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Diablo Kombat

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[CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v260/Frontiergfx/DKX%202008/title.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] I have been weighing up whether or not to convert this across to TEW 2008 and have decided that I enjoyed playing it, so I will be tweaking and adding to it for 2008. I will still be doing my renders as I enjoy them in between, but will be making DKX my main goal. For those who are interested but don't know the concept of DKX, it is a fantasy mod based on Cartoons and Computer games, as well as some Marvel/DC characters. [B][U][I]I want to know who you would like to see in it - if it's obscure, give me a place to find info and it'll be added at some point through the updates.[/I][/U][/B] So far here is what will be in it from conversion. [B]Promotions (16)[/B] Thunderian Wrestling Alliance (A Thundercats promotion) - Completed Eternia Pro Wrestling (A Masters of the Universe promotion - 1980's) - Completed Kombat Promotions (A Mortal Kombat Promotion) - Completed Street Fighter Extreme (Street Fighter Promotion) - Completed Ninja Wrestling Federation (A TNMNT Promotion - mainly 80's characters, I may bolster the roster with some from the recent series of cartoons) - Completed Tekken Tag Team Wrestling (A Tekken promotion) - Completed Dead or Alive (The name speaks for itself) - Completed Dark Rift Extreme (Dark Rift Promotion - Only starts with 9 workers + 1 Announcer) - Completed Grand Rockstar Wrestling (A GTA/Manhunt Promotion) - Completed (only 5 people from GTA IV got in, Brucie, Little Jacob, Niko, Roman and Mallorie - didn't like anyone else - The McReary brothers and sister may get in later but for now it's complete) Killer Instinct Wrestling (A Killer Instinct Promotion) - Completed Bloody Roar Grappling Alliance (Bloody Roar Promotion) - Completed Fatal Fury Wrestling (Fatal Fury Promotion) - Completed Allstar Entertainment Group (I made this with only 2 workers - Kingpin as the owner, Chameleon as head booker. It is a "blank canvas" promotion to pick and mix who to bring in). Gotham Pro Wrestling (Batman Promotion) - Completed The Soul Calibur Federation (Soul Calibur Promotion) - Completed Saturday Night Slam Masters (See the name) - Completed 2 "future" Promotions also included. (All completed promotions are running well and have been tested A few promotions will need to hire staff - and some more workers but that adds to it I think). [B]Current Worker Count:[/B] 643 [B]Current Title Count:[/B] 32 (with some sort of picture - not a belt neccessarily) [B]Picture Count[/B] 735 Worker Pictures done (Samples Below) [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v260/Frontiergfx/DKX%202008/TinaArmstrong.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v260/Frontiergfx/DKX%202008/CaseyJones.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v260/Frontiergfx/DKX%202008/Sub-Zero.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v260/Frontiergfx/DKX%202008/Bane.jpg[/IMG] [B]User Characters[/B] Larry Lovage (From Leisure Suit Larry: Cum Magne Laude) Doht Ekem Zyr (My created character from Morrowind) Hlaalu Helseth [B]New Gimmicks added to the base Gimmicks[/B] Actor Clone Cyborg Drunk Boxer Evil General Evil Midget God (Good) God (Evil) Godess Guard Hero Heroic Warrior Intergalactic Police Officer Killer Midget Mutant Ninja Pervert School Girl Shaolin Monk Sorcerer Sorceress Spy Thundercat Witch Zombie [B]Relationship Count Count[/B] 223 ------------------------------------- I have also decided again for 2008 that no promotion will be above National. It gives the player something to aim for rather than taking over an International/Global promotion and running the tediously boring "keep them at the top" scenario. Due to this being fantasy I am not doing the popularity by how well known a game/cartoon is, it is purely done on how I feel at the time of making each promotion, otherwise it'll end up being full of Global/International/National Promotions. [U]USA[/U] TWA PWE NWF GRW DRE GPW [U]Canada[/U] FFW SNSM [U]Japan[/U] KOMBAT SFE T3W (Tekken) KIW (Killer Instinct) SCF [U]UK[/U] BRGA DOA [U]Mexico[/U] N/A [U]Europe[/U] N/A [U]Australia[/U] N/A (although amy move DOA there after V.2)
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[QUOTE=Moe Hunter;429260]I would put a vote towards some Soul Calibur![/QUOTE] Consider them in. It'll also give me an excuse to put Darth Vader and Yoda into the data seeing as they seem to be in the new Soul Calibur game!
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Superhero fed Hey why not just have one huge superhero fed with marvel n dc?And what about those indy superheros n vill like Spawn and dont forget the Japanese superheros,Kikaida,Kamen Riderv3,Ultra Man to name a few.Well good luck and will be waiting on this one:D
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Guest Bolton
[QUOTE=mike b;429519]Hey why not just have one huge superhero fed with marvel n dc?And what about those indy superheros n vill like Spawn and dont forget the Japanese superheros,Kikaida,Kamen Riderv3,Ultra Man to name a few.Well good luck and will be waiting on this one:D[/QUOTE] I believe Spawn was in DKX 2007, mike b. But can't wait to do a story where Bane no-sells Batman and kicks out at 1, tears his rotator cuff and then breaks Batman's back with The World's Sloppiest Backbreaker.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Ok, I'm sorry to say this won't be out for TEW 2008 as I do not like this new editor. I think it is awful to use and even more time consuming to create a database than ever before (ie: Movesets I find a pointless addition. it was easier to just give people 2 moves now you have to create moves, and then create a moveset and then give it to the character - way too long winded). The other reason is that I don't actually like TEW 2008 very much so have no intention of making a database I'll never play. If anyone else wants to convert it to 2008 feel free, but don't forget to give credit for the base!
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  • 2 months later...
[QUOTE=Fleisch;437634]Ok, I'm sorry to say this won't be out for TEW 2008 as I do not like this new editor. I think it is awful to use and even more time consuming to create a database than ever before (ie: Movesets I find a pointless addition. it was easier to just give people 2 moves now you have to create moves, and then create a moveset and then give it to the character - way too long winded). The other reason is that I don't actually like TEW 2008 very much so have no intention of making a database I'll never play. If anyone else wants to convert it to 2008 feel free, but don't forget to give credit for the base![/QUOTE] Ok having gotten myself accustomed (sp?) to the editor, I have now decided to carry on working on this. I still have issues with the movesets and how they are so long winded but I feel having already created 600 workers, it would be a waste not to finish this (at least to V.1). I will not however give a release date (due to who the hell knows what lifes gonna throw at ya), merely updates in this thread and then when I feel it is ready for release a new thread with the release in it. I have alot of work to do on it as said in the first post and not too much free time.
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Move Sets are mainly just for finishers, so you shouldnt be adding a ton of moves to them. Just adding that bit incase you didnt know. Any chance characters from Saturday Night Slam Masters will be making it in? I mean, its a wrestling game with a fake promotion and fake workers but a very cool game still!
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I quite like the movesets, but I agree that it's a long-winded process to set a new character up with new moves because of how it's all put together. The mod sounds pretty sweet though. Glad to see that Fleisch is going through with it
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[QUOTE=DaMegaFish;481834]Move Sets are mainly just for finishers, so you shouldnt be adding a ton of moves to them. Just adding that bit incase you didnt know. Any chance characters from Saturday Night Slam Masters will be making it in? I mean, its a wrestling game with a fake promotion and fake workers but a very cool game still![/QUOTE] Yeah I realised it was just finishers. If it hadn't been I would probably never even consider doing a mod! :D If I can find enough info out and pics then yeah I don't see why not... of course I guess I'd have to give them events on a Saturday... [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v260/Frontiergfx/DKX%202008/Brucie.jpg[/IMG] He's in! Screen showing progress so far: [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v260/Frontiergfx/Screen1.jpg[/IMG]
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DaMegaFish, that'd be cool if you could. That way any I couldn't find myself I could just cut yours to fit. WeeMan, here are a few of the Tekken characters. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v260/Frontiergfx/DKX%202008/JinKazama.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v260/Frontiergfx/DKX%202008/JinKazamaDevil.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v260/Frontiergfx/DKX%202008/JuliaChang.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v260/Frontiergfx/DKX%202008/NinaWilliams.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v260/Frontiergfx/DKX%202008/KazuyaMishima.jpg[/IMG] As you can see, Jin Kazama has an alt pic incase you want him as Devil Jin instead.
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Update: Soul Calibur are now as done as they are going to be for now. All the main characters are in it. I have started Saturday Night Slam Masters before finishing Gotham Pro Wrestling. A new BETA release should be available after that. 1st post updated with progress.
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If it helps, Scorp should be the Slam Masters champion, as he was during the game I believe...if not he was like the final guy you fought. Also, Im not exactly sure how the tag team circuit worked in that game, but I do remember Biff and Jumbo almost being god like no matter the difficulty level.
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Ok I've finished the Gotham Pro Wrestling with who I want in it. I'm off out in an hour so tomorrow I shall tweak the stats to work a little better (a few people I've changed my mind on stats) before unleashing it on you all to give me some helpful feedback on improvements. So schedule for release should go something like this: [B]Sunday 24th August 2008 [/B]- Diablo Kombat 2008 BETA release [B]TBC[/B] - Diablo Kombat 2008 V.1 (which will be everything in the BETA but with the tweaks and error corrections spotted by you - no new workers or promotions at this time). [B]TBC[/B] - Diablo Kombat 2008 V.2 (which will have more workers and maybe a couple of new promotions). Then after that, updates as and when I have the free time.
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