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At this point i don't see any real huge "change the game" kind of stuff coming out. Maybe one or two but to be honest I enjoy the 100 or so smaller things that make the game even better. The base is there, just tweeks here and there to make it even better is great.
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[QUOTE=alden;382064]At this point i don't see any real huge "change the game" kind of stuff coming out. Maybe one or two but to be honest I enjoy the 100 or so smaller things that make the game even better. The base is there, just tweeks here and there to make it even better is great.[/QUOTE] Somehow, with all the already-announced "change the game" features, I think there are more to come.
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This Extended Biographies thing might be a small feature, but it's pretty important to me. I've been secretly hoping for it for a while now. It'd be cool if the actual names of things, (promotions and locations in particular), could be a little longer as well. Good feature though, the more information the better. :)
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[QUOTE=Vladamire Dracos;382279]Yes Yes YES! I can't tell you the number of times the character limit has forced me to trim something I've worked on.[/QUOTE] Me too. What's actually scary to me, though, is the sheer number of times some bio that I've come up with is exactly one space - the period at the end of a sentence - short. It's happened to me so many times since TEW 2004 that it's hard to believe it's a coincidence. Fantastic to have more room. :)
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All the new features sound like excellent additions, though I fear that the days of my ridiculous and carefree casual Global fed games may come to an end with the National Battle feature. Ah well. I guess that's what the editor is for... As I'm not a person who really enjoys computer games all that much in general, it blows my mind that I've been playing Adam's wrestling sims for something on the order of ten years now. You've come a long way from the days when I showed my appreciation by buying you a CD off your Amazon wish list, Adam. Kudos.
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Since worker bios were touched on, just a little suggestion for something that's always bugged me.. Workers have two bios.. one, their base bio that reads the same regardless of their under contract or not, then one when their get signed. I've always hated when both are identical, their base bio talking about what they're doing "now".. thus seeing out of date and useless once the game world progresses and that worker, say, leaves the fed he was associated with. I always thought the base bios of each worker should be very vague in terms of storyline and promotion affiliation, so that if, say, Rich Money leaves SWF and gets signed by TCW, his bio will still make sense and be relevant. Does that make sense?
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[QUOTE=Ping von Erich;382446]Since worker bios were touched on, just a little suggestion for something that's always bugged me.. Workers have two bios.. one, their base bio that reads the same regardless of their under contract or not, then one when their get signed. I've always hated when both are identical, their base bio talking about what they're doing "now".. thus seeing out of date and useless once the game world progresses and that worker, say, leaves the fed he was associated with. I always thought the base bios of each worker should be very vague in terms of storyline and promotion affiliation, so that if, say, Rich Money leaves SWF and gets signed by TCW, his bio will still make sense and be relevant. Does that make sense?[/QUOTE] Yes, but it is necessary in some cases; vague bios work well with real world mods, but people want extra detail for the CornellVerse workers, and talking about what they've just been involved in \ current gimmicks \ recent feuds is the best way to do that. They can always be edited anyway.
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I`'ve 2 thoughts about all this new features. The first is that if all this features are developed correctly and have a good interactuation with player, the TEW08 characters will be the more complex and "livest" of any sport manager. You will have to care about his talent, his potential, his personality, his habits, how this factors interactuate, and how develops. The "inmersion potential" of this amazing. Of course there is the big step from the good ideas to a good implementation, but I've a great faith in Adam to tackle this task. The second thought is that making a mod with all this tools have to be a big challenge. I don't want to discourage anybody "the modder the merrier" but it big. Also, with all this changes I think that pass a 07 mod to 08 will be incomplete, so I think that should be better to wait the editor to advance in the right direction My thoughts.
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[QUOTE=G-Prime;382812]Extended Worker Habits? That's awesome! RVD won't die from toking up anymore![/QUOTE] Yeah, that's what I was thinking. Hopefully this will prevent alot of random deaths in real world mods. Also, Adam, will there be any links with this and a worker's personality? Like, if their stats are more negative will they be more likely to get into drug use, or is there no connection at all?
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Awesome stuff in this new feature. Egotistical guys might be less inclined to listen to people telling them to stop drinking, etc. I hope there's an option somewhere for rehab (which of course doesn't ALWAYS work, as in real life). Also, is "Legal Problems" still around? I noticed it wasn't on this list. I would imagine the same sort of scale could be implemented for the seriousness of the crimes they're likely to commit. Also works for previous criminals (Booker T, MVP, etc) who aren't criminals now.
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[QUOTE=Moe Hunter;382840] Also, is "Legal Problems" still around? I noticed it wasn't on this list. I would imagine the same sort of scale could be implemented for the seriousness of the crimes they're likely to commit. Also works for previous criminals (Booker T, MVP, etc) who aren't criminals now.[/QUOTE] Would imagine so as workers can be sent to jail. This seems like the kind of thing that would govern that. At least in part. Seems like Adam's really working hard on making the characters become richer and building the immersion factor. With a feature like this, it seems like there's going to have to be more top-down communication between us the player and our rosters. More communication with our rosters = very good thing. At the very least, this seems like something that could be a good excuse to check in with portions of your roster on off days. Which leads to less sense of dead days between shows. Thumbs way up
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I love how the characters are becoming more complex. It's only going to make for more interesting management and interactions. Jimmy Snuka always seemed to kick it within a year or two in any DOTT game I've played...it will be nice to have his drug use increase without him dying all the time by 1985 :)
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Hazah, TV/PPV Product separation! This is great news :) I know there were some people who also wanted to change their actual product settings (having more Hardcore for ECW, Lucha for SD, Risque for Raw, for example), but honestly I think that's basically covered as the system is, I may be wrong, but I don't believe it's a necessary thing to bring about.
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I have to say, it seems a lot of the new features so far are geared towards real world mods without much love for the CVerse. I'm sure we'll see some more entries in coming weeks but I hope Tommy and the gang get some new features to play with soon!
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[QUOTE=unicron;384851]I have to say, it seems a lot of the new features so far are geared towards real world mods without much love for the CVerse. I'm sure we'll see some more entries in coming weeks but I hope Tommy and the gang get some new features to play with soon![/QUOTE] Like what? I would assume that almost any Sports Entertainment-style fed, Real Worlds, C-Verse, or otherwise, would have differences in events and TV shows. Other features so far have mostly applied to the workers themselves, and I don't see how that applies only to the real world.
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