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Mod request - Mid-80's C-verse

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I'm a huge fan of the C-verse and the mods done for 1975 and 1997, but I would like to see a mod for around 84-86. What a great time to be in the C-verse. Sam Strong and Rip Chord are dismantling eachother over the SWF world title, GCG is trying desperatley to stop BHOTWG from running away with japan and all the great stars from the 90's are waiting in the wings or have just finished wrestling school. Just throwing this idea out there as I lack the time and, more inportantly, the creativity to pull off such an undertaking. Here's hoping the same crew behind the '97 and '75 C-verse mods will answer the call.
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[QUOTE=SolidDavidGold;422427]I'm a huge fan of the C-verse and the mods done for 1975 and 1997, but I would like to see a mod for around 84-86. What a great time to be in the C-verse. Sam Strong and Rip Chord are dismantling eachother over the SWF world title, GCG is trying desperatley to stop BHOTWG from running away with japan and all the great stars from the 90's are waiting in the wings or have just finished wrestling school. Just throwing this idea out there as I lack the time and, more inportantly, the creativity to pull off such an undertaking. Here's hoping the same crew behind the '97 and '75 C-verse mods will answer the call.[/QUOTE] PeterHilton and I have already started talking about redoing the '75 mod for TEW '08. That's going to be our first project, and hopefully Sadistic'll be around soon to let us know what he's up to. But part of redoing the '75 mod will be fleshing out those 15 years before the database will be primarilly workers from the C'Verse and basically laying the groundwork for another mod in the 80's. It all depends though. I'm holding off any official commitments until the game releases, in case of any major surprises from Adam. But anyone who was a fan of the '75 mod, get at us and give us some input on how to improve it.
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[QUOTE=Mr T Jobs To Me;422429]PeterHilton and I have already started talking about redoing the '75 mod for TEW '08. That's going to be our first project, and hopefully Sadistic'll be around soon to let us know what he's up to. But part of redoing the '75 mod will be fleshing out those 15 years before the database will be primarilly workers from the C'Verse and basically laying the groundwork for another mod in the 80's. It all depends though. I'm holding off any official commitments until the game releases, in case of any major surprises from Adam. But anyone who was a fan of the '75 mod, get at us and give us some input on how to improve it.[/QUOTE]Its just an idea.. But why not do what the c-verse does in every new game.. Go forward a few years.. Instead of just remaking 1975, move on to '76 or '77 and show peoples movements and career progression
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[QUOTE=Clarity;422434]Its just an idea.. But why not do what the c-verse does in every new game.. Go forward a few years.. Instead of just remaking 1975, move on to '76 or '77 and show peoples movements and career progression[/QUOTE] That's probably what we're gonna do, is have the start time be January 76. Lets me bring in a few more guys for HWA and all. :D
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Been working on some ideas for the eighties mod already. Hilton and MJTJM, if either of you would like my help on the seventies mod just drop me a line and it's yours. Ditto for derek_b and the nineties mod. Also, the seventies mod [i]demands[/i] a master of bartitsu-style cane fighting, sort of a cross between Gentleman Jim King and the TV Western character Bat Masterson. Just because.
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[QUOTE=shamelessposer;422439]Been working on some ideas for the eighties mod already. Hilton and MJTJM, if either of you would like my help on the seventies mod just drop me a line and it's yours. Ditto for derek_b and the nineties mod.[/QUOTE] Also ditto.. While im not really up on the stats to work on the data, im feeling somewhat rejuvinated from my break from diary writing to bring out some short stories about the passage of time if your interested and want to help build some hype :D
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[QUOTE=Mr T Jobs To Me;422437]That's probably what we're gonna do, is have the start time be January 76. Lets me bring in a few more guys for HWA and all. :D[/QUOTE] I have a couple small suggestions: 1) While there's no doubt you guys did your best more workers with pics would be a huge turn on for me. 2) Is there any chance you can adjust the product settings for HWA? I only ask because as I play it I feel like it should be more storyline based (like BSC for example) but instead its got a match ratio of 80. 3) Have bulletproof get shot a 4th time and never wrestle again ;) Seriously though this mod has been so much fun for me guys, great work.
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[QUOTE=Clarity;422442]Also ditto.. While im not really up on the stats to work on the data, im feeling somewhat rejuvinated from my break from diary writing to bring out some short stories about the passage of time if your interested and want to help build some hype :D[/QUOTE] Excellent idea. Maybe some people could do a few articles in the style of regional-era dirt sheets during the playtesting process.
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[QUOTE=shamelessposer;422439]Been working on some ideas for the eighties mod already. Hilton and MJTJM, if either of you would like my help on the seventies mod just drop me a line and it's yours. Ditto for derek_b and the nineties mod. Also, the seventies mod [i]demands[/i] a master of bartitsu-style cane fighting, sort of a cross between Gentleman Jim King and the TV Western character Bat Masterson. Just because.[/QUOTE] We'll probably need a few extra helping hands. The time for that will come. As for this Bat Masterson/ Jim King cross, my interest is piqued. [QUOTE=Clarity;422442]Also ditto.. While im not really up on the stats to work on the data, im feeling somewhat rejuvinated from my break from diary writing to bring out some short stories about the passage of time if your interested and want to help build some hype :D[/QUOTE] Indeed. Some hype will be in order. Articles and such give an opportunity to provide more color for the universe, which I want to be as immersive as possible. [QUOTE=mad5226;422444]I have a couple small suggestions: 1) While there's no doubt you guys did your best more workers with pics would be a huge turn on for me. 2) Is there any chance you can adjust the product settings for HWA? I only ask because as I play it I feel like it should be more storyline based (like BSC for example) but instead its got a match ratio of 80. 3) Have bulletproof get shot a 4th time and never wrestle again ;) Seriously though this mod has been so much fun for me guys, great work.[/QUOTE] 1) That's the main thing that puts a database forever. Since PeterHilton and I are both gurus of the statistical nature, talented artists will be needed even if/when Sadistic gets back. I'll be looking back through the old thread and probably contacting some of the previous contributors. 2) This is the kind of feedback I like. Yeah, I think HWA might be needing a more angle-based approach. I've already got a great idea to make that happen, came to me just now! :D 3) Bulletproof got hit with a few shells, and he don't walk with a limp. Any further shootings would probably only impair his already limited wrestling ability.
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As one of the testing team I've got priveleged access to all things TEW08... and I've made it my goal to test this editor to the max before it get's released. Read into that what you will. ;) As for an 80s mod, I think the team of the 75 mod would be best suited to that. You guys have made Cornellverse history your own so I think you guys would easily do the best job of it even if I wanted the challenge of making another mod. I'm hoping to get more time to play in 75/76 cos I still feel I've neglected it somewhat. Must sort that out. :)
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