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TEW 2007 review in French magazine Canard PC

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I thought Adam Ryland might be interested to know that French gaming magazine [I]Canard PC[/I] gave a very positive review (9/10) of [B][I]TEW 2007[/I][/B] in their latest issue (#170, 05/01/2008). There's a short excerpt of the review on their [URL="http://www.canardplus.com/jeux-1074-total_extreme_wrestling_2007.html"]website[/URL].
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I wish online translators worked better... In addition to databases and a super balèzes game engine extremely well thought to be able to meet the serious amateur management, TEW 2007 offers more value-magic: a sandpit for sumptuous lovers catch. [LEFT]Et un bac à sable totalement customisable capable de tirer des conclusions parfaitement logiques de vos actions.[/LEFT] And a sandpit customisable totally capable to draw conclusions perfectly logical for your actions. [LEFT]Complexe, mais pas ridiculement compliqué, facile à prendre en main passées les premières heures et véri-tablement passionnant, voilà un jeu indé qui mérite sa note.[/LEFT] Complex, but not ridiculously complicated, easy to handle spent the first hours and tablement really exciting, this is a game that deserves its independence note. [LEFT]9/10[/LEFT] 9 / 10
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Honestly, I was about to translate it for ya, but I don't understand a f word of this french gibberish. And mind you, French IS my native tongue. It's almost like we speak a totally different language on this side of the world (Province of Quebec, Canada). Still I can manage to get a few points : - Great game engine - Kudos for the huge customization - Complex at first, but become very intuitive after a few hours.
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Had my wife translate this morning: [quote] In addition to super "balèzes" data bases and an extremely well thought out engine of play which will be capable of satisfying lovers (maybe fans is a better word?) of serious management, TEW 2007 offers a magic appreciation: a sumptuous sand vat for the wrestling fans. And a completely customisable sand vat able to draw it's own perfectly logical conclusions of your actions. Complex, but not ridiculously complicated, easy to take in hand within the first few hours and truly enthralling, here is a "indé" (may mean independant but I'm not sure) game which makes it's mark. ----- Sounds quite odd, and I'm not entirely sure the litteral translation "sand vat" is quite what they mean!! Not sure of the words in red and italics. There ya go though... [/quote]
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[QUOTE=CJ_S;422545] Sounds quite odd, and I'm not entirely sure the litteral translation "sand vat" is quite what they mean!! Not sure of the words in red and italics. [/QUOTE] By the context it sounds like they mean sand box rather than sand vat. But French being the language that it is, I could see box and vat being translatable into either the same word or extremely similar ones.
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