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Few Suggestions

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I have been playing the EWR/TEW series for years now and have made a few suggestions over the years. Here is 2 or 3 new ones and old ones, which have been worked on [B][/B] [B][U]Wrestling Passion:[/U][/B] This could be used to make retirement more realistic. With wrestlers with more passion staying in wrestling longer unless they are heavily hurt. It could also be used for wrestlers when they retire, where if there passion was low they would leave the wrestling business altogether and retire to home or if there passion is high they would be willing to work as road agents and so on. [B][U]Sex Appeal:[/U][/B] Apart from superstar quality and looks there isn’t much that says about the wrestlers appearance, looks for the Great Khali is high because of his size, but for Torrie Wilson they are also high because of her good looks. Sex appeal could be used in the cases of diva’s and superstars such as Randy Orton and John Cena who are loved by the female fans. [B][U]Injury Revamp:[/U][/B] I’m not sure on how the current system works but I think I have a way to make it more accurate. Based on superstars weak spots such as the legs, arms, hair or body. Someone such as HBK has weak legs so would be more prone to an injury to his legs. Not only is it more part specific it can also help the frequency. In the damage section it could also have a injury Frequency section. Using the percentage charts 0% being very often and 100% being almost never. Someone such as the Boogieman would be very prone to injury. Obviously random injuries would still happen but for someone on the road frequent area specific injuries would be more realistic. [B][U]Ring Announcer Position:[/U][/B] Pretty self explanatory, but for every show/match there should be a place to have a ring announcer. Raw without Lillian just isn’t Raw [B][U]Special Push:[/U][/B] When hiring big named non-wrestlers such as Kevin Federline they will usually be pushed as personality or authority figure. Having a special role (Hollywood) would be a promotion booster and a show booster but would cost the promotion hugely. [COLOR=Red][B][FONT="]Feedback and Opinions welcome[/FONT][/B][/COLOR]
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i agree on some of these like the wrestling passion, ring announcer and special push but sex appeal is really considered looks if im not mistaken. a lot of wrestlers retire like tazz before they should even retire just because they don't get the butterflies anymore and become something backstage. i also think we should have a interviewer or ring announcer besides just announcer role be more specific. but looks and sex appeal is the same thing if i remember right.
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We had something like you suggested regarding "Wrestling Passion" in the first version of TEW, but it was regarded as rather difficult to deal with and was dropped. I like the idea of more passionate wrestlers staying in the game longer. Perhaps wrestlers with certain personality types (Driven and Master Politician, for example) should have a much higher resistance to retirement/Leaving the business than the others. Conversely, Bitter and maybe Free Spirits should be much more likely to have shorter careers. I agree with the idea of having Ring Announcers, especially in smaller promotions and those running non-taped/non-broadcasted shows. I'd say that they're as an important part of live wrestling events as a referee. They serve much like the ring master of a circus, bringing organization to the chaos in much the same way that the announce crew does for viewers watching at home, and skilled Ring Announcers can help set a crowds mood toward a match or wrestler and generally help sell the whole production to them. [quote]a lot of wrestlers retire like tazz before they should even retire just because they don't get the butterflies anymore and become something backstage.[/quote] In Tazz's case, he suffered a major neck injury that would've required him having surgery to continue wrestling and he simply considered it not worth the risk involved, but I'm sure he'd probably still be in the ring today (even if it was in the way Lawler still occasionally climbs in the ring and has matches) had he not suffered it.
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[QUOTE=Togg;364041] [B][U]Ring Announcer Position:[/U][/B] Pretty self explanatory, but for every show/match there should be a place to have a ring announcer. Raw without Lillian just isn’t Raw [COLOR=Red][B][FONT="]Feedback and Opinions welcome[/FONT][/B][/COLOR][/QUOTE] I agree with that one big time, also a backstage interviewer position. I get sick of David Penzer and Gene Okerland getting mad because I dont use them on the shows. Just put these two options in where you select your show and PPV announcers and instead of selecting an interviewer in the Angles, just have it automatically done through that
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[QUOTE=jbergey_2005;364172]Agree with the ring announcer. Howard Finkle announcing the participants at Wrestlemania still gives me goosebumps. A good one does add something to the match.[/QUOTE] It's not a question of what they provide, it's a question of them being pretty superfluous. If there is no requirement to have one - and there shouldn't, as they aren't a specialist position and aren't vital - then there's no real reason for an AI controlled promotion to go out and hire one \ retain an existing one. In which case you either have to have intentionally stupid AI, a requirement that you must have a ring announcer, or only have ring announcers employed by the user.
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I definitely understand the desire to have ring announcers. But I tend to agree with Brother Ryland on this one. Does Lillian add to the RAW atmosphere? Sure. Are the big event feelings created by a Finkel or Buffer real? Absolutely. But your run of the mill ring announcers don't do enough. Only reason I've really missed Mike McGurk over the years are the shots Booby Heenan used to take at her. And while I may remember many classic indy moments like the Savoldi/Apollo feud in ICW, Raven's rookie losing streak or Buff Bagwell wrestling as a masked romance novel hero, I couldn't tell you who the ring announcers where for any of them. Color and play by play announcers possibly but not the ring announcers. The distance between the name brand people and everyone else is just too great.
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yeah, signing and activating a ring announcer is not the kind of micromanaging I want to be doing in TEW. I just assumed that kind of thing was included in the show quality and hype along with pyrotechnics, theme songs and so on. the "wrestling passion" thing is interesting, although it could be interpreted as "drive", which would be more flexible. I don't think guys like hulk hogan or brock lesnar have a lot of "wrestling passion", but they are certainly dedicated to their personal success; wrestling just happened to be their best option at some point and so they pursued it vigorously.
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[QUOTE=Adam Ryland;364176]It's not a question of what they provide, it's a question of them being pretty superfluous. If there is no requirement to have one - and there shouldn't, as they aren't a specialist position and aren't vital - then there's no real reason for an AI controlled promotion to go out and hire one \ retain an existing one. In which case you either have to have intentionally stupid AI, a requirement that you must have a ring announcer, or only have ring announcers employed by the user.[/QUOTE] I dunno if you are disagreeing with everything entirely, but my thing is that it would be nice if like on the screen where you selected the announcers for a TV show, you added in two extra spots for "Ring Announcer" and "Backstage Announcer" I get sick of Dave Penzer is furious because he is not being used, or Gene Okerland is upset at how little he is being used...ect.
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[QUOTE=DanielW4444;364551][...]it would be nice if like on the screen where you selected the announcers for a TV show, you added in two extra spots for "Ring Announcer"[...][/QUOTE] I actually think that could work. That way, there's no specific position for Ring Announcer. Then, a ring announcer could work for a show a bit like a regular Announcer or Commentator, except with a much smaller effect. For example, if you use an announcer that's very over, with great mic skills or charisma, it could give your show a small boost (something like Buffer, Finkel, or a celebrity). On the other hand, an unknown announcer with horrible mic skills and charisma would lower the show a bit (don't have a specific example, but someone who constantly stutters, screws up names, etc.). Ring announcers would also grow stale, like a worker's gimmick. Except, as the fans get used to them, any effect on the show (negative of positive) would eventually shrink to nothing (who really cares about Lilian or Chimel, after seeing them every week for years). I don't think having a ring announcer should be required, although it might have SOME kind of negative effect. While that might lead people to only using a ring announcer if they have good stats, I think there could be some kind of Ring Announcer Chemistry, like an ability to connect to the fans. Like tag teams or opponents, some would have great chemistry, some bad, and some with not at all. Maybe the ones with good chemistry could get stale slower and give a bigger boost to the show, while those with bad would get stale quickly and give a more negative effect to the show. There should also be something that if you use a ring announcer on one show, then don't on the next, the crowd will be confused or something (negative effect). That would prevent people from hiring an announcer, finding he has horrible chemistry, and then giving up on the position. I know that was a bit complicated, and a bit of a rant, but it seems like a lot of people want the idea in, and that was the only way I could think to really balance the thing.
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[QUOTE=DanielW4444;364551]I get sick of Dave Penzer is furious because he is not being used, or Gene Okerland is upset at how little he is being used...ect.[/QUOTE] Hi. Have them announce ONE match on the card (dark or not). Problem solved. I too want nothing to do with some arbitrary requirement that I have two more non-wrestlers on my roster. Even as bloated as my rosters usually are, I still find ways to use everyone on them enough to keep them satisfied. I think folks need to learn that they don't need Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler to announce the Funaki-Jamie Noble match (it's overkill). Your 'A' announce team isn't going to turn dookie into diamonds so why use 'em? Use your backup announcers/backstage interviewers and get them some reps behind the mic. Adam makes a good point. If they're just for flavor, then they can't add anything to a match or show. If they add anything to a match or show, they're not just for flavor anymore. Akki describes exactly what I'm talking about. Using a ring announcer on one show but not on the next having a negative effect (or using one having a positive effect) makes the feature no longer optional.
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Besides which, if you want it in, you can do an angle before every match where Lillian/Chimel/Buffer/whoever stands in the ring and introduces the workers: P1 - Microphone P2 - Overness P3 - Overness And so on - the introduction for a main event match might get people buzzing (and the WWE, in particular, tends to show it on screen with extra emphasis over the usual music/name, music/name: "It's time for tonight's main event!" *Crowd goes wild* *Announcer runs down the rules/stips* and then music/name, music/name) while a midcard match will be nothing much and a match between two lowcard workers might actually send people to the bathroom. What I'm saying is, the option is there - if you use your imagination. If you have workers getting angry at not being used, either can them, use them or shove them on an unused brand until you have something for them to do.
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