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[QUOTE=dvdWarrior;393065]Now, I like this feature a lot! Imagine the glory, after a long and torturous war for pro wrestling supremacy, you get to take control over your long-hated rival. As much fun as disbanding them or pillaging them might be, nothing says pwnage like making them your...... development territory. [/QUOTE] I'm actually really curious to see the ramifications that this option has on your own player character (especially with the new and improved AI slider system). If, say, you take over and foreclose on a certain promotion, it would be neat to see how different members of the roster react. Would loyalists within the promotion declare a "personal war" on you for your shark-like business practices and refuse any and all attempts to sign them? Would rifts be formed in worker relations if, say, a certain wrestler got kicked to the curb and his or her partner was retained by the company? I have to say, I like the potential roleplay scenarios that could result from this. Foxcutter.
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[QUOTE=djthefunkchris;393054][B]"#40: Promotion Takeovers"[/B] Love this feature. I'm wondering about one thing though... If you have them be your development, will you be able to eventually cherry pick them at a later date, or are you stuck with this till you end this agreement, and have to start a new one? Either way, it doesn't bother me at all. Love the feature![/QUOTE] Well given that you OWN them, it's not a parent relationship as we know it in 07 anyway, cos you just had an agreement with the child company in 07. Here they belong to you. The workers in your (taken over) child company will still be on developmental contracts through you (assuming they accept those contracts!) so you can "cherry pick" them any time that you (as the parent company) want. And why would you want to ditch a child company?
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[QUOTE=Foxcutter;393071]I'm actually really curious to see the ramifications that this option has on your own player character (especially with the new and improved AI slider system). If, say, you take over and foreclose on a certain promotion, it would be neat to see how different members of the roster react. Would loyalists within the promotion declare a "personal war" on you for your shark-like business practices and refuse any and all attempts to sign them? Would rifts be formed in worker relations if, say, a certain wrestler got kicked to the curb and his or her partner was retained by the company? I have to say, I like the potential roleplay scenarios that could result from this. Foxcutter.[/QUOTE] This is brilliant suggestion. For Adam this should be a simple code based on a percentage. The chance is greater that they will hate you if they were a 'Company Loyalist' and you disbanded their company, pillaged them or development territoried them (could develop a dislike to you because of ECW Syndrome 'Your making a mockery of my heritage!'). And the individual worker relations between tag workers would be interesting too. I could reasonably see a potential dislike forming between tag partners if one of them 'takes the money' and goes on to the Evil Victory Promotion where as one sticks to his guns (ala Sting) and refuses to jump ship after his company is bought out. Put it on a time frame, and after 6 months to a year this 'block' on you hiring them could expire as peoples financial circumstances often force them into signing with the devil (most ECW wrestlers being the case). Relations form such an interesting part of the game that tieing this all together, for what little extra coding it would be (atleast should be) would add a massive ammount of Late Game interest. Just when you think you've got the game sussed and buy out your rivals, their workers throw an obstinate fit, sign with a new promotion or a smaller rival and suddenly theres bonafide competition again. Every days a new adventure for the wrestling promoter!
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[QUOTE=Rob4590;393072]And why would you want to ditch a child company?[/QUOTE] To get rid of the financial burden they present perhaps, or maybe you recently took over a higher quality promotion than one of your child companies and would rather keep the number of child promotions under your control limited?
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I like this new feature. It adds to the game without forcing you to play a certain way (I can't help but feel that the national and regional battle features are specifically designed to force competitive play, which isn't how I like to play the game).
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are the way child promotions treated going to be fixed Adam? That'd be terrible to pay off some promotions debt, take them in as a development fed and should they reach a certain level of overness decide to "end our relationship". Is this going to be address? Will child promotions which have been bought out not be able to "break ties"?
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[QUOTE=Michael Wayne;393090]That'd be terrible to pay off some promotions debt, take them in as a development fed and should they reach a certain level of overness decide to "end our relationship".[/QUOTE] I don't think they can end the relationship in 07 either, can they? It's been a while since I looked. They can't in 08 at any rate.
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[QUOTE=Michael Wayne;393090]are the way child promotions treated going to be fixed Adam? That'd be terrible to pay off some promotions debt, take them in as a development fed and should they reach a certain level of overness decide to "end our relationship". Is this going to be address? Will child promotions which have been bought out not be able to "break ties"?[/QUOTE] Actually, if the development fed that was bought out reached "Cult" level or so, it would be cool if they could "buyback" their company. Unlikely to ever happen given how few companies rise to Cult "unaided" in the first place.
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[QUOTE=Dragonmack;393152]Actually, if the development fed that was bought out reached "Cult" level or so, it would be cool if they could "buyback" their company. Unlikely to ever happen given how few companies rise to Cult "unaided" in the first place.[/QUOTE] If you [U]own[/U] them though and collect all the profits where would your employee's get the money to "buy back" the company?
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This is a great feature. My favorite part is being able to cherry pick the wrestlers along with the titles to keep some lineage going and do true "invasion" angles. One thing I did notice in 07 during a recent DOTT game was that if, say Ted DiBiase was under contract to you as well as WWF and he happened to be WWF Champion, if you bought out WWF he would remain champion because you already had him under contract. That was the only time I've ever seen that happen.
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whil i like the new feature wit take overs. wha about having a sister promotion. this should be a 4th option. it can be used somewhat like a dev territory, but be equal to you. you can book shows or hire a booker. and even take more of a vince mcmahon type role in the company. bring big stars over and such. but i think the sister promotion option should be more costly and limited to maybe 1 or 2 sister promotions.
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The way buy-outs work now may be one of my favorite features. I hated buying out a promotion and not being able to take-over contracts right there, but instead having to wait for them to talk with me for a contract. Making the promotion your development promotion is awesome as well. I found it quite hard to get a company to agree to be your child promotion. This is great! :)
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[QUOTE=Dragonmack;393158]Same place we get sponsor money or ,to get real world, a bank loan! :D[/QUOTE] Sponsor money would go to the owner as well. Yes "they" could get a bank loan but that's really a separate issue. After all if the original owners couldn't keep the company afloat in the first place how likely is it for them or their former employees to get a loan to by it back once it becomes successful again. I'm not saying it wouldn't be cool if some of them tried to make a bid but it would have to be an extremely rare case.
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[QUOTE=Adam Ryland;393130]I don't think they can end the relationship in 07 either, can they? It's been a while since I looked. They can't in 08 at any rate.[/QUOTE] they can in 07. If they hit a certain overness level (I don't remember what it is though) they sever ties with you as a development promotion.
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Love the feature, one of the one things I really, really wanted to be brought back. Only thing is I really was hoping we could have the option not only to disband, pillage and develop the promotion that is being taken over but also the option to turn that promotion into a brand for your current promotion as well, taking all the belts, shows and ppvs on as part of a new brand as well as the workers you wish to hire on as well. An example of this would be the WWE buying out WCW, I'd hate to buy out a promotion like WCW and simply get the belts and a few workers and not have the opportunity to also get opportunity as well as the prestige and influence if you were to run say Starrcade or continue Monday Nitro (or at least have the opportunity to rework the deal or even keep the show(s) but have them start off-air) etc.
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[QUOTE=Wildcat;393466]Love the feature, one of the one things I really, really wanted to be brought back. Only thing is I really was hoping we could have the option not only to disband, pillage and develop the promotion that is being taken over but also the option to turn that promotion into a brand for your current promotion as well, taking all the belts, shows and ppvs on as part of a new brand as well as the workers you wish to hire on as well. An example of this would be the WWE buying out WCW, I'd hate to buy out a promotion like WCW and simply get the belts and a few workers and not have the opportunity to also get opportunity as well as the prestige and influence if you were to run say Starrcade or continue Monday Nitro (or at least have the opportunity to rework the deal or even keep the show(s) but have them start off-air) etc.[/QUOTE] I definitely ageee with this. Would be great to take over existing TV Shows and take them over as a brand. Great idea.
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You can sort of do most of that anyway, the only thing is you have to do it yourself. It isn't automatic. You can create a brand, you can set up PPV's. When the time times you can negotiate for TV Shows. IT's all there, you just have to do it yourself. (Actually, I'll give you the TV show thing as an interesting idea. That one could be a little awkward to sort yourself, but maybe it should be awkward) Realised I haven't commented on the feature yet. It's cool, but seeing as I've never seen a company go under, or bought anyone out, maybe I'm just not feeling the impact. Hopefully National/Regional battles will have some heavy casualties.
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