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No Holds Barred 1989 Mod

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OK some of you may be familiar with this mod but for those of you that arn't here goes. [B]The Run Down[/B] The year is 1989 and the month is September, The WWF have just held yet another exciting PPV in the name of SummerSlam, The Ultimate Warrior is on the rise having just recaptured the IC Title from Rick Rude, Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard are the Tag Team champions and succesfully defeated the Hart Foundation in a none title match, Whilst WWF World champion Hulk Hogan continues an on going battle with the Mad Man Zeus. In other Promotions Ric Flair is still NWA world heavyweight Champion and currently fueding with the Heel Terry Funk, What looks to be an excellent prospect for the future Lex Luger is currently the NWA United States Champion. Over in the AWA there is some good talent with the likes of Sgt. Slaughter, Larry Zybysko, Baby Bull (Leon White, Vader), Mike Enos and Wayne Bloom. Other smaller promotions are currently housing some very good but yet unkown young talent such as Steve Austin, Jeff Jarret, Scott Hall, Chris Beniot, Owen Hart etc All in all the future of Pro Wrestling looks bright and with alot of Men & Women trying to break into the business Wrestling has never been more exciting Here is the Test version try it out and let me know how it runs [URL="http://www.northwestrchelicopterclub.co.uk/1989.rar"]Data Files Only for now[/URL]
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From what i can see i have fully converted this mod from my TEW2007 mod iv worked for 3 straight days but could still do with some help. [B]B Shows[/B] Which of these following shows do you guys think are A or B Shows WWF Superstars, Primetime Wrestling, Wrestling Challange NWA Power Hour, World Championship Wrestling [B]What Race?[/B] What race would you guys have people from Hawaii as eg Superfly and people from Samoa eg Fatu, Samu, Haku [B]Habbits[/B] Anyone know of any well know habbits of the workers from this time (eg smokers) [B]What i have added[/B] Race of workers Potential of workers Relationships for workers not yet debuted Teams for workers not yet debuted Alter Egos for workers not yet debuted A & B Shows (Bit of a guess so far) More Workers added More Future workers added Titles for future Promotions added Years and Numbers added to Events (eg Wrestlemania 6)
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Ok so heres an overview of the database so you guys can check out the numbers [IMG]http://img229.imageshack.us/img229/7389/nhbgw6.jpg[/IMG] Also...... I have completely converted this database into a 1992 mod which is complete except for populaties which a can not do untill the game is released for testing reasons (so stay tunned for more news on this one)
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Some of you may have noticed i have 5 people in the Hall Of Immortals, for those of you who may wonder who or even why thay are in there here goes [B]1# Andre the Giant:[/B] Headliner (wrestlemania 3) Show Stealer (Wrestlemania 3 Vs Hulk Hogan) National Icon [B]2# Hulk Hogan[/B] Major Champion 2 Headliner 3 (Wrestlemania 2,3,5) Show Stealer 2 (Wrestlemania 3 Vs Andre, Wrestlemania 5 Vs Randy Savage) National Icon [B]3# Randy Savage[/B] Major Champion 1 Headliner 2 (Wrestlemania 4,5) Show Stealer 2 (Wrestlemania 3 Vs Ricky Steamboat, Wrestlemania 5 Vs Hulk Hogan) National Icon ?????? Wrestler of the Year 1987 ?????? [B]4# Ric Flair[/B] National Icon [B]5# Dusty Rhodes[/B] National Icon If anyone doesnt agree or can see something iv left out or is wrong let me know
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from the discussion iv had so far in the hall of immortals thread people seem to think that by 1989 the only major events were WrestleMania but i may change that to Starrcade events also that that would make Flair on 5 out of a possible 6 Starrcade events
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If you actually did some research, you'll find quite a few major cards in the 70s. If the first Starrcade is in (which drew 15,000), why not the Last Tangle in Tampa in 1980 (which drew almost 18,000)? Or the Showdown at Shea Stadium in 1972 (which drew 22,000!)? Or the Shea Stadium shows in '76 and '80 (which drew 32,000 & 36,000 respectively)? Seriously. For a mod that starts in the last days of kayfabe-era wrestling, it would be nice if you thought outside of the modern slanted box that traps all discussions around here. It is your mod - your data; it is whatever you say it is. Just trying to throw some light onto this particular discussion.
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I had done alot of research but came to ask myself what makes an event historic? Is it that it had large attendance records? Is it that it was one hell of a show? Or is it that it is by name sake a 'legendary' event. So here is why i originally decided to go with just Starrcades and Wrestlemania's beacuse by the time most of these guys retire and enter the HOI it would be a nowdays mod so to speak. But in all truth i just wanted some feedback on who you guys (the guys who will play this mod) wanted in and why, Its a flaw of mine i always try to keep everybody happy :D
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Just a quick one some of you maybe hapy to learn that last night i sat down and went through the pic pac of over 2500 pics and cut it down massively to just over 900, bobinc had mentioned to me along time ago that there was alot of duplicates and needless pics but i didnt want to do it right away because i was constantly adding more and more workers and didnt know who i was going to add next, but its done now so quicker downloading times is always a plus
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I seem to have ran into a brick wall! I cannot not find any more information to increase the size of this mod! If anyone knows of any more promotions and rosters please post them here. So what i am doing instead of sitting around feeling sorry for myself is adding more alter egos, hall of immortal entries and workers habbits if i dont get any more feedback on workers and promotions i will start making more movesets for the alter egos of workers I really want to make this mod great for you guys so please help by posting as much info say you guys know to help me help you!
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[QUOTE=gazwefc83;430213]I seem to have ran into a brick wall! I cannot not find any more information to increase the size of this mod! If anyone knows of any more promotions and rosters please post them here. So what i am doing instead of sitting around feeling sorry for myself is adding more alter egos, hall of immortal entries and workers habbits if i dont get any more feedback on workers and promotions i will start making more movesets for the alter egos of workers I really want to make this mod great for you guys so please help by posting as much info say you guys know to help me help you![/QUOTE] A HUGE Amount of data can be found by just taking what D. Boon's Ghost said, and googling for information... [QUOTE=D. Boon's Ghost;429891]If you actually did some research, you'll find quite a few major cards in the 70s. If the first Starrcade is in (which drew 15,000), why not the Last Tangle in Tampa in 1980 (which drew almost 18,000)? Or the Showdown at Shea Stadium in 1972 (which drew 22,000!)? Or the Shea Stadium shows in '76 and '80 (which drew 32,000 & 36,000 respectively)? Seriously. For a mod that starts in the last days of kayfabe-era wrestling, it would be nice if you thought outside of the modern slanted box that traps all discussions around here. It is your mod - your data; it is whatever you say it is. Just trying to throw some light onto this particular discussion.[/QUOTE] So much information right here.... for your history (which should include most if not all of this). Also it's kind of hard to contribute, when you have not listed, or linked to a list of what you have already. WE see number's, but which one's are actually in it? You included Flair and Rhodes, but not Piper, Curt Hennig, Bret Hart, Davey Boy Smith, Tom Billington, Satoru Sayama, Antonio Inoki, Kim Sin-nak. Depending on the time frame, possibly some of those would fit in your HOI. More information is needed before anyone can even guess where you need the help.
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[QUOTE=gazwefc83;430232]Ill get a list of worker and promotions up shortley but i dont know what you suggest me to google???? Iv googled everything i can think of[/QUOTE] That will give a better idea of how to help. What if you have everything already that someone were to suggest? Can't really tell you what to google without any knowledge of what you already have google'd (for example). The only thing I can comment on is your HOI so far. There were huge stars that were around before Flair or Rhodes..> what about the people they emulated for example. Without knowing if your going to include any of them, it's hard to say who is left out, but I aggree that there was plenty going on besides NWA supercards, historically, as was brought up by the expert.
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I went thrugh the WWE hall of Fame and found all the classic guys that wouldn't qualify entrie in the game eg Buddy Rogers Jay Strongbow Fred Blassie Gorilla Monsoon Pedro Morales George Steele Jimmy Snuka Pat Patterson Harley Race Billy Graham Sgt. Slaughter Jesse Ventura Tito Santana Bobby Heenan Big John Studd Roddy Piper Jimmy Hart Gene Okerland Any way here is the roster of what i have so far [IMG]http://img105.imageshack.us/img105/659/rosterjs3.jpg[/IMG]
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I have no wrestlers persay as I see that are missing (though like you I am sure there are just feels like there is) but I was wondering if ya can give us a run down of the roster PER promotion. I would like to see what the USWA roster consists for example. I would go per promotion and then google it with the year to see the roster available at that timeframe then go from there to adding those that you are missing. Of course ya don't want to overload it with workers but I think between USWA, Texas, NWA there are men well known enough to be included that have been overlooked. Like i dunno Scott Casey um, Brad Armstrong ah, Islander Tama, etc. Just seems that a few names I remember seeing each and every week not mentioned yet many men that debut ya know 10 years later that of course were remembered. I think this could be an excellent MOD just take ya time man and don't rush it!!!
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Which of these following shows do you guys think are A or B Shows WWF Superstars, Primetime Wrestling, Wrestling Challange Superstars/Challenge should be the 'B' shows, although what was shown on them was later combined to what was on PTW. NWA Power Hour, World Championship Wrestling Power Hour is a B Show. World Championship Wrestling (later on Saturday Night), was always the A Show. And KENTA's name is Kenta Kobayashi...not KENTA Kobashi.
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Thanks guys thought i would have this all tested by now but forgot that the trial is stuck in 2008 so all the guys are really old and past it so im just getting 0.90's for the TV rating ill have to see how this works when the full game is released unfortunatly it looks like i crnt afford to buy the game this week! so if anybody wants me to put the data up you guys can run it and see what you spot
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