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WWE - Draft Lottery 2007


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So, allegedly, there is going to be a 2007 draft lottery on the June 11th 3 hour RAW special. I have quite liked these in the past, but they didn't have one last year. They're probably doing it more for the fact that SD has been hit by injuries recently and are trying to balance the brands out a little. Could be very interesting. Obviously I'll pop like a little b*tch if Jericho comes back :D
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Wonderful. Just wonderful. I just get back to getting comfortable with the idea of watching Smackdown. Generally liking the mix of talent I've seen and getting interested in who they've been pushing lately. Now they feel they need to mix things up. If they louse up the current balance too badly I may head right back for the sidelines.
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[QUOTE=cappyboy;239955]Wonderful. Just wonderful. I just get back to getting comfortable with the idea of watching Smackdown. Generally liking the mix of talent I've seen and getting interested in who they've been pushing lately. Now they feel they need to mix things up. If they louse up the current balance too badly I may head right back for the sidelines.[/QUOTE] I really wouldn't get "too" worked up by this yet. It's more then likely done to "help" smackdown more then any of the other shows... Kind of thinking the Hardy's over to ECW would be cool myself... ECW being my favorite of the three now-a-days. The reason I don't think they did this last year, was, well, ECW!!! I mean, they had them pick out "X" amount from each roster, so to me that was the roster draw there... since they had the "core" of the roster already (Sabu, Sandman, etc.). I'm hoping for Mick Foley, Hardy's, and maybe even Mysterio getting put on ECW though... Any of the originals that are working in WWE right now are fair game far as I'm concerned... Not sure why they don't put Stevie on the Originals stable though. Smackdown/Raw/and ECW could all benefit just as much from this, in my opinion. The only people that aren't fair game (kafabe) are the one's with title's... SO I'm hoping for the Hardy's to lose those title's right away... So that I can pretend what I want is going to happen, lol. EDIT: I have a bad feeling about something though... I think Raw might be getting a new general manager, and the "Chairman" might just go to ECW for a year... I just don't know if I would like that, or love it? I doubt it, giving that they would want Vince on Raw, I imagine, but still.... They really did impact the ECW ratings and such quite a bit...
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[QUOTE=djthefunkchris;239979]EDIT: I have a bad feeling about something though... I think Raw might be getting a new general manager, and the "Chairman" might just go to ECW for a year... I just don't know if I would like that, or love it? I doubt it, giving that they would want Vince on Raw, I imagine, but still.... They really did impact the ECW ratings and such quite a bit...[/QUOTE] Saying that you've given me an idea, we could see Teddy long traded over to Raw, that being the method of getting Vicky Guerrero as the GM of SmackDown (I can' stand Vicky Guerrero, but since she's been rumored to be taking over the GM spot of SmackDown at least that way Teddy would get to stick around and Raw would get a GM). I really hope that alot of these trades aren't leaked onto the internet beforehand - I like going onto wrestling news sites, but if they spoil the Draft Lottery, which I enjoy due to the surprise factor, I'll be really annoyed. Not going onto any sites like that would be the obvious prevention, of course.
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[QUOTE=djthefunkchris;239979]I really wouldn't get "too" worked up by this yet. It's more then likely done to "help" smackdown more then any of the other shows... [/QUOTE] Not to worry. I'm not all in a lather just yet. But I can see where the potential is there for one to start. Hopefully they won't do anything too drastic. But considering the company being discussed, I wouldn't be surprised if drastic is what they think they need. It would be nice if I had more faith that their notion of "helping" Smackdown really would. But it's right back into wait and see mode.
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It's always exciting, but SD always, always gets screwed. And yet they also always make the most of it, bounce back and remain the better show. I guess the Batista/Cena switch was actually good for SD and bad for Raw, but things like Christian, Benoit, etc getting lost in the shuffle is sad. I wouldn't be surprised to see Rey or Booker drafted, and I think it's about time for that anyway.
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[QUOTE=Moe Hunter;240024]It's always exciting, but SD always, always gets screwed. And yet they also always make the most of it, bounce back and remain the better show. I guess the Batista/Cena switch was actually good for SD and bad for Raw, but things like Christian, Benoit, etc getting lost in the shuffle is sad. I wouldn't be surprised to see Rey or Booker drafted, and I think it's about time for that anyway.[/QUOTE] Yeah it certainly was great for Smackdown. They lost the most marketable main eventer in the WWE and replaced him with a guy who's popularity has dropped off the charts lately. The Smackdown ratings certainly back up you point...:)
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Hehe well okay from a business point it screwed them, but IMO it made it a better show. For me right now the SD/Raw split is the best it's ever been. Orton and Cena on Raw, but no HBK or Triple H. Edge, Benoit, Kane, MVP, Matt Hardy's singles career, etc all on SD. I have no pressing reason to watch Raw (as much as I love Mickie James and WGTT they're not 'featured').
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I see Smackdown as more of the "Maker" of stars, then "THE" Stars. Seems that way to me anyways.... MVP, Kennedy, etc... All things that could be really big one day, and almost ready to make the switch to the main show (I said main store first, I guess work's on my mind, lol)... "Raw". I think Teddy is ready for that switch as well... To go to Raw that is. They could get Krystal and a couple of the other girls there as well, that's been improving (LOL!!!). I would imagine the biggest gain is probably going to be for ECW... I mean.. Here is how I would do it. I would have ECW as my main "Beginner's" Types. The younger guys with the more over the top move's, and such could be made there, and Smackdown could be the one to establish them. Then Raw would be the one to really make them legendary (or more over, whatever). I don't know, that's just how I think I would do it.
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[QUOTE=Moe Hunter;240040]For me right now the SD/Raw split is the best it's ever been[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Moe Hunter;240040]I have no pressing reason to watch Raw[/QUOTE] Does that make the split good, or just more convinient for your favourite brand?
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Well I loved the draft lottery concept, although since most of the main and semi-main workers seem to appear on whatever brand they choose with no explanation these days, I can't say I'm particularly stoked about it right now. Moving the GM's around might be an option or sending someone to ECW to replace RVD if/when he leaves... or maybe they'll shift CM Punk to RAW and just weaken ECW further.
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I honestly DON'T think that they would intentionally "weaken" any of the brands on purpose... That's like saying, I'm going to spend all my money Monday, so I don't have any to spend on tuesday.... or the rest of the week for that matter. I think they will do what they must do to stay on top, ratings wise... I mean, the bottum line is it's about the shows. Raw has to be better then Smackdown, and Smackdown has to be better then ECW (Far as getting ratings), because it would be unnexceptible for RAW to be getting 2.0's, or Smackdown to be getting 1.0's...
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[QUOTE=Sensai of Mattitude;239987] I'll be really annoyed. Not going onto any sites like that would be the obvious prevention, of course.[/QUOTE] You may wanna dodge this site too. Some idiot is likely to go to one of these sites and post an "OMGAWD HBK IS GONNA BEE TADED TO SMACKDOWN!!!1ONE"
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[QUOTE=keefmoon;240044]Does that make the split good, or just more convinient for your favourite brand?[/QUOTE] The key phrase was "for me". Raw has been a substandard show for a long time with a few exceptions, and now with my two favourites (Edge and HBK) not on the show, it totally frees up that 2 hours for me. Honestly I don't think the WWE's problem is where people are, it's about the booking of Raw. ECW has been good through the whole Originals/New Breed/CM Punk feud, just a shame Extreme Expose and Snitsky still take up the time they do. Raw's seen as the big show because it's live, it's not on the weekend, and they always hype it to hell. Notice how there's always a Raw Rebound on SD even when it doesn't relate, but when was the last time they showed something from SD on Raw? Jericho back on Raw would be great in theory, but if they can't get over the whole "who's anyone but Cena?" mentality, he'll just be another one of those guys who's a good part of a bad show.
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I don't think your being fair though.... You have to work your product.. If Apple's are hot, you don't push Orange's, you push Apple's. If it goes vice versa, you go with the flow. The fans let you know, and overall... Cena's Hotter then anyone, so they have to push him to the moon... If Raw is as bad as what's being said, and Cena is the only thing on their drawing, then for Raw to be the one pulling the best ratings out of the three says something for Cena doesn't it? Not that I like this whole Khali thing... Something's working though. I dissagree with popular belief's I think. To me... The WWE DOES NOT make the stars, the Fans do. If you want X wrestler to be pushed, you buy his merchandise, you tune in when he's wrestling, you let the ratings show that his half hour was the hottest (people tuning in) and when he was done, people tuned off. Everyone I've seen come into WWE, or that was new to me anyways, got a push. Mark Henry was pushed, got reaction, he stays Uppermidcard. Carlito got a push, but he fell short of being Main Event status, He stays in the Upper Mid to Midcard. Matt and Jeff Hardy................Getting another push. Jimmy Yang, getting some push going. The New Breed, definately being pushed... CM PUNK, I Think is getting pushed to fast. Kennedy (same), MVP - Not fast enough for me, but Kennedy was first, so I can see the workings going on. To me, the way they do it makes scense. I never liked Nitro, and I thought he was getting pushed way beyond where I thought he should be, but most people here seemed upset he wasn't pushed harder... Heck, How long did he hold title's, and how long has he been there? Same thing with just about everyone mentioned... and for the most part, I see the older guys doing exactly what they are supposed to do. The older guys are definately getting the younger guys over, or trying to. Lashley is relatively new, he got his push.. which brings me to another point. I wonder how many complaints about Lashley their would be if he was like 200 pounds and skinny? How many complaints would happen if Cena's style was a Spot Monkey bit? How about Kennedy? Why would anyone complain that a guy that's been on the roster not even a year, hasn't been pushed properly, when he is obviously getting into the Main Event already? EDIT: By the way, I think tonights Raw is going to be good.
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Its the way of the net to bash the popular ones though. I was talking to a friend who explained it nicely to me: Yes I know HBK is a good worker and all that jazz but what does Joe Casualfan think is the more interesting match up? Cena v old man HBK? Or Cena v an actual monster like Khali? The non-netfan isn't looking for planchas and workrate they just want action and spectacle. As for the lottery, I welcome it. I missed it last year though dj make a good point about its exclusion then. With the rosters as thy are they could use the shake up to stop yet another PPV with the same matches. They need to get the belts off the Hardys though so V1 can head over to Smackdown to face Edge like he should have first time around. :) I wonder if this is where they get Lashley off ECW though? After all they seem to have been keeping him off it a lot lately...
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The rosters seem to need balancing out, but the last time the draft came around SD ended up being badly screwed over since three guys missed major time (Benoit, Orton, Batista) and two left the company entirely (Hassan and Christian). I'm sure it wasn't done on purpose but it did affect the roster and with BOTH brands looking rather thin atm I hope they achieve a better proportion this time around.
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Whew! Just finished unloading my car...my new home for the next 12 weeks in the grad dorms. At least the internet access is working like a charm. I think the draft lottery would excite me if the brand split was taken seriously. But with superstars showing up on each others shows all the time, championships being challenged for across brands, etc, etc, etc, I just don't take the "brand split" seriously. So what if HHH "officially" moves to Smackdown!? He'll probably wrestle on Raw on Monday's anyway for no reason whatsover. Or Lashley. Or whoever...sigh...I guess my mindset is that the way WWE currently treats the "brand split", why bother with a "draft" at all? Now to unpack...:(
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[QUOTE=Actarus;240138]Whew! Just finished unloading my car...my new home for the next 12 weeks in the grad dorms. At least the internet access is working like a charm. I think the draft lottery would excite me if the brand split was taken seriously. But with superstars showing up on each others shows all the time, championships being challenged for across brands, etc, etc, etc, I just don't take the "brand split" seriously. So what if HHH "officially" moves to Smackdown!? He'll probably wrestle on Raw on Monday's anyway for no reason whatsover. Or Lashley. Or whoever...sigh...I guess my mindset is that the way WWE currently treats the "brand split", why bother with a "draft" at all? Now to unpack...:([/QUOTE] The thing is... THat's not exactly or entirely correct... Yes, with the MITB you can go anywhere, but that was there before. The show's themselves have (not as much as people are saying though) match's with star's from other brands... but for 90% of the time, even when they are fighting, they are fighting people that are from the same brand... Examples... New breed Vs. Originals, Cena vs. Khali, Etc. If they are on a different show, they might team up with another feud going on, but there is something going with feuds on going in their respective brands.. And outside of Lashley, it really hasn't been that bad. McMahan going on ECW and Lashley going on Raw being the only one's really crossbranding lately, I really don't think that is "A total ignore" of the brand split. For PPV's, yes. However, I think this is a good thing. The PPV's can have alot of different feuds on them at once, and I would like to see PPV ratings improve. This is something I think can be done if they play it right. ECW guys are not fighting Smackdown guys, and Smackdown is not fighting RAW guys though. Tonight it's Cena and Lashley (Lashley is normal) vs. Khali, Umaga and Shane McMahan. I think that's about as bad as it gets though.
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[QUOTE=djthefunkchris;240164]The thing is... THat's not exactly or entirely correct... Yes, with the MITB you can go anywhere, but that was there before. The show's themselves have (not as much as people are saying though) match's with star's from other brands... but for 90% of the time, even when they are fighting, they are fighting people that are from the same brand... Examples... New breed Vs. Originals, Cena vs. Khali, Etc. If they are on a different show, they might team up with another feud going on, but there is something going with feuds on going in their respective brands.. And outside of Lashley, it really hasn't been that bad. McMahan going on ECW and Lashley going on Raw being the only one's really crossbranding lately, I really don't think that is "A total ignore" of the brand split. For PPV's, yes. However, I think this is a good thing. The PPV's can have alot of different feuds on them at once, and I would like to see PPV ratings improve. This is something I think can be done if they play it right. ECW guys are not fighting Smackdown guys, and Smackdown is not fighting RAW guys though. Tonight it's Cena and Lashley (Lashley is normal) vs. Khali, Umaga and Shane McMahan. I think that's about as bad as it gets though.[/QUOTE] DJ, I never said I was 100% entirely correct. I'm just sharing my opinion (don't we all?), and in my opinion, ever since the brand split started, there have been numerous times when it was ignored beyond MITB or RR winners. Heck, you just gave me an example for tonight! Lashley is basically the latest, but what about the Hardy's? I still haven't figured out if the tag titles they hold are Raw or Smackdown! titles. Or when Khali was taken out of the Punjabi prison match; he was replaced by ECW's Big Show, not a Smackdown! superstar. If one actually looked at the "brand split" historically speaking, I stand by what I say in that it's been ignored quite a bit. The best job they did of it was when it first started, then slowly but surely it degraded to a point where now superstars from separate brands appear on their "rival's" shows with enough regularity where some people (including me) ask "why bother with the brand split" (the answer is $$$). Let me say it this way: if WWE is trying to convince me that Raw, Smackdown!, and ECW are three separate, distinct entities competing against one another, I don't buy it. In a way, I consider the brand split to be one big storyline, so when I ask myself "Wait...isn't he on Raw...what's he doing there...does Teddy Long have a special deal..." etc, etc, etc. There were times when that happened that WWE attempted to cover their asses (when Chris Benoit won the RR, and challenged for the Raw brand World title, and Stone Cold explained the RR winner can challenge the champion of any brand, or when certain stars / divas were "traded"). Nowadays, they really don't bother. So when I ask "wait...isn't Lashley an ECW superstar...", and no explanation is given as to why he's on another brand, what else am I supposed to think? Personally, I like my storylines to make sense...wait, am I talking about WWE? :p When WWE, WCW & ECW were competing against one another, I bought it. Well, we all did, and for obvious reasons. I think we all understand that these brands are under the WWE umbrella, but so are the 30 NBA teams under the NBA, or 32 NFL teams under the NFL. I would love it if the Celtics could "share" Lebron James w/ the Cavs, but that just isn't going to happen. Now, with all this said, perhaps from a business perspective, WWE is doing the brand split "the right way." What do I know? I could be wrong, absolutely. Their stock is up, making me a little richer. :D Also, I'm not saying I don't enjoy watching WWE; they're what I grew up with after all. But let's not kid ourselves...let me ask you this: do you believe that Raw, Smackdown!, and ECW are three, separate, distinct brands competing against one another? Also (this just popped in my head), is it just me, or Raw - Smackdown! has more and more resembled the shows we'd see around 2000-2003, [B]before [/B]the brand split occured, in terms of storylines and what not? That's what it looks like to me, at the moment. SOOO, getting back to the topic at hand, because I suspect the brand split in the future will be ignored as much as it has been in the past, the upcoming "draft" just doesn't appeal to me. I remember the draft the first time around; I honestly found it exciting, the entire idea to be quite cool: Raw vs. Smackdown!, let's see which brand, and whose superstars are better. But now...why bother?
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I agree that Cena should be in the Main Event due to his legions of whoever it is on earth that buys his merchandise. BUT There are plenty of guys who got practically ruined by their feuds with him. Christian and Chris Jericho both were made to look very bad against him (and Carlito couldn't even win a match against him when Jericho was the ref and Bischoff was scheming along with them!), Kurt Angle and Triple H were both cheered above him wildly and only maintained their status because fans were seeing through it all. Muhammed Hassan had his undefeated streak ended with a horrible match where they both botched it to hell (which was also the dawn of the 'modified slam' which has replaced the old Killswitch). Edge took a hard shot and had to really put in the work with Foley to retain any credibility. And in mentioning Edge - you mentioned ratings earlier? When something's hot you stick with it, and you judge what's hot by how good the ratings are for someone's segment? Edge's first night of Championship had the highest ratings the WWE had seen in years. Three weeks later, what happens? Cena wins the championship back, just so Triple H who hasn't been so popular lately can steal the WM limelight. The fans decide who they like, but WWE can and will push anyone they want, anywhere they want. And Joe Casualfan will still tune in.
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[QUOTE=AfRoMaN36;240049]You may wanna dodge this site too. Some idiot is likely to go to one of these sites and post an "OMGAWD HBK IS GONNA BEE TADED TO SMACKDOWN!!!1ONE"[/QUOTE] That stuff pisses me off, I go to forums to download a ppv for example and some douche bag puts spoilers in the thread names. I also hate it when people post spoilers replying to threads without any consideration that people outside the US dont get to see Raw live, (then when I point this out nicely, they feel the need to give me negitive rep points :mad: )
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SEMI SPOILER (DIDN"T REALLY SAY NOTHING THOUGH) After tonights show, My thinking on crossbranding lost credibility anyways, lol. Although it was a "special" memmorial day show. Moe, I aggree to an extent, but.... Edge is a given, and he is the "future" of WWE. That's been said by Vince and Cena. He just has to stick it out, they have huge plans for him (I've read that more then once). Far as the "Rated R, Live Sex On TV" segment... Yes, your right. But the following week ratings went right back down, then the next week it was through. Went back up right after Cena won it too (that first night back), but then went down again. I'm talking on a more steady basis. They want Edge to have gold, title's, and all that stuff, and there is no doubt he will. I don't understand the hurry in these things. Triple H is a given, and will always be a draw. You don't need him with a title to keep him interesting. The gold is a plot point, and a gimmick to help build up people. Holding the title gives one credibility (especially if they keep it for any length of time). So they gain without "us" realising it, till maybe a couple years down the road when you notice he don't need it to get huge pops anymore. He gets them weather or not he has it... I loved the "Let's go Cena. Cena Sucks" Chant tonight, lol.. I would be like, MAKE UP YOUR DANG MIND< HATE ME OR LOVE ME!! JUST PICK ONE PLEASE!!
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