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Strange events so far '08

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I just had Bryan Danielson get injured in my ROH game and I was going to push him then he shattered his knee and out for a year then I thought I check the surgery option since I have not ever really used but it was high risk so I thought no but I accidentally hit yes and it went bad and now he is out 124 months 10 years that sucked so bad
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[QUOTE=chefboyrdz;491101]I just had Bryan Danielson get injured in my ROH game and I was going to push him then he shattered his knee and out for a year then I thought I check the surgery option since I have not ever really used but it was high risk so I thought no but I accidentally hit yes and it went bad and now he is out 124 months 10 years that sucked so bad[/QUOTE] I killed Cena's career the same way. :D
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[QUOTE=chefboyrdz;491101]I just had Bryan Danielson get injured in my ROH game and I was going to push him then he shattered his knee and out for a year then I thought I check the surgery option since I have not ever really used but it was high risk so I thought no but I accidentally hit yes and it went bad and now he is out 124 months 10 years that sucked so bad[/QUOTE] And then, smart marks around the world screamed in unison... While playing the 1997 mod, I signed Ryu Kajahara to a PPA deal with my then small (now regional) company, and after a few months of being an average midcarder he suffered a shattered elbow while SUCCESSFULY defending the GCG Heavyweight championship. Why GCG signed a man whose only talents are oozing blood and charisma, let alone put their belt around his waist, is a mystery to me... but I was shocked to see that a man with a shattered elbow finished the match as booked. Not wanting Ryu out for the 15ish months he was scheduled to miss (and the fact that a Shattered Elbow puts borderline auto-retirement), I opted to give him surgery... and success! It shaved three months off his time, and claims to have prevented some of the permanent damage! Now while he heals he serves as a second colour commentator... his awesome charisma has rubbed off of the normal crew, and made him the either third or fourth most worker in my company. In two months he'll return to inring action, and I can hopefully have a massive feud between him and Professor Nero.
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Matt changed his name... but Greg didn't? :confused: [IMG]http://img291.imageshack.us/img291/674/dualgaugeax4.jpg[/IMG] Also, there are no male Stones in NOTBPW right now. Dan Jr.'s touring with Burning Hammer (several game months after this screenshot), and Jeremy just joined Sean McFly in TCW (who also just inked Owen Love, who may or may not be the NOTBPW champion at the moment. If this keeps up, Robbie McNamara will be main eventing by the end of 2009)
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Each worker's contract is negotiated separately and there is a random factor to which alter ego gets chosen. Realistically, its not unheard of for brothers who are working separately to use different names. Jeff Hardy/ Matt Hardy Version 1.0 Buzz Sawyer/Brett Wayne Randy Savage/Lanny Poffo Bob Orton/Barry O
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WTF? An E+ for letting Sensational Ogiwara and Thunder Hike have a 4th match in half a year??? The first tour only had them square off 3 times. I try to change as many times as possible but you only have that much main eventers and upper midcarders. Djeez.... E f'n +??? That's a bit harsh. And that after the fans stayed dry of matches for 2 frickin' months. I sure'd settle for another Rock vs Austin if WWE took a break for 2 f'n months... This a bug? :D
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[QUOTE=Blackman;492238]WTF? An E+ for letting Sensational Ogiwara and Thunder Hike have a 4th match in half a year??? The first tour only had them square off 3 times. I try to change as many times as possible but you only have that much main eventers and upper midcarders. Djeez.... E f'n +??? That's a bit harsh. And that after the fans stayed dry of matches for 2 frickin' months. I sure'd settle for another Rock vs Austin if WWE took a break for 2 f'n months... This a bug? :D[/QUOTE] Tag Matchs my friend, Tag matchs.
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[QUOTE=Malioc;492359]My Tag matches are really bad in comparison. But 3-Ways and 4-Ways really do the trick. - You just watch, which combinations work and which don't.[/QUOTE] Personally, I find that tag matches between Main Eventers can easily be Main Event quality... in my SWF I got an A match out of The Biggz Boys vs. Jack Bruce & Lobster Warrior.
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[QUOTE=Comradebot;492416]Personally, I find that tag matches between Main Eventers can easily be Main Event quality... in my SWF I got an A match out of The Biggz Boys vs. Jack Bruce & Lobster Warrior.[/QUOTE] Over in my long-term ROF game I can rely on the better tag teams to get me A main events as is. But that's about putting in the investment. Blackman: See the original threads on this. You are not guaranteed to tank Match Four, but the fans will be much more critical.
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[quote=Franchise22;492750]has surgery ever worked? ive only read botches, never heard of it helping.....[/quote] I've had two succesful surgeries. And yes, there have been mentions of succesful surgeries here on the forums aswell, not just botched ones. As with all things, usually people take notice only when something goes wrong :p
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[QUOTE=FINisher;492753]I've had two succesful surgeries. And yes, there have been mentions of succesful surgeries here on the forums aswell, not just botched ones. As with all things, usually people take notice only when something goes wrong :p[/QUOTE] Indeed, that explains the existence of Pop music and the Backstreet Boys...
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I was gleeful when I got news that Tommy Cornell suffered an injury - chronic knee pain - but it isn't enough to keep him out. So what happens the next week? He puts on TCW's first A match on their first B+ show. I was hoping the injury would slow him enough to drag TCW down a bit... Guess not...
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[QUOTE=Bigpapa42;493373]I was gleeful when I got news that Tommy Cornell suffered an injury - chronic knee pain - but it isn't enough to keep him out. So what happens the next week? He puts on TCW's first A match on their first B+ show. I was hoping the injury would slow him enough to drag TCW down a bit... Guess not...[/QUOTE] They might have had a great Angle that played into the injury. :p anyhow: on the 4th match E+ ratings. It's not my promotion's style to do 3-ways. I'm playin' 5SSW. I won't change my schedule to fit into the pattern of 3 matches in 6 months. The whole change is just rediculous. I don't have TV broadcasting. No people in Kanto have watches the match that took place in a house show in Kinki. So all of a sudden, it's not a good match because "someone else saw it take place already". Oh come on. :D
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[QUOTE=Blackman;493698]They might have had a great Angle that played into the injury. :p anyhow: on the 4th match E+ ratings. It's not my promotion's style to do 3-ways. I'm playin' 5SSW. I won't change my schedule to fit into the pattern of 3 matches in 6 months. The whole change is just rediculous. I don't have TV broadcasting. No people in Kanto have watches the match that took place in a house show in Kinki. So all of a sudden, it's not a good match because "someone else saw it take place already". Oh come on. :D[/QUOTE] You know those 5SSW die-hards, always traveling with the promotion and b**ching when they don't mix up the cards.
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4 times in six months - and you can do it, but it's got to get better each time (or, at least, be better than the average of all preceding matches in the previous six months). It's annoying, but there's less of a penalty imposed for smaller feds, so I'm sure you can work around it. And as for it not being your promotion's style to book three ways... Tag matches?
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Ok, this isn't really strange, and I realize its was just random chance but still... So I'm playing as 4C and I was looking for some new blood to bring in. Offered a bunch of negotiations including one to Travis Century who was unemployed at the time. So he came in for the talks and I took one more look at his stats and then realized his stamina sucked. So I just canceled the talks outright. "Sorry buddy, thanks for coming in but we've decided to go in a different direction." So the next day there's a front page news item about Travis Century deciding to retire. I just couldn't help imagining this fairly popular, unemployed, 45 year old coming in for contract negotiations and then getting sent on his way by this disrespectful young punk. He walks out the door and thinks, that's it, I'm done, no more of this ****. I have to say, I felt a little guilty.
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That's a nice backstory. In your situation, I would take this "young punk"-image - he probably ripped you via online shoot video anyway - and use it like Vince McMahon did, when he took advantage of his Bret Hart - Screw Job - heat. You should hold a promo the next show (with your user char) and ripp him, too (while turning heel). Then you ask out another veteran, you just hired and insult him. You let him getting squashed by one of your "young favourites" (incl. "burrying") and fire him directly afterwards. During the following weeks you continue to "favour" all your established guys, while pulling some evil segments, that make fun about Travis and all those guys, who were "touched" by his career. Former NYCW colleagues, WEXXW, memorial cups of his idols, the legacy of DAVE... You can even introduce a "Travis Century Memorial belt" - and put it on yourself, or some Virgel-like jobber character with less than F respect. =)
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