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Championship Wrestling from Boston (C-Verse '07 Diary)

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[CENTER][IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r219/jkeats/CWBwebsite.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="2"][I]presents[/I][/SIZE] [FONT="Impact"][SIZE="6"]Holiday Happening[/SIZE][/FONT] Sunday Week 3, December 2007 30 fans at Biker's Paradise in Boston, MA Brought to you online at [url]www.ceb.com[/url][/CENTER] Andy Hartigan: [COLOR="Green"]"Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, Merry Kwanza and to any atheists out there...welcome to the show! It's the last show of the year and we are promising you on of the best."[/COLOR] Santa Claus is already at ringside, handing out Championship Wrestling from Boston t-shirts to the crowd as Dazzlin' Dave Diamond leads Blackjack Robbins to the ring. [B]D- Blackjack Robbins (w/ DDD) d. Tempest Appleby 8:45[/B] Blackjack gets a strong win here over the talented Appleby. Interesting clash of styles as Tempest bumped a lot for Robbins but took advantage of a mistake to gain the advantage back. It all ended with the Spinning Side Slam. [B]E+[/B] DDD grabs the mic: [COLOR="Red"]"Dayum, did you see that destruction. Christian, I know you're ducking me and the Outlaws 'cause yer yella! You can't hide forever!! I feel so good after that win, I want my match right now!! Get your ass out here Prince!"[/COLOR] [B]E Dazzlin Dave Diamond d. Brady Prince in 13:34[/B] These two had zero chemistry and it was a really awkward match. They couldn't find a rhythm and neither one ended looking good at all. DDD wins with the Dazzle Driver. [B]E-[/B] Santa is back at ringside and hanging with the fans. Thomas Morgan comes to the ring, beltless for the first time since Banned in Boston in February: [COLOR="Red"]"For the past month I've had to walk around these cold streets of Boston, freezing my nuts off and people kept staring at me. I could feel the burn of their stare and I knew what they were thinking. Loser. You cost me my most prized possession Christian!! You ruined my Christmas! I want what's mine, I want my title back!" [/COLOR] [B]D[/B] [I]Morgan has developed into a money promo guy[/I] [B]Jesse Christian d. Thomas Morgan in 20:34 to retain the Boston Title[/B] Note to self: don't have these two have such a long match. The "lack of flow was noticeable" and they kind of went to filler in the middle. Even with the match scripted out. Still a solid match with a lot of action. Christian plays the bad ass babyface with Morgan doing everything in his power to gain advantage. Finally it was too much and the champ overpowered Morgan and took the match with the Human Torture Rack. [B]D[/B] Christian holds the belt high when suddenly, SANTA ATTACKS HIM FROM BEHIND!! Santa lays him out with a sharp, stiff spear from behind and puts the boots to him. When Morgan regains his feet he joins in on the beating. They glare at the crowd and Morgan removes Santa's beard and hat to reveal RHINO UMAGA!! The heels leave to some good heat. [B]E[/B] Overall Show: [B]D-[/B] Notes: The original plan for the "santa storyline" was to have it be Blackjack Robbins under the beard and move Christian to a feud with DDD boys. When Rhino became available on a talent trade and was somehwat affordable ($600) I changed my plans and decided to try to get him for at least 6 shows. We needed something to pop the territory and take us up a "notch" in popularity and I think this might do it. I was really disappointed in the Prince-DDD match as neither man has really stepped it up here in Boston during their stay. I was originally hoping Brady could be a top level babyface challenger. DDD is at least valuable on the stick so we'll have to see what happens in the new year.
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[CENTER][FONT="Impact"][SIZE="6"]2007: A Look Back[/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER] It's December 31st, lunchtime, and I'm sitting down with the Bomber to go over last year's performance for Championship Wrestling from Boston. I've got plans with the missus later but I wanted to reflect and go over plans for the future. Running a wrestling promotion isn't as easy as it looks! The Bomber chomps into his bacon double cheeseburger as he asks, "so how did we do, moneywise?" "Well, we're at about the same point we started at. We ran 10 shows last year and the two off months gave us a little extra revenue without the expense of running a show. We averaged a loss of about $500 a show and we have $10,076 in the business account. All told, that's actually not bad. We're in the red $76! Ha Ha!" "How did you feel about the shows?" "Actually, that was the best part for me. It was such a thrill to see things develop and hey, we had more people coming to shows in December than we did in February...I think we're on to something and can make a go of it. I'd like to run a full slate of 12 shows in '08 but if we can't, we'll take a month or two off. I don't think I can sink any more cash into it or else my wife will have me sleeping on the couch. She's already not too thrilled with all of this as it is." "I actually drew up a little report card on some of the key workers so we can see where everyone stands":[B] Thomas Morgan[/B] - I thought he not only did the job we needed him to in providing a capable champion to build around, but he also took the ball and ran with it. He's a keeper for sure as he can talk, wrestle and do whatever we need. [B] Jesse Christian[/B] - Another star. I'm so thankful he decided to help us out and even more thankful that Eisen signed that non-aggression clause. Hopefully, he'll stick around all year. [B]Des Davids/Primal Rage[/B] - I have to say, these two were really a disappointment last year. I was hoping their feud would light up the undercard but it didn't. It was good just not what I was hoping for. We'll have to see what happens when they are against other opponents. [B]Brady Prince[/B] - Another disappointment. Not the solid uppercard babyface I wanted him to be. [B]Romeo Romero[/B] - A definite surprise. Decent on the stick and getting better and not too shabby in the ring. His series with Bob Casey has been a sleeper treat. He's got a lot of upside. [B]DDD and the Outlaws[/B] - Diamond has not really performed in the ring but his mic work is always really good. The Outlaws looks very good and should be right in the main event mix for awhile. Good solid, bad ass brawlers. [B]Tempest Appleby[/B] - He really helped us out at the beginning with some strong matches and I like him a lot. We just need to find a good role for him. [B] Frankie Dee[/B] - A ton of potential. His matches have been very good and with a little more direction, he's money.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r219/jkeats/CWB_FN.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]In a match that Jesse Christian demanded!!![/B] Jesse Christian (c) vs. Rhino Umaga for the Boston Championship Frankie Dee vs. Velocidad Cal Sanders vs. Thomas Morgan Mark Smart vs. Xavier Reckless
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Jesse Christian (c) vs. [B]Rhino Umaga[/B] for the Boston Championship Weird DQ(Jesse gets caught after taking chair away from Rhino) [B]Frankie Dee[/B] vs. Velocidad Frankie just fits better Cal Sanders vs. [B]Thomas Morgan[/B] Morgan rehabs his rep [B]Mark Smart[/B] vs. Xavier Reckless I'm a Smart Mark fan!!!!
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[B]Jesse Christian[/B] (c) vs. Rhino Umaga for the Boston Championship [I]Rhino is on a trade and I see Jesse holding on for a long time.[/I] Frankie Dee vs. [B]Velocidad[/B] [I]Evenly matched, I gotta go with the masked man.[/I] Cal Sanders vs. [B]Thomas Morgan[/B] [I]Cal could b your homegrown star, but I se a lose coming his way.[/I] Mark Smart vs. [B]Xavier Reckless[/B] [I]Now where is the rest of XDW?[/I]
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Jesse Christian (c) vs. [B]Rhino Umaga[/B] for the Boston Championship [I]Countout win or DQ to set up a rematch.[/I] [B]Frankie Dee[/B] vs. Velocidad [I]If he's good enough to be a jobber for NOTBPW, that means he can be good enough to become a real player in a regional or lower fed.[/I] Cal Sanders vs. [B]Thomas Morgan[/B] [I]Morgan regains momentum against everyone's favorite job boy[/I] [B]Mark Smart[/B] vs. Xavier Reckless [I]Out of all of XDW, Reckless has the most potential, which isn't saying much, but I think the smarky one wins here.[/I]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r219/jkeats/CWBwebsite.jpg[/IMG] [I][SIZE="2"]presents[/SIZE][/I] [FONT="Impact"][SIZE="6"]FIRST NIGHT[/SIZE][/FONT] Sunday Week 3 January 2008 40 fans at Biker's Paradise in Boston, MA [I]also presented on [URL="http://www.johnkeating.biz"]www.cwb.com[/URL][/I][/CENTER] Thomas Morgan leads Frankie Dee to the ring for the opening bout: [COLOR="Red"]"Tonight you are going to see a man I handpicked to destroy Jesse Christian do just that. I like to call him my insurance policy...Rhino Umaga. Christmas came a little early for you Christian and your gift was wrapped tight in two ham hocks masquerading as fists. Don't worry about escaping tonigth with your title...try to focus on escaping with your life! Hey Frankie, I can't hang out here for your match. Kick ass and all, I've got to go back and prep Rhino for the main event."[/COLOR] Morgan leaves and Dee is left in the ring, looking a little confused. [B]E+ Frankie Dee went to a time limit draw with Velocidad in 10:00[/B] Dee looked a little lost without his manager Thomas Morgan at ringside. Velocidad put up a great fight and while Frankie dominated the action, Velocidad would not say "die". A lot of nearfalls leading to the ten minute time limit. [B]D-[/B] Xavier Reckless, newcomer to CWB, comes to the ring and then his opponent Mark Smart is introduced. Smart is holding what appears to be a newsletter: [COLOR="Red"]"Xavier Reckless...if you look back at my January 2006 Mark Smart Says... newsletter you'll see that I rated a backyard match of yours with Super Sonic a complete DUD. That's right, zero stars! Your workrate is shoddy and tonight I'm going to teach you a lesson in Smarkdom!"[/COLOR] [B]E- Xavier Reckless d. Mark Smart in 8:45[/B] Big win for the underdog Reckless. I think he's someone that could actually have a little impact in CWB with his brawling style and good looks. He caught a Smart Flying Back Plancha Press and turned it into a powerslam for the win. [B]E-[/B] [B] Internet Exclusive:[/B] Thanks to GCG, we are able to show some clips of Rhino Umaga from his Japanese matches. [B]F+ Thomas Morgan d. Cal Sanders in 10:23[/B] Very good technical match with Sanders really getting a chance to show his stuff. He's the kind of guy that if something interesting is found for him, he might be able to take off. I'm looking forward to utlizing him in the upcoming tag title scene. Morgan is one of our most reliable performers and wins with the Eminent Domain. [B]D Internet Exclusive:[/B] Backstage at "the Bike" Frankie Dee questions Morgan on his decision to leave him alone in the opening match. Also reminding Morgan that he said if he signed on with him, he would get a title shot. Instead, it's Rhino Umaga coming in and taking a shot. Morgan replied with: [COLOR="Red"]"Hey, Frankie, you didn't even beat Velocidad tonight. Beat him and then I'll see what I can do."[/COLOR] [B]D- Rhino Umaga d. Jesse Christian by DQ in 16:34; Christian retains the title[/B] An all out, old school brawl. Christian and Umaga worked super stiff and put in the best match in CWB's recent history. Christian was a man possessed and lost control of hmself, smashing Umaga with a chair and earning a DQ loss. [B]D+[/B] Overall Show: [B]D[/B] Notes: Everyone busted their ass to make this the best show yet. Rhino-Christian looks like just what we needed to get things going and bring us up a notch.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r219/jkeats/CWB_BiB08.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]Tried something a little different with the graphic this time...hope ya like it![/I] QUICK PICKS: Jesse Christian (c) vs. Rhino Umaga for the Boston Title Des Davids vs. Dazzlin' Dave Diamond Thomas Morgan vs. Ben Williams Romeo Romero (w/ Vita) vs. Tempest Appleby
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[B]Jesse Christian [/B](c) vs. Rhino Umaga for the Boston Title [I]Christian is awesome. That is all.[/I] Des Davids vs. [B]Dazzlin' Dave Diamond[/B] [I]I'm thinking DDD is the next challenger for Christian's title so a win over the somewhat dissapointing Davids would seem logical.[/I] [B]Thomas Morgan[/B] vs. Ben Williams [I]You'd be very cruel to let Morgan get beat by Ben Williams...[/I] [B]Romeo Romero[/B] (w/ Vita) vs. Tempest Appleby [I]As big of an Appleby fan I am, I am even more of a Romaro fan, so he gets the nod.[/I]
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Jesse Christian (c) vs. Rhino Umaga for the Boston Title [I]Draw[/I] [B]Des Davids[/B] vs. Dazzlin' Dave Diamond [I]With an evil faction beatdown afterward.[/I] [B]Thomas Morgan[/B] vs. Ben Williams [I]Where we find out if Williams can actually develop any wrestling skills to go with his promo skills.[/I] [B]Romeo Romero (w/ Vita)[/B] vs. Tempest Appleby [I]Not quite a jesus push, more of a St Paul push. :D [/I] Feb 2007 hmm? Doing the retro thing again?
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[QUOTE=shipshirt;293744]It's those damn printers again! That and I hate you D-mack ;) But look how pretty it looks all ripped and such![/QUOTE] Geez ,you call a couple of main events right (or four or five, but who's counting) and notice a slight calendar irregularity (for the second diary in a row, but again, who' s counting) and suddenly you are on a booker's s**t list! :p And yeah, it does look pretty all ripped and such, that really enforces that retro feel! :D
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r219/jkeats/CWBwebsite.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="2"][I]presents[/I][/SIZE] [SIZE="6"][FONT="Impact"]BANNED IN BOSTON[/FONT][/SIZE] Sunday Week 3, February 2008 58 fans at Biker's Paradise in Boston, MA[/CENTER] We've got a record high of 58 fans here at the Bike and we can't wait to jump into CWB action!! [B]Romeo Romero (w/ Vita) d. Tempest Appleby[/B] So-so match. Nothing really much to speak of. Appleby bumped a lot and Romeo taunted the crowd, winning with The Last Kiss. [B]E[/B] Thomas Morgan is out in the ring with Rhino Umaga: [COLOR="Red"]"Jesse Christian, somehow, by the grace of whatever sacred cow you pray to, you escaped last month with the Boston Championship still around your waist. That wasn't enough for you though, was it? You needed ANOTHER taste...you had to prove to yourself that you could beat Rhino. The old saying goes that pride comes before the fall. I smell a big fall coming up."[/COLOR] [B]E+ Thomas Morgan (w/ Rhino) d. Ben Williams[/B] Williams played into that he was terrified of Rhino Umaga and would try to keep away from his side of the ring. Very good squash match though as Williams is getting better and Morgan is looking strong with any opponent. [B]D-[/B] Dazzlin' Dave Diamond is next out to the boos of the Boston crowd: [COLOR="Red"]"Man oh man, there ain't nothing like puttin' the whuppin on a hometown guy in front of his hometown fans. Davids, you're about to get the business end of my **** kickers placed where the sun don't shine."[/COLOR] [B]E+ Des Davids d. Dazzlin' Dave Diamond[/B] Much better. These two had the best match they've had in CWB thus far. Good brawling and psychology (helped out by the script I laid out for them). Some close nearfalls but in the end Davids wins with the Beantown Bomb. [B]D-[/B] Jesse Christian: [COLOR="Blue"]"Morgan, you come out here running your mouth about pride coming before the fall. I've read the bible and I know the stories and quotes. This ain't about pride, son. This is about being a man and doing what a man has to do. Rhino Umaga, you came here to Boston just to take me out...you're a mercenary. I'll take a man defending his home over a man making a buck any day of the week."[/COLOR] [B]D Jesse Christian d. Rhino Umaga (w/ Thomas Morgan) to retain the Boston Title[/B] Wow, we're at the one year anniversary for CWB and we get treated to the best match in that year. Just an outstanding brawl that could have headlined any small company's show in the world. Back and forth, stiff and snug. Christian dodges a charge into the corner and springs back with his Flying SHoulder Tackle to win clean and retain. [B]C-[/B] Morgan and Umaga are not going to take this laying down as they proceed to lay into Christian. From the back, Des Davids runs out to make the save and clears the ring as the crowd cheers. He helps Jesse back to his feet and the two heroes stand mid ring. [B]E+[/B] Overall Show: [B]D[/B] Notes: Lots of notes here. To start off with, this show boosted us up to a Small Promotion designation and we actually made $676 in profit!! Our one year anniversary was a resounding success! Unfortunately, a few days after this show, Des Davids breaks his ankle in MAW wrestling Ricky Douglas. We were originally going to have the first ever tag team match in CWB to headline next month's show. I think we'll still end up doing that and give the rub to someone on the roster. We'll create an angle around Davids' injury and go from there.
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'shirt, It's clear to see you've found your passion for TEW again with this diary. Which an elusive and cherished thing. Glad to see you're back into the grist of it all. The characters are fleshing themselves out nicely and with a bit of foresight I think you can really make Davids' injury into something more than has to be worked around. I'll not postulate how I'd book it, if you want my slight deranged perceptions drop me a message. Still needs more Diamond Success and I love me some Appleby. So long as you don't go under, that's a good thing. Happy one year on, remember booking to dragons is just plain fantasy! *** And congratulations on the small growth... but [i]'iz nawt a tuuuumah.'[/i]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r219/jkeats/CWB_newsletter.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] [U][B]DES DAVIDS INJURED IN BRUTAL BACKSTAGE ATTACK!![/B][/U] Upon returning to the dressing room moments after rescuing Boston Champion Jesse Christian from a 2 on 1 attack by Thomas Morgan and Rhino Umaga, Des Davids was suffered an unfortunate blow... "Dave Diamond broke my ankle." Earlier in the evening, Davids had defeated Diamond in a highly anticipated matchup. Diamond, never known to be high in sportsmanship was waiting for him back in the locker room. "I was on an high after the win and was lost in my thoughts. Next thing I know, there's a sharp pain shooting up my leg and I'm on my back. I look up and it's Diamond, standing above me weilding a crowbar. He's screaming about "no one beats me and walks away" or whatever and he runs out of the room. It was awful and one of the most cowardly things I've ever seen." Davids will miss at least two months from the injury, including his main event in the first ever CWB tag team match. He was supposed to team with Christian against Rhino Umaga and Morgan next month. "I think that hurts most of all. I get a chance to really show what I can do and really be a part of the big picture as the company grows. Now I have to sit on the sidelines." In parting, Davids had this to say: "Diamond, this isn't over my friend. You better stock up on all the Southern Comfort you can because that's about the only comfort you're going to get. Go ask Primal Rage what happens when someone makes it personal with me."
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r219/jkeats/CWB_heading.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Impact"][SIZE="6"]BEANTOWN RUMBLE[/SIZE][/FONT] Sunday Week 4 March 2008 62 fans at Biker's Paradise in Boston, MA[/CENTER] The show opens with Cal Sanders in the ring. Out from the back charges Primal Rage and the first match gets right underway... [B]Primal Rage d. Cal Sanders in 7:45[/B] For what appeared to be a squash this was actually a much better match than anticipated...even better than most of the matches with Davids. Sanders got a brief comeback that the crowd got behind but was then just taken apart by the violent Rage. [B]D-[/B] Thomas Morgan leads Frankie Dee to the ring: Morgan: [COLOR="Red"]"I can't stay out here with you, dude, I gotta go back and prep for my main event. Try to beat him this time and I'll see about getting you into the title picture."[/COLOR] [B]F+ Frankie Dee d. Velocidad in 10:23[/B] Solid match featuring a nice contrast of styles. Velocidad has commitments in MHW as well as MPWF that may keep him off future Boston shows so he did the honors for the rising Dee. Dee hit some stiff kicks and blocked a huracanrana into a powerbomb for the pin. [B]D-[/B] I smell whiskey and that can only mean Dazzlin' Dave Diamond is on his way to the ring with Blackjack Robbins: [COLOR="Red"]"Aw boo hoo, Des Davids tripped and fell on my crowbar and broke his little ankle. You think you're gonna beat me, son and then just walk away. Uh uh. I don't think so. Now all you fans run to your little 'pooters and type it all up on the interweb having to read how your hero got brained backstage. I don't need to take care of business in the ring, I'll do it anywhere I damn well feel like. Hey, Bomber, your lackey is all laid up and I know you just wanna suspend me don'cha? Go ahead, I dare ya!"[/COLOR] Bomber stands and the crowd cheers him on as he enters the ring: [COLOR="Purple"]"You're right, I would love to suspend you. I'm not going to though. Des Davids called me up personally and asked me not to. He said that getting back into the ring with him when he heals up is going to much worse than any suspension."[/COLOR] DDD shows a flash of fear on his face but then straightens up: [COLOR="Red"]"Yeah, well a table ain't no good with three legs. Plus, Blackjack here's gonna bust up The Bullet and get a Boston Title shot. Won't that beat all...one of the Southern Boys holding the Boston Title."[/COLOR] [B]E Blackjack Robbins (W/ DDD) d. "Bullet" Bob Casey in 12:23 to become the #1 Contender to the Boston Championship[/B] Another solid match with Casey really showing a lot. He's been such a boon to this small, struggling company. Robbins is a brute and just barrells forward with no hesitation. He wins it with the Jumping Side Slam and will get a shot at Jesse Christian next month. [B]D-[/B] Andy Hartigan: [COLOR="Green"]"I don't care Bomber, Diamond may be a scumbag but the men he manages, especially Blackjack Robbins are forces to be reckoned with. Now, we turn our attention to the main event. For the first time since I started the company up again we'll be featuring one of my favorite staples of pro wrestling...the tag teams. After months of attacks and brutality, Jesse Christian decided he wanted both Thomas Morgan and Rhino Umaga in the same match. Des Davids was supposed to be his team mate but after the attack by Diamond, Christian went to his old SCCW running mate Brady Prince. This is a big match for Prince as he'll get a chance to show he belongs in the upper ranks of the CWB roster."[/COLOR] [B]F+ Jesse Christian and Brady Prince d. Thomas Morgan and Rhino Umaga in 16:34[/B] Strong match with everyone getting to show their stuff. Christian wanted Morgan in the ring first but Trademark scooted out and tagged in Rhino. Prince got the beatdown portion of the match and made the hot tag to Christian who ended up winning by pinning Thomas Morgan. [B]D[/B] Overall Show: [B]D-[/B] Notes: This was a big test as I wanted to see if I could run a tag match and still be ok. We made a little over a hundred dollars in profit on this show so it looks like I may be able to start a small tag division, although I can't hold more than one tag match a show at this point. Still, it gave a nice conclusion to the Rhino-Christian feud that really kicked us up a notch and Prince made a great showing for himself. I'm going to look at bringing in Rhino on a full 9 mos. contract.
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Thanks everyone for all the great feedback! Davids' ankle injury is indeed going to play out in a storyline and may be one of the best things to happen to him. Beeker had some suggestions that fit in perfectly with what I was going to do with him. And yes, the tag tournament will be a three month affair I would think. Probably four teams. Buck Graham will be coming back to reform his team with Brady Prince (although, since they are faces in Boston and the name Maryland Alliance will get over like a fart in church they will be renamed to Sudden Impact).
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