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The Big WWE teaser question


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I'm guessing yes, but I honestly don't care if she does or not. Not knocking the question, I'm just saying that the only thing I like about the storyline is that it gives Santino Marella more screentime. I'm thinking it's pretty much inevitable that she will, but... I can find better nudity free online, and the whole celebrity thing does nothing for me, so... Meh. When's Jeff Hardy's match starting?
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I would have thought that it was 99% certain that the deal has already been done. Look at it from Playboy's point of view - you've got WWE discussing your magazine - Ok so that's good publicity no matter what, but what happens if after all this "hype", Maria doesn't pose? Then a lot of the guys who possibly would have bought the issue with her in it, will be p***ed off - and that means bad publicity for them. Done deal IMO.
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I absolutely adore Maria, but it's because she's so cute, and adorable, and there's always something left to the imagination. She's unbearably sexy, but I'm not sure Playboy is the right thing... It's probably going to turn me off her... I know, I know, I could just not look, but we all know curiosity (and hormones), are going to make me download the pics the day it comes out, whether I like it or not.
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[QUOTE=G-Prime;368985]I absolutely adore Maria, but it's because she's so cute, and adorable, and there's always something left to the imagination. She's unbearably sexy, but I'm not sure Playboy is the right thing... It's probably going to turn me off her... I know, I know, I could just not look, but we all know curiosity (and hormones), are going to make me download the pics the day it comes out, whether I like it or not.[/QUOTE] Good point. You know, I'd like there to be one Diva that isn't a whore. I'm cool with a few that are... I'm very cool with that, but variety is the spice of life.
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[QUOTE=Self;369001]Good point. You know, I'd like there to be one Diva that isn't a whore. I'm cool with a few that are... I'm very cool with that, but variety is the spice of life.[/QUOTE] Mickie J? Don't remember Stacey posing either although I could be wrong there. [I]Edit: nope I was wrong with Mickie, she did pose (albeit not for playboy).:( [/I]
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[QUOTE=Self;369001]Good point. You know, I'd like there to be one Diva that isn't a whore. I'm cool with a few that are... I'm very cool with that, but variety is the spice of life.[/QUOTE] They're whores because they've posed nude? That's a bit harsh isn't it? It's not like they're luring men down dark alleys for $20 'party favours'. :rolleyes:
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[QUOTE=Undertaker666;369142]They're whores because they've posed nude? That's a bit harsh isn't it? It's not like they're luring men down dark alleys for $20 'party favours'. :rolleyes:[/QUOTE] Well it's the whore/slut/flirt character isn't it? You know what I mean.
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  • 4 weeks later...
Yeah, I quite enjoyed the photos, much better than Hemme or the freak that is Ashley, for sure. I also didn't like the Torriee/Sable duo shoot, they looked eerily similar after all the airbrushing, nothing interesting about them at all. Best set since Torrie's solo, I'd say.
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[QUOTE=G-Prime;382813]Well, the pics have been leaked already. Pretty good. I'm still disappointed she did it, but I'm glad to find out she doesn't have weird nipples like Hemme. And I'm also glad they didn't **** it up royally like with Ashley.[/QUOTE] i tried google and didnt get anything. wheres the "leak" from?
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There are plenty of spoiler sites out there that have links. I stumbled upon the pics when I was reading up some show reports (don't have the time or the patience to watch 5 hours of WWE any more) and I found the pictures to be... meh. Sure she's hot, and fairly naked, but... Meh.
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