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Why is it graphics = great diary here?

Guest Vitamin E

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Guest Vitamin E
It seems that at this place, if people have a bunch of graphics or base their diary around graphics then it is "wow great look!" and really nothing else. It's nice to add a few graphics in to a diary, but when a diary itself is based around making every post, including shows, a graphic instead of plain writing, it just becomes too much. Maybe that is just how people here expect diaries to be or something, but at CX or EWB, where there are some much better diaries that dont feel the need to have a bunch of graphics in a diary. Im probably generalizing a lot of diaries that dont use many graphics, but from the diaries Ive visited there is either a needless amount, such as using them to do up shows and stuff, or they have the TEW worker pictures scattered everywhere in the diary for every little thing (like "*insert picture of Jim Ross here* Jim Ross welcomes us to RAW. *insert picture of Vince McMahon* Vince McMahon comes out to the ring to make a big announcement). Granted, people can do what they want with diaries, but at the same time some of the diaries should cut back on graphics. They dont make the diary any better than plain writing. They are more eye candy than anything. A member here called The Ego posted in my diary just to say that my diary should add more graphics to shows as the way I had the shows dont add anything or somthing to that effect, which is asinine to believe the people really think a diary cant be good unless you use some sort of needless graphics. Rarely do I see anybody go "I didnt like..." or "I thought such and such was bad.", either. It's always "wow good job!" and all this other positive stuff. More than once have I posted in diaries here where other members would complain about me saying negative stuff, and it seems like nobody here says anything negative at all and just go on the positive train to say nice things and nothing else. The reason I post negative things in diaries is because I feel people can get more out of and can improve themselves more from "I didnt like these things: *insert detailed feedback" as opposed to "great show you got a reader!". It wouldnt be as bad if people went into more detail about stuff they like about a diary, either, and post more than "great show!" and stuff. Im not saying everyone does that, but theres a fair amount. That's the end of my little rant. If people want to reply, I would like it if they try to reply to my statements in an intelligent way and dont go "shut up! people can do waht they want! leave if you dont like it!" or the like.
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[QUOTE=Vitamin E;266351]It seems that at this place, if people have a bunch of graphics or base their diary around graphics then it is "wow great look!" and really nothing else. It's nice to add a few graphics in to a diary, but when a diary itself is based around making every post, including shows, a graphic instead of plain writing, it just becomes too much. Maybe that is just how people here expect diaries to be or something, but at CX or EWB, where there are some much better diaries that dont feel the need to have a bunch of graphics in a diary.[/QUOTE] In [I]your[/I] opinion they're better, you should add that when making broad statements like that. I can't speak for CX because I haven't been there but EWB is pretty funny as far as diaries go. It's like Dave Meltzer produced 1,000 spawn and they're all writing diaries in the same place lol. Seriously, this place is for people who like and enjoy wrestling but don't consider it serious enough to get all hung up over. It's a fun board here at GDS, there are plenty of negative smark sites around if that's what one wants, do we really need another though?
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I don't think that graphics= great diary. In fact I hate them for the most part, because of the connection I have I can't really view pictures at all. So those people who make their entire show a big graphic, I can't see. And the same goes for people who use pics instead of names to say who's in that segment, I can't see who it is so I don't bother even viewing the diary. So I suppose I can kinda see where you're coming from. However, a lot of the times graphics helps an already good diary stand out and seem great. First it's easy on the eyes and all the black and white get broken up making it easier for people to want to read. Plus it shows the readers that the author is willing to take that extra X amount of minutes to make his diary stand out. That makes the reader feel important, and makes them want to continue reading.
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Great post, Vitamin E. I agree on all your points. I have tried on numerous occasions to read diaries here on GDS, but I never make it past the first page due to the amount of needless graphics, pics and stuff in the shows. They are just needles. Sure, it's a nice touch that you have a Raw logo on the top of the show, and that you use colors in your diary. That's all good and actually I encourage this. But to have a Jim Ross picture just because he has an opening segment for Raw. No. And yes, I, too, feel that in here graphics = good diary. And people never give any REAL feedback, they just see a diary and post "wow gr34t show dud3!!!" to get that one extra post in their post count. I don't even think they read the damn shows. And EWB has some fantastic diaries in there, I encourage people to check them out.
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In my opinion, Graphics actually do make a better diary.. Im gonna use this one as an example [QUOTE=DocStevens;255968][CENTER][IMG]http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y33/cowboys3356/IndustryInsider.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="5"][B]1993 Year in Review[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] [SIZE=4] [B][U]Active WWF Storylines:[/U][/B] [COLOR="Blue"]The Clique vs The Hart Foundation[/COLOR] This is the WWF’s current “top” storyline as Vince McMahon has his top new school heel stable featuring Shawn Michaels, Kevin Nash, and Scott Hall facing off against The Hart Foundation made up of Bret Hart, Owen Hart, and Jim Neidhart. This feud recently started with Bret Hart defeating Shawn Michaels to retain the WWF World Heavyweight title. Hart and Michaels had been going back and forth for a couple of months with Hart coming out on top at Decemeber’s Pay-Per-View. The Clique is an unstable alliance at best as their still seems to be tension between Hall and Michaels over the fact that Hall got the WWF Intercontinental Title after Michaels was stripped of the belt. To make things even more interesting, Hall has since lost the belt and Owen Hart is now the IC Champ! On top of this, Nash and Michaels have been working together in an alliance for some time but everyone in the business knows that Nash and Hall are close friends outside the ring. And just to throw a little more fuel on the fire, The Clique has recently been having problems with Vince McMahon although it is hard to tell if it is kayfabe or a real tension between the groups as everyone knows that the young stars have been seeking pay increases and McMahon (who is under tremendous financial pressure right now) has not been willing to pay up. And finally everyone knows that there has been a little bit of sibling rivalry between Bret and Owen Hart plus you have Jim Neidhart stuck in the middle as he is extremely close to both men. This has the potential to be an explosive feud but it will all depend on how the WWF handles it and if outside distractions derail what has the potential to be the feud of the year! [COLOR="Blue"]Mr. Perfect vs Yokozuna[/COLOR] This feud recently started after Mr. Perfect defeated Bob Backlund at Armageddon and stated that he was out to defeat every champion in the history of the WWF. Yoko took exception to this as he is an ex-champion and the two men went at it after Perfect’s match with Backlund. The feud is still very young so it is hard to know which way it will go but Perfect has been on the offensive lately insulting Yoko at every opportunity and not hesitating to say that Yoko is a fat slob and that Perfect is the perfection of manhood! I am not sure if there is any real heat between these two men but rumor is that the big man Yoko hasn’t been taking kindly to Perfect’s public insults and things could get a little nasty inside the ring before it is all over! [COLOR="Blue"]Steiner Brothers vs Money, Inc[/COLOR] Rick and Scott Steiner recently won the WWF Heavyweight Title from The Insiders (Kevin Nash & Scott Hall) and since the WWF seems to be lining up The Insiders as part of the Hart Family feud, the team of Money, Inc (Ted DiBiase & Irwin R. Schyster) have been raised from the dead to feud with the Steiners. DiBiase had been working ringside commentary and Schyster was being phased out but the WWF needs a known heel team to feud with its new champs and Money, Inc is getting the call. The most interesting part of this feud is going to be watching Scott Steiner. Scott was just named the #1 Wrestler of the Year by TEW to the surprise of most people. It is hard to say whether or not the new found fame will change this blue collar worker or if he can stay grounded. One thing is for sure; his paycheck has certainly increased as inside sources are reporting both Scott Steiner and his brother Rick received long term contracts from the WWF after Scott won the Wrestler of the Year award for 1993. [COLOR="Blue"]Randy Savage vs The Undertaker[/COLOR] This is a very interesting feud as Savage has only recently returned to the ring after spending much of 1993 working as a color commentator. Word is that Savage threatened to sue the WWF and force them to release him from his contract if they didn’t start pushing him as a full time wrestler. Needless to say the WWF doesn’t need another lawsuit so Savage is back in the ring! Undertaker is another one of the WWF up and coming new stars with a very odd “deadman” gimmick but the fans seem to love it. He just finished a feud with Yoko that got a lot of heat and has his chance to real take his game to another level against the Macho Man. Savage is currently being managed by Luna Vachon who is a crazy person and who knows what direction the WWF is going to take this feud! [/SIZE] [SIZE=4] [COLOR="Red"][B][U]Predictions for 1994:[/U][/B][/COLOR] The wrestling business is in a state of transition right now between the upcoming Steroid trials to the new way of young workers entering the business. It seems the old guard of the 1970s and 1980s are being phased out by the bigger companies like WWF and WCW and a new generation of workers are getting their chance. Will the new workers keep getting the push or will the old school guys make a comeback? I think the old school guys will make a comeback as wrestling fans love big “names” but at the same time some of these new workers are here to stay. Another major issue as we go into 1994 is the type of product that the bigger companies seem to be pushing. First you have the upstart ECW who are pushing an extreme hardcore style that is very unlike anything the casual fan is used to. In fact I would call their style disgusting and subhuman. It is something you would have seen in Rome back during the gladiatorial days. I think their style will fail and their workers will see some very short lived careers. On the other hand you have the WWF and WCW who are beginning to push the envelope of good taste with their storylines as things seem to be getting more over the top everyday. One example is The Undertaker who is a character that is supposed to be an Undead Monster who buries people in a casket and hangs them from a cross. This is obscene and hopefully not a sign of things to come. Another problem in the WWF and WCW is that both companies are starting to blur the line between Face and Heel. This is a traditional line that should never be altered and Kayfabe must always be respected (another aspect lost on the WWF and WCW). I predict that both the WWF and WCW are going to fall on hard times as the fans are not going to accept this new way of doing business. The fans will never accept a beer swilling loud mouth raising the middle finger at every opportunity while trying to pass himself off as a face. The fans will never accept storylines that more resemble a soap opera plot line or storylines featuring nothing but scantly clad females. The people want action and drama in the ring. They don’t want ladder matches or boiler room brawls, they want action in the squared circle. The WWF and WCW had better turn things around soon or it just may be too late for them… [/SIZE] [SIZE="4"]Your man on the inside, Doc Stevens[/SIZE][/QUOTE] If someone writes up a whole show as a block of text, im really not going to want to sit there and read all of that. However if someone has added pictures, it actually feels like there is less to read, and you can use the pictures as bookmarks if your reading it in stages. In my diaries, i normally use banners for the TV shows so people can tell what it is they are reading in a glance and dont have to scroll through looking for the right show.. But thems me reasons anyway
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I think a couple of images inserted into a post, such as a show banner, and perhaps wrestler pics under the titles of the matches, like I do, help make the post more interesting to read. However, I agree that some people put too many images in, such as the example stated here already, where in every single segment, there has to be a picture of the guy who is involved, even if the segment itself is only a couple of lines and not that important. I toned down the usage of images in my diaries for that reason kinda, and began to focus more on writing. So overall, good point, I agree with you on most of the points that you put forward.
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This tends to be a very encouraging forum, frankly, I like it. Criticism tends to come where its needed rather than for the sake of it. It's a game for the fun of the author really in my view. Except where it's needed, you don't need to have your show dissected and grilled to the outhouse. FTR, I also think the one's who stick to it generally come up with some quality stuff on the these forums, I don't need to compare forums or get into a forum flame war to designate that, no all I need to claim that is the stories that are here keep me occupied and amused and from a viewers perspective serve their purpose. Granted, there is some rubbish here, but you soon find out where they are and... avoid it. There's enough great stuff and great efforts going into keep all happy I feel. You are right, graphics don't make a show. A good story does. But I don't think it breaks a show, either. As long as the author does not forget how important the story is, I can't see the problem. I'm not on a slow server, but I'm wondering if you can turn graphics off on your browsers to assist.
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I agree with you, in part. There are plenty examples of useless, oversized graphics in diaries. I use pictures in my diary simply to break up the text. I don't enjoy uploading a dozen or so pics to imageshack every time I post a card, but I consider it necessary to improve readability. Take your diary for example. It's excellent, it's detailed, it's coherant, but it's not easy to read. The wide, long paragraphs mean it's hard to skim through. While I don't agree with what Ego said in your diary, a few more pictures or quote boxes would make it easier for the reader. Has nothing to do with the quality of the diary, which is where I think Ego's comments were stupid. As for feedback, some people read diaries solely for entertainment. They don't really care about how the diary could be better, because they read it at face value. Nothing wrong with that. People have different expectations of diaries. Some want a blow-by-blow recreation of a TEW game (outlaw321's dynasty), others want to fantasy book (Ego's), others want to tell a story (Nevermore's). Thoughtful, constructive criticism should always be welcomed, but that doesn't mean a post saying 'nice card!' should be ridiculed. Sometimes that's all people think about a show. It's not a bad thing, it's just how they respond to it. I know I'd prefer 7 posts saying 'NICE CARDXZ TOMMZY!@#' than nothing.
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Despite the fact that i do use a lot of graphics in my diary, i do appreciate your opinion on the matter. However, why you feel the need to post on other peoples diarys "ripping them a new one" is beyond me. If you don't like a dairy with lots of pictures, don't read it! If i go to waterstones and there are books that i don't like the look of, i don't call up the author and tell him he didn't use enough similies and metaphors. I am a really friendly, happy-go-lucky person, but your comments on my diary really riled me and not because i can't take criticism, 'cos i can, people have given my advice on diaries before and if its given in the right spirit im welcoming of it. But i would rather have no feedback at all then have somebody tell me that "no-one would pay to watch that show", "your diary's graphics are un-neccasary". Its damn dis-heartning, i spent several hours yesterday cutting new pictures for use in my diary, 'cos there are half a dozen people on here who tend to follow what i write. I love writing and i am more then happy to put the effort in, you are the 1st person thats ever complained about my use of graphics. In summary,, you are entitled to your own opinion, but it is exactly that, an opinion being forceful and aggressive about it, does not make it anything more than what it is. Just remember its nice to be important, but its important to be nice.
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[QUOTE=panix04;266390] In summary,, you are entitled to your own opinion, but it is exactly that, an opinion being forceful and aggressive about it, does not make it anything more than what it is. Just remember its nice to be important, but its important to be nice.[/QUOTE] He didn't come here to play nice Panix lol. If you've been to EWB you'd know what he's doing, smarks are probably the most annoying things next to emo's :(
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[QUOTE=CarlitoCoool;266393]He didn't come here to play nice Panix lol. If you've been to EWB you'd know what he's doing, smarks are probably the most annoying things [COLOR="Red"]next to emo's [/COLOR]:([/QUOTE] those giant birds?
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[QUOTE=TheEdgeOfReason;266398]I dunno about you panix but I prefer my cheese with out pictures of Vinny mac and JR:D[/QUOTE] lol, i never claimed to be able to spell! If i was good at English i wouldn't be working in IT would I? :D
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I try to use a few graphics in my diary to help break up the segments and make the diary easier to read. I think it is boring to just look at nothing but plain text with no break in sight. Adding a few minor graphics, changing font size around, using some color, and using breaks helps the reader follow the action easier. But that is just my opinion and I think a writer should do what they are comfortable doing and if someone does not like their style then they should read another diary. :)
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[QUOTE=Vitamin E;266351]...have the TEW worker pictures scattered everywhere in the diary for every little thing[/QUOTE] Yep that is very tiresome and over-done. Though each to there own, as there is no right or wrong way to do this. Everyones diaries r how they want them to b so evry1 shud feel free 2 express themselves how they like.
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I personally do get annoyed when i see diaries that are 95% pictures and 5% actual writing getting proclaimed as 'amazing diaries'.. and diaries that look like the 'writer' has spent very little time and given very little effort getting heaps of prize and attention.. I'll use my diary as an example of my grievance with pictures (simply because its my diary) - ive spent countless hours writing shows, ridiculous amounts hours to be honest.. and ive posted 7 shows in just over a month with considerable detail and in my opinion a well presented manner.. yet ive recieved 6 posts from other people (i think 4 of which from the same person - seemingly my only reader) my problem isnt the lack of constructive feedback - its more a complete lack of feedback.. some diaries have considerably more than 6 posts from readers before the first show has even been posted.. and Id honestly prefer people to just post their predictions to show that they are reading than not posting anything.. (ive had about 500 views so more than one person has to be reading it) while i may have gone away from my point a little i will reiterate that pictures dont make diaries.. yeah they can make them look 'flashy' - but only when used in moderation.. the writing itself needs to be good.. ive come to realise that the general populous here prefers a shorter read that has pictures breaking up virtually every paragraph, and match write-ups that consist of 'Wrestler X def. Wrestler Y in xx:xx after using his finisher' - over a well-written detailed write-up of the show.. I understand that not many people here are willing to sit down and read a 4,000 word show but some people's preference of diary 'style' befuddles me a little..
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Though you have never posted on my diary. Criticing it or otherwise, I have noticed some of your posts in other diaries on the forum. I tend to agree with panix, that on the whole, the majority of those posts are negative in nature. You tend to go over board in your critic of others diaries. I cannot comment on your diary as, to be honest never read enough to even remember which era that you are writing about. It is a WWE/F one right? But to answer the question that you posed>No I don't think that just because a diary uses alot of pictures and graphics it automatically makes it a great diary. It also doesn't make it a bad one either just by using them, as seems to be your opinion. There are alot of diaries on here that are more text based that in my opinion are great diaries. What makes a diary special to me is the story the author is telling. That's what makes me come back to read it. Not some cool looking pictures or web pages. The story. That's what I look for. If I don't like a diary I don't read it. I don't critique it and tell the author every little thing that is wrong with it. Don't do it like that, this is how I do it. If I feel I have something worth while to contribute then I pm them to offer my opinion in a constructive manner. If they choose to follow my recommendations then fine, if not that's their choice. I respect your opinions that you have stated. Everyone is entitled to them. But I think you need to realize that others have their opinions too. And just because they aren't the same as your's, doesn't make them any less important.
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I personally find the use of graphics/pictures a nice extra, if used well of course, but thats mainly because I'm not someone who is a very good reader and seeing large blocks of text simply puts me off. However I think this particular forum see's diaries as more of an entertainment and fun thing on the whole so is different to other more serious natured forums (like EWB etc...). I also think its an each to their own type thing and I do not begrudge other folk getting praise for their shows no matter what my opinion of them are, personally I dislike the wrestler A def. wrestler B method as it doesn't tell me anything about the match or characters of those involved during it, but if other folk here like it, then thats cool. All that being said I'm more of a happy go lucky and positive person in nature than VE, he has a style to which he likes/thinks is best, is it worth a thread to semi-rant about it, not in my opinion, but VE likes his view to be heard, which is fair enough, I've lost what I set out to say and feel I need to add pic to post....... [QUOTE=CarlitoCoool;266396][IMG]http://www.clashbang.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/03/pete_drummer_punk_966929_l.jpg[/IMG][/QUOTE] ......I needed that, although Carlito if the pic was taken a tad to the left it could very well be described as obscene (guy in red t-shirt seems like he is having good time :D).
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[QUOTE=Vitamin E;266351] That's the end of my little rant. If people want to reply, I would like it if they try to reply to my statements in an intelligent way and dont go "shut up! people can do waht they want! leave if you dont like it!" or the like.[/QUOTE] You didn't get that response, which obviously is a good thing, but if you did would you be surprised? I would hope not, for your location you've got: "I AM HERE TO BRING QUALITY TO THE DIARY FORUM!" That's a bit much, isn't it? If I was someone who had my own diary I wouldn't even bother discussing the topic of diaries with lots of graphics with you because your location would suggest that, no matter what I would say, you'd continue to think that your opinion is the right one. Meh, I don't mind graphics in diaries but what you've got in your location and your interests seems rude to me.
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I see what you mean dude, but you're taking it a little too seriously... I for one believe that yes, the writing is the most important thing. If I can't get into the characters or the storylines, then I can't get into the dynasty, simple as that. However, without a little formatting, a couple of pictures here and there, or something to break it up, it kind of loses it's spark. Without those small touches, I may as well just be reading an internet report. And those bore the absolute sh!t out of me. Also, spelling and grammar tends to tick me off, but I always feel bad correcting it, especially in a good dynasty (which is why I tend to leave it, lol)
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[QUOTE=Thriller;266449] Meh, I don't mind graphics in diaries but what you've got in your location and your interests seems rude to me.[/QUOTE] I just spotted that... You're right, this guy just seems to have a problem with these boards...
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Really, I don't think the problem is as serious as Vitamin E and Anderz are making it out to be. I feel that if your diary has staying power (and since you're apparently here to "BRING QUALITY TO THE DIARY FORUM", I would hope your diary does), whether or not your diary has a lot of graphics doesn't matter one bit. Frankly, I worry that this post has more to do with personal grievances. It feels to me like folks are more concerned with the fact that not enough people are reading their own diaries than they are with the overall quality of writing on the forum. Simply by looking around on the first couple pages, I can easily spot several diaries (tristram's "The Death of WCW?", Wildfire1324's "NWA: A Return to Glory", Scapino1974's "MWA - This Means War", and Clarity's DOTM, "CornellVerse Explored" to name a few) that have little in the way of graphics but are still, according to the forum counts, very well read. So obviously, it's not as clear-cut as "People on GDS only read diaries with lots of pictures". Additionally, I notice you complain that nobody here criticizes diaries enough, which isn't entirely true... after all, [i]you[/i], for one, seem to be quite devoted to the craft. My suggestion to you? Instead of spending all of your time reading and then bashing what you don't like, dedicate just a little bit of it to giving positive reinforcement to the people you think are doing well. There are plenty of diaries on this board that feature high levels of depth, excellent narrative style, and get across more personality in match write ups than I thought possible. But I've never seen you post in a single one to give your support. Guys like Tigerkinney, Gremlinator, J Silver, Anubis and gbasalmon have been writing their diaries for months, have painstakingly developed the characters they're working with, and have seen a huge amount of refinement in their writing style. Rather than bashing guys like TheEgo and panix for being graphically fixated, why not encourage people like them and try to bring readers around to those diaries? On a personal level, I agree with you, by the way. Some diaries here have too much clutter and too many graphics. But I think placing all the blame for low readership in your own diary on this fact is asinine. Diaries gain readership because they have staying power, because their writers are dedicated and continue to work on it over a long period of time - not because of graphics. And lastly, saying that your diary would be better received on another board is ludicrous. Places like EWB have so many vanilla WWE diaries floating around that chances are yours would just blend in with the crowd and never be seen again. :p
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