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Viscera Syndrome

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Hi, I'm Comradebot. I'm 20 years old, and I suffer from Viscera Syndrome. What is Viscera Syndrome you might ask? Well, its a psychological disease that causes the brain not only to enjoy wrestlers who are completely talentless in all forms, but take sick, sometimes sexual pleasure in pushing them to the moon in TEW. Sufferers of VS are typically normal men and women, and even competent in the true machinations of modern day professional wrestling. However, sometimes this reasonable individual will suddenly fall ill at the thought or sight of particularly useless lump who they know shouldn't be more than a midcarderer and become huge marks for them. This does not always happen, however, as VS seems to be activated only be certain talentless nobodies when exposed to a sufferer, meaning there's other ****ty wrestler out there who do not cause such reactions. Personally, my VS is caused by real-life superstar Big Daddy V, and in TEW I've found a truly sick, sick pleasure in pushing T-Rex, Tom Angelus (Tully Arthurs), and The Idaho Punisher in USPW. However, real life talentless crapfest Judas Mesias and USPW's Giant Redwood fill me with the same disgust as any intelligent person. So tell me... Do you suffer from Viscera Syndrome? If so, who causes the symptoms in both real life and/or the CornellVerse?
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Oh dear god, I thought I was the only one!! In TEW I would push Alicia Webb (Ryan Shamrock) to the moon, not only giving her the womans title despite the old (Vocal negative crowd reaction) note, but have her beat men. Her overness is often sky high in my games yet half the crowd boos her. .... She's John Cena with Breasts.
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He's not completely worthless, but I've hired and fired Roderick Remus a number of times in my game - and yet I keep coming back to him. Random generation Travis Murdoch is pretty close to this - despite his F for Resilience and average-at-best skills, I've already given him one title run, and there may be more in the future. I think it's the name - it's a good wrestling name.
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Glad to know I'm not all alone in this. USPW is a show away from being Cult, and T-Rex is the second most over active wrestler on the roster (and putting on C+ matches) and The Idaho Punisher is an Upper Midcarder. Also, I got a couple B-s out of Tom Angelus, despite his awesome F+ basics and no in ring skill higher than a D+.
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To an extent I have this issue in my TCW game. Despite the fact that I've spent a year contracting the most talented roster in the entire Cornellverse world and cutting all of the fat, I still push relatively unskilled lumps like BLZ Bubb, Bruce the Giant, and Skull DeBones to an absolutely monstrous extent.
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[QUOTE=shamelessposer;371883]Java's actually decent, especially by USPW standards. He's young compared to the other veterans on the roster, has decent-ish popularity, and good basics. Stick him with a manager and he's a pretty good midcard heel in any promotion.[/QUOTE] Yeah, but I bring him into wherever I go, like DaVE or once SWF. And Tribal Warrior. I dunno, there gimmick kicks arse.
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[QUOTE=Ransik;371987]For me... Steve McMichael. Yeah I know he sucked... but I loved the guy for some reason when I was younger. He had this weird presence.[/QUOTE] I can kind see McMichael too. He's probably one of the more blatant cases I'd have of this syndrome if I were using a mod of his time in wrestling. Although as entertaining as he could be as a wrestler, I always preferred Mongo in the booth. He had a unique sense of humor that seemed to fit the booth well.
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