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Requesting Permission to Release an Up to Date Version of 1RC

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[QUOTE=BurningHamster;365006]Lukie is protective of his work. I know he put a lot of effort into his data and for some reason wanted it to be exclusive to a particular website but almost immediately it was hosted on Bobinc and that didn't please him. He's already kind of had his data used without his permission so I think he might still have a bug up his butt about it which is understandable. I don't agree with his attitude, but I do kind of see where he is coming from. He's not a bad guy ... actually I think he blocked me on MSN. That piece of ... :mad:[/QUOTE] I don't "host" it on bobinc.net
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[QUOTE=gazwefc83;365461]just upload it annominsly and drop a post in saying look what u found haha that would be funny[/QUOTE] He would be banned before he could click the post button :p It's not hard to update the 1RC date and I've been doing it myself almost continiously since it was released, would have been nice to have someone else do it but what can you do? If Lukie doesnt want his work used then thats up to him and you have to respect that, but also be thankfull that there are a lot of helpfull people in the community who do contribute.
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[quote=Robtallica;366167]Y dont u relase it with-out japan I personly never play japan as i have no knowlage of it.. Man im pissed... Was really looking foward to an update :mad: :mad:[/quote] And if people want Japan in it then surely they could just import it from the original IRC and update it themselves for their own use.
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[QUOTE=david2006efc;366249]And if people want Japan in it then surely they could just import it from the original IRC and update it themselves for their own use.[/QUOTE] good point. If Mr. Future legend wants to he could just release the data without Japan and have the users do it themselves. thus everyones happy :D
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  • 4 weeks later...
LukieP was the biggest reason this rule got inforced. Back then I was saying the same things some of the people are saying in here, and I got warned by Adam, bunch of BS, but what can you do? EDIT* Maybe we should just create our own message board via freewebs.com and then we can post our updates/fantasy mods. They can't say anything to us if we do it that way.
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I would be happy to do what was suggested above. FutureLegend, PM me if you would be happy with this. I am sure everyone on here had benefited in their game play by work others produce, including Lukie and others that make mods. Why we cant all just play nicely I will never know, but personally, as far as I can tell, Lukie doesn't have a legal leg to stand on. Stand Up and Fight the Restrictions! Revolution is Evolution!!!
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Or, rather than spending s few pages of threads whining about Lukie's decision (and it is his decision to make), someone could have taken an hour or so of their busy schedule to remove Japan from the release. If you don't respect the right of mod makers to control their own work, you'll run off any decent talent and leave mods in the hands of the people who've posted above, and nobody wants that.
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[QUOTE=tommytomlin;382690]Or, rather than spending s few pages of threads whining about Lukie's decision (and it is his decision to make), someone could have taken an hour or so of their busy schedule to remove Japan from the release. If you don't respect the right of mod makers to control their own work, you'll run off any decent talent and leave mods in the hands of the people who've posted above, and nobody wants that.[/QUOTE] That's self opinion, I'm sure 90% of the board if voted would vote for the right to let any mods be released like back in the EWR days.
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[QUOTE=Plus-44;382964]That's self opinion, I'm sure 90% of the board if voted would vote for the right to let any mods be released like back in the EWR days.[/QUOTE] I'd hope not, because then the 2% of the board who make mods would stop making them, when tools that can't follow a pretty simple rule start re-releasing their work with a different name.
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I just read up on this, and if Lukie doesn't want his work used then his wishes should be respected. He works very hard on the data, and with me having attempted a real world dataset before, I can say that you have no clue how much time it takes unless you try. Just hosting it somewhere else than here to get around the rules is a pretty low move. Just quit trying to find ways around it and take out Japan and find someone else who will let you use theirs.
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[QUOTE=b0shey;382775]What is the status of Nu Wrestling Evolution is it still active or did it fold? several pages claims it folded others say its still active.[/QUOTE] it's active, but it's on the verge of death. Even Forlan acknowledged this in a discussion with me the other day. He wanted me to send my data over so he could play as CZW with an updated database (and thanks to him I now have an updated CZW haha) and mentioned to him my dilemma with NWE and he was quick to say "they're on the verge of death, might as well remove them". In fact, while he questioned my removal of WXW (Afa's fed), ultimately he thought removing them was wise as well. While they're active and running every month, their website is terribly out of date as it comes to the roster and stuff and it's pretty hard to get info on them. Also, if anyone might be interested.. B-Boy and Deranged (not the deathmatch one, the flippity one) should be set to retired.
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[QUOTE=tommytomlin;382690]Or, rather than spending s few pages of threads whining about Lukie's decision (and it is his decision to make), someone could have taken an hour or so of their busy schedule to remove Japan from the release. If you don't respect the right of mod makers to control their own work, you'll run off any decent talent and leave mods in the hands of the people who've posted above, and nobody wants that.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Plus-44;382964]That's self opinion, I'm sure 90% of the board if voted would vote for the right to let any mods be released like back in the EWR days.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=tommytomlin;383105]I'd hope not, because then the 2% of the board who make mods would stop making them, when tools that can't follow a pretty simple rule start re-releasing their work with a different name.[/QUOTE] I'm backing the modder's myself. I have put in work on mods as well... I spent hours a day, watching DOTT being put together (A wonderfull experience), and it took me and another person to get in the comicbook guys in Panix Media mod. There were probably over a dozen of us working on that, and it still took months to complete. Imagine how long it takes on person... I've attempted, and still plan on in the future releasing a mod. I have been on and off working on. The thing is, you get burned out. Things come up that you miss, and you start all over again to make sure things are kept balanced. The gameworld itself will not work believably at all, if you don't balance things out right. To take someone else's work (and by work, I'm talking many months) to put together something against their wish's is just wrong. No MOD will want to give their mods to the community if their mods get turned over to anyone that wants to work on one.... If Tommy says "DJ, GO ahead and use my data to make a new mod"... I could have a working mod out, that is different from any of his, and playable.. within a week or two... However, if Tommy says.."DJ, Go make me a mod of the real world, set in 1976, and make it from scratch", this could take me well over a year to do. Even working on one full time, 40 hours a week, and using default place's/tv/gimmicks/angles, etc.. It could take you several months just making the worker's realistic enough that people could associate and get a feel for them. .............. I had alot more to say, but was too wordy. Bassically, respect the modder. IT is kind of like an artform to them. They "Create" a world in which Adam has given them the tools to create. Think of it that way and maybe you will understand a bit more why.. as it has very little to do with credit, but allot to do with pride in their artform (or work).
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THere are other options... since you evidentally have permission to use everything but Japan (and whatever else Lukie did), you can always ask permission to use someone else's work on Japan, or even use the C-Verse version of Japan instead. This way you can add wrestler's you know from Japan yourself, and have a real base to work with on that area.... The OP asked permission, and I have no problem with that at all. IT's the other's in here that feel it's perfectly fine to do whatever they want for what they feel is the better for the community. I understand that's what you feel. I just don't aggree with it, but it doesn't mean your point is not being understood.
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[QUOTE=Self;383192]On the Modder's side. An artist's work should be protected from improper use, whether it's a painting or a movie, a mod or a render. The decision lies with the artist. They owe you nothing.[/QUOTE] They don't have to worry about improper use. Anyone who uses the data will be sure to give credit, we just see it has expanding a mod so there are many other uses and scenarios for players to be happy with.
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