. [b]Time: 20 minutes, Rating: C[/b] In the main event Kerry Von Erich won the WCCW Texas Heavyweight title by defeating Michael Hayes. [b]Today's Wrestling News WWF[/b] - Jesse Ventura retained the WWF World Heavyweight title by defeating Hulk Hogan [b]WWC[/b] - Moondog Rex won the WWC North American Heavyweight title by defeating Hiroshi Hase [b]WWC[/b] - Carlos Colon retained the Universal Heavyweight title by defeating Invader #3 [b]CWA[/b] - [color=red]Bob Della Serra and Phil Hickerson defeated Honky Tonk Man and Jushin Lyger[/color] [b]CWA[/b] - Jerry Lawler won the AWA International title by defeating Ken Timbs [b]PNW[/b] - Hell Bound retained the PNW Heavyweight Tag Team titles by defeating Ricardo Huge and One Man Gang [color=blue]Wednesday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News MACW[/b] - [color=red]Greg Valentine, Superstar Billy Graham and Wahoo McDaniel defeated Curtis Laukea, Bill Mulkey and The Great Kabuki[/color] [b]WWF[/b] - Masked Superstar retained the WWF Intercontinental title by defeating George Steele [b]GCW[/b] - Ole Anderson retained the National Heavyweight title by defeating Cyclone Negro [b]CMLL[/b] - Dr. Wagner retained the NWA World Middleweight title by defeating Enrique Vera [b]NJPW[/b] - Animal Hamaguchi retained the WWF Junior Heavyweight title by defeating Dynamite Kid [b]NJPW[/b] - Shiro Koshinaka won the WWF International title by defeating Antonio Inoki [b]CWF[/b] - Adrian Adonis won the CWF Television title by defeating Dory Funk, Jr [b]UWA[/b] - Dos Caras retained the UWA World Lightweight title by defeating El Satanico [b]PNW[/b] - Charlie Fulton retained the PNW Television title by defeating Brian Pillman [b]CSW[/b] - Team Greatness retained the CSW International Tag Team titles by defeating Owen Hart and Davey Boy Smith
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week 1, November 1984 -- Thursday thru Sunday [color=blue]Thursday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News JPUK[/b] - Alan Kilby retained the World Mid-Heavyweight title by defeating Kendo [b]UWA[/b] - Dos Caras retained the World Lightweight title by defeating Enrique Vera [b]PPW[/b] - Rocky Johnson retained the Polynesian Pacific title by defeating Fumihiro Nikura [color=blue]Friday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News WCCW[/b] - Signed Ken Shamrock [b]CWA[/b] - [color=red]Released Jushin Lyger[/color] (oh, well. so much for Lygermania in the US) There were no title matches today. [color=blue]Saturday[/color] [b]WCCW - World Class Wrestling TV Show Match: [color=red]Texas Red[/color] versus Michael Hayes[/b] Talk about hitting the big time! My jaw almost dropped to the floor, like in the cartoons, when I saw this. The match begins and I slip from an arm whip and give Hayes a backbreaker and a kick in the back. I then give him a clubbing blow and a suplex before kicking him in the chest. I climbed the turnbuckles and give him a flying double axe handle then irish whipped him into a throat thrust. Hayes breaks from an arm wringer and punches me twice. I slip from a side headlock and he slips from a backbreaker but I stop him before he started to strut in the ring. I give Hayes an airplane spin and then whipped him into a corner. He slips out and gives me an arm wringer smash and a knee lift. Hayes gives me a running clothesline but I slip from an arm bar and irish whip him into a clubbing blow and suplexed him. Hayes avoids a kick in the back and gives me a knee lift before applying a hammerlock. I slip from an arm wringer and give him a backbreaker and a mafia kick before going up top and landing a flying standing elbow smash. Hayes breaks from me twisting his head and applies a hammerlock before whipping me into a corner. Hayes applies an arm wringer and a side headlock then gives me a running clothesline. I avoid a knee drop and give him a flurry of punches. I go to pick him up by the throat and instead he punches me. Hayes gives me a knife edge chop and applies a front facelock before punching me. He gives me another knife edge chop and then gouges my eyes. I slip from a front facelock and give him a hammerlock back bomb and started choking him before I bit his forehead. (yuck! doesn't he use shampoo) Hayes fights back and applies a side headlock. He gouges my eyes then irish whips me before gouging my eyes again. Hayes punches and gives me a knife edge chop and I come back by slipping from an arm wringer and giving him a backbreaker onto the turnbuckles. Hayes fights back and punches me then gives me a running clothesline. I avoid a knee drop and give him a flap jack but he counters a choke slam try with an eye gouge. Hayes punches me and I counter an arm whip with a choke slam. Hayes kicks out of the pin attempt at the last second then counters a spinning inverted piledriver by gouging my eyes. I slip from a snap mare and give him a hammerlock shoulder breaker but he counters a choke slam try by again gouging my eyes. Hayes gouges my eyes again and applies a side headlock before punching me. He irish whips me into an eye gouge and gives me a knee lift. I slip away before he could drive a knee into my arm and irish whip him. Hayes ducks under the lariat clothesline and applies a front facelock before gouging my eyes. Hayes punches me and applies a side headlock before giving me an arm whip. I slip from an arm wringer but he counters a bearhug with a punch and snap mares me. Hayes gives me a knee drop and drives a knee into my arm then he posed for an elbow drop but I avoid it and start choking him. Hayes counters an inverted piledriver try by gouging my eyes and gives me an arm whip. I slip from an arm wringer but he counters a bearhug with a punch. Hayes gives me a roundhouse punch and an arm wringer smash before giving me another roundhouse punch. He poses then drops an elbow on me but I am able to stop him from taunting me. Hayes counters a running powerslam by gouging my eyes and gives me a short arm knee lift. Hayes irish whips me and rakes my eyes with a foreign object then taunts me. I stop him from trying to incite the crowd and choke slammed him. Hayes kicks out of the pin attempt at the last second then breaks another choke slam try. Hayes taunts me again then nails me with a double arm DDT and pins me. [b]Time: 22 minutes, Rating: C+[/b] [b]Today's Wrestling News MACW[/b] - [color=red]Greg Valentine and The Assassin defeated Superstar Billy Graham and Jerry Brisco[/color] [b]CStates[/b] - Terry Funk retained the Central States Television title by defeating Riki Chosyu [b]CStates[/b] - Harley Race retained the Central States Heavyweight title by defeating Genichiro Tenryu [b]SECW[/b] - Bob Armstrong retained the Southeastern Heavyweight title by defeating Norvell Austin [color=blue]Sunday[/color] There were no title matches today.
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While the fans didn't seem too impressed, I sure marked out when Texas Red flattened David VE in that tables match. Talk about a sure fire way to become a star in Texas! The P.S. Hayes match, though... ugh! I felt Calloway was going to pull out that win any second, but the leader of the Freebirds just kept wearing the Big Man down. That's o.k. - I'm sure you'll be seeing a lot more of those Freebird goons. :) Great diary, Cap. Thanks for the great reading!
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[QUOTE=D. Boon's Ghost]While the fans didn't seem too impressed, I sure marked out when Texas Red flattened David VE in that tables match. Talk about a sure fire way to become a star in Texas! The P.S. Hayes match, though... ugh! I felt Calloway was going to pull out that win any second, but the leader of the Freebirds just kept wearing the Big Man down. That's o.k. - I'm sure you'll be seeing a lot more of those Freebird goons. :) Great diary, Cap. Thanks for the great reading![/QUOTE] The fans would have probably liked it better if I could have choke slammed Von Erich through the table but I took the easy way out. I just couldn't put PS away but at least I'm getting matched up now with the main eventers and other top competition in World Class. Calloway hasn't even been in WCCW a year yet and he's getting matched against the top level talent. I've already seen the other Freebirds in tag action. Who knows, maybe Kevin and Kerry VE can't be too far behind in lining up to face the big masked man from Texas.
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week 2, November 1984 -- Monday thru Wednesday [color=blue]Monday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News CWA[/b] - Austin Idol retained the Southern Heavyweight title by defeating David Sammartino [color=blue]Tuesday[/color] [b]WCCW - The Dallas Sportatorium Show Match: [color=red]Texas Red[/color] and Leo Burke versus Randy Mulkey and Mike Von Erich[/b] I opened the match against Randy Mulkey. I gave Mulkey a clubbing blow then suplexed him. I kicked him in the back and give him a backbreaker. I twisted his head then irish whipped him and hit him with a running double axe handle. I then picked Mulkey up by the neck and threw him to the mat. Mulkey avoided a mafia kick and punched me. Mulkey applies a front facelock then I reverse an irish whip and started choking him. I then gave him a flurry of bionic elbows and choke slammed him. I picked up Mulkey and give him an inverted piledriver and pinned him for the easy win. (We must have been asked to keep it short for the title matches that followed us) [b]Time: 2 minutes, Rating: D[/b] Kevin Von Erich retained the WCCW Television title by defeating Buddy Roberts. Kerry Von Erich retained the WCCW Texas Heavyweight title by defeating Michael Hayes [b]Today's Wrestling News PNW[/b] - Charlie Fulton retained the PNW Television title by defeating Brian Pillman [b]SECW[/b] - Bob Armstrong retained the Alabama Heavyweight title by defeating Ron Ritchie [color=blue]Wednesday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News AWA[/b] - Sgt. Slaughter retained the AWA Television title by defeating Nick Bockwinkel [b]WWF[/b] - Masked Superstar retained the WWF Intercontinental title by defeating Sika [b]WWF[/b] - Andre the Giant won the WWF World Heavyweight title by defeating Jesse Ventura [b]NJPW[/b] - [color=red]Kamala and Butch Miller defeated Hector Guerrero and Jushin Lyger[/color] [b]NJPW[/b] - Killer Kahn retained the NWF World Heavyweight title by defeating Seiji Sakaguchi [b]PNW[/b] - Charlie Fulton retained the PNW Television title by defeating Allen Sarven [b]PPW[/b] - Rocky Johnson retained the Polynesian Pacific title by defeating Dan Severn
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Say, D.Boon. Since you love our diaries why don't you start one with your favorite wrestler, "The Spoiler" Don Jardine, one of the most famous masked wrestlers of all-time. I know that he was in his forties but at least you would have him for at least a few years I would think.
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[QUOTE=XellenceOfXecution]Sigh...when, oh when is Lyger going to win a match? They need to send him down to Mexico! ;) Great diary, captainlou! That Mulkey squash was hilarious to me! :D[/QUOTE] Thanks. I thought that Lyger was doing okay in CWA and SECW and never thought that he would be fired by both. Maybe Mexico might be the next stop for him. The fans didn't even get a chance to eat their hot dogs or sip their soda, or beer, before the match began and ended. Mulkey was just dumb enough not to go for a tag when he got loose from Texas Red's grip. BTW, I think that your's is great too, XOX!
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week 2, November 1984 -- Thursday thru Sunday [color=blue]Thursday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News SWCW[/b] - Ken Timbs retained the Southwest Television title by defeating Stan Frazier [b]PPW[/b] - Rocky Johnson retained the Polynesian Pacific title by defeating Dan Severn [b]SECW[/b] - Bob Armstrong retained the Southeastern Heavyweight title by defeating Jimmy Golden [color=blue]Friday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News GCW[/b] - [color=red]Ronnie Garvin defeated The Spoiler[/color] [b]NJPW[/b] - [color=red]Koji Kanemoto defeated Jushin Lyger[/color] [b]NJPW[/b] - Killer Kahn retained the NWF World Heavyweight title by defeating Kintaro Oki [b]CWF[/b] - Adrian Adonis retained the CWF Television title by defeating Jumbo Tsuruta [b]CWF[/b] - Dory Funk,Jr retained the Florida Heavyweight title by defeating Nikolai Volkoff [b]CStates[/b] - Terry Funk retained the Central States Television title by defeating Ted Oates [b]CSW[/b] - Team Greatness retained the CSW International Tag Team titles by defeating Chris Carter and Joe Lightfoot [color=blue]Saturday[/color] [b]WCCW - World Class Wrestling TV Show Match: Akio Sato, Ken Mantell and [color=red]Texas Red[/color] versus Michael Hayes, Buddy Roberts and Terry Gordy - WCCW Six Man Tag Team title[/b] The match begins with Akio Sato against Michael Hayes and Sato gives him a european uppercut. Hayes counters a back fist with a side headlock and punches Sato. Sato slips from a snap mare and applies a hammerlock. Hayes avoids a dropkick and gives Sato a flying double axe handle and gouges his eyes. Hayes gives Sato a knee lift and Sato slips from a hammerlock and gives Hayes a judo sweep and drives a knee into the leg. Sato applies a rear chinlock then Hayes reverses an irish whip and applies a front facelock before gouging his eyes. Sato slips from a suplex and gives Hayes a hammerlock drive, a knife edge chop, and smashes his head into the turnbuckle. Sato then takes Hayes down with a side headlock and applies a rear chinlock and a double hand wrist lock. Sato gives Hayes a fireman's carry and applies a hand and straight arm lock before giving him a knee pull and applying a hammerlock. Sato gives Hayes a judo sweep and irish whips him into a rolling wheel kick then goes to make a tag but Hayes stops him and applies an arm wringer. Hayes gives Sato a knee lift and a running clothesline before applying an arm bar. Sato avoids a knee drop and tags Ken Mantell, who applies an inside toe hold and a single leg boston crab. Hayes counters a double underhook suplex try with a punch and Mantell stops him from tagging out. Mantell gives Hayes a hammerlock shoulder breaker and applies a sleeper hold but Hayes does not submit. Mantell applies an abdominal stretch but Hayes breaks from a spinning toe hold and gives Mantell a knife edge chop and gouges his eyes before applying a front facelock. Hayes irish whips Mantell and tags Terry Gordy, who clotheslines Mantell. Mantell avoids a kick in the chest and gives Gordy a backbreaker. Gordy avoids a knee drop and kicks Mantell in the gut. Mantell slips from a hammerlock and irish whips Gordy into a dropkick. Gordy avoids an elbow drop and kicks Mantell in the chest. Mantell slips from a snap mare and irish whips Gordy before tagging me. I give Gordy a throat thrust and a backbreaker then he avoids a kick in the back and applies a side headlock. I avoid a mongolian chop and suplex him. I kick him in the chest then give him a backbreaker. Gordy avoids a flying double axe handle and takes me down with a snap mare and then tags Buddy Roberts. Roberts gives me a forearm in the gut, in the back of the head, then again in the gut. I slip from a hammerlock and irish whip Roberts into a clubbing blow and then suplexed him. Roberts avoids a kick in the back and applies a side headlock. I slip from a snap mare and whip Roberts into our corner and tag Sato, who irish whips him. Roberts avoids a european uppercut and irish whips Sato before clotheslining him. Sato breaks an arm bar and gives Roberts a back fist and a european uppercut. Roberts gets away before Sato can drive a knee into his leg and irish whips him into a punch and applies a front facelock. Roberts snap mares Sato and applies an arm bar. Sato slips from a side headlock and gives Roberts a judo sweep then applies a double hand wrist lock. Sato gives Roberts a fireman's carry and then applies a side headlock, a head and straight arm lock, and a hammerlock. Sato gives Roberts a judo sweep then irish whips him but he avoids a palm thrust and punches Sato. Roberts snap mares Sato and measures an elbow drop before tagging Gordy, who gives Sato an elbow drop and chokes him. Sato slips away before Gordy could drive a knee into his arm and tags Mantell. Mantell gives Gordy a gutwrench suplex and a knee drop before irish whipping him and giving him a backbreaker. Mantell applies a head scissors and an inside toe hold before giving Gordy a double underhook suplex and applying a single leg boston crab. Mantell puts Gordy in a small package but only gets a two-count. Mantell gives Gordy a hammerlock shoulder breaker and applies an inside toe hold but Gordy breaks from a spinning toe hold and applies a hammerlock. Gordy drives Mantell into his corner and tags Roberts, who smashes Mantell's head into the turnbuckle and applies an arm bar. Roberts kicks Mantell in the back then Mantell slips from a side headlock and irish whips him. Mantell is distracted by Hart and Roberts kicks him in the gut. Mantell slips from a side headlock and gives Roberts a mafia kick then irish whips him and dropkicks him in the knee. Mantell gives Roberts a double underhook suplex and applies an inside toe hold. Roberts gets loose and applies a front facelock before taking Mantell down with a side headlock and giving him a knee drop. Roberts snap mares Mantell and kicks him in the back before applying an arm bar and a front facelock. Roberts punches Mantell then Mantell slips from a top wrist lock and whips Roberts into our corner and tags me. Roberts avoids a spear and applies an arm bar before kicking me in the back. I slip from a side headlock and put Roberts in a bearhug before smashing his back into the turnbuckles. I start choking him in the corner then give him a backbreaker onto the turnbuckles. I give Roberts an inverted piledriver then covered him but he is able to kick out at the last second. I irish whip Roberts and the ref is knocked out. The lariat clothesline is on target then I give Roberts a mafia kick and he starts to bleed. Roberts fights back and tags Hayes, who gives me a knee lift. I slip from an arm bar and give Hayes a hammerlock back bomb. He avoids me from biting him in the forehead and applies a front facelock and a hammerlock. I slip from an arm wringer and whip Hayes into our corner and tag Sato. The ref recovers and Hayes counters a glittering magician with a running clothesline and punches Sato. Hayes gouges Sato's eyes and tags Gordy, who tosses him into a corner. Sato counters a choke with a dropkick then applies a belly to belly double arm bar. Gordy breaks from a suplex and snap mares Sato. Sato avoids an elbow drop and applies a head and straight arm lock then irish whips Gordy into a side spinning kick. Gordy breaks from a powerbomb and applies a side headlock before dropkicking Sato. Sato slips from a trapezius nerve pinch and applies a head vice. Gordy breaks from a russian legsweep and tags Hayes, who applies a front facelock and a hammerlock. Hayes snap mares Sato and gives him an arm whip and a back suplex. Sato avoids a knee drop but Hayes counters a suplex with an eye gouge and gives him a knee lift. Hayes applies a side headlock and gives Sato a short arm knee lift before irish whipping him and raking his eyes with a foreign object. Hayes poses and delivers an elbow drop but Sato prevents Hayes from taunting him and runs to tag Mantell. Hayes breaks from a piledriver and punches Mantell before giving him a flying double axe handle and a running clothesline. Hayes suplexes Mantell but he slips away and puts Hayes in a backslide. Hayes kicks out of the pin attempt at two then Mantell piledrives him and he starts to bleed. Mantell applies a spinning toe hold but Hayes does not submit then he breaks from a double arm DDT and tags Gordy. Gordy gives Mantell a japanese arm drag and starts choking him. Mantell avoids an elbow drop and whips Gordy into a corner and gives him a flurry of punches. Gordy slips from a spinning toe hold and applies a hammerlock and gives Mantell an arm wringer smash and applies a side headlock. Mantell breaks from a choke hold and gives Gordy a double underhook suplex. Gordy breaks from a leaping piledriver and gives Mantell a flying standing knee. Mantell slips from an arm bar and applies a head claw but Gordy does not submit. Mantell goes into his trunks and pulls out a set of brass knuckles but Gordy counters him by taking him down with a side headlock. Mantell slips from a second rope knee stomp and tags me in. Gordy breaks from a choke slam attempt and kicks me in the gut before dropkicking me and applying a side headlock. I break from a choke hold and give Gordy a flap jack but he counters my inverted piledriver attempt with a punch then punches me again. I slip from a side headlock and irish whip him but he avoids a lariat and applies a front facelock. I slip from a side headlock then Gordy counters a backbreaker with a kick in the gut and does it again. Gordy snap mares me then tags Hayes, who punches me and gives me a knee lift. Hayes applies a hammerlock and an arm wringer before giving me a flying double axe handle. I slip from a hammerlock and put Hayes in a bearhug before smashing his back into the turnbuckles. I then drag Hayes out of the corner and give him a spinning inverted piledriver. I stare down at him then pin him for the win. [color=red]Sato, Mantell and I are the NEW WCCW Six Man Tag Team champs![/color] [b]Time: 36 minutes, Rating: B-[/b] During the show Kerry Von Erich retained the WCCW Texas Heavyweight title by defeating his brother David Von Erich. [b]Today's Wrestling News MACW[/b] - [color=red]Greg Valentine, Iron Shiek, Superstar Graham and Bob Orton, Jr defeated The Great Kabuki, Angelo Mosca,Sr., Rufus R. Jones and Manny Fernandez[/color] [b]GCW[/b] - [color=red]The Spoiler defeated Bob Brown[/color] [b]GCW[/b] - Ole Anderson retained the National Television title by defeating Cyclone Negro [b]CStates[/b] - Terry Funk retained the Central States Television title by defeating Dr. Tom Prichard [b]SWCW[/b] - Ken Timbs retained the Southwest Television title by defeating Stan Frazier [b]SWCW[/b] - Dick Slater retained the Southwest Heavyweight title by defeating Sid Vicious [color=blue]Sunday[/color] There were no title matches today.
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week 3, November 1984 -- Monday thru Wednesday [color=blue]Monday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News UWF[/b] - Genichiro Tenryu retained the Universal International Heavyweight title by defeating Yoshiaki Yatso [b]MLW[/b] - The Mercenaries retained the Canadian Open Tag Team titles by defeating Roger Kirby and Andre the Giant [b]UWA[/b] - Mil Mascaras retained the UWA World Middleweight title by defeating Enrique Vera [b]PPW[/b] - Lars Anderson won the Polynesian Pacific title by defeating Rocky Johnson [color=blue]Tuesday[/color] [b]WCCW - The Dallas Sportatorium Show Match: [color=red]Texas Red[/color] versus Michael Hayes[/b] The match begins and I give Hayes a backbreaker, a kick in the back, and a suplex. Hayes avoids a flying double axe handle and applies a side headlock before giving me a flying double axe handle and a knee drop. He poses then gives me an elbow drop and punches me. Hayes snap mares me and gives me a knee drop. I get away before he can drive a knee into my arm and give him a backbreaker. Hayes fights back and applies a side headlock before punching me and giving me an arm whip. I slip from an arm wringer and irish whip Hayes into a clubbing blow but he avoids a kick in the chest and applies a front facelock. Hayes punches me and I slip from a side suplex and whip him into a corner. He slips away and struts across the ring. Hayes gouges my eyes then gives me a knife edge chop and punches me. Hayes snap mares me but I avoid an elbow drop and give him a kick in the back and then suplexed him. He stops me from climbing the turnbuckles and gives me two snap mares. I slip from an arm bar and give Hayes an arm wringer smash before picking him up by the neck and throwing him to the mat. I give Hayes a mafia kick and a flap jack before biting his forehead. Hayes counters a backbreaker with an eye gouge then punches me. Hayes irish whips me into a running clothesline then he punches me and gives me a knife edge chop. Hayes gives me a running clothesline and an elbow drop. Hayes punches me and tries to rake my eyes with a foreign object but I avoid it and give him a double backbreaker and whip him into a corner, where I choke him. I hit Hayes with a flurry of elbows then he counters an inverted piledriver try with a punch and gouges my eyes. Hayes gives me a knife edge chop and applies a side headlock before giving me a knee lift. I avoid a running clothesline and wrap Hayes in a bearhug before smashing his back into the turnbuckles. Hayes breaks a choke slam try and punches me. He then gives me a knife edge chop and punches me before applying a front facelock. Hayes gives me a knife edge chop and applies a hammerlock and an arm wringer before punching me. He gives me a knife edge chop and applies a front facelock before gouging my eyes. I slip from a side headlock and give him a hammerlock back bomb but he slips from a spinning inverted piledriver try and applies an arm wringer. Hayes gouges my eyes then gives me a knee lift, a punch, and a knife edge chap before applying a front facelock. Hayes punches me then irish whips me but I avoid getting my eyes gouged by a foreign object. I give Hayes a backbreaker against the turnbuckles and cover him but he kicks out at the last second. Hayes counters an inverted piledriver try with an eye gouge and struts across the ring. Hayes gives me a roundhouse punch and an arm wringer smash before giving me a short arm knee lift. I stop him from taunting me but he breaks a choke slam try and rakes my eyes with a foreign object. Hayes gives me a roundhouse punch and gets the crowd going before giving me a double arm DDT and pinning me. [b]Time: 24 minutes, Rating: C+ Today's Wrestling News AWA[/b] - Wahoo McDaniel retained the AWA World Heavyweight title by defeating Blackjack Mulligan [b]WWF[/b] - Andre the Giant retained the WWF World Heavyweight title by defeating Dick Murdoch [b]WWF[/b] - The Iron Men retained the WWF World Tag Team titles by defeating S.D. Jones and Tony Garea [b]WWC[/b] - Invader #1 won the Universal Heavyweight title by defeating Carlos Colon [color=blue]Wednesday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News MACW[/b] - Dory Funk, Jr retained the Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight title by defeating Ricky Steamboat [b]AWA[/b] - Sgt. Slaughter retained the AWA Television title by defeating Blackjack Lanza [b]WWF[/b] - Andre the Giant retained the WWF World Heavyweight title by defeating Jessy Ventura [b]NJPW[/b] - [color=red]Hiroshi Hase defeated Jushin Lyger[/color] [b]CStates[/b] - Terry Funk retained the Central States Television title by defeating Ken Lucas [b]CStates[/b] - Harley Race retained the Central States Heavyweight title by defeating Ted Oates [b]CSW[/b] - Mongolian Stomper retained the CSW North American Heavyweight title by defeating Owen Hart
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week 3, November 1984 -- Thursday thru Sunday [color=blue]Thursday[/color] [b]WCCW - Thanksgiving Star Wars[/b] I am not scheduled for the show so I wished everyone a happy Thanksgiving and spent the day with my parents. During the card Kerry Von Erich retained the WCCW Texas Heavyweight title by defeating Killer Tim Brooks [b]Today's Wrestling News MACW[/b] - Ricky Steamboat retained the United States Heavyweight title by defeating Wahoo McDaniel [b]MACW[/b] - [color=red]Superstar Graham defeated Dusty Rhodes[/color] [b]WWF[/b] - Masked Superstar retained the WWF Intercontinental title by defeating Adrian Adonis [b]UWA[/b] - Mil Mascaras retained the UWA World Middleweight title by defeating El Dandy [b]SWCW[/b] - Dick Slater retained the Southwest Heavyweight title by defeating Stan Frazier [color=blue]Friday[/color] I got a call from my agent saying that the Universal Wresting Association in Mexico requested a meeting with me. At the meeting UWA's owner, Francisco Flores offered me a 6-month, $25 PPA contract as an opener. Politely I told them that due to my classes, my schedule with WCCW, and my part-time job as a bouncer that I would have to decline the offer. [b]Today's Wrestling News CStates[/b] - Terry Funk retained the Central States Television title by defeating Killer Karl Kox [color=blue]Saturday[/color] [b]WCCW - World Class Wrestling TV Show[/b] I am not scheduled to be on the show and there were no title matches either. [b]Today's Wrestling News MACW[/b] - Dory Funk, Jr retained the Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight title by defeating Jay Youngblood [b]CStates[/b] - Harley Race retained the Central States Heavyweight title by defeating Ken Lucas [b]CWA[/b] - Jerry Lawler retained the AWA International title by defeating Steve Keirn [b]SWCW[/b] - Dick Slater retained the Southwest Heavyweight title by defeating Stan Frazier [b]SECW[/b] - Bob Armstrong retained the Alabama Heavyweight title by defeating Rick Patterson [color=blue]Sunday[/color] There were no title matches today.
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Your right. I would like to follow history as close as I can but if Vince wants the Undertaker or if JCP (Jim Crockett Promotions) or Ted Turner wants Mean Mark Callous in Mid-Atlantic earlier then so be it. Besides, I had to jump to World Class a month earlier due to financial reasons and it looks like I will have to go to Central States (which is my substitute for the independent CIW (Central Illinois Wrestling)) or to Mid-South (which covers the same territory as USWA) early as well because my bank account is running low.
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