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[QUOTE=BurningHamster;374902]I like the concept of location prestige, a little curious as to how it will work since I am not very familiar with WMMA. Are things such as location prestige editable like the game world stats (community, affluence) or are they fixed?[/QUOTE] And can they change as a result of the game (ie, I start a fed in Australia (South-East/Victoria/Whatever the region is called), and it gets to global proportions, would it be possible for the Location Prestige to rise? Or, conversely, would a severe lack of any wrestling whatsoever drop a region's prestige?)
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[QUOTE=G-Prime;374880]Location Prestige sounds awesome :D[/QUOTE] It sounds good only if it is has been improved greatlly form WMMA. In WMMA if you were an american promotion it was always the best choice to try to get your promotion popular in California because it had huge prestige and audience. What needs to be done is that areas like Tri-State should be hard to break into because they are so prestigous - that wasn't the case in WMMA.
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[QUOTE=Greek;374907]It sounds good only if it is has been improved greatlly form WMMA. In WMMA if you were an american promotion it was always the best choice to try to get your promotion popular in California because it had huge prestige and audience. What needs to be done is that areas like Tri-State should be hard to break into because they are so prestigous - that wasn't the case in WMMA.[/QUOTE] That doesn't make any sense, what you're suggesting essentially means doing the exact opposite of what happens in reality. Why should the Tri State region be hard to break into because it's prestigious? There's probably a higher concentration of promotions there in real life than in any other place in America, for the very reason that it's a good place to run shows. Making it harder to run there goes completely against any logic or realism!
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And all you people thought adding Hawaii would totally throw of getting to national in the US. Well now we got us a whole new ball game. Anyway I like these last two features combine. We add a lot of areas people wanted or are important to wrestling and with the total change added by location prestiege we dn't totally skew the game for play in certain areas.
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[QUOTE=Adam Ryland;374910]That doesn't make any sense, what you're suggesting essentially means doing the exact opposite of what happens in reality. Why should the Tri State region be hard to break into because it's prestigious? There's probably a higher concentration of promotions there in real life than in any other place in America, for the very reason that it's a good place to run shows. Making it harder to run there goes completely against any logic or realism![/QUOTE] If anything I would think there should be a higher concentration of wrestling hotbeds in the Tri State region (in the CV at least). Maybe a couple of smaller promotions...I mean, rinky-dink promotions that if you sniffed you'd miss them. Kind of lingering casualties of the East Coast War?
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[QUOTE=SWIFT;374963]If anything I would think there should be a higher concentration of wrestling hotbeds in the Tri State region (in the CV at least). Maybe a couple of smaller promotions...I mean, rinky-dink promotions that if you sniffed you'd miss them. Kind of lingering casualties of the East Coast War?[/QUOTE] One of my favorite mods was the '97 C-Verse mod because you could participate in the East Coast Wars.
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This is a question prompted by New Feature #6, the combined worker/new worker list. Will the game "auto-improve" the workers? The reason why I wonder this is because obviously, a worker's ability (theoretically) could improve over time. A wrestler who's been in the business for ten years will hopefully be better than when he started as a fresh-faced 18 year old rookie. I guess what I'm worried about is this: Player A makes a mod set in 1975. Wrestler X debuts in 1978. Obvious Wrestler X will have rookie stats. Player B makes a mod based on the same data, but this one starts in 1985. Wrestler X has been in the business seven years now, but unless the game "auto-improves" his stats, X will have the same stats he did as a rookie. Player B would have to go through the combined list and tweak all the data himself. Perhaps the game game could bump the stats up or down for each year the wrestler has been active, mitigated by the potential or destiny stat. Just a thought.
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[QUOTE=Scapino1974;375002]This is a question prompted by New Feature #6, the combined worker/new worker list. Will the game "auto-improve" the workers? The reason why I wonder this is because obviously, a worker's ability (theoretically) could improve over time. A wrestler who's been in the business for ten years will hopefully be better than when he started as a fresh-faced 18 year old rookie. I guess what I'm worried about is this: Player A makes a mod set in 1975. Wrestler X debuts in 1978. Obvious Wrestler X will have rookie stats. Player B makes a mod based on the same data, but this one starts in 1985. Wrestler X has been in the business seven years now, but unless the game "auto-improves" his stats, X will have the same stats he did as a rookie. Player B would have to go through the combined list and tweak all the data himself. Perhaps the game game could bump the stats up or down for each year the wrestler has been active, mitigated by the potential or destiny stat. Just a thought.[/QUOTE] That's a good question, I know EWD had where workers' abilities regressed, improved, or they just retired depending on how old they are and what year you started your game in. I would think the athletic, basics, superstar, and acting (or charisma) would be catalyst for auto-improve. Something to base stat and popularity improval on.
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What is the downside to location prestige? New gameplay features usually have both a benefit and a cost, which is where the strategy comes in. Location prestige makes sense as a way of more accurately differentiating between promotions in different areas, but how does it contribute to new strategy? Is there any reason you wouldn't automatically go after the prestigious regions? Won't prestigious regions also necessarily have the most active community and so be both financially important as well? Now if there was competition for venues or if certain regions got burnt out faster when multiple promotions did shows there then I'd understand the strategic decisions.
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[QUOTE=Adam Ryland;374910]That doesn't make any sense, what you're suggesting essentially means doing the exact opposite of what happens in reality. Why should the Tri State region be hard to break into because it's prestigious? There's probably a higher concentration of promotions there in real life than in any other place in America, for the very reason that it's a good place to run shows. Making it harder to run there goes completely against any logic or realism![/QUOTE] Or maybe you just can't see the logic? The way I see it is if you have an area that already has plenty of promotions one could think that raising a really small promotion to be popular in that region would be extremely hard! Let's say I start a company with zero popularity in Tri-State. Wouldn't it be harder to gain ground in Tri-State compared to a region with less competition (couldn't throw in a example because my knowledge of american regions is limited)? If you started out in Tri-State you would really have to stand out in order to get any fans to your shows when there are many promotions competing over the same fans... And as you said Adam, there are more promotions in Tri-State than other regions of america but that doesn't many it's easy to sucseed there. Which was the case in WMMA - the more prestigous and the bigger the population, the bigger the income thus the easiest place to run a promotion. You can still make fun of my logic and reasoning if you want to but I'd hope you would once in a while attend these kind of suggestions in a professional manner (and by "these kind of suggestions" I mean the kind that you don't agree with). You can just ignore the last paragraph, It didn't sound the way I wanted it to...
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[QUOTE=Greek;375108]Or maybe you just can't see the logic? The way I see it is if you have an area that already has plenty of promotions one could think that raising a really small promotion to be popular in that region would be extremely hard! Let's say I start a company with zero popularity in Tri-State. Wouldn't it be harder to gain ground in Tri-State compared to a region with less competition (couldn't throw in a example because my knowledge of american regions is limited)? If you started out in Tri-State you would really have to stand out in order to get any fans to your shows when there are many promotions competing over the same fans... And as you said Adam, there are more promotions in Tri-State than other regions of america but that doesn't many it's easy to sucseed there. Which was the case in WMMA - the more prestigous and the bigger the population, the bigger the income thus the easiest place to run a promotion. You can still make fun of my logic and reasoning if you want to but I'd hope you would once in a while attend these kind of suggestions in a professional manner (and by "these kind of suggestions" I mean the kind that you don't agree with). You can just ignore the last paragraph, It didn't sound the way I wanted it to...[/QUOTE] The problem with your logic is that you are seeing each region as equal in terms of size and interest in wrestling. The Tri-State region encompasses 2 of the top 5 cities in the US, New York City (8.1 million people) and Philly (1.5 million people). Not only that, but the area is wrestling crazed to boot.
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[QUOTE=Greek;375108]You can still make fun of my logic and reasoning if you want to but I'd hope you would once in a while attend these kind of suggestions in a professional manner (and by "these kind of suggestions" I mean the kind that you don't agree with).[/QUOTE] I didn't make fun of you, nor did I act unprofessionally - I pointed out what I believe are logic gaps in your argument, and backed them up with a real world example to illustrate my point. Saying that your post went against logic and realism is not mocking you, it's a statement of what I believe to be fact.
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[QUOTE=foolinc;375154]The problem with your logic is that you are seeing each region as equal in terms of size and interest in wrestling. The Tri-State region encompasses 2 of the top 5 cities in the US, New York City (8.1 million people) and Philly (1.5 million people). Not only that, but the area is wrestling crazed to boot.[/QUOTE] No I'm not missing that point. Of course there are larger and smaller ares but the point is that the game (at least WMMA) doesn't recognize competition! There is a limited demand even in Tri-State, even if it is bigger than in other regions. So there also should be some way to limit the suply side of things. Yes there are plenty of promotions in the Tri-State and plenty of fans in that area but also fierce competition... So it may not always be a wise move to start you promotion in that area because the competition will eat away your income. This is the logic behind my original comment that it should be harder to sucseed in more prestigous regions - giving that there is competion for that region. To summon up things I just want to say that the game needs to take in to account the competition for fans in the game. The amount of fans attends your show isn't just based on the product you give to the fans but what other products are available in the same area. And Adam, as I said you should have ignored it :D I'm having a bad day and you just hapened to be there to take on my frustaration :p I would like if you could comment on the matter after my later posts because they contain a lot more info on my point of view.
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[QUOTE=Greek;375168]This is the logic behind my original comment that it should be harder to sucseed in more prestigous regions - giving that there is competion for that region.[/QUOTE] I think the confusion is in your wording. I don't disagree with what you said in the quote above, but it isn't what you actually said the first time around; what you said was that: [QUOTE]What needs to be done is that areas like Tri-State should be hard to break into because they are so prestigous[/QUOTE] That's a big difference. Having it difficult to break into a region due to heavy competition is logical and makes sense, I have no issue with that. Having it be difficult to break into a place simply because it is prestigious - which is what you initially said (although I suspect you just worded it very badly) - is what doesn't make sense to me, as that would be illogical and unrealistic.
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