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What makes the best mod

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I always wondered whilst making my mods what you guys want to see, so what do you guys think makes a mod the best?? Is It: The more workers the better? Be as accurate as possible? Not the most accurate be runs like a dream? Having depth (lots of alter egos, title lineage etc)? None of the above as long as its based in a time i like? By doing this we can find out whats important and hopefully make the best mods ever for TEW2008
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Personally I think it's okay to sacrifice accuracy to make it play better with the game mechanics. When talking about workers, I also prefer depth (described as you say) to width (amount of workers). Having a passion for the time period is very important. It will keep you going to the same quality after the words and numbers have driven you insane. Working in a team helps this. It's also good to get several different perspectives on things. For example, someone might think Mr. Kennedy's mic skills are top-notch. Others might think he takes too long to say simple things. Stat's are very opinion based, just try to leave your prejudices at home and collaborate.
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From your list, for me, it's one, three, and four: lots of workers means I won't grow bored of your mod quickly (since there are lots of possible combinations of workers for a new promotion roster which means that after I've exhausted my interest in running the preexisting promotions I can create one to run against them or an endless array of local sized feds to try out new combinations of product settings), I prefer promotions to act in a manner consistent to my expectations and experiences with them so accuracy trumps realism (which the game can't be made to reflect well most of the time anyway), and depth is always good to get me interested in any subject matter I might not have a complete knowledge of. You shouldn't really try to make a mod based on a time your unfamiliar with, your project will end up unrealistic, inaccurate, and shallow, everything I certainly don't want in a reality based mod.
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Key Features for me are stability and a reasonable number of workers. Important (but not game breakingly critical) is accuracy. I won't know ninety percent of the workers in most mods, so don't care too much how accurate their stats are - but those I do know I'd like to see as roughly in line with my opinion of them.
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A first requirement: It should run smootly. Many will agree that the C-Verse runs the best of all data available. Why is that? Because its settings are perfected on the game itself (prolly cuz adam made it :)) Many mods either have too much data, or the wrong data, so on the long-term game, it becomes nearly unplayable. Mods with too much data don't run smoothly at all, and many promotions will not work efficiently or realistically. Therefore it is almost undoable to simulate real life situations in the game. A second requirement: There would have to be more or less a cohesion in graphical approach, namely the worker pictures: not some random assortment of pics in different stances etc. One cohesive bunch of pics. I realise some minor workers have no good pictures to make use of. I would simply say: don't include them. If they are so important in the wrestling world, someone would at least made a close-up picture of them. I mean, come on... :D That's more or less the things I look for in mods. But so far, I have found few (if any) who meet those requirements. As for the stats, I don't need them to be 'realistic' that much. Maybe some undercard workers of the E are indeed very talented. But if you give them the realistic stats they deserve, they will hit main event status too soon. The stats should reflect their in-ring performance, not what they can or cannot do on the outside.
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Good luck with this question. Every person will say that X is more important then Y but X & Y will almost always be different things thus meaning the best mod has it all. :D Or is just up at [url]www.bobinc.net[/url] :cool: Yes a shamless plug. The 08 section has been up since the pre-release editor so if you have something send it over although I don't expect anything until the demo is out and things can be tried out.
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You may bomb the question as you see fit, but amongst all the (imo) useless questions and polls on this forum, this one is actually one of the most relevant. More people should post their opinion to discern the aspects that mods truly need. Sure, everyone has his own preferences, but i'm fairly sure most of them will overlap. ;) "What makes a GOOD mod" is probably an even better question though. :P
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[QUOTE=Blackman;430382]You may bomb the question as you see fit, but amongst all the (imo) useless questions and polls on this forum, this one is actually one of the most relevant. More people should post their opinion to discern the aspects that mods truly need. Sure, everyone has his own preferences, but i'm fairly sure most of them will overlap. ;) "What makes a GOOD mod" is probably an even better question though. :P[/QUOTE] /nod. I think so too. But don't forget the real intention of BobInc posting, lol. CHECK OUT HIS WEBSIGHT! WHat makes a good mod? A mod with lots of hot chicks, from both the real and C-Verse worlds! I enjoy mods that the promotions don't close right off the bat, mods that dont' have inflated stats. Mods that make you "feel" like your in a world, that is evolving and changing. In other words... One's that actually work longer then a couple of months. Honestly, with all the new features for the AI this time around, I think it's not going to be as hard a chore anymore (and it is a hard chore to get things going the way you intend them to.. over and over, game after game). A good example is when you start playing D.O.T.T. and the people won't budge that you didn't think would (when tryin' to steal them), and the promotions start hiring people you thought they would hire, etc. It grabs your attention (especially for those of us that watched back then) right off the bat. I don't expect that from any mod, but I can't think of a better put together MOD without going into the C-Verse mods (and the historical one's are awesome as well).
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Personally, I like a little of all of that. Like stated, as long as the guys I know of are represented somewhat accurately, I'm good. As it is, I'm using/tweaking the TZone 07 mod, and it has 3,921 workers, and I can promise you that me, personally, will probably never use any Japanese wrestlers, and highly doubt I'll use 80% of the luchadores... but, I'd rather have them there on the off chance I'll use one of them, and have it work out awesomely.
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For me the way the game plays and accuracy are two key features. I have not seen a lot of mods which try to be top to bottom accurate. Stats are not super important as they are subjective to a degree, but promotion rosters and things of that nature need to be reasonably accurate and fleshed out otherwise they might as well not be included. This is crucial for historical mods, being era specific with as much as possible is very important to me. I tend to think it's good to have a lot of workers, but that mods like T-Zone with their 4000 workers are overkill. I'm willing to bet there are workers in there which nobody who plays the game has ever used. Pretty much anywhere between 700-1400 workers is the ideal number for me.
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