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[QUOTE=shamelessposer;387169]I know that Nick has already been pretty thoroughly savaged for this post, but I can't even begin to understand the mentality it takes to write something like this. The challenge of a TEW game is supposed to be in the quality of the opposing promotions, your own attempts to build new stars, and trying to keep a locker room of egomaniacs as happy as possible. An improved interface doesn't make the game easier so much as it makes the game [i]playable[/i]. Pong would be a lot harder if you couldn't see your own paddle, but there aren't too many people who'd call that a "challenge" and not a "crappy design decision."[/QUOTE] I saw that one of the challenges of TEW was to look through the promotions schedules.
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[QUOTE=NickC13573;387540]I saw that one of the challenges of TEW was to look through the promotions schedules.[/QUOTE] That must mean that you're so good a player that little things like that were the only challenges left. Seriously, there are plenty of other things that can't be more STREAMLINED to worry about, like how the promotion that just went National is going to steal your workers. Things like that. Features like Sick Bay and the Calendar are just things that make it so it's as easy to see them in the game as it is in real life. And isn't that what the game is meant to do? I don't think that having to look through every worker and every promotion schedule every month was a challenge. It was easy, but an ENORMOUS waste of time.
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[QUOTE=NickC13573;387540]I saw that one of the challenges of TEW was to look through the promotions schedules.[/QUOTE] Well, then you're wrong. Seriously ...read what shamelessposer said: [I]An improved interface doesn't make the game easier so much as it makes the game playable. Pong would be a lot harder if you couldn't see your own paddle, but there aren't too many people who'd call that a "challenge" and not a "crappy design decision."[/I] By your logic Adam could make the game more 'challenging' by making it so that you [B]never [/B]knew who was available for any specific event. An improved interface makes it so that you quickly know all the relevant information any booker in real life would know anyways and allow you to focus on what you should be focusing on: namely planning your event, booking your matches, and running your storylines. Honeslty, I hope Adam continues along this path of making simple changes that give the player everything they need to know at a quick glance. YOU might be disappointed, but the rest of us would be a lot happier.
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[QUOTE=NickC13573;387579]I just liked the challenge of having to look through all the promotions schedule, and have to write them down to get all my wrestlers there.[/QUOTE] That's really not a challenge, Nick. It's just something to remember to do that's kind of irritating. On a similar line: Adam's commented that going through Other Workers for people's stats is intended to represent your user character watching tapes, surfing YouTube, etc, and building up an understanding of their stat levels. Yet we can even filter lists - so it's drudge work that the character does, but there's no reason for us to do it as they'res no extra accomplishment.
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[QUOTE=NickC13573;387579]I just liked the challenge of having to look through all the promotions schedule, and have to write them down to get all my wrestlers there.[/QUOTE] Wow just.....wow. Maybe Adam could make the game REALLY challenging and elimintate all visual interface aspects and we would just have a spreadsheet with some sort of text-based simulator attached!!! FOR ONLY $35!!!!
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[QUOTE=Phantom Stranger;387581]That's really not a challenge, Nick. It's just something to remember to do that's kind of irritating. On a similar line: Adam's commented that going through Other Workers for people's stats is intended to represent your user character watching tapes, surfing YouTube, etc, and building up an understanding of their stat levels. Yet we can even filter lists - so it's drudge work that the character does, but there's no reason for us to do it as they'res no extra accomplishment.[/QUOTE] was that second part directed at me?
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[QUOTE=PeterHilton;387582]Wow just.....wow. Maybe Adam could make the game REALLY challenging and elimintate all visual interface aspects and we would just have a spreadsheet with some sort of text-based simulator attached!!! FOR ONLY $35!!!![/QUOTE] look, everybody stop criticizing me for not liking ONE feature! its ONE feature. I love every other feature, except sick bay. I want to buy this game but am strapped for cash and the fact that I have a Mac.
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[QUOTE=NickC13573;387584]was that second part directed at me?[/QUOTE] Wasn't directed at anyone, chief. It was an analagous situation. Making a calendar yourself takes nothing but time. There's no skill to it. But it's time that could be spent booking, scouting talent, modding databases, writing dynasties, checking product settings, setting up house show rosters, going to get a cuppa... Scouting talent takes nothing but time, and that'd be the case even if you just had to sort through reports reading "Typically, Daniel Black Francis looks to be calling his matches, but while his punches, kicks, and other strikes are OK, his slams and suplexes are shoddy, his chairshots whiff two foot of air, his dropkicks are executed badly and look worse, and while his submissions look clean and any grounded work is good, he can't splice two moves together without it looking godawful." Instead, we can look at his statline, and get that information translated into a useful form, giving us time we can spend booking, modding databases, writing dynasties, checking product settings, setting up house show rosters, and going to get a cuppa...
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[QUOTE=NickC13573;387585]look, everybody stop criticizing me for not liking ONE feature! its ONE feature. I love every other feature, except sick bay. I want to buy this game but am strapped for cash and the fact that I have a Mac.[/QUOTE] Actually, what you initially said was that you didn't like the calendar feature. So you just don't like any feature that makes it easier to interface with the game? And you're getting a hard time because you seem to think more "busy work" equates to more challenge. That's your prerogative. But, I'm sorry, most players don't feel the same way
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[QUOTE=NickC13573;387598]Adam, I have a question for you. I know this answer will probably be somewhat biased, but if someone else created TEW, would you buy it?[/QUOTE] I know I'm not Adam, but I don't understand that question. I mean, I guess I understand it, but I don't see what you're expecting to hear. I don't think any game developer would make a game that they themselves would not buy. That would be the biggest mistake they could ever make.
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even though I'm really poor I will be buying this game and really hope it works on Vista. I've been playing this game since the T was placed in front of the EW..I'm more hyped about this though than any PS3 game coming out.
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[QUOTE=Adam Ryland;387597]Please keep the thread on course, the discussion with \ about NickC13573 has gone further that it needs to.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=NickC13573;387598]Adam, I have a question for you. I know this answer will probably be somewhat biased, but if someone else created TEW, would you buy it?[/QUOTE] I'm so conflicted here. On topic: I think the 75 mod would have a great deal added to it by being able to sign workers in foreign promotions.
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[QUOTE=PeterHilton;387607]I'm so conflicted here. On topic: I think the 75 mod would have a great deal added to it by being able to sign workers in foreign promotions.[/QUOTE] I can't help but wonder if, for play balance purposes, the "all workers, all regions" feature will be disabled in TEW 2008. It seems like the newfound ability to bring in workers from other regions could be a way of combining the two game world settings. And boy howdy could some cool stuff be done with this feature. Turn a never-used, inactive region in your mod (Australia, for example) into a "holding tank" of sorts for other types of workers and all of a sudden it's that much easier to simulate the addition of workers from other media. Want a rock star or a reality TV personality to show up at your next event? Fine, but it's going to cost you.
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