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TEW 2008 ReapeR's Title Belt RendeRs

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Could I possibly get a few PWMAX titles, please. Namely looking for a Tag Team title and a PWMAX Championship. No World championship or Heavyweight, preferrably just a PWMAX Championship. The logo is the one from the default Cornellverse database


Thanks a bunch in advance.

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No rush, but I'd like a couple of belts please, ReapeR. First of all, I'd like a GPW British Heavyweight Championship, it'd be the main event title so I'd like it to look 'grander' then others. Secondly, a GPW Tyneside Championship which I'd like to have a sillouette of the Tyne Bridge on some how/where. There's plent of photos on this website you could use. If its not possible, that's fine, I've tried and failed with it. Lastly, a GPW Tag Team Championship which can do whatever with. Here's a logo:



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Modern Version Of the USPW National Title as I have resurected it(Midcard moved TV title to low level). Plus TCW Hard Hitting champion (resurected Hardcore but for Brawling/Puroso instead of Hardcore, Midcard level Minimum Weight Middleweight.)Don´t know if you do trophies too but a TCW Man of the Moment and TCW Ruler of the Rumble would be great.


PS Nice work on NYCW so far btw im reading.

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Modern Version Of the USPW National Title as I have resurected it(Midcard moved TV title to low level). Plus TCW Hard Hitting champion (resurected Hardcore but for Brawling/Puroso instead of Hardcore, Midcard level Minimum Weight Middleweight.)Don´t know if you do trophies too but a TCW Man of the Moment and TCW Ruler of the Rumble would be great.


PS Nice work on NYCW so far btw im reading.


Unfortunately, no trophies. I suck at that. So if a trophy is what you're set on, someone else will have to do it.


Thanks for reading also.



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Let me be the first. A while back you did a bad ass MIW World Title for me but it was before I had a logo. Now I have a logo and was wondering if you could do a reimagining of it. I'd also love tag titles thank you in advance sir. I have read your diary well I read the start of it and the first two shows. Haven't been online much since then. Anyway here is the logo for the mighty MIW




Here's your other one.


MIW Tag Team Championship


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hey man i posted this in the other thread aswell id like the

USPW Cruiserweight championship


thanks in advance



Here you go.


USPW Cruiserweight Championship


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Hey Reaper if you could


I would like a new SWF tag title


make them however you see fit




While I'm waiting for info from others I went ahead and did yours.


SWF World Tag Team Championship


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I really believe that people take these belts for granted sometimes. ReapeR has done fantastic work consistently for a long, long time. And for example, making these belts is way harder than doing alternative pictures for workers.


You just can't thank the man enough.



Thank you, very much.



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Awesome! Thank you Mr. Reaper.




Okay, what I need is...



EWA Female Title




And then my EWA belts will all have renders! And, you now, I'll thank ya for it.



Hope this helps.



EWA Female Championship


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I'd love renders of the classic WWF titles, Winged Eagle, IC and tag team. I realize I am asking for three belts, so whenever you can get to them that would be awesome. Reference pics below.






Ok, let me be the first to say that the WWF Winged Eagle title whipped my ass. I think that had to be the hardest title to try and render. So with that, I took quite a few creative liberties with it. However, I might go back at a later date and see if I can tweak it some. You guys be the judge.









WWF Winged Eagle

http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n230/jhall2129/TEW%20Title%20Belts/WWFWingedEagle.jpg compared to http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n230/jhall2129/TEW%20Title%20Belts/WWFWingedEagle_real2.jpg

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I'm impressed Reaper with the way you did the old WWF-winged eagle World Title. I need to ask you. I know I already have my requests listed, and i'm patient on waiting, but I know you're probably creating the classic WWF Intercontinental title next with the white leather, could you create another IC belt, same one, same replica with the yellow leather like The Ultimate Warrior wore at Wrestlemania 6 against Hulk Hogan.
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I'm impressed Reaper with the way you did the old WWF-winged eagle World Title. I need to ask you. I know I already have my requests listed, and i'm patient on waiting, but I know you're probably creating the classic WWF Intercontinental title next with the white leather, could you create another IC belt, same one, same replica with the yellow leather like The Ultimate Warrior wore at Wrestlemania 6 against Hulk Hogan.


Yeah, that shouldn't be a problem. That's a matter of 30 seconds switching colors.


Do you by chance have a pic of the belt though?



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