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Stone Cold Shark Boy


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Not sure how many have already seen/heard about this, but I just finished watching the TNA Impact replay debuting Shark Boy with a new attitude. Obviously a total WWE ripoff, it was actually kind of funny. The one-liners were cheesy, but still fit in with Sharky's original character...... [quote]"And thats the fishing line 'cause Shark Boy said so"[/quote] ended with Shark Boy up on the ropes calling for bottles of clam juice. All-in-all extremely cheesy, but as I said it did have its humorous moments....and Shark Boy won! Just wondered who had seen/heard about it, and wondered what your thoughts were.
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I saw it this week on Impact and I have to say... I actually love it. haha. Takes me back to those days of the WCW/WWF wars when they would occasionally rip on the other company by shamelessly creating characters that resemble characters in the other company. All in all, It will get annoying in time I'm sure.. but as of right now it seems pretty funny!
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To be totally honest i HATED the sharkboy stuff this week *although not as much as last week's*. Yah i know what it is. But i guess i thought wrestling had moved beyond that. I am a HUGE tna fan. But this kind of stuff just does not do it for me. O and by the way.....................enjoyed the tiger masked "curry man" stuff BUT and that is a huge but......................I am reading that the curry man was not danials.............if you look at the show again there are a few times he has long black hair. Unless it is a wig *which i don't think curry man ever did* that was not danials..........a few sites reported it and posted links to photo's but still.............the crowd loved it and we did get the real tiger mask *4* which i think is better then curry man any day.
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OK first Shark Boy. His Stone Cold paraody is funny as hell. Paradoies have lalways been funny. WWE does them all the time and I think Shark Boy taking on Stone Cold is great. I totally didn't expected on that first show and I'm glad they continued it on the second show. Mostly because thye were going nowhere with Shark Boy. Secondly Curry Man. I loved his debut in TNA. It was great and I want to do the curry man dance every time I see him.
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This wasn't the beginning of Stone Cold Shark Boy. I remember on TNA Today last year... [url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-zDD8-eoHQ[/url] Nash announces that for the first time ever, we'll hear Shark Boy speak. And then... [url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N5a5ASFDJyg&NR=1[/url] Nash acts like it's always been Steve Austin under the mask of Shark Boy, and the gimmick is born. He does it all so well from the voice to the walk. Brilliant!
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[QUOTE=NickC13573;364229]Curry Man vs. Stone Cold Shark Boy for the X division title[/QUOTE] I could definately see myself enjoying that storyline/match. That's the one thing I hope this new gimmick for Shark Boy leads too....if nothing else, at least a token (see Funaki cruiserweight title run) run with the X-Division belt.
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[QUOTE=Blackman;364248]I must admit the fishing line and clam juice parts are quite funny. Cheesy? More like fishy. :D[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=NickC13573;364256]I especially like the vest and the sharkskull on the back.[/QUOTE] My actual favorite is "Shark Boy 24/7 says I just bit your ass......"
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