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Requesting Permission to Release an Up to Date Version of 1RC

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[QUOTE=XxFutureLegend112xX;362771]Like i said im not going to remove lashley from WWE till the WWE.com puts up a statement and confirms it. and i have been updating it for myself for months but i figured 'd try to share my work to save ppl some trouble lol.[/QUOTE] why, Lashley himself has confirmed it. You don't need WWE.com to make updates. In fact the last two diva releases weren't even made public.
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[QUOTE=Michael Wayne;363803]why, Lashley himself has confirmed it. You don't need WWE.com to make updates. In fact the last two diva releases weren't even made public.[/QUOTE] Yes, Lashley has apparently confirmed he will not be back, but even I agree that it may still be wise to wait until the WWE speaks on the matter because what they do should affect Lashley's status in the game. If they do not agree to a release, then Lashley should not be available to sign anywhere else (as he merely will be sitting out the remainder of his contract). Depending on the terms of the release, he may still not be available for some time to work anywhere else.
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That its! My life is over! :( I was waiting for this update to start my game but now I have a lots of job to do if I want to update my data... I think that I'm going to stay with Cornellverse.... HurryZone is way too big... *Damn* would say Ron Simmons.
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[QUOTE=XxFutureLegend112xX;364491]I dont see what the big deal about someone using his Japan data is...im just trying to be nice and help everyone on the board out and i see no reason for him to object its not like im trying to steal his work or somthing....but whatever i suppose....i cant wait for helmslyverse myself =).......[/QUOTE] I don't bitch about people taking pictures I cut and cutting them onto other bgs and posting them here. I could be a whiny c**t too and say "I put effort into those cuts and I don't want anyone else using them". It's ridiculous. Some people have forgotten what the nature of this whole thing is about. If you don't want people using your data, don't release it. Some people would rather blackball a dataset from being updated purely for the fact that they "created it" and don't want anyone else using it. I have news for you folks. It's just a piece of data. Stop being so anal.
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Agree totally. My photobucket is locked right now because I have private stuff in there, but I don't care if people use my pictures for whatever they want. Heck, I don't even need credit for it. What does that gain me lol? A bunch of people I'll never meet think "hey, justtxyank made some good cuts." LOL Get over it. I don't do much database work, but I did work on the MA 2.0, and if it wasn't Carlito's original database (meaning he'd have to ok it) I'd say use it for whatever you want. Why would I care? The only reason I'd be hesitant to make stuff for people is because some people really trash the work and the creator instead of just saying "ok, thanks for the effort but it's not for me."
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[QUOTE=darthsiddus2;364623]don't use his data then. release it without Japan or just use some workers from that area u know as free agents or something. but yea..... Lukie has always been anal when it comes to his data being used and Forlan hasn't been on here for god knows how long[/QUOTE] hit him up on MSN messenger... I see him on there every so often. That's how I found out he had no plans to make another update. When I talked to him he said he wasn't using the net much, not following wrestling much and said something to the effect that working on the data was too tedious. If T-Zone is effectively dead, no sense why the data should go to waste.
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[QUOTE=Michael Wayne;364502]I don't bitch about people taking pictures I cut and cutting them onto other bgs and posting them here. I could be a whiny c**t too and say "I put effort into those cuts and I don't want anyone else using them". It's ridiculous. Some people have forgotten what the nature of this whole thing is about. If you don't want people using your data, don't release it. Some people would rather blackball a dataset from being updated purely for the fact that they "created it" and don't want anyone else using it. I have news for you folks. It's just a piece of data. Stop being so anal.[/QUOTE] WELL SAID, MAN! I've put a TON of pics up that I've cut over the last two years and I don't have the slightest problem with people using them (THAT'S WHY THEY WERE UPLOADED IN THE FIRST PLACE!). I don't see why it should be a problem, as long as the proper people are credited for the work that they have done.
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Guys I'm really sorry to hear this, Fenoli and I went through the same thing on the first release (I'm sure some of you remember :p ) that's why I thought it would be a good idea to ask LukieP. We didn't know we had to and it started WW3 :( It's sux to hear Forlan has given up T-Zone it was a good mod and provided for alot of people, hopefully someone can pick up the ball and continue it. As for 1RC on our end, I've already got a working database with a limited original Japan data. After the last release King Fenoli and I didn't want to go through the same thing for TEW'08. It won't be ready anytime soon but an original dataset will definitely be ready for 08. Meaning every worker, every picture, [B]everything[/B] will be original and free for use by anyone who asks.... the way it should be! :)
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[QUOTE=CarlitoCoool;364704]Guys I'm really sorry to hear this, Fenoli and I went through the same thing on the first release (I'm sure some of you remember :p ) that's why I thought it would be a good idea to ask LukieP. We didn't know we had to and it started WW3 :( It's sux to hear Forlan has given up T-Zone it was a good mod and provided for alot of people, hopefully someone can pick up the ball and continue it. As for 1RC on our end, I've already got a working database with a limited original Japan data. After the last release King Fenoli and I didn't want to go through the same thing for TEW'08. It won't be ready anytime soon but an original dataset will definitely be ready for 08. Meaning every worker, every picture, [B]everything[/B] will be original and free for use by anyone who asks.... the way it should be! :)[/QUOTE] We're all supposed to be helping each other out so we all have the resources at our disposal. Mods, pics etc... Some people seem to have forgotten that and put their own ego ahead of the community. It didn't used to be this way.. Shame it's come to this. Many of the original posters may remember my antics (as well as the antics of many over at 400) but all that aside, who was there to give people a photo to use when Melina debuted on SD? me. And let's not forget Forlan's fav graphic set from 04' which many of you got use of... Point is, we all chipped in and helped each other out. Image where through the years we'd be if kyky had hoarded all his cuts to himself. Or keke not shared his wonderful C-Verse renders with the world which have become "all too familiar" with the C-Verse data.
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[QUOTE=Michael Wayne;364706]We're all supposed to be helping each other out so we all have the resources at our disposal. Mods, pics etc... Some people seem to have forgotten that and put their own ego ahead of the community. It didn't used to be this way.. Shame it's come to this. Many of the original posters may remember my antics (as well as the antics of many over at 400) but all that aside, who was there to give people a photo to use when Melina debuted on SD? me. And let's not forget Forlan's fav graphic set from 04' which many of you got use of... Point is, we all chipped in and helped each other out. Image where through the years we'd be if kyky had hoarded all his cuts to himself. Or keke not shared his wonderful C-Verse renders with the world which have become "all too familiar" with the C-Verse data.[/QUOTE] If it weren't for TCP bringing all of us together 1RC would never have been either. This boards been heading a bad way for a little while, people with agendas, making double or triple accounts, flaming at will. The less you see Panix the less positive the board is.... that's the best indication I've found :p
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its in the rules my friend. however crappy it may be it was so the proper people can get credit for what they put out. remember the last war we had on the boards Adam had to put that rule in. its kinda sad that Lukie doesn't want his data being used. if he didn't want it being used he shouldn't have released it in the first place in a public forum. with that said I hope someone OTHER THAN LUKIE knows Japan and can help. I know very little though so I can't.
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Lukie is protective of his work. I know he put a lot of effort into his data and for some reason wanted it to be exclusive to a particular website but almost immediately it was hosted on Bobinc and that didn't please him. He's already kind of had his data used without his permission so I think he might still have a bug up his butt about it which is understandable. I don't agree with his attitude, but I do kind of see where he is coming from. He's not a bad guy ... actually I think he blocked me on MSN. That piece of ... :mad:
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