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Rise of "Superstar X"?

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Has anyone seen any superstars who have gone through a major push since the last game? (ie: Was a lower carder who ended up in the upper midcarder/main event scene). I'm going through the database right now trying to catch up on what has happened in the last year and haven't really noticed any "break out" stars.
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[QUOTE=FINisher;431358]Erik Strong in MAW. Seems totally different guy now :) But there are few of those, I just can't remember who they are.[/QUOTE] This. Erik is actually more over than Mainstream now. Another one is Joey Minnesota who not only was picked up TCW, but is pretty popular their as well. A minor mention to the current NYCW Empire champion, Steve Flash. C- overness, W00t!
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Guest Bolton
In CGC, I can see that Ricky DeColt is the CGC World champion, and Trent Shaffer is the Canadian champion. Honest Frank got a Empire title run too, boo, but Steve Flash is the champ, woot!
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[QUOTE=Eisen-verse;431356]Has anyone seen any superstars who have gone through a major push since the last game? (ie: Was a lower carder who ended up in the upper midcarder/main event scene). I'm going through the database right now trying to catch up on what has happened in the last year and haven't really noticed any "break out" stars.[/QUOTE] look at TCW
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I loved that Jay alt from last years render thread but I had trouble getting him over as a face with it, good to see the change. What is Raul wrestling under now? I only played for 1/2 and hour yesterday and saw Jay's persona, but no sign of Raul.
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[QUOTE=MaxxHexx;431579]I loved that Jay alt from last years render thread but I had trouble getting him over as a face with it, good to see the change. What is Raul wrestling under now? I only played for 1/2 and hour yesterday and saw Jay's persona, but no sign of Raul.[/QUOTE] The Darkness Warrior - unemployed.
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Duane Stone aka Black Cobra Yes, he was already big from his time with his father's promotion but being big in Canada isn't nearly as prestigious as being big in Japan, as far as [I][B]wrestlers[/B][/I] are concerned. It's like being big in the US is the pinnacle of success for sports entertainers. Also, Cherry Bomb is going to explode in popularity working against Alicia Strong week in and week out.
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Not really a mega push but Gentleman Jim King, has regular work, working under the moniker of Lord James King for NOTBPW. Meanwhile Thomas Morgan still can't get any work. By the way who else feels that outside of the remaining Stones, Sean McFly, The Can-Am Blondes and perhaps R.K Hayes & Tim Westybrook the NOTBPW roster is actually pretty weak, to my eyes they employ alot of mediocrity beyond their main eventers.
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[QUOTE=Tigerkinney;431602]By the way who else feels that outside of the remaining Stones, Sean McFly, The Can-Am Blondes and perhaps R.K Hayes & Tim Westybrook the NOTBPW roster is actually pretty weak, to my eyes they employ alot of mediocrity beyond their main eventers.[/QUOTE] Johnny Bloodstone? Besides, much of NOTBPW's lower card are developmental workers (Kelowna Playaz) or complete trash (Mammoth, Alysian Scottsfield, etc). They usually get their better talent from elsewhere, usually when SWF purges their roster. Also, who needs a roster that's top notch from ME to ET? Most promotions can't boast a dozen upper tier talents in the entire locker room, much less only at the top of the card. Yeah, NOTBPW's roster starts to wear a bit thin below upper midcarder but that's still better than 90% of the promotions they compete with.
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[QUOTE=Remianen;431610]Johnny Bloodstone? Besides, much of NOTBPW's lower card are developmental workers (Kelowna Playaz) or complete trash (Mammoth, Alysian Scottsfield, etc). They usually get their better talent from elsewhere, usually when SWF purges their roster. Also, who needs a roster that's top notch from ME to ET? Most promotions can't boast a dozen upper tier talents in the entire locker room, much less only at the top of the card. Yeah, NOTBPW's roster starts to wear a bit thin below upper midcarder but that's still better than 90% of the promotions they compete with.[/QUOTE] Knew I had forgotten someone. Kicking myself (not literally) for forgetting Bloodstone, as I pushed him pretty hard as a main heel rival to the Stones,when I played NOTBPW for 07, before moving on to BHOTWG.
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[QUOTE=foolinc;431367]Erik is actually more over than Mainstream now. [/QUOTE] In my 07 game, Mainstream spent 6 1/2 years in development while Erik... well, bummed around the MAW midcard. He never got over, but then neither did Mainstream. I must admit I'm peeved that I [I]still[/I] don't get to use Mainstream... Anyway: Masked Patriot, benefitting from a, well, mask, looks set to be a surefire superstar for me.
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[QUOTE=Maximilian_WWW;431484]The best one I've seen so far is Danny Fonzarelli in TCW. For anybody who doesn't know him: it's the makeover TCW have given to Jay Darkness![/QUOTE] [QUOTE=MaxxHexx]I loved that Jay alt from last years render thread but I had trouble getting him over as a face with it, good to see the change.[/QUOTE] Am I ever glad to see these posts considering I'm the one who requested that alt. The name Adam chose strikes me kinda odd. I came up with this repackage under the name J.D. Lishous. But the big thing is that Jay got some much needed freshening. Painful Procedure may have been ashes to stir in 07 but The Dark Brotherhood wasn't going to be far behind in that. Probably Adam's best move within TCW in the new game.
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Good job friend. I loved the makeover. I like J.D. Licious as a name but I also like the idea of having no connection to the previous persona so that some fans will be shocked that it was him. Kind of like Bill Eadie (Masked Superstar) becoming Demolition Ax.
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I've noticed that a lot of people have left MAW to other promotions; Steven Parker, Des Davids, D.C & Eddie, Mainstream Hernandez.. But I'm glad they (MAW) have lots of new great talents, Cameron Vessey and Casey Valentine, with of course the new and improved Erik Strong. And maybe Jay Chord in the future..
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