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~1RC Version 1 Release~

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[QUOTE=forlan;272394]certain titles were out of date, to go back to Niles Young holding the Jr. title even though there has been many champions since him, the fact that the current Jr. champion has not been added [/QUOTE] Chuck Taylor, for example, is in the data specifically because I noticed he held two major indy titles but wasn't anywhere to be found. I made a note to Carlito, and now he's in. That's all it takes, dude. If you're actually serious about helping, that's how it's done, no snide remarks or potshots necessary.
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Guest Ransik
The reason TNA ends up doing so well is because they use the talent while the WWE just uses the bigger and less talented workers. I've simmed up to 2012 since last night when I'm not home... and TNA uses the skilled workers and gets them over. The WWE canned Stephanie McMahon because she released all the talented guys like Regal, London, Kendrick, Finlay, Hardyz.... etc... and booked tons of Main Events like Khali vs. Umaga... Khali vs. Lashley.... Taker vs. Lashley... guys that can't put on a good show while HBK, Booker and several others were beating nobodies in the midcard. By 2010 all the talented guys jumped ship to TNA and JR was appointed head booker of the WWE... but you can only make crap look so good. Right now the WWE doesn't have any solid workers because they're all huge stars in TNA and WWE is only Cult... and they can't dig out of it because of what Stephanie did to it. They only have a one hour show a week while TNA is putting on 6 hours of TV a week with 3 shows and staying right in the B range in the US, Canada and Mexico. Personally if you compare rosters at today's date... if the TNA roster had the drawing power the WWE workers have... Vince McMahon would be in serious trouble because the only thing that keeps people tuning in are the established names... and without those he has a handful of crappy workers that get pushed to the moon and a mass of awesome wrestlers that get jobbed out all the time. I think things are looking pretty good... TNA is taking very skilled workers and making them household names... and the WWE is taking big guys with little ring skill and making them household names. You can get Bs and B+s out of solid workers... but you're not gonna do it with less than skilled ones... which is why the WWE fails and will ALWAYS fail whether it's this or T-Zone. A lot of people don't seem to realize the only thing that keeps WWE popular is the name "WWE." If we were seeing product like the WWE pulls off in RoH or TNA... they'd fold within a year. Heck... the WWE right now reminds me of WCW 2000; you only see one good show every 4-5 months if that. And I hate seeing people sit here and complain because "WWE always fails." OF COURSE the WWE is always going to fail. If you take a guy like Lashley who can't run a mic... can't carry a match unless it's a seasoned vet and can't draw in a crowd and the booker pushes him due to his look while the other company makes a megastar out of a guy who can wrestle any style and run a mic... what's going to come out on top? If the real world looked and evaluated like TEW does... WWE [b]would[/b] fail... because TEW doesn't look at loyal audiences and name value... it looks at the talent within the company and who runs it.
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Guest Ransik
I was gonna try and run the WWE.... but just looking at the roster and having to run a week's worth of shows which would throw you down to Cult before you could sign enough talented guys on to fix the problem just seems like a waste of time. You basically have to fire over half the guys in the WWE just to weed out the crap.
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This list was generated by turning off Japan and filtering out the Japanese workers. Workers Without Pics: * Denotes a non-Japanese worker most likely added as part of the Japanese data. A1 Alan Funk Alicia Webb Amy Zidian Anthony Carelli (aka Santino Marella) Antonio Banks (aka MVP) Antonio Thomas (aka Antonio of the Heartbreakers) Apocalypse (has an error in spelling in bio) Babi Slymm Bad Boy Basil (R.I.P. :() Barry Windham Billy Kim Black Scorpion* (aka NWo Sting) Bobby Roode (aka Robert Roode; bio needs looked at) Boso Boy Left* (aka Quiet Storm) Brian Flemming Brian Lee (aka Fake Undertaker and Chainz) Brian Meyers (aka Brian Majors) Brooke ADams (aka Brooke in WWE) Carl Contini (aka Carl Melenko/Carl Greco) Cassidy Riley (aka Cassidey O'Reilly) Charles Evans Chaz Warrington (aka Headbanger Mosh) Chris Bosh Chris Rombola Chuck Taylor Cody Runnels (aka Cody Rhodes) Crossbones Daniel Rodimer (bio runs on) Dave Kapoor (aka Ranjin Singh) Dennis Knight (aka Mideon) Dino Winwood Donald Trump Donna (has a pic, but could really use another one, preferably not so bright) El Hijo del Faraon El Hiji del Ice Cream El Jefe Erik Watts EZ Money Fat Frank Iadevaia Gabe Ramirez George Hines Glen Ruth (aka Headbanger Thrasher) Gulliver Kino****a Hollywood Hook Bomberry Horace Hogan Human Tornado Jacqueline (aka Ms. Tennesse) JD Michaels Jerry Jarrett Jessica Kresa (aka O.D.B) Jim Fannin Joey Ryan Josh Daniels Justin Sane Kara Slice (aka Cherry) Kenny King Kevin Federline Kevin Fertig (aka Kevin Thorn) Kevin Keenan Kevin Kleinrock Kid Vicious King Dabada Layla El (aka Layla in WWE) Leonard F. Chikarason Lil' Nate Marc Mero Marshall Knox Marty Rubalcaba Maryse Ouellet Matt Cardona (aka Brett Majors) Michael Mondragon (aka Disco Machine) Mike Barton* (aka Bart Gunn) Mike Bell Mikey Henderson Milena Roucka Mister Saint Laurent (aka Jared David) Navajo Warrior Nora Greenwald (aka Molly Holly) Oliver John Pentagon Black* Prince Devitt Prince Iaukea Quicksilver Ray Sager Ric Converse Rick Bassman Ricky Landell Ronin RUCKUS Sabbath Savio Vega Scorpio Sky Scott Epperson Scott Lost Shane "Ma'koa" Roberts Shooting Wolf Sirelda Skulu Slash Smelly Stan Hanson* Staz Stefan Gamlin Super Boy T. J. Dalton Ted Dibiase Jr. The Big Schwag Tim Arson (aka ECW's Zombie) Todd Keneley Tom Carter (aka Reckless Youth) Tom Howard Top Gun Talwar Tyson Reasby Under Pressure Van Hammer Vickie Guerrero Warrior (aka The Ultimate Warrior) Wes Adams Zach Gowen
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I'll point something out. If this: [QUOTE=Vladamire Dracos;272554]Sirelda[/QUOTE] is a reference to the girl who appeared briefly in TNA as Styles & Daniels' enforcer, that's not her real name. Real name is Jaime Dauncey (though she's used 'Jaime D' in BCW and most recently is using 'World Standard Jaime Dee' for the show in Japan for Pro Wrestling SUN this Sunday).
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[QUOTE=Remianen;272567]I'll point something out. If this: is a reference to the girl who appeared briefly in TNA as Styles & Daniels' enforcer, that's not her real name. Real name is Jaime Dauncey (though she's used 'Jaime D' in BCW and most recently is using 'World Standard Jaime Dee' for the show in Japan for Pro Wrestling SUN this Sunday).[/QUOTE] You're correct sir.
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Hate to double post [url]http://www.sendspace.com/file/dhoota[/url] I threw together a quick pic pack to fill in most of the gaps in pics between the current version of 1RC and last seasons version. All pics in the pack, save the ones listed below, are from the massive 3000+ pic pack from Bobinc's website and credit for the work goes to who ever made them. Anthony Carelli (Credit: Christ) Brian Meyers (Credit: Almaida) Brooke Adams (Credit: b0shey) Dave Kapoor (Credit: b0shey) Kevin Federline (Credit: HailSabin!) Matt Cardona (Credit: Almaida) This pack is far from complete, we Still Need: Amy Zidian Bad Boy Basil (R.I.P. ) Brian Flemming Carl Contini (aka Carl Melenko/Carl Greco) El Hijo del Faraon Fat Frank Iadevaia Gulliver Kino****a Kevin Keenan Kevin Kleinrock Leonard F. Chikarason Mister Saint Laurent (aka Jared David) Pentagon Black Prince Devitt Ric Converse Staz T.J. Dalton Vickie Guerrero Wes Adams I also noticed that Scott Lost is in the data twice, once as "Scott Lost" and once as "Scott Epperson". The Epperson entry should be deleted. Note that I haven't insured that the files are properly named, so they might not sync with the mod and you might still have to assign the pics to the proper entry. Edit: Looks like there is already an Antonio Banks, Bobby Roode, and A1 pic in the old 1RC set that arn't assigned to their respective bios. Ah, well, other than those three the rest are not represented in the old pic packs.
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[QUOTE=Ransik;272496]The reason TNA ends up doing so well is because they use the talent while the WWE just uses the bigger and less talented workers. I've simmed up to 2012 since last night when I'm not home... and TNA uses the skilled workers and gets them over. The WWE canned Stephanie McMahon because she released all the talented guys like Regal, London, Kendrick, Finlay, Hardyz.... etc... and booked tons of Main Events like Khali vs. Umaga... Khali vs. Lashley.... Taker vs. Lashley... guys that can't put on a good show while HBK, Booker and several others were beating nobodies in the midcard. By 2010 all the talented guys jumped ship to TNA and JR was appointed head booker of the WWE... but you can only make crap look so good. Right now the WWE doesn't have any solid workers because they're all huge stars in TNA and WWE is only Cult... and they can't dig out of it because of what Stephanie did to it. They only have a one hour show a week while TNA is putting on 6 hours of TV a week with 3 shows and staying right in the B range in the US, Canada and Mexico. Personally if you compare rosters at today's date... if the TNA roster had the drawing power the WWE workers have... Vince McMahon would be in serious trouble because the only thing that keeps people tuning in are the established names... and without those he has a handful of crappy workers that get pushed to the moon and a mass of awesome wrestlers that get jobbed out all the time. I think things are looking pretty good... TNA is taking very skilled workers and making them household names... and the WWE is taking big guys with little ring skill and making them household names. You can get Bs and B+s out of solid workers... but you're not gonna do it with less than skilled ones... which is why the WWE fails and will ALWAYS fail whether it's this or T-Zone. A lot of people don't seem to realize the only thing that keeps WWE popular is the name "WWE." If we were seeing product like the WWE pulls off in RoH or TNA... they'd fold within a year. Heck... the WWE right now reminds me of WCW 2000; you only see one good show every 4-5 months if that. And I hate seeing people sit here and complain because "WWE always fails." OF COURSE the WWE is always going to fail. If you take a guy like Lashley who can't run a mic... can't carry a match unless it's a seasoned vet and can't draw in a crowd and the booker pushes him due to his look while the other company makes a megastar out of a guy who can wrestle any style and run a mic... what's going to come out on top? If the real world looked and evaluated like TEW does... WWE [b]would[/b] fail... because TEW doesn't look at loyal audiences and name value... it looks at the talent within the company and who runs it.[/QUOTE] So how can you set it so that WWE will book skilled workers like TNA does? I'm running my own promotion and I want some competition. I'm tired of seeing WWE and TNA both book C-rated shows while I can book a solid A show almost every time.
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I haven't seen the data so I might be totally wrong, but here's my two cents anyway. To keep the WWE on top, their product needs to be set correctly to make sure popularity plays a big factor in their grades. I can never remember which one it is (or if it's both), but I think you have to put Mainstream and Traditional at least at the Heavy level. Step #2 : you have to put enough popularity on their workers. Even a pretty average worker going against another pretty average worker can put a good grade match with enough popularity. High popularity on workers will also helps with angles as they're should be a lot of them in their product. Checking the booking stats of the head booker might be worth a couple of extra minutes too just to make sure he/she doesn't screw things. Of course, there's a lot of tweaking to be done with those steps and a human player will always do better than the CPU. I can't see how I could get low graded angles with the like of HHH, HBK, Cena, Batista, etc. You might like them or not, they may not be the best in-ring performers, but their big popularity should play a huge factor in the grades they get.
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[QUOTE=DarkMaverick87;272696]So how can you set it so that WWE will book skilled workers like TNA does? I'm running my own promotion and I want some competition. I'm tired of seeing WWE and TNA both book C-rated shows while I can book a solid A show almost every time.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=hurricanendp;272699]sort out the head bookers preference.[/QUOTE] As well as owner preference's. Remember they are not looking for "Roid" guys as what's implied here. Just use common scense. Both companies are sports entertainment, so they should be going after the same worker types. WWE has a "Roid" problem, TNA obviously doesn't. So one would have a drug policy while the other don't.
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Just playing as WWE now, Cody Rhodes is definitely underrated. I'd give him a B B- B- in the entertainment department now, and some of his ring work is better than suggested as well. Lashley's performance skills need a big boost, he's improved a shed load in that area, while I'd say JBL's at least a B+ for charisma.
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[QUOTE=DarkMaverick87;272696]So how can you set it so that WWE will book skilled workers like TNA does? I'm running my own promotion and I want some competition. I'm tired of seeing WWE and TNA both book C-rated shows while I can book a solid A show almost every time.[/QUOTE] WWE, in reality, doesn't care about or need skilled workers. They want/need popular workers. Their key feature should be Mainstream and to make that work, their workers need overness and entertainment skills, by and large. Your promotion's product probably emphasizes in-ring performance moreso than WWE or TNA. Heck, I can get B rated matches from upper midcarders with little overness.....because of my product. But I'm guessing they're on or near the cusp of losing International so the AI has little room for error. Besides that, WWE isn't putting on B or better rated shows in reality (and haven't for a few years, with a handful of standout exceptions) so I think the only way to compensate for that is probably to bloat their workers' overness slightly. But then that might affect the rest of the world when they do their inevitable firings. Those workers with bloated overness will head right to TNA (most likely) and possibly exacerbate the problem.
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I Love the !RC, because it small enough for the people with the slower machines to play with bogging down there memory. I did see one person missing from TNA and the Primetime Elix Skipper since XxX is totally back together, other than that great job on the mod
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