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Over "hyped"


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With the "best song" stuff going on i have to ask this one. What is the most over hyped song/group out there? I would have to say *and i am going to get hate for this one* nirvana. Yah, they changed music, but so did alot of other groups around the time. It's not like they were miles davis or janis joplin or something.
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My official stance on overhyped music is most new metal/death metal/hardcore anything/etc... anyone can make loud grunty noises and thousands of people can play drums and guitar, it doesn't make you special and it doesn't mean you are talented just because you happen to be have 23 piercings in your face, a lot of bad tattoos and a secret crush on your mother. *ahem* If I can't understand the words, I almost automatically hate a song. I also hate most dance/trance/rave too because it isn't something you listen to... it's something you might be able to dance to cos there's a rhythm but if one more car drives past my house playing something crap like that.. I swear I'm gonna... well, rant about it on the internet or something. Mind you, once someone was playing Johnny Cash "One Piece At A Time" at really high volume, the smile on my face almost made my head fall off. :D
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That reminds me of the time when I was in town a few years back..... Boy Racer stops at traffic lights, windows down, revving his engine....... then all of a sudden blasting out from his speakers.......... "I feel it in my fingers, I feel it in my toes..." I nearly died laughing!
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There are two candidates who sprung immediately to my mind when I saw this thread. 1: Eric Clapton. Don't get me wrong. I do like the guy's music. He's made some impressive stuff over the years. And sure he's done some really good guitar work. Even great guitar work at times. But to hear "the experts" talk, nobody else but Clapton should even bother picking up the instrument and I find that ridiculous. It dismisses the work of other great talents and it makes me want to scream every time I hear some music geek slurp Clapton's neck. 2: The Dave Matthews Band Just what is so special about these guys? I just don't get it. Sure the instrument players are pretty good. But that's true in a lot of bands. And to call what Dave does "singing" is to insult the skill. I'd rather watch a five year old whine for the hot toy of the year during Thanksgiving weekend than listen to Dave sing. I'd be ashamed to be heard singing in public if I had his voice. But those guys have people so badly snowed, Dave Matthews has become the poster child for overhype within my circle. Whenever I want to vent to my friends or family about any non-musician being overhyped, you can be sure they'll be described as the Dave Matthews of their field
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[QUOTE=derek_b;422692]My official stance on overhyped music is most new metal/death metal/hardcore anything/etc... anyone can make loud grunty noises and thousands of people can play drums and guitar, it doesn't make you special and it doesn't mean you are talented just because you happen to be have 23 piercings in your face, a lot of bad tattoos and a secret crush on your mother. *ahem* If I can't understand the words, I almost automatically hate a song.[/QUOTE] Now, you, my friend, are getting hate for that :p. You're righting off a lot of quality music there. And, as for understanding words, that's why lyrics are included in the album artwork... decipherable vocals do not always fit the soundscape, regardless of whether it's "grunting" or due to more traditional means such as falcetto or distortion or even accent. Check out Dani Filth as an example. Unless you know his style, his lyrics are very difficult to hear but they are some of the best being written today. Just because something is not immediately easy to listen to you, it shouldn't mean that it's not worth your effort. [QUOTE=alden;422700]I have to agree about Clapton. Yah he is good but he is not any better then say a hendrix or b.b. king *although to be honest almost no one is better then hendix or bb king ;)*[/QUOTE] Interesting. To me, Hendrix is basically a god; neither Clapton or King are even in his league as guitarists. As songwriters, they certainly are... but not as guitarists. Quote The Raven Nevermore
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The music we call "Jump" here in Belgium. All the wannabe tough kids listen(ed) and jumped to it. It's pretty big here in Belgium and Holland, but I dunno if you guys get that type of music as well? Pretty retarted... just look at the video. It's a pretty long intro, but it starts around the 1:30 mark. [url]http://youtube.com/watch?v=JuOR4QRBPyk[/url]
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[QUOTE=Nevermore;422719] Interesting. To me, Hendrix is basically a god; neither Clapton or King are even in his league as guitarists. As songwriters, they certainly are... but not as guitarists. Quote The Raven Nevermore[/QUOTE] I am a huge blues fan and that is why i put king on that list. To be honest I don't know which is better. King has that laid back style, hendrix has so much passion in his music. I guess it depends what mood I am in.
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[QUOTE=alden;422727]I am a huge blues fan and that is why i put king on that list. To be honest I don't know which is better. King has that laid back style, hendrix has so much passion in his music. I guess it depends what mood I am in.[/QUOTE] I know what you mean but Hendrix was so diverse. Listen to his blues numbers like Voodoo Chile [NOT Voodoo Child (slight return) which is often confused with Voodoo Chile] or Here My Train A'Comin' and they're awesome! I'd actually go out on one and say he's a better blues guitarist than a lot of the famous blues specialist like BB King and John Lee Hooker (both of whom I still love, by the way). Quote The Raven Nevermore
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[QUOTE=alden;422727]I am a huge blues fan and that is why i put king on that list. To be honest I don't know which is better. King has that laid back style, hendrix has so much passion in his music. I guess it depends what mood I am in.[/QUOTE] King is "OVERRATED" as a guitar player, Ton's of blue's musicians play better... He is what some call the "Commercial" aspect of Blues. I love BB King though, don't get me wrong... It's just wrong to put him that high up there. Eric's more known for his guitar arrangements, he has some of the most memmoriable song's highlighted with a guitar, as well as arrangements. Prince can outplay both of them.
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[QUOTE=Nevermore;422731]I know what you mean but Hendrix was so diverse. Listen to his blues numbers like Voodoo Chile [NOT Voodoo Child (slight return) which is often confused with Voodoo Chile] or Here My Train A'Comin' and they're awesome! I'd actually go out on one and say he's a better blues guitarist than a lot of the famous blues specialist like BB King and John Lee Hooker (both of whom I still love, by the way). Quote The Raven Nevermore[/QUOTE] Redhouse by Hendrix.... Just close your eyes and drift.
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[QUOTE=djthefunkchris;422845]Eric's more known for his guitar arrangements, he has some of the most memmoriable song's highlighted with a guitar, as well as arrangements. Prince can outplay both of them.[/QUOTE] ...and John Frusciante sh*ts on all of the above :p. [QUOTE=djthefunkchris;422846]Redhouse by Hendrix.... Just close your eyes and drift.[/QUOTE] Absolutely. Simple as hell in terms of chord progression but he plays around with it beautifuuly. Quote The Raven Nevermore
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Put me in as another person who sees Nirvana as more praised for what they became rather than what they were. Also I have a grudge against them 'cause Cobain was...kinda an elitist, exclusionary dick and basically spearheaded killing off almost 3 decades' worth of musical movements. ..plus, he married and procreated with Courtney Love. If that doesn't shoot someone's credibility to pieces I don't know what does. ;) [quote="derek_b"]If I can't understand the words, I almost automatically hate a song.[/quote] Colour me curious, but I'd like to hear your opinions on these bands: - The Stooges - Ramones - Motörhead - Sex Pistols - Ratt - Pantera - W.A.S.P. - Cinderella - Shotgun Messiah ([i]specifically the lineup of the [/i]2nd Coming[i] album[/i]) ...since they're more-or-less [in]famous for having singing that isn't "good" in conventional terms.
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Okay. I'll take a shot at some of these. [QUOTE=Zakarl;422854] Colour me curious, but I'd like to hear your opinions on these bands: - Ramones [/QUOTE] I can kinda see how they got where they are but I do tend to find them over-rated. I especially found hearing I Wanna Be Sedated for the first time to be an underwhelming experience. Maybe if I'd gone to public high school and gotten to them earlier. But not quite my thing. [QUOTE=Zakarl;422854] - Motörhead [/QUOTE] Strike me as decent for their genre. But again not one I'm inclined to drift into all that often. From the outside looking in, I tend to think of them as a one-hit wonder with Ace of Spades. But I wouldn't be surprised if that approach is missing a lot. [QUOTE=Zakarl;422854] - Sex Pistols [/QUOTE] If I'm going to listen to punk, I'm more likely to go with these guys than I am The Ramones. I mean how many bands can junk up their national anthem and make it work? [QUOTE=Zakarl;422854] - Ratt [/QUOTE] Don't know as I'd consider them over-hyped. They didn't quite manage the staying power other hair bands did and they never managed to capture quite the energy a Poison or a Warrant or a White Lion did. I'd put Ratt more in the weak sister category with the Britney Foxes and Trixters of the hair scene.
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[QUOTE=djthefunkchris;422845]King is "OVERRATED" as a guitar player, Ton's of blue's musicians play better... He is what some call the "Commercial" aspect of Blues. I love BB King though, don't get me wrong... It's just wrong to put him that high up there. Eric's more known for his guitar arrangements, he has some of the most memmoriable song's highlighted with a guitar, as well as arrangements. Prince can outplay both of them.[/QUOTE] king now yes is commercial. But if you take his entire life he has been *in my opinion* one of the most influencial players of all time. He might not be the best today but back in the 50's *trouble trouble trouble for instance* he was on top of the world.
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Ramones I'd have to disagree with you guys, they're punk gods in my book. Although it does get annoying to here the same power chords and drum beats over and over again, still I'll always love them to death. Even though I'm a huge fan of these guys how about -KISS
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Oh, I knew I forgot something...KISS strike me as almost the very definition of "overrated" since there were plenty of better bands in the 70s that didn't get anywhere near as much fame as they did. From lack of a marketable gimmick more than anything else. And cappyboy: I wasn't so much asking what you think of them in terms of hype, so much as what you thought of their vocals in general.
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[QUOTE=shamelessposer;422676]Definitely Nirvana. [/QUOTE] Definitely. No band unduly shows up on my radio more. Except Nickelback, but that's a given. [QUOTE=cappyboy;422697] 2: The Dave Matthews Band[/QUOTE] If it wasn't for the reality of assault charges, I would have punched about 4 different "I embody college" musictards who tried to convince me the DMB was good. Oh yeah, one more. This one might catch some heat. Led Zeppelin. *[I]Runs[/I]*
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I always found the idea of overrated over hyped to be silly. Especially with music. How can someone say that others opinions on what they like is wrong. If a lot of people like a song or artist or if someone goes on about how great they are it is because that is their opinion. How can one say someone like someone too much or that too many people like someone (really those are all hype is at least this type of hype)?
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Jesus H Christ, Nirvana? I know these aren't all "originals", but there's a reason why the following songs all populate my iPod, because they are the shiz.... Smells Like Teen Spirit - now that song was overrated, but Kurt Cobain would have told you that himself, he hated the song and found it 'commercialised' - a man who knows when to call his own music cr@p, bravo Come as you are Lithium Heart Shaped Box All Apologies Rape Me Pennyroyal Tea Sliver The Man Who Sold the World In Bloom Lake of Fire Polly About a Girl Something in the Way Love Buzz There's probably two songs of theirs that wsa 'overhyped'. One they freely admit, the other was released long after Kurt's death, You Know You're Right. I wouldn't say Nirvana was mind changing brilliance like say the Beatles, or Elvis, or Jimi Hendrix, I honestly don't even believed they shaped an era like the aforementioned or Queen or Led Zeppelin or the Doors or any of those performers who truly were just one of a kind. In fact, I'd say they weren't one of a kind. They were probably just symbolic of a more commercialised version of the Seattle sound of the time. But whatever it was, you have to be fingering yourself if you can honestly not say you don't like listening to their music. If you listen to Nevermind, and even then I don't know if that's their most creative album, from start to go you are blown away. If you want to talk 'overhyped', you head more away from the non commercialised rock, and go to the very commercialised pop genre. If you want to talk overhyped, you talk Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Justin Timberlake, .... and especially Kylie Minogue. That's overrated. You'd be hard pressed to find too many 'rock' style bands or performers who have actually got the recognition they deserve because the top 20's are generally populated by basic, teen pop which has such simple, yet computerised music it's hard to imagine how they get hyped so much.
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Here's another one, Duran Duran. You know, I watched a vh1 show the other day on top British artists. These blokes here ranked higher than.... the Beatles. There's only one who was more influential than them, a bloke out of Memphis, Tennessee. I mean christ, John Lennon, Paul McCartney, Penny Lane, Strawberry Fields Forever, I am the Walrus, Let it be, Long and Winding Road, .... I mean how many number 1s did those lads have, and yet Duran freakin Hungry like the wolf or girls on film Duran beats them? Sprinkle my nuts with acid, there's no way they beat them. The only British band even allowed to come close to them is Queen, and that's saying something because the British influence has been often underrated yet they fully deserve more hype.
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I am not saying I don't enjoy Nirvana's music. But if you talk to some people Kurt Cobain is the freaking second coming when in all honesty nirvana did not really "invent" the garage sound like some people say they did they just took it main stream *which is odd because i always though to point of that scean was anti-establishment and anti-mainstream*
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