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Ransik's Threads [merged]

Guest Ransik

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Yeah and we're also not a backyard fed who's never had one known name on their cards. We're the longest running company in Vermont and the very southern part of Quebec (past Montreal of course.) The company's been around since before I was born... before WCW was even born... or even ECW. There's quite a few names in DOTT that crossed the ETWA a long time ago and even one or two in T-Zone that I didn't import to Forlan to put in the game. So while you don't know the company Biggz... we've outlasted pretty much every company in New England since the 80s. Doesn't matter if everyone knows who we are, we helped bury the ones people DID know. The companies that guys like Justin Credible, Steve Corino, Mikey Whipwreck, Alex Arion, Curtis Slamdawg... they've all been buried trying to compete with us. Sorry we can't afford guys YOU know... but we obviously have a fanbase that perfers us over the "other guys." ;)
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Not only that Lindsey... but we had a show on the same night as WFA did a couple years back. They had known New England wrestlers on their card and a Cage Main Event. They had their show in the middle of the town... we had ours 15 miles out of town. Same admission price... they got 15 people... we got 80. :cool:
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[QUOTE=ACCBiggz;371995]I'm sure somewhere in an indy that no one watches or cares about (99.6% of them) they have had the same champion for probably 5 years... and it's probably the person who runs it. You're not making history... sorry.[/QUOTE] Why come in here and act like a complete and utter arse? Ransik is doing what he loves doing and is obviously respected and good enough to be a champion for the length of time he has and wanted to let everyone know of his achievement, no matter how small it might seem to you. It is obviously something Ransik is very proud of and I for one am happy for him, I don't know him, but that's beside the point, I am happy for the guy that he is able to boast of such an achievement in his chosen field. You just sound overly bitter that someone has something to be proud of as if youtried to become a wrestler and failed or something like that. If you have nothing positive to say to the guy, then don't bother saying anything at all. Well done, Ransik, glad you're happy doing what you're doing, you're obviously good at it and enjoying it as much as ever. I look forward to a thread detailing 3 years as champion in 12 months :D
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[QUOTE=ACCBiggz;371995]I'm sure somewhere in an indy that no one watches or cares about (99.6% of them) they have had the same champion for probably 5 years... and it's probably the person who runs it. You're not making history... sorry.[/QUOTE] Dude, I think I get what your trying to do and to a degree I can agree with you. I grew up in Maine in the 80's and was there until the mid-90's. The first time I ever heard of ETWA was when Ransik started posting in here. And as well stocked as my area was with syndie wrestling back then I would think I'd have seen some ETWA stuff prior to him. Still, if Ransik's timeline is accurate, then I'm with Sebsy that you're having a go for no discernably good reason. If ETWA was able to ride out all the territorial storms, remain intact to the present day and have enough faith in Ransik for him to do as he posted, then this is a huge deal and it deserves to be recognized. Even if the company is only pulling in double digit crowds these days. How many of these nothing-happening indies you mention so dismissively would have as many bragging points as Ransik's given ETWA if they are all valid?
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[QUOTE=DreamGoddessLindsey;371964]Need a valet? :D Mind you I look more average than diva, but guys I don't even know on MySpace hit on me like every day. :D I can even do a good rear naked choke on people while the ref ain't looking teehee![/QUOTE] OMG A GIRL ON GDS!?!? .... *sucks in stomach* .... Whats up girl? ;)
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[QUOTE=AfRoMaN36;372094]OMG A GIRL ON GDS!?!? .... *sucks in stomach* .... Whats up girl? ;)[/QUOTE] *Slaps Afro on the back, blowing his cover* So, Lindsey, if that is your ...real name... who's your favorite wrestler, and if you say either HBK or RKO I swear Ill call the cliche police on you.
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[QUOTE=Adam Ryland;372110]Ransik, there is no need to have multiple threads about your wrestling. I have merged them into one. EDIT - And the rest of you, stop the "ooh, a girl on GDS" crap. It's embarrassing that any time a girl posts here she gets bombarded with questions.[/QUOTE] It's not like I ask her cup size Adam. I was joking. [QUOTE=Self;372120]Guess I can't walk around here naked any more... damn wimmins...[/QUOTE] Edd Stone must be in Canada somewhere right now reading this post.... weeping.
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Here's a good clip: Jackal vs. Josh Knight... I think it's from 2005 from the show I got the clip from... I can't tell for sure. Jackal hits an awesome Vertebreaker on Josh Knight... and follows it up with the Canadian Destroyer. :D [url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wR0iqCzKVLE[/url]
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Donny "The Boss" Myers has owned it around 12-13 years... but it's been around since the mid-80s. The logos on the belts have 1984 inscribed on them. The company could even be older... but even The Boss doesn't know for sure.
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Apparently a game is grounds for a fight... figure this one out. I've been playing a game on Facebook the last few days, this kid I went to school got pissed at me for interfering with his business. I've never spoken to the guy before directly... couldn't understand his issue. Turns out he's the new generation in the Vachon family. He knows all about the ETWA and decided to go on the usual sophomoric tirade of "you guys suck" even though he couldn't list anyone but me in the company when I asked him exactly who sucked. So basically he harassed me 9 or 10 times via e-mail while I was off watching a movie, and said he was going to come kick my ass at our next show and bring "the Green Mountain guys with me." Now this is funny for several reasons to me... my opponent at the next show Sack, knows the kid. He never got into wrestling because he couldn't handle it. I also find it funny the kid is willing to pay to get into the show to get his ass kicked, and that he claims his uncle The Butcher was never ETWA Champion when I have him winning the Title on VHS floating around here somewhere. Another thing I find funny is the "Green Mountain boys" he referred to by name have worked for us on several ocassions and would never be caught dead with an idiot college kid who couldn't pull his thumb out of his butt... and I had to point out to him that Green Mountain went out of business almost 4 years ago. You think it would help boost my career a lil bit if this idiot shows up and after I do a Thumbtack Death Match I make a Vachon cry in front of a few dozen wrestling fans? And yes I know how childish this is... but imagine what I could do to promote this whole thing... a Vachon wants to show up and kick my ass... I could promote the hell of this and get us business just because the kid is a moron.
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