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Anyone can work for WWE.com

Guest Ransik

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from gerweck: WWE.com has put up photos from Raw's tour of Japan. One photo features Ric Flair shaking hands with former IWGP Champion Yuji Nagata with the text "East Meets West as Fans Welcome Flair". Another photo features Jeff Hardy posing with another former IWGP champion Hiroshi Tanahashi with the text "Jeff Hardy Branches out with a Japanese Fan". I wonder if the idiots who run WWE.com even following wrestling at all ?
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I would say that the majority of the people that work for WWE in their business end of the promotion don't really follow wrestling much, if at all. It's just like working for any business for most people. They offer a wide variety of jobs that have nothing to do with wrestling, and it wouldn't really add anything if you knew wrestling. But it would be nice if they would have somebody who knew wrestling to check over stuff before they posted it.
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[QUOTE=Akki;372425]Seeing as TNA has a working relationship with NJWP, maybe WWE didn't want to aknowledge that those guys are NJPW stars. You know how paranoid they are.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=SHaynes23;372427]I would say that the majority of the people that work for WWE in their business end of the promotion don't really follow wrestling much, if at all. It's just like working for any business for most people. They offer a wide variety of jobs that have nothing to do with wrestling, and it wouldn't really add anything if you knew wrestling. But it would be nice if they would have somebody who knew wrestling to check over stuff before they posted it.[/QUOTE] Of these two posts, I say Akki's sounds like the most likely answer. There many be plenty of us on boards like this who know the spectrum of wrestling. But WWE is a very fanboy prone organization and they like it that way. Well-rounded fans like us by find this phenomenon annoying. But when the WWE has built its fortunes on monopolism, why would they want to risk acknowledging to their sheep that there are noteworthy performers on other rosters? It's not like the people who would be fooled by this have ever heard of Nagata or Tanahashi anyway.
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Because odds are they might not be welcome back again if that's the way they're going to treat NJPW. TNA airs a special and uses Tiger Mask... and they're proud of their affiliation... the WWE hides it because they're paranoid. If you were NJPW... which company would you back up now?
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[QUOTE=Ransik;372561]Because odds are they might not be welcome back again if that's the way they're going to treat NJPW. TNA airs a special and uses Tiger Mask... and they're proud of their affiliation... the WWE hides it because they're paranoid. If you were NJPW... which company would you back up now?[/QUOTE] Do you honestly believe NJPW is going to care even slightly over the captioning of a few photos? Sometimes the way people blow even the tiniest thing out of proportion is unbelievable - it's a web site caption, it's such a minor thing I'm amazed it even got classified as news!
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[QUOTE=Ransik;372561]Because odds are they might not be welcome back again if that's the way they're going to treat NJPW. TNA airs a special and uses Tiger Mask... and they're proud of their affiliation... the WWE hides it because they're paranoid. If you were NJPW... which company would you back up now?[/QUOTE] I'm pretty sure that the WWE events in Japan aren't NJPW sponsored. WWE has enough money and resources to hold their own shows. TNA doesn't. I'm sure the NJPW guys were just there to be what we all are, which is wrestling fans. Of course, they probably also went backstage to talk to any friends they may have in the WWE, and possibly make some connections. Honestly, I don't blame WWE for not acknowledging them. What would be the point? They have nothing to do with NJPW, negative or positive. They can stand alone all over the world, and as I said before, TNA can't. TNA gets many positives from their exposure to the Japanese fans and market through NJPW. NJPW won't lose any fans to TNA, and I doubt anyone in Japan who knows about TNA doesn't know about NJPW. On the other hand, WWE, who already has a huge fanbase all over the world (including the Land of the Rising Sun), might actually lose some fans in Japan who might never have heard of NJPW before (yeah, I know it's unlikely, but I'm taking the perspective of WWE). [QUOTE=Adam Ryland;372563]Do you honestly believe NJPW is going to care even slightly over the captioning of a few photos? Sometimes the way people blow even the tiniest thing out of proportion is unbelievable - it's a web site caption, it's such a minor thing I'm amazed it even got classified as news![/QUOTE] This and the pregnancy thing... Makes you wonder, neh?
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[QUOTE=Akki;372810]Honestly, I don't blame WWE for not acknowledging them. What would be the point?[/QUOTE] I don't plan to get involved in the debate, but I do have an answer for this one thing. What would be the point of acknowledging them? That's a simple one: respect. What WWE did was outright disrespectful. They act like they're the only wrestling promotion in the world. It's just disrespectful to all the hard workers outside of WWE. It's pretty sad that Vince's ego is so big he won't even give props to a Japanese promotion. That's all I have to say on it.
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[QUOTE=DreamGoddessLindsey;372813]I don't plan to get involved in the debate, but I do have an answer for this one thing. What would be the point of acknowledging them? That's a simple one: respect. What WWE did was outright disrespectful. They act like they're the only wrestling promotion in the world. It's just disrespectful to all the hard workers outside of WWE. It's pretty sad that Vince's ego is so big he won't even give props to a Japanese promotion. That's all I have to say on it.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Adam Ryland;372563]Do you honestly believe NJPW is going to care even slightly over the captioning of a few photos? Sometimes the way people blow even the tiniest thing out of proportion is unbelievable - it's a web site caption, it's such a minor thing I'm amazed it even got classified as news![/QUOTE] I doubt anyone at NJPW even knows whats going on while some people are blowing this way out of proportion here in America.
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[QUOTE=DreamGoddessLindsey;372813]What would be the point of acknowledging them? That's a simple one: respect.[/QUOTE] Really? Do you actually [I]expect[/I] WWE to show respect for anything besides their own company? They don't even respect their fans with the crap they pull sometimes. And again, I stress that I don't agree that what WWE did was right. But it's good business. That's what this is, after all. And say what you want, when it comes to the wrestling [B]business[/B], no one does it better than Vince and WWE.
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While I definately agree with your point Akki, my sense of decency definately makes me view this the same way as Lindsey. That is one of the major things that bothers me about the WWE, the way they act as if there are no other wrestling companies in the world most of the time and show so little respect. Yeah that's fine, they focus on their own business and promote what they do because it's in their best interest. Just because it's logical to do so and good business for them, doesn't mean I like it. Not like NJPW is going to suddenly take over the US market or anything if a couple of photos recognize that WWE guys are meeting Japanese wrestlers rather than fans.
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[QUOTE=Akki;372821]Really? Do you actually expect WWE to show respect for anything besides their own company? [B]They don't even respect their fans with the crap they pull sometimes.[/B] And again, I stress that I don't agree that what WWE did was right. But it's good business. That's what this is, after all. And say what you want, when it comes to the wrestling business, no one does it better than Vince and WWE.[/QUOTE] I'm on your side for most of this comment, but concerning the bolded part, I can't tell you how much I disagree with this statement. I'm way too busy right now to go on a tirade, but... Totally disagree.
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Occam's razor - the simplest explanation is usually right. Rather than this being an evil plot by the WWE to subtlety undermine NJPW, don't you think it's more likely that some gopher in the media department got handed a file full of photos of the Japan trip and was told to upload and caption them for the site, didn't have an extensive knowledge of Japanese wrestling, and so just gave them generic captions instead? It's the media department of a large corporation, they're not going to staff it exclusively with wrestling fan boys who know everything about wrestling - they're probably happy if the candidate knows a bit about the WWE, they're not going to make extensive knowledge of puro a job requirement. The fact that random low-level web site employee #3 doesn't know who Hiroshi Tanahashi is not a big news story - the fact gerweck even commented on it just shows how desperate they are for content. And spare me the "they're a wrestling company, they should be 100% accurate with their web site" line - it's a web site with hundreds of thousands of pictures on it, the fact that they don't meticulously research every one is not a big deal, it's realism. Has nobody else ever worked in an office? This sort of thing happens in every company, all the time. The only idiot in this instance is the guy who thinks that every WWE staffer should know who Hiroshi Tanahashi is. Oh, I forgot, if you don't know puro you're not a real wrestling fan, right? :rolleyes: Utter puro fan boy BS.
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[QUOTE=G-Prime;373259]Hehe... If you hadn't pointed it out, I wouldn't have had any clue who they were. Hell, the names don't even ring a bell.[/QUOTE] As I'm sure about 97% of WWE fans don't either, that's why I don't see how this made the news. For god sakes it's just a picture caption, it's not like they are paying the guys.
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Guest The Aussie
Hell, it would have been nice if they acknowledged Yuji Nagata but I also doubt that it is all just some conspiracy. Craploads of people working with the WWE have minimal experience with wrestling besides the WWE.
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The only thing that bothers me is how nonchalant they are with slip ups like this. I understand that its a HUGE company that has their fair share of imbeciles. But I'm sure someone higher up that did know saw the mistake and it should have been corrected at then, but they don't care. Not that this one thing is a big deal, but I feel this reflects the attitude of the WWE as a whole, not just that one department. When a problem is found be it in a character change for your biggest star or a caption in a photo on the website it should be fixed not neglected. I promise someone knows, but no one cares.
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