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Final Release: Easy Tournament

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[center][b]The Official Release of 5GG Easy Tournament 1.5[/b] 5GGET (formerly Easy Tournament/TEW Easy Tournament) is a program that allows the user to run a tournament consisting of upto 32 workers. Within 5GGET 1.5 there is two different Tournament rankings. The first is the generic 32 person tournament, with drops to 16, 8, and 4 being editable as well. There is also a 24 person tournament, allowing for drops to 12, and 6 being editable also. Please bare in mind, this is an unofficial, freeware program, so it's not endorsed by Adam Ryland, GDS, or anyone involved with TEW, it is also not associated with the EWR series. I am not making any money from it, so noone else should either. ---------------------- [U][B]Program Info[/B][/U] [u]32 Person Tournament[/u] Options for 32, 16, 8, and 4 participants. Chooses the winners of each match at random. Winner also selected at random. There is also a help file included. [u]24 Person Tournament[/u] Options for 24, 12, and 6 participants. 3 person final. Same as above. I believe it works on all Operating Systems, however it was made in Microsoft Visual Basic 6, and therefore may not work on a Mac PC. ---------------------- [B][U]Future Versions[/U][/B] This is the latest release of Easy Tournament, there is future versions planned, when they are to be released i do not know, but i plan on pushing upto 64 person, and maybe 128 person tournaments as well, but everything depends on timing, and popularity of the program. ---------------------- [U][B]Last Note[/B][/U] This game does not need TEW04, 05 or 07, EWR, or 5GWS to be running to work, it does not use any TEW/EWR/5GWS data files either, therefore, any workers selected as match winners will purely be random. The random generator is just numbers, so if you want it to be random through stats, the best way about it would be to use TEW/5GWS and not have the winner selected, if you do want a random (possible underdog) winner, then use this :D ---------------------- [B][U]DOWNLOAD LINKS[/U][/B] Because i don't know who can use what download host, i've put it onto 3 different ones, if you cannot download off any of them, and want the program, email or PM me, and i'll send the file over to you. Please see the latest post for Version 203 Any feedback is welcome :) [quote] The other thread can be deleted/closed :)[/quote][/center]
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After looking it over, I have a small requests for the next version..... Actually, it's not that small, and probably will provide a huge challenge, but I thought I would ask anyways. I CAN do this without the requests, by remembering the results, but... I wanted to see what you thought anyways (after seeing everything you have in there, you just might be able to do it anyways). Ok, Here is request number 1. I would like to have a way to make it where the loser's have thier own secondary tournament, and perhaps a third one for those loser's. This can be done by simply putting down the results and only placing the loser's in a tournament, and so forth.. So although I think it would be HUGE for me, it might not be for anyone else. If I'm the only one that likes the idea, then scratch it, as I wouldn't bother doing it for just one person either, lol. My second request is a kind of along the same idea.. Kind of. Double elimination tournament is what I'm asking for. It's sort of the same, but only one winner. Thanks for any consideration, and I'm very happy with the flexibility of this one reguardless of my requests. I can do everything I want to with it now, my requests would just simplify work on my part (maybe I'm lazy, I don't know... I feel like I am being lazy though, but that's not like me). Thanks a whole Heap for this though, I'm already making plans for utilizing this and making my booking so MUCH easier... Funny, I don't use it for tournaments for the storylines, but as a helper in keeping my booking right (outside of a possible King of the ring tournament type I've been thinking of doing). Thanks again!!
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[QUOTE=djthefunkchris;253331]Ok, Here is request number 1. I would like to have a way to make it where the loser's have thier own secondary tournament, and perhaps a third one for those loser's. This can be done by simply putting down the results and only placing the loser's in a tournament, and so forth.. So although I think it would be HUGE for me, it might not be for anyone else. If I'm the only one that likes the idea, then scratch it, as I wouldn't bother doing it for just one person either, lol. [/QUOTE] I like the idea, will look into doing this, might have it so after you've got your original winner, you can click a new button/tab, and it'll show the losers of the highest brackets (32/24) then allow the user to generate the winners of each round themselves as it is now. [QUOTE=djthefunkchris;253331]My second request is a kind of along the same idea.. Kind of. Double elimination tournament is what I'm asking for. It's sort of the same, but only one winner. [/QUOTE] As it stands, i'm knackered, so i shouldn't really try and make sense of this till the morning, but if you elaborate further on this so i can see exactly what you mean, then i'll see about adding this in as well :) Cheers for your comments, hopefully will be able to get your additions in within the week or so :)
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ok, quick little update for you. Have added the losers tournament, the coding was a biatch, but i got it done, not as simple as i thought it would be. Am adding a little extra to the "Final" coding, so it can give the user a little more help if they want for the match outcome. Shouldn't be too much of a problem i think lol
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probably best to put tag team names into the slots, only because, the coding will be exactly the same for tag teams, but the page itself would just be text boxes unless it was expanded beyond screen proportions really. 3 Man tourneys sounds interesting, do you mean where each match is a three way? if you do, it shouldn't be too hard to do, and i'll definately look to add that into a future release.
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[QUOTE]As it stands, i'm knackered, so i shouldn't really try and make sense of this till the morning, but if you elaborate further on this so i can see exactly what you mean, then i'll see about adding this in as well.[/QUOTE] WOW!! More then one could hope for!! Ok, here is how double elimination goes... Bassically, you have to lose twice to be kicked out. Let me just do this: [IMG]http://i93.photobucket.com/albums/l49/djthefunkychris/DivDoubleElim.gif[/IMG] Hopefully that's kind of self explanatory. It's from a Pool game I believe, but the same kind of thing is what I'm looking for.
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will look into adding this as a seperate tournament. So, the next version should include: - 24 Person Tournament (Both Winners and Losers) - 32 Person Tournament (Both Winners and Losers) - Triple Threat Tournament - Double Elimination Tournament (May be in the version after next) - Expansion upon Final's (May be in the version after next)
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[QUOTE=hurricanendp;253677]will look into adding this as a seperate tournament. So, the next version should include: - 24 Person Tournament (Both Winners and Losers) - 32 Person Tournament (Both Winners and Losers) - Triple Threat Tournament - Double Elimination Tournament (May be in the version after next) - Expansion upon Final's (May be in the version after next)[/QUOTE] Wow!! Thanks a whole heap and a half!! I kind of have a feeling you like the challenge's for some reason, lol.
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well, i haven't made this for me, i don't run many tournaments, and when i do, i know exactly who's going to win where. As long as i can code it, i'll add it, having a few probels with the final match expansion, so it'll most likely be in the version after next. Work has started on the Triple Threat Tournament now, just trying to work out how many participants to have.
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[QUOTE=djthefunkchris;254593]Anything you do is much appreciated Hurricanendp!![/QUOTE] cheers :) [QUOTE=Tyler Gadzinski;254656]pretty neat is there anyway you can make one that will do a different amount of people not just 32 & 24 ... like a 10 - 40 person tournys.. and all numbers in between.. just wondering .. and the Megaupload one says the files is unavailable[/QUOTE] Not so sure on this, only because, coding it, because i'm not really much of a coder (each form uses the same code, just a case of manipulating it) so to make options to do 10,11,12,13 - 40 etc would mean either different forms, or alot of "blank" text boxes. I'll look into doing different jumps though, ones that aren't covered by the program already (32, 24, 16, 12)
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  • 4 weeks later...
[center][b]The Official Release of 5GG Easy Tournament 1.5[/b] 5GGET (formerly Easy Tournament/TEW Easy Tournament) is a program that allows the user to run a tournament consisting of upto 32 workers. Within 5GGET 2.0.1 there is two different Tournament rankings. The first is the generic 32 person tournament, with drops to 16, 8, and 4 being editable as well. There is also a 24 person tournament, allowing for drops to 12, and 6 being editable also. There are 2 new features to 5GGET, the Losers Tournament, which allows the first round losers to be entered itno a tournament of their own, and also the Final Match Recap. These are very basic to begin with, just wanted to add this in to gage general interest. Please bare in mind, this is an unofficial, freeware program, so it's not endorsed by Adam Ryland, GDS, or anyone involved with TEW, it is also not associated with the EWR series. I am not making any money from it, so noone else should either. ---------------------- [u][b]Program Info[/b][/u] [u]32 Person Tournament[/u] Options for 32, 16, 8, and 4 participants. Chooses the winners of each match at random. Winner also selected at random. Final Match Recap Losers Tournament (allows for the first round losers to enter a seperate tournament) There is also a help file included. [u]24 Person Tournament[/u] Options for 24, 12, and 6 participants. 3 person final. Same as above. I believe it works on all Operating Systems, however it was made in Microsoft Visual Basic 6, and therefore may not work on a Mac PC. ---------------------- [b][u]Future Versions[/u][/b] Work has already begun on future versions. Confirmed to be included in the next version is the Triple Threat tournament, this may result in a bigger form for this tournament style as there will be alot more text boxes to add in. A possible further expansion upon the finals may be included, possibly with a choice for you to select what type of ending the match has, and who is pinned before the match is finalised. Double Elimination style tournaments have a strong possibilty of being in the version after next. ---------------------- [u][b]Last Note[/b][/u] This game does not need TEW04, 05 or 07, EWR, or 5GWS to be running to work, it does not use any TEW/EWR/5GWS data files either, therefore, any workers selected as match winners will purely be random. The random generator is just numbers, so if you want it to be random through stats, the best way about it would be to use TEW/5GWS and not have the winner selected, if you do want a random (possible underdog) winner, then use this :D ---------------------- [b][u]DOWNLOAD LINKS[/u][/b] Because i don't know who can use what download host, i've put it onto 3 different ones, if you cannot download off any of them, and want the program, email or PM me, and i'll send the file over to you. Please see the latest post for Version 203 If you find any errors or bugs, either email me (found in my profile) PM me, or just reply in here with errors. Any feedback is welcome :) [/center]
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  • 1 year later...
[url]http://www.sendspace.com/file/s8c3ax[/url] That's the latest version as of August 12th, it's supposed to only be available on the forum i admin at, but as i can't find the last "public" release, i'll offer this. I can't actually remember what i changed exactly, but i know that there may be some links that do not work, best bet is to check the Version History file to see if anything is unusable.
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