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Strange events so far '08

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"Casey Valentine is improving in Rumble skills." A quick check of my diary shows that I've now received this message at least nine times in the last twenty months or so. I seem to get this message in every match that Casey Valentine takes part in. That's all well and good, but the visible improvement to his rumble skills has been almost zero - his hardcore skills have raised one grade, and that's it. Does anyone know the minimum gain needed to activate this message? I get it randomly in other matches, but Casey seems to throw it up in every match - and I'd like to think he should be better than he is now. I'm aware that he may be working his way up from the very bottom of a grade at 0.2% a time, so there would be no grade increase... but it seems odd that I get it so often when there's no visible increase. I thought it was just for significant changes *shrug*
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I don't know for a fact but to me it seems that it works in that your over all Rumble skill has increased enough to get the message but that could be split between all 3 stats, so say it takes a .3 gain in rumble skills to get the message but it could be as low as a .1 in all 3 separate rumble skills, which would mean he is improving vastly in rumble skills but just not in any one particular to make a difference grade wise too often. If ya really wanna know though just check the stats of those who get it often in the in game editor before and after a show.
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[QUOTE=Mattlore Devious;527524]2010 - Coastal Zone Tag Team champion [B]with Lead Belly[/B] 2013 - Coastal Zone Champion Luckily SWF has just signed him to a written deal to end his reign of terror...[/QUOTE] More or less the same happened in my ROF save, except that he's still there and was teamed with Davis Wayne Newton. Hell's Bouncer is the new champ.
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In my NOTBPW save both SWF and TCW fell to Cult in a span of two moths in October 2008. They both have two shows which help their fall. Now TCW loss all their shows with Troy Tornado as main champ. SWF is now back to one show , has new booker in Mask Mauler and with Eric as their main champ . While NOTBPW both become national and international at the same time guess I am the biggest American Wrestling Promotion now.
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Guest The Aussie
Here's a ripper. The Great Hisato, dispite his tendency to be a prick, has been signed by BHOTWG. Following his first match with them, he actually claims that he's the real MVP of BHOTWG. Well, It's good to see that he is so confident in himself.
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[QUOTE=The Aussie;527823]Here's a ripper. The Great Hisato, dispite his tendency to be a prick, has been signed by BHOTWG. Following his first match with them, he actually claims that he's the real MVP of BHOTWG. Well, It's good to see that he is so confident in himself.[/QUOTE] That's normal. Just look at the veterans in TNA. ;-)
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Guest The Aussie
[QUOTE=Malioc;527828]That's normal. Just look at the veterans in TNA. ;-)[/QUOTE] Touche. But have they previously been fired from that promotion due to their poor attitude?
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This is actually a combination of things, and I'm thinking of building a diary around it. So my owner goals for an SWF game are C- charisma and C- stamina. Sounds simple enough, right? So we get towards the end of the year, and Eric Eisen's contract is running out. I try to re-sign him and I get a message saying I would be conflicting with Richard Eisen since Eric has a D+ for charisma. So instead of pissing Richard off I just leave it alone, assuming he'll sign Eric himself. He doesn't. Eric Eisen leaves the company. Then, when TCW goes global about a month later, he signs with them. Eric Eisen is now an upper midcard heel with TCW!
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[QUOTE=lazorbeak;528199]Eric Eisen is now an upper midcard heel with TCW![/QUOTE] I could just picture it. He comes in as pretty much the face of the competition. No one likes him, no one respects him, everyone is gunning for him. In a few months, after ta,ing his share of beating and getting some wins in, he starts speaking out against his father's empire and becomes a face. Oh, the possibilities.
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Using the same writers? After simming the first day on a new game, all three Mexican promotions were highlighted on the World News page. They had the results of all their big events held, I guess, on the same day. All three OLLIE, SOTBPH, and MPWF had "Dia de los Muertos" on the same day. Weird, huh?
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[QUOTE=Cyberknight;528557]After simming the first day on a new game, all three Mexican promotions were highlighted on the World News page. They had the results of all their big events held, I guess, on the same day. All three OLLIE, SOTBPH, and MPWF had "Dia de los Muertos" on the same day. Weird, huh?[/QUOTE] Well, Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) is the Mexican version of Halloween (kinda) and a major holiday... I guess they're all trying to cash in!
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[QUOTE=Cyberknight;528557]After simming the first day on a new game, all three Mexican promotions were highlighted on the World News page. They had the results of all their big events held, I guess, on the same day. All three OLLIE, SOTBPH, and MPWF had "Dia de los Muertos" on the same day. Weird, huh?[/QUOTE] Not really weird since all three of those promotions have that particular event scheduled for that same day already in the data prior to your starting the game.
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