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Viscera Syndrome

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Not only do I push the hell out of Big Smack Scott, my constant touting of his virtues on this board (and yes, I was the absolute first on the BSS Bandwagon) caused Adam Ryland to promote him from a hopeless indy worker to an SWF Superstar. It would be tough to find a more drastic beneficiary of Viscera Syndrome than Big Smack Scott. In fact, in light of this new evidence, I move for this topic to be renamed Big Smack Scott Syndrome.
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Hey, I created this topic, and as such it is Viscera Syndrome! Is Big Smack Scott a big, loveable chocolate bear? (Points to who names the ref) No. He's a good example from the CornellVerse, but he's not deserving of the Syndrome name. Why? Because it's become too "cool" to push Big Smack Scott. Everyone does it these days. It's become the new hipster thing to do, push Big Smack Scott for the sake of irony or some bull****. Pushing Big Smack Scott and claiming you have VS is like all the emo kids who claim to have OCD. Newsflash: Just because you one time counted the steps from your house to your car or you wash your hands once a day doesn't mean you have OCD.
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[QUOTE=Comradebot;372512]Is Big Smack Scott a big, loveable chocolate bear? (Points to who names the ref)[/quote] Scrubs? [quote]Pushing Big Smack Scott and claiming you have VS is like all the emo kids who claim to have OCD. Newsflash: Just because you one time counted the steps from your house to your car or you wash your hands once a day doesn't mean you have OCD.[/QUOTE] I pushed Big Smack Scott before it was cool [i]and[/i] I've got legitimate OCD. So there! :D
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[QUOTE=Comradebot;372512]Hey, I created this topic, and as such it is Viscera Syndrome! Is Big Smack Scott a big, loveable chocolate bear? (Points to who names the ref) No. He's a good example from the CornellVerse, but he's not deserving of the Syndrome name. Why? Because it's become too "cool" to push Big Smack Scott. Everyone does it these days. It's become the new hipster thing to do, push Big Smack Scott for the sake of irony or some bull****. Pushing Big Smack Scott and claiming you have VS is like all the emo kids who claim to have OCD. Newsflash: Just because you one time counted the steps from your house to your car or you wash your hands once a day doesn't mean you have OCD.[/QUOTE] Of course it's become cool to push Big Smack Scott, he's the embodiment of what a syndrome sufferer would look for in a push recipient. He went from someone with terrible stats and no overness to the least talented worker to actually "make it" in the CornellVerse. And on top of that, he's an Egomaniacal Jackass who takes steroids. If ever there was a poster child for what a worker with virtually no redeeming qualities can become through undue pushing, it's my boy BSS.
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Let's see in a RL mod, I have pushed Viscera and Trevor Murdoch both in my WWE. Along with Bobby Eaton was pushed before he retired as a tag team champion with Ric Flair. I pushed both Chris Chavis in WWE and NEW. I started my own federation and Bill DeMott was pushed. In NEW, after Hulk Hogan died, I pushed Horace Hogan as World Champion.
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I've got ya all beat (with the exception of TMA) Dusty Bin! He's winning matches in my fed. But wait, my dynasty is all about the lesser known workers. So Tully Arthurs is my current Champion, Harry Wilson is the current head heel, and I've got Lazy Joe, Titan, and Dermot O'Logical in the main event. TJ Bailey is about to come off a "huge" feud with Wilson, Rex Reeves and Murderous Mikey are fighting over Jemma Griffiths, and throughout it all Dusty Bin is climbing to the top!
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[QUOTE=praguepride;373703]I've got ya all beat (with the exception of TMA) Dusty Bin! He's winning matches in my fed. But wait, my dynasty is all about the lesser known workers. So Tully Arthurs is my current Champion, Harry Wilson is the current head heel, and I've got Lazy Joe, Titan, and Dermot O'Logical in the main event. TJ Bailey is about to come off a "huge" feud with Wilson, Rex Reeves and Murderous Mikey are fighting over Jemma Griffiths, and throughout it all Dusty Bin is climbing to the top![/QUOTE] In one of my many local fed games, Dusty Bin got extremely lucky with his potential. I used him as a masked jobber for a while, until his stats improved. The big man got a solid push, hired by USPW and blew up. Ok, so he never made it to "the show" (which was TCW in that game), but he was a solid upper mid in USPW, and a strong main eventer in my fed till I stopped playing that game. I've played his game far too much... ^_^ On a side note, I've decided to take one of my current games and turn it into a dynasty. It's a twist on the 0 pop promotions, a 0 pop touring promotion.
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  • 2 weeks later...
[QUOTE=Thomnipotent;381140]Reading over this, I kind of miss Peter Valentine now. He was always a good, reliable big man to overpush.[/QUOTE] I'm still playing TEW 2005 (hard times economically, and new game coming out soon enough), and am playing as TCW. Valentine was Cornell's first 2 PPV defenses, and was Special Guest Referee for Liberty vs. Cornell (Liberty had refereed the second Valentine match). Valentine turns on Liberty, and has a big heel run for the rest of 2006. Sure, I eventually brought him out of the main event, giving a BIG rub to Rick Law, but he lasted a LOT longer than someone of his "talent" deserves. I even got his Entertainment skills up enough that he was pulling A* promos against Enhancement Talent. Good times.
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