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Lets attack the storylines.

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Ok. So I love playing TEW, but find myself getting bored of using the same storylines time and time again. I check this site frequently, see the new threads about creating storylines, get all excited, then a month later realise it was all just hype...and little more. I want to create new storylines, but am not willing to do it all myself as I must admit, I am not very creative. So how about, people can post there own storylines in this thread (be it real life storylines, or fantasy.) Listing the plot points and character types, then I will compile them and release them, including custom angles if necessary. 1 more thing, POST-POLICE, before anyone chips in with the comment that this has been tried before, note that I didn't do it before. So leave any negative comments at the door. Thanks
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For the Helmsley-Verse I'm planning to add several real life storylines, and between me and my cousin (Nimo34), we are two creative fellas, so we can think up some great storylines. My personal favorite I've made was Stevie Richards leaving the arena for no apparent reason, and videos chronical his journey in a Forrest Gump like run, only to turn out that he wanted to get a head start on the way for ECW One Night Stand, and his run ends as he sprints into the arena for the show, only to lose in 15 seconds... But anyways, after I get them done I might post them separately so that people can use them.
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[QUOTE=SHaynes23;300510]For the Helmsley-Verse I'm planning to add several real life storylines, and between me and my cousin (Nimo34), we are two creative fellas, so we can think up some great storylines. My personal favorite I've made was Stevie Richards leaving the arena for no apparent reason, and videos chronical his journey in a Forrest Gump like run, only to turn out that he wanted to get a head start on the way for ECW One Night Stand, and his run ends as he sprints into the arena for the show, only to lose in 15 seconds... But anyways, after I get them done I might post them separately so that people can use them.[/QUOTE] THAT IS FUNNY AS HECK!!
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First attempt at storyline... OK, like I said, I am not the most creative guy, but here is my first shot at a storyline. Inspiration for this is Eugene (unfortunately), but I think it could run quite well. Mayve is a bit long...havent written yet. [U][B]Characters[/B][/U] Face (major) Fan of face (minor) Heel (major) Heel's partner (minor) [U][B]Plot Points[/B][/U] Match #1 (Face vs Anyone - Face win) Fan hypes face (Hype) Match #2 - The first encounter (Face vs Heel - Face win) Fan hypes face, again (Hype) Heel pair attack fan (Attack) Face challenge heel's partner (Challenge) Heel's partner reject challege (Response) Heel pair attack face, fan saves (Attack) Heel pair challenge face and fan (Challenge) Face and fan accept (Response) Face and fan hype match vs heels (Hype) Announcers replay current activities (Hype) Match #3 - The Showdown (Faces vs Heels - Heels tainted win) Postmatch beatdown by heels (Attack) Announcement that face is injured (not sure which angle for this..) Heels proud of injuring face (Taunt) Fan Challenge heels (Challenge) Heels accept (Response) Fan hypes handicap match (Hype) Face request fan not to fight (Request) Heels hype handicap match (Hype) Match #4 - The revenge? (Fan vs Heels - Heels win) Post match attack on fan by heels (Attack) Heels taunt injured fan (Taunt) Match#5 (Heel vs Anyone - Heel wins) Heel Challenge face (Challenge) Face reject, due to injury (Response) Heel attacks random (Attack) Heel attacks random #2 (Attack) Hype for face return (Hype) Heel's partner warns heel of face return (not sure yet...) Hype for face return #2 (Hype) Face returns (Hype?) Face attacks heel's partner (Revenge?Attack?) Face Face challenge heel (Challenge) Heel Accept (Response) Video hyping match (Hype) Face hypes match (Hype) Heels hype match (Hype) Pre-match attack on face, fan saves (Attack) Match #6 (Face vs Heel - Face wins) Post match celebration by face and fan (Celebration) Could then evolve into a storyline with the face turning heel on the fan because the fan was "stealing the spotlight". Newly turned heel could then have a mini feud with the fan, leading to a feud with the fans new idol? Any positive/constructive feedback welcome.
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Okay, here's one that I used in my game. I had Red Vinny gain a fluke title shot at Harry Smith's Heavyweight Title, but Smith then beat him... Anyway, here it is. (the number next to the angle shows what show it should be on, and is built for a one-show a week promotion.) Champion (Major) Challenger (Major) Authority (Support) 1. Challenger wins #1 Contenders Match (Match 1v1) 2. Champion beats Challenger (Match 1v1) 3. Challenger demands rematch (Angle) 3. Authority grants a rematch (Angle) 3. Champion beats Challenger (Match 1v1) 4. Challenger demands another rematch (Angle) 4. Authority refuses rematch (Angle) 4. Challenger wins a match (Match 1v1) 4. Champion wins a match (Match 1v1) PPV. Challenger wins a match (Match 1v1) PPV. Champion wins a match (Match 1v1) 5. Challenger demands another rematch (Angle) 5. Authority refuses, books tag team match (Angle) 5. Champion & Challenger win match (Match 2v2) 6. Challenger mocks Champion (Angle) 6. Challenger wins a match (Match 1v1) 6. Champion wins a match (Match 1v1) 7. Challenger wins a match (Match 1v1) 7. Champion retaliats (Angle) 7. Champion wins a match (Match 1v1) 8. Challenger mocks Champion (Angle) 8. Challenger wins a match (Match 1v1) 8. Challenger attacks Champion (Angle) PPV. Champion issues Open Challenge (Angle) PPV. Challenger accepts Challenge (Angle) PPV. Champion vs Challenger - Any Result (Match 1v1) As you can see, this storyline should span out for two months. You could possibly stretch some of the segments for two shows a week, if you wanted to, also.
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I did a really big three part storyline based on the Rocky Movie's, was going to do the whole thing up to the present (with a really old guy getting in the ring and losing). I got frustrated and never re/did it after I had to wipe my computer (virus). Anyways, the scenario I did was based really close to the movie, and I actually did the first part, and it worked better then I ever would have dreamed. Keep in mind that the two main character's never faced each other till the end of the storyline (First part). Keep in mind, this is for a VERY OVER Title holder, and you don't have anyone as big, or over as him. I'll use the names (as I remember them) from Rocky to tell the story as best (and briefly) as I can. Remember that this goes through several "Shows". Match, Apollo win's (again). Interviewed, accused of not having any "good" wrestler's to go against. Meanwhile, Rocky, a Low card guy, works over someone, claiming that wrestler owe's money (perhaps a small guy, cruiserweight, manager or something). He's been at the Low card for a good while. (Use an Unknown). Apollo and manager are seen talking about needing to bring in a name that everyone can identify with, someone that will bring in the money (PPV Buy Rates). They start looking over candidates. Rocky is chastized by an older wrestler/manager (either, long as they are older), saying he's wasting his life away (Kind of like Flair/Carlito thing). Appollo finds Rocky's name, liking his nickname "The Italian Stallion".. He thinks this name will work. His manager thinks its silly. Rocky is seen talking to his boss (the one that has him break arms). Says the guy didn't have the money, but he didn't break anything, because then he couldn't work to pay it back. His boss is unhappy with him, takes off. Appollo starts hyping a match between him and Rocky, without Rocky even knowing about it. Rocky is seen beating up on frozen meat. Asks his friend about his sister. Appollo has a match and wins. Rocky asks his friends sister to go out with him sometimes. She does. Appollo sends a message to Rocky about giving him a title shot, via, a promo. Rocky asks manager to help train him, Manager says "Get out of here, your a joke". Appollo starts making fun of Rocky, Mic see's what Appollo say's, Rocky is shown seeing it as well. Mic Show's up on Rocky's door, saying "Lets kick his butt!" Ok.... There's some of it. It goes on till the big fight, you will have to reduce some of the different things in there, but I like to keep some of the love story in their, seems to help the storyline build momentum for some reason. Bassically, show Rocky training and serious, show Appollo having fun training, and not serious. Then it happens, should be an A* on both wrestler's by the time it does, and of course Rocky loss's, but he gains an awefull lot of overness throughout this... And took one of my low cards right into the Main Event push. After that one, you make the second one, this time having them both go all out in training, but Rocky win's. Really obvious, that this is good for a wrestler that's close to retiring anyway's (Appollo). Lets him go out with a big bang, and a reason to keep him on the roster without fighting through the rest of the stories (Rocky 3).
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I thought adapting the film CUBE into a wrestling storyline would be cool. I made a few changes as the film gets rather complicated and I'm rather simple. I picture the Cube as a masked character, because melting people with acid, or cutting them into tiny pieces with bits of sharp wire wouldn't work in a wrestling sense. But the focus is more on the people trapped in the cube. Feel free to tidy it up and change it as you see fit. It's not like it's my idea :) CUBE Main Role - The Cube Main ROle - Face (Math Student) Main Role - Face (The Dr) Main Role - Face (Architect) Main Role - Face (Fugitive) Main ROle - Face/Turn (Cop) Main Role - Face (Autistic) Supporting Role - First Victim Match - Cube d. First Victim - Cube wins Math Student, Dr, Architect, Fugitive, and Cop wake up in a box shaped room with no windows and a single hatch in the ceiling, floor, and each wall. The five new friends talk about how they got there and how to get out. Fugitive reveals that he is an escape artist and is going to get out with or without the help of the others. As Fugitive makes his way through one of the hatches the hatch slams shut seperating him from the others. Match - Cube v Fugitive - Cube wins Math student notices numbers around the hatch and theorises that this is a clue to getting out. The group travel through the hatch, which leaves them in an identical room. But, at least they haven't been seperated. Cop tries to get out through a ceiling hatch, but it is stuck. After some effort he opens it and Autistic falls through. Getting confident that they can survive, the group continue through the identical rooms. However when Cop ebters a new room, the door shuts and he is faced with Cube. Math Student and and Dr re-open door and Cop is pulled to safety. Tensions begin to rise as Math Students theory seems flawed. People are begining to argue with each other. The Architect reveals that he was responsible for designing the cube. But he doesn't know anything else as they kept everybody working on it seperate from each other. The group open a hatch. Autistic makes a sound and Cube runs in. Seeing nobody there he leaves. The cop shouts, and the scene is repeated. The group realise that the cube is responding to sound and procede to make their way through the room as quietly as possible. The group are almost safe. Only the cop has to get through, but Autistic makes a sound. Cube comes running out straight for Cop, who just about makes it through the hatch. Cop turns on Autistic. Dr. saves Autistic. Cop attacks Dr. Math Student saves Dr. Architect opens hatch. It is the end of the cube. The outside. The group discuss how to get to the other side. Dr decides she is the lightest it should be her. Dr tells the architect that she doesn't blame him. Tying their clothes together the group form a rope. Dr is tied to one end and they lower her out the cube. After some swinging they realise there is no way over and so pull her back. Just as she is about to reach safety Cop turns and lets her go. Match - Dr. v Cube At a loss on how to proceed the group rest and eventually sleep. Cop doesn't sleep. He checks that everyone else is sleeping and takes Math Student to a safe room. Cop attacks Math Student. Architect saves Math Student. Match - Cop v Architect Post match Cop throws Architect doen a hatch. Architect is laughing. Group join him and find the body of the fugitive. They realise that the rooms have been moving. Math Student re-evaluates the numbers and realises that they are points on a map. Math Student with the help of Architect and Cop takes the numbers from the hatches surrounding the room and works out that the cube has to make two more moves before being in it's original position. The group make their way to the last room again. Triple Threat - Cop v Architect v Math Student - Cop wins While the match is going on the cube returns to it's original position and Autistic climbs through, making his way to safety. Post match and Cop wins, but the cube has moved again. Final Match - Cop v Cube - Cube wins.
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  • 2 weeks later...
How about one based on the Nitro where Sid got lost on his way to the event? A nice easy storyline and it's fit in with someone playing an idiot/ditz gimmick.For those who don't remember Sid would call the show between matches tell the broadcast team he had no clue where he was.
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[QUOTE=wilts;300580]OK, like I said, I am not the most creative guy, but here is my first shot at a storyline. Inspiration for this is Eugene (unfortunately), but I think it could run quite well. Mayve is a bit long...havent written yet. [U][B]Characters[/B][/U] Face (major) Fan of face (minor) Heel (major) Heel's partner (minor) [U][B]Plot Points[/B][/U] Match #1 (Face vs Anyone - Face win) Fan hypes face (Hype) Match #2 - The first encounter (Face vs Heel - Face win) Fan hypes face, again (Hype) Heel pair attack fan (Attack) Face challenge heel's partner (Challenge) Heel's partner reject challege (Response) Heel pair attack face, fan saves (Attack) Heel pair challenge face and fan (Challenge) Face and fan accept (Response) Face and fan hype match vs heels (Hype) Announcers replay current activities (Hype) Match #3 - The Showdown (Faces vs Heels - Heels tainted win) Postmatch beatdown by heels (Attack) Announcement that face is injured (not sure which angle for this..) Heels proud of injuring face (Taunt) Fan Challenge heels (Challenge) Heels accept (Response) Fan hypes handicap match (Hype) Face request fan not to fight (Request) Heels hype handicap match (Hype) Match #4 - The revenge? (Fan vs Heels - Heels win) Post match attack on fan by heels (Attack) Heels taunt injured fan (Taunt) Match#5 (Heel vs Anyone - Heel wins) Heel Challenge face (Challenge) Face reject, due to injury (Response) Heel attacks random (Attack) Heel attacks random #2 (Attack) Hype for face return (Hype) Heel's partner warns heel of face return (not sure yet...) Hype for face return #2 (Hype) Face returns (Hype?) Face attacks heel's partner (Revenge?Attack?) Face Face challenge heel (Challenge) Heel Accept (Response) Video hyping match (Hype) Face hypes match (Hype) Heels hype match (Hype) Pre-match attack on face, fan saves (Attack) Match #6 (Face vs Heel - Face wins) Post match celebration by face and fan (Celebration) Could then evolve into a storyline with the face turning heel on the fan because the fan was "stealing the spotlight". Newly turned heel could then have a mini feud with the fan, leading to a feud with the fans new idol? Any positive/constructive feedback welcome.[/QUOTE] Looks pretty good to me. I could see myself using it.
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Update Just an update for you. I have got a few done, will post script for them when I can. 2 things slowing me down at the moment though, I have just accepted a new job which I start later this week, and I wiped my computer last week, and stupidly forgot to unlicense my games. Will get on with it as soon as I can, and in the mean time, if anyone else has any ideas then please post them.
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[QUOTE=SHaynes23;300510]For the Helmsley-Verse I'm planning to add several real life storylines, and between me and my cousin (Nimo34), we are two creative fellas, so we can think up some great storylines. My personal favorite I've made was Stevie Richards leaving the arena for no apparent reason, and videos chronical his journey in a Forrest Gump like run, only to turn out that he wanted to get a head start on the way for ECW One Night Stand, and his run ends as he sprints into the arena for the show, only to lose in 15 seconds... But anyways, after I get them done I might post them separately so that people can use them.[/QUOTE] If this storyline is going to be based on Forrest Gump, you will have to say "for no particular reason" as opposed to "for no apparent reason". Must I force you to watch the movie for a 132nd time?
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