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Championship Wrestling from Boston (C-Verse '07 Diary)

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[B]Rhino Umaga (c)[/B] vs. Valiant for the CWB Championship [B]The Gauge Bros. (c)[/B] vs. Bob Casey & Cal Sanders Thomas Morgan vs. [B]Angel Blanco[/B] - Title Shot vs. Mask Sudden Impact vs. [B]The Wigan Bulldogs[/B] [B]Romeo Romero [/B]vs. Daredevil Aero
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[QUOTE=SuperOwens;336951]Just wanted to say had a lot of fun reading through this, keep up the good work bud. By the way, what kind of product settings you using?[/QUOTE] Thanks! I'm having a lot of fun doing it. Since it started with nothing I think this is the most fun I've had doing a diary since my first MAW one way back in TEW '05. I'm using the same settings that were in the C-Verse '75 mod for Championship Wrestling from Boston. 80% Matches Strong Face/Heel Divide Traditional - Key Realism, Cult, Comedy - Med Mainstream, Modern, Daredevil, Hardcore - Low Risque - Very low
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r219/jkeats/CWB_heading_logo.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Impact"][SIZE="6"]WICKED PISSAH[/SIZE][/FONT] Thursday Week 3 October 2009 164 fans at Biker's Paradise in Boston, MA[/CENTER] [B]The Wigan Bulldogs d. Sudden Impact[/B] This is about what SI can deliver without a team like The Gauges to carry them. Not awful, just not particularly good. Cornell and Svensson showed a lot of killer instinct and a renewed drive after being upset by Casey and Sanders. The crowd also started chanting "YOU'RE NOT TOMMY" at Cornell which seemed to get to him. Bulldogs win with the Wigan Stretch [B]E+ Romeo Romero (w/ Vita) d. Daredevil Aero[/B] So-so match with Romero carrying the youngster the whole way. Romero wins with The Last Kiss and KO'ed Aero. He had to be helped from the ring. [B]E-[/B] Thomas Morgan comes to the ring: [COLOR="Red"]"Frankie Dee, I know that's you under the mask...hell, everyone in this place knows it's you under that mask. You want to try to humiliate me? Humiliate Rhino...tonight you will understand the meaning of the word humliation when I beat you, unmask you and you have to leave Boston forever!"[/COLOR] [B]E+ Angel Blanco d. Thomas Morgan to earn a shot at the CWB Title next month[/B] Very strong match with Blanco using a few more highspots this week while still keeping a strong, stiff style. He may be one to watch! Lots of spots where Morgan tries to undo the mask only to be countered by Blanco. The finish came with Morgan hitting a superplex but Blanco lifting his legs and locking Morgan in a pinning combo upon landing for the win. [B]D[/B] Here come Matt and Greg, the Gauge Bros. Matt is sporting an additional title other than the CWB Tag Titles: Matt: [COLOR="Red"]"Look who has yet another title win? Why, that would be me, wouldn't it Greg. The title you are gazing in awe at is the TCW TV Title. That's right, I said TCW. I work for them and I can't wait for the day I can leave this hellhole and work for them full time. I'm a champion wherever I go so do you really think any of these ham and eggers in CWB stand a chance against me...I mean, us?"[/COLOR] [B]D+ [IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r219/jkeats/CWBTagTeam.jpg[/IMG] The Gauge Bros. d. Casey & Sanders to retain the CWB Tag Team Titles[/B] Strong tag match with Sanders playing "Ricky Morton" for most of the match, getting mauled and beat down by the heels. Hot tag goes to Casey and the crowd popped for it. Bob has that weird, no charisma-charisma that the Boston fans have taken to. Just good, solid tag wrestling with the Gauges leading the way and winning with Shotgun Blast. [B]D-[/B] After the match, The Wigan Bulldogs storm the ring and stretch the exhausted Casey and Sanders. Rhino Umaga: [COLOR="Red"]"Tonight you get to see a first. A wrestler from RIPW and SWF coming into CWB and challenging for the title. Fans have been wanting to see this match for years. I could care less about them though. This is all about me. Valiant, I will destroy whatever legacy you've built in New England and send you back home packing."[/COLOR] [B]D+ [IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r219/jkeats/CWBChampionship.jpg[/IMG] Rhino Umaga (w/ Thomas Morgan) d. Valiant to retain the CWB Title[/B] These two tore into each other and Rhino wasn't the favorite you might think yet. There's not enough of a CWB fanbase to have turned him for this match. A lot of these fans regularly attended RIPW shows as well. Valiant has an impressive power attack and stunned fans by powering Rhino up into a running slam. A second attempt backfired, though and a he was hit with a thunderous Rhino Charge to end the match. [B]C[/B] Overall Show: [B]C-[/B] Notes: I was a little bummed out that attendance dropped back down to 164 but I was thrilled with how good the show was overall. Just consistent quality and it resulted in our best rated show ever leading into next month's Brawlapalooza.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r219/jkeats/CWB_brawl3.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] QUICK PICKS: Rhino Umaga (c) vs. Angel Blanco - CWB Title vs. Mask Matthew Gauge vs. Cameron Vessey Valiant vs. Dazzlin' Dave Diamond Greg Gauge vs. Tempest Appleby California Love Machine vs. Casey Valentine
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Rhino Umaga (c) vs. [B]Angel Blanco[/B] - CWB Title vs. Mask [I]Angel "cough Frankie Dee cough" Blanco scores the win to keep his mask, at least until the rematch.[/I] [B]Matthew Gauge [/B]vs. Cameron Vessey [I]It may just have been my games, but Gauge develops faster and better than Vessey ever does[/I] Valiant vs. [B]Dazzlin' Dave Diamond[/B] [I]Triple D gets the V for victory[/I] [B]Greg Gauge[/B] vs. Tempest Appleby [I]I know the mover from Vancouver gets a lot of internet love, but Gauge is simply leagues better.[/I] California Love Machine vs. [B]Casey Valentine[/B] [I]Granted it's only based on personal experience, but I have seen Valentine soar and CLM crash in this type of promotion.[/I]
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[B]Rhino Umaga (c)[/B] vs. Angel Blanco - CWB Title vs. Mask [I]- I was tempted to go with a night of the heels but thought better of it. I still think unless Umaga is leaving that Angelo D. Blanco isn't quite ready to rule in Boston.[/I] Matthew Gauge vs. [B]Cameron Vessey[/B] [I]- I'm a fan of Cameron Vessy to start with and this leads to a rematch for the Millenials (all seven years old each of them :D) for the tag titles.[/I] Valiant vs. [B]Dazzlin' Dave Diamond[/B] [I]- Valiant is the better wrestler, but THE Triple D isn't working for another company's development federation. Win or lose, I expect shenanigans.[/I] [B]Greg Gauge[/B] vs. Tempest Appleby [I]- This is shaping up like Beeker's underappreciated card, but Appleby isn't quite ready to topple one of the Gauge Twins.[/I] California Love Machine vs. [B]Casey Valentine[/B] [I]- I like both men, I like Casey more and it gives him some momentum when heading into a future tag match with the Gauge Twins.[/I]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r219/jkeats/CWB_heading_logo.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Impact"][SIZE="6"]BRAWLAPALOOZA III[/SIZE][/FONT] Thursday, Week 3 November 2009 175 fans at Biker's Paradise in Boston, MA [I]Check out the streaming video on [URL="http://www.johnkeating.biz"]www.cwb.com[/URL][/I][/CENTER] [I]Dazzlin' Dave Diamond no-showed tonight's event. That, plus a radio interview he gave recently bashing the promotion and everyone in it doesn't bode too well for his immediate future. Replacing DDD in the match with Valiant is "Trademark" Thomas Morgan.[/I] Vita leads California Love Machine to the ring: [COLOR="Red"]"Dahlings, my tag team of Love Em & Leave Em are sweeping New England and the entire world. Tonight, you only get a taste of one half of that team...too much would kill you!"[/COLOR] [B]E Casey Valentine d. California Love Machine (w. Vita)[/B] Good opener. CLM isn't much of a worker in-ring, but he knows how to work a crowd. Valentine is just a solid rookie at this point and he gets a clean win with the Heartbreaker. Fitting. [B]E+[/B] As the ref raises Casey's hand, Greg and Matt Gauge charge the ring and beat him down. This brings out Cameron Vessey to a big pop to chase off the heels. [B]E-[/B] Greg refuses to return to the ring for his match until Vessey and Valentine are cleared out. [B]Greg Gauge d. Tempest Appleby[/B] Excellent match and was pretty much what I was expecting. Tempest can go with almost anyone and when put with a top talent like Gauge, he really shines. Greg isn't over as much as Matt in the US but his work is top notch. He wins with a Gauge Crusher (Stunner). [B]D+[/B] Thomas Morgan comes to the ring: [COLOR="Red"]"When this company needs someone to save a show, to steal a show who do they call? That's right..."Trademark". Valiant, you got beat last month by senseless Samoan aggression and this month isn't going to be any different...except, you know...I'm not Samoan. I'm pretty aggressive though!"[/COLOR] [B]D+ Valiant d. Thomas Morgan[/B] Valiant was against doing another job as it might hurt his SWF and USPW standing and I could see his point. Morgan had no problem dropping the match and it actually helped him out as well as it was a great match. He looked very strong in defeat. Valiant wins with the Patriot Missile. Hopefully, he'll return at some point as he has a lot of upside and the Boston fans really dig him. [B]C-[/B] Matt Gauge: [COLOR="Red"]"As you may know, my brother and I work all around the world. He is a top star in Japan and I'm kicking ass in DaVE and TCW here in the States. No matter where we go, though, no one talks about our many, many accomplishments. All they want to know is when we're going to give Vantine and Vessey a shot at our CWB Tag Titles! Can you believe that?! With as great as we are and all the stuff that there is to talk about, that's the subject. I'm sick of it and tonight, Vessey, I'm going to take out all that frustration on you!"[/COLOR] [B]C Cameron Vessey d. Matthew Gauge[/B] Awesome match and most likely the match of the year. They had the history and backstory for the match in place and these two youngsters tore the house down. Without a doubt the best CWB match in over 20 years. At a very young age, Matthew is already in the makings of a ring general and Cameron held up his end of the match without question. Cam wins with the Vessey Driver in about 20 minutes. Crowd went nuts! [B]C+[/B] Thomas Morgan leads CWB Champion Rhino Umaga to the ring: [COLOR="Red"]"Angel Blanco, Frankie Dee...whatever name you want to call yourself, it doesn't matter. Wear all the disguises you want and the outcome will still be the same. You will lose to Rhino Umaga and then we'll unmask you. You'll be out on the street Dee and we will laugh all the way to the bank!"[/COLOR] [B]E+ [IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r219/jkeats/CWBChampionship.jpg[/IMG] Angel Blanco d. Rhino Umaga to win the CWB Title[/B] This match had a tough act to follow but they more than held their own. Blanco was doing a lot of high flying and it seemed to confuse the big Samoan . He seemed to be expecting a different offense. Umaga gains the advantage and there are some close nearfalls. Blanco fights back from underneath and the crowd is certainly on his side. At about the 18 minute mark, the ref is bumped. Thomas Morgan gets in the ring to interfere when out of the crowd comes....FRANKIE DEE?!?! Huh? The crowd is shocked as is Rhino and Morgan. Dee waffles Morgan with the steel chair and gets him out of the ring. Rhino is distracted just enough for Blanco to hit a flying sitdown faceslam onto a the chair. Rhino is out!! Blanco makes the cover as Dee rolls Chad Brent into the ring. 1...2...3!!! The crowd erupts as we have a NEW CWB CHAMPION!!! [B]C[/B] Angel Blanco celebrates and calls Frankie Dee into the ring. As the crowd cheers them on, Blanco tears off his mask to reveal... NICOLAS LOPEZ!! The crowd pops as Rhino and Morgan tear up ringside until security can settle things down. [B]D-[/B] Overall Show: [B]C[/B] Notes: The Angel Blanco storyline comes to a resounding close as the crowd really responded well to the introduction of Lopez and the new champion. He was as over as anyone in Boston and I figured it was a strong way to debut him. Without a doubt the best show we've ever produced and I think this might be the start of a major upturn in business.
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[QUOTE]Angel Blanco celebrates and calls Frankie Dee into the ring. As the crowd cheers them on, Blanco tears off his mask to reveal... NICOLAS LOPEZ!! The crowd pops as Rhino and Morgan tear up ringside until security can settle things down. D- Overall Show: C Notes: The Angel Blanco storyline comes to a resounding close as the crowd really responded well to the introduction of Lopez and the new champion. He was as over as anyone in Boston and I figured it was a strong way to debut him. Without a doubt the best show we've ever produced and I think this might be the start of a major upturn in business.[/QUOTE] Nice swerve. ;) That will keep us "smarks" from "dragonmacking" our predictions! :p :rolleyes:
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[QUOTE=Dragonmack;342425]Nice swerve. ;) That will keep us "smarks" from "dragonmacking" our predictions! :p :rolleyes:[/QUOTE] Thanks! I was really excited to run this storyline. It was basically the Ted DiBiase vs. Mr. R storyline from the DOTT data with a few tweaks.
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[QUOTE=Phantom Stranger;342451]And I felt so confident I was pointing it out till the page loaded.[/QUOTE] Well you did! You didn't see my post so I'll give you that one :) Oh as a side note... I'm heading back to Boston tonight for the holidays. I have a couple of shows in the can and should post those over the holidays. I don't know if there will be any new ones after that ( I have two more already played) until I get back. We'll see. I hope everyone has a great holiday and new year!
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Damn, Nicolas Lopez.. You got me there ! Nice work ! I wasnt sure about Frankie being under the mask, but I couldn't put a name on Blanco neither. Good luck keeping the Gauge around in the next months, it seems to me they're going to have an ego and head strictly for bigger things.
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I'm really psyched you guys dug that angle!! Having played a few games ahead I can say it really popped the territory as you'll see. Matt is definitely not hanging around after his contract is up. he's already at C+ or B- in every region. Greg's success is more in Japan so he may stick around. We'll have to see. I have about 6 or 7 mos. left on them I think. On a side note to the angle, for a little insider news...it actually was Frankie under the mask until the final match with Rhino.
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Shipshirt, is that johnkeating.biz site yours or do you just do the comic? If you do have graphical powers over the site, can I make a suggestion to tigheten up the horizontal space usage? The site looks beautiful but you can never see the whole site at once, you have to keep scrolling side to side. There's a lot of buffer space between the different segements and that could probably be tightened to fit it all on one horizontal screen. FYI: I'm running 1024x768 resolution edit: Back on topic: Great dynasty and this has inspired me to try and do a dynasty myself again. The first one I ran didn't go too long, but I have another idea for this one.
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That was a fun angle. I thought it was Nicolas Gonzalez not Lopez. Who doesn't exist. I confused Carlos Gonzalez with Nicolas Lopez. Impressive no? Of course, I didn't think Lopez would leave the sunny climes of Mexico but there ya go. I think he'll be a great fit in Boston. Especially since all the caucasians of Boston seem to enjoy cheering for imported entertainers... see the Red Sox, the Patriots, the Celtics... even the Bruins for confirmation. ;) And hey, I was spot on about Dave's Shenanigans. I like Morgan better when he loses. He gains more from loses than a lot of heels. And I still suspect Umaga's going to leave sooner rather than later. You're gonna have to import some heels... hopefully ones more reliable than the fantastic Dazzler himself.
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[QUOTE=praguepride;342968]Shipshirt, is that johnkeating.biz site yours or do you just do the comic? If you do have graphical powers over the site, can I make a suggestion to tigheten up the horizontal space usage? The site looks beautiful but you can never see the whole site at once, you have to keep scrolling side to side. There's a lot of buffer space between the different segements and that could probably be tightened to fit it all on one horizontal screen. FYI: I'm running 1024x768 resolution edit: Back on topic: Great dynasty and this has inspired me to try and do a dynasty myself again. The first one I ran didn't go too long, but I have another idea for this one.[/QUOTE] It's my site. That's odd. I'm on a small laptop screen with 1280 x 1024 and there's no horizontal scrolling at all. I've never had anyone complain about that so I didn't even know it was an issue. Every monitor I've used it on has presented the whole site onscreen. I don't think it's fixable though as to present the comic strip in it's correct size, it's going to cause the horizontal scrolling regardless whether I smush the segments together. When I switched resolutions to your settings that was what it looked like. The comic is going to be that size because that's how it's syndicated from ComicSpace. Sorry about that.
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[QUOTE=praguepride;343242]Oh, no worries. Wasn't really a complaint, just pointing it out in case you hadn't noticed. Like I said, my resolution was 1024x768. Anyway I'm up to page 6 of the dynasty. Still enjoying the burgeoning growth of the rising Boston fed. Keep up the good work.[/QUOTE] Cool thanks! I'm having a blast writing it!
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[QUOTE=Beeker;343027]That was a fun angle. I thought it was Nicolas Gonzalez not Lopez. Who doesn't exist. I confused Carlos Gonzalez with Nicolas Lopez. Impressive no? Of course, I didn't think Lopez would leave the sunny climes of Mexico but there ya go. I think he'll be a great fit in Boston. Especially since all the caucasians of Boston seem to enjoy cheering for imported entertainers... see the Red Sox, the Patriots, the Celtics... even the Bruins for confirmation. ;) And hey, I was spot on about Dave's Shenanigans. I like Morgan better when he loses. He gains more from loses than a lot of heels. And I still suspect Umaga's going to leave sooner rather than later. You're gonna have to import some heels... hopefully ones more reliable than the fantastic Dazzler himself.[/QUOTE] Yeah when I saw him unemployed and willing to work the US, I took a stab at him. He turned out to be very afforadable (around 700/app) and I took the chance. he started out as an E+ in Boston (and across the US) so he was as over as most so I gave him the ball. He seems to really want to run with it :)
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r219/jkeats/CWBwebsite.jpg[/IMG] [U]CWB COMINGS AND GOINGS[/U] Championship Wrestling from Boston has been making a lot of changes to the roster as of late. As many fans now know, Nicolas Lopez has joined the group and is the new CWB Champion, having defeated Rhino Umaga at Brawlapalooza. In addition to Lopez, CWB took a chance on rookie Bostonian [B]Hugh de Aske[/B] and he should be starting with the company in the months to come. Former CWB Tag Champions Brady Prince and Buck Graham have left the company as their contracts were not renewed. This writer would expect Prince to make a return to Boston at some point as he and owner Andy Hartigan got along very well. [U]DAZZLIN' DAVE DIAMOND UNHAPPY?[/U] After a recent audio interview with TOTALEXTREMEWRESTLING.COM in whic he proclaimed himself the best wrestler on the CWB roster, Dave Diamond then no-showed the company's Brawlapalooza event, CWB's yearly supershow. Diamond was to have wrestled visiting worker Valiant and some are speculating that he didn't like booking plans so he skipped the show. These two incidents will not endear him to Hartigan as the latter hasn't been thrilled with Diamond's work as of late.[/CENTER]
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