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Guest Bolton
"Amazing" Adam Ryland is now "Godly" Adam Ryland in my book now! That speed reduction is a great new feature. Thank you Ryland! Alright enough ass-kissing lol. :D
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[QUOTE=Skummy;418752]Increased loading time, thank **** for that. That was the improvement I was REALLY holding out for - it wouldn't have been a dealbreaker, but it's very much appreciated.[/QUOTE] I think you mean DEcreased loading times. This game just continues to be the must have game of the summer. I can't wait to ask my clueless booking team about very important matters Woo!
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Playing through the T-Zone or DOWWE or similar sized mods has been just about bearable (for me anyways) for the first year or so in TEW 2007, if the game now runs a little quicker, then thats going to only make super-heavyweight mods easier to play for most people!
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[QUOTE]#80: External Marriage A small feature that helps with realism, workers can now be set to be married to someone outside of the database. This stops them from getting involved with other characters when they shouldn't, and means that database creators don't have to add in superfluous people.[/QUOTE] Another returning feature, IIRC, this time from the first TEW. That said, it's great to have it back! I hope it can be applied to User Characters too (that way I can point it out to the old lady and get brownie points ;)).
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[QUOTE=Vladamire Dracos;419471]Another returning feature, IIRC, this time from the first TEW. That said, it's great to have it back! I hope it can be applied to User Characters too (that way I can point it out to the old lady and get brownie points ;)).[/QUOTE] why would she care? :p Much less "know" you play TEW... That's like a g/f finding out their b/f roleplays in e-feds.. :D
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I think this Power List 100 will work out for the best. While I can appreciate the attempt of an opinion piece list, I think it works better with reality because it's a lot easier for us to understand how "odd" choices got in there because we've got a closer connection to the wrestling fans and what they like (even if it may be someone completely shabby), as opposed to the c-verse fanbase which we really have no inside knowledge of how they're thinking on a daily basis aside from a few stats thrown out here and there.
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[QUOTE=Michael Wayne;419692]why would she care? :p Much less "know" you play TEW... That's like a g/f finding out their b/f roleplays in e-feds.. :D[/QUOTE] Yeah. Man did I struggle to keep that quiet. "What are you writing?" "Um... Pornography... I am writing pornography." It was the lesser of two evils. Today's feature is nice. I guess there was demand for it. It's more 'useful' now.
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Blah... Not a fan of the last one. Not going to make much of a difference to me though. I understand the "why", just dissagree. Some feature's just don't make a bit of difference to me though, and this is one of them. While I prefer the other way, this way is NOT going to ruin anything for me either.
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[QUOTE=Phantom Stranger;420211]I'd loe to have the option to see either, personally, but I liked my random, bizarre hot 100.[/QUOTE] Same. With a stats based top 100 it'll be pretty "same" list to list.. in '07, you knew who'd normally get the match of the year or card of the year (NOTBPW and PGHW).. and even with an opinion based list you got McFly, Stone, Stone Stone, and a host of Japan's best time after time after time after time.. so.. yeah.
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[QUOTE=Ping von Erich;420215]With a stats based top 100 it'll be pretty "same" list to list.. in '07, you knew who'd normally get the match of the year or card of the year (NOTBPW and PGHW).. and even with an opinion based list you got McFly, Stone, Stone Stone, and a host of Japan's best time after time after time after time.. so.. yeah.[/QUOTE] You're assuming TEW08's rating will be similar to the previous games. As has already been mentioned, the AI is radically different now. Of the previous five tests I've run, WOTY has not gone to any of the "usual suspects" from 07 even once.
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[QUOTE=Adam Ryland;420220]You're assuming TEW08's rating will be similar to the previous games. As has already been mentioned, the AI is radically different now. Of the previous five tests I've run, WOTY has not gone to any of the "usual suspects" from 07 even once.[/QUOTE] Who did WOTY go to most? ;)
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[QUOTE=GDE71;420292]June 1st release. Sunday. Really? Prepared to be shredded into tiny tiny bits after being subjected to everyone's wrath. But seriously... Sunday?[/QUOTE] I don't care... I've got that sunday off work!! :D and its the day after my degree show!!!! :D
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Guest The Aussie
It's actually being released like a week and a half before I finished my first semester of Uni.
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[QUOTE=Michael Wayne;419692]why would she care? :p Much less "know" you play TEW... That's like a g/f finding out their b/f roleplays in e-feds.. :D[/QUOTE] She knows I play TEW (clear back from EWR days), has watched me play it in the past and offered her opinion and advice on my bookings, and has even tried the game. She has also proof read my E-fed RPs and suggested angles, back when I played in one, and helped me run one for awhile. She's a wrestling fan too (Her favorite wrestler being Sting).
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Guest Bolton
Haha! Flash pins! Now I can finally have big upsets to start off feuds. This TEW is really brimming with features.
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