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Tradition Dictates That You Be Welcomed... To The Coastal Zone

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Where we proudly ignore morons who vote threads as '1 star' just to bring down their rating: Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Hardcore Halloween injury report: Frankie Perez is.. wait, what? Extreme Bed Head? This is an injury? I call bull****. Plague was at it again, this time dissing Jackpot Jordan backstage about how now that Idol was gone, he'd never get any work. Jackpot, of course, was upset and the two almost began fighting. We... look, Plague is our champion, so we decided to try and persuade him to be better. Not angry this time, just... upset. We was getting pretty mad as us... we didn't like where things were going. Momentum update: Plague is still holding at C-. We have four D+s, in Machine, Jameson, Fox, and Ota. A whole slew of D/D-s. Foxx and Moose in the E-range, and finally Flash and Reeves in the F range. Reeves, by the way, signed a nw contract -- apparently, the rare times we used him was enough for him to stick around. (Side note: Update to June 21st Patch here) Good news! Frankie Perez' Extreme Bed Head is now 100% gone! ... yeah, I'm -so- sure that had an effect on his matches. CZCW Coastal Tour October 2008, week 1, Sunday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA We open with Queen Emily and Farrah in a near-repeat of our last show's opening, but this time Emiliy implies that she's going to start by recruiting one fo the best there is in the Zone. (D-) OPENING MATCH: Tag Donnie J and The Big Problem def. California Love Machine & Remmy Skye in twelve minutes via Death On Miami Beach on Skye (E+) Backstage, Queen Emily is with Ultimate Phoenix. "You see, I spoke to one of the stagehands last night. They saw who attacked you. It was Plague. He was mad for you giving away his weaknesses." "So why tell me this?" "Beause I want to prove to you that I have your best interests at heart. I want you on my team. And if you do it as the champion... so much the better." (D) MATCH #2 Rod Remus def. Mikey James in eleven minutes with an illegal chokehold (E+) Phoenix cuts a promo on Plague (D-) MAIN EVENT: CZCW Title Plague(c) def. Ultime Pheonix in seventeen minutes via finisher (C-) Show Rating: D Wow, two bad matches where we were hoping for a medium and a good... owch. Apparently, Zonee fans don't like random squash tag matches. Which, y'know, makes sense. And once more, Plague was at it again backstage, this time with Donnie J. Plague was already upset with us for how we handled his last two near-fights... and honestly, we were afraid of losing our champion. Maybe we should have taken the belt off him last night... too late for that now. We could always kayfabe it away as being fired for attacking Phoenix if he left. We told him this was his absolute last chance. He seemed... okay with that. But now, it was time to shake some things up. A quick roster trade, a quick signing, and the next should should start to get interesting... CZCW Coastal Tour October 2008, week 2, Sunday Colorado Springs Bar, Midsouth USA Backstage, Farrah is talking to Fox. With Phoenix on EMily's team for Christmas Chaos, Farrah wants someone she can count on, and she wants Fox to be that person. But don't think she's going to do him any favors in the main event tonight -- she'll always call things right down the middle (E+) OPENING MATCH: CZCW Title Insane Machine(c) def. Frankie Prez in sixteen minutes via Termination Kick (D) A pretty face comes down to the ring and introduces herself as Lauren Easter. She's here because she wants a try-out with the Zone. Out comes California Love Machine, who says he'll be glad to give her a try-out... as a valet.. or maybe as a booty call... and Lauren says she's here to wrestle. Machine laughs, until she suggests he's too afraid to wrestle her (D-) MATCH #2 California Love MAchine def. Lauren Easter in thirteen minutes by DQ when he gets a bit grabby and Luren kicks him in the nuts (E) MAIN EVENT: CZCW Title Plague(c) def. Fox Mask in thirteen minutes via finisher... and then takes his belt and slams Fox upside the head several times before turning to Farrah. "You pick him over me? The hell with all of you, then!" (D+) Show rating: D- On the next Coastal Zone: Well, yeah, we hired her. Alicia Strong was busy elsewhere.
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[QUOTE=infinitywpi;450745]On the next Coastal Zone: Well, yeah, we hired her. Alicia Strong was busy elsewhere.[/QUOTE] Hmm.. who could it be? Is Wanda Fish still active? Plague's girl Raven perhaps? J-Ro returns to the coastal zone?
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Wow, can we predict the future or what? Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Okay, short version: Plague at it again. With Insane Machine. We warned him; we told him it was his last chance; yes, we're about to fire our champion. But we left ourselves an 'out' storyline-wise. So, Plague is gone and the CZCW Title is vacant. With the leaving of Plague, we found ourselves needing to renegotiate the contract for The Big Problem, as we needed our main eventers. Not something we had planned on doing, but, well... CZCW Coastal Tour October 2008, week 3, Sunday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA We open with the Young Guns in the ring, making an open challenge. I's acceptd by Rod Remus and tonight's tag team partner, California Love Machine (D-). OPENING MATCH Donnie J def. The Big Problem by using the ropes for leverage in seven minutes (D-) After the match, Queen Emily says that's exactly the kind of giant-stopping ability she wants on her team for Christmas Chaos, and invites Donnie J to join her and Ultimate Phoenix. Donnie accepts (D) MATCH #2 Lauren Easter def. Flying Jimmy Foxx in thirteen minutes via finisher (E+) The Big Problem comes out and tries to threaten Farrah into putting him on her team. She refuses, reminding him that she's not someone he wants to be threatening (E+) MAIN EVENT: Tag Titles Young Guns(c) def. CLM & Rod Remus in eighteen minutes via pinfall on cLM (D-) Show rating: D- Dangit, not the kind of show we wanted to be putting on. Somehow, we expected a better main event. ... yeah, yeah, we didn't say anything about the title We're thinking we'll save that for our big event in November. Marc Speed was on the radio, and he's not getting along with Queen Emily... hrm. Wonder if she'll badmouth him if he has another match... ... Okay, whenever you see the headline 'AAA New Couple', you just have to check and see. Turns out Gorgo's now going out with their announcer, Jim Lou Freebush. Not the juicy gossip we were expecting. Plague has signed with NYCW. We'll see hwo longg Stomper and Bailey put up with him. CZCW Coastal Tour October 2008, week 4, Sunday Colorado Springs Bar, Midsouth USA We open with Rod Remus in the ring, complaining about is luck as of late, when FUmihiro Ota shows up and tells him he needs to stop complaining and do something about it. It all leads up to tonight's main event (E+) OPENING MATCH Lauren Easter def. Marc Speed in fourteen minutes via countout (E+) Between matches, Farrah heads backstage and offers Ota a spot on her team for Christmas Chaos. He accepts (D) MATCH #2 The Big Problem def. Snap Dragon in six minutes via chokeslam (E+) Hype video recappingg the forming off teams so far (E+) MAIN EVENT Fumihiro Ota def. Rod Remus in nineteen minutes via Ninja Strike (D-) Show rating: E+ Two sets of bad chemsitry, and The Big Problem wasn't one of them. Yeesh. Not a good sign... Wait, what? Insane Machine will be leaving the company tomorrow? WTF??? Why?... Okay, why weren't we told he has signed a written contract with WLW? We were? Um... oops. Dammit, two vacated titles... that's going to suck. On the next Coastal Zone: Showdown at Sundown 2008! Card to be announced after the show!
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[QUOTE=infinitywpi;451437] Wait, what? Insane Machine will be leaving the company tomorrow? WTF??? Why?... [B]Okay, why weren't we told he has signed a written contract with WLW? We were? Um... oops.[/B] Dammit, two vacated titles... that's going to suck. On the next Coastal Zone: Showdown at Sundown 2008! Card to be announced [B]after[/B] the show![/QUOTE] LMAO
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How does Adam know he has suceeding at creating the next successful iteration of TEW? he waits for infinity to welcome him to the coastal zone then laugh manically as cliff and peers struggle to tread water. why? because though thing vary through out the cosmos, there is something as steady and true as death and taxes. And that is Welcome to the coastal zone turmoil and tribulation. Hopefully this too you shall over come.
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... no comments on the irony of my firing Plague because he was starting **** with a guy who was leaving the company? In retrospect (speaking from Feb 2009 right now), that was kinda a stupid call on my part... tho, granted, if I had known Machine was leaving, things would have been slightly different...
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CZCW Showdown at Sundown 2008 November 2008, week 1, Monday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA Not available tonight: Insane Machine, Snap Dragon, Ultimate Phoenix, Mikey James, Frankie Perez. Forgot that Mondays are bad nights. Emily and Farrah talk more about their teams, promising tat their final picks will be good ones, and announce that tonight's not about teams, it's about the CZCW Title, a one-night tournament, so let's get going. (D) TOURNAMENT QUARTERFINALS Fox Mask def. Rod Remus in fourteen minutes via finisher (D+) Donnie J def The Big Problem in six minutes via countout (E+) Mean Jean Cattley def. Fumihiro Ota in fourteen minutes via finisher (D+) Kirk Jameson def. Lauren Easter in twelve minutes via pinfall (D+) We get a news update that Mean Jean has had a family emergency come up and has had to leave, so Fumihiro Ota advances (E+) TOURNAMENT SEMIFINALS Fox Mask def. Fumihiro Ota in thirteen minutes via finisher (D+) Kirk Jameson def. Donnie J in twelve minutes via finall after The Big Problem runs in and attacks Donnie J (D-) Hype video for the main event (E+) TOURNAMENT FINALS Fox Mask def. Kirk Jameson in twenty-one minutes via finisher (D+) Show rating: D The sad thing is, if we had switched the semi-final matches, this should have gotten a D+. Oh, well. Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Holy ****....
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You know, you just can't go wrong with Fox as the champion. I'd keep the strap on him and have him beat all comers. Hell, I think I know the dynasty I'm playing next. Screw Nicky Champion vs. Giant Redwood in the USPW main event. My calling has come! I'm going to my roots!
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[QUOTE=infinitywpi;451437]Okay, whenever you see the headline 'AAA New Couple', you just have to check and see.[/QUOTE] Indeed. :D [QUOTE=infinitywpi;451691]... no comments on the irony of my firing Plague because he was starting **** with a guy who was leaving the company? In retrospect (speaking from Feb 2009 right now), that was kinda a stupid call on my part... tho, granted, if I had known Machine was leaving, things would have been slightly different...[/QUOTE] I think not knowing he was leaving gives you a pass. You've got enough problems as it is.
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Fox winning was welcome and is probably the best thing to do in this situation... its not like he's ever going to leave CZCW... unless of course the "Holy ****" means that Fox has jumped ship... or is that too evil of me? anyway KUTGW!
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Where we can have our December card planned out even tho we had nothign planned for our November card: Welcome to the Coastal Zone! CZCW Coastal Tour November 2008, week 1, Sunday Piper Casino, Southwest USA A pair of hype videos open the show, one revealing the final member of Team Emily: Rod Remus (E+) and the other revealing the final member of Team Farrah: Kirk Jameson (E+) OPENING MATCH: 10 Man Mayhem for the Xtreme Title Frankie Perez def. Masked Cougar, CLM, Remmy Skye, Foxx, Jordan, Moose, Speed, Reeves and Flash in seventeen minutes (D) We hype the three 'Emily vs Farrah' matches for Christmas Chaos (No Cage 'cause we're too small to have a cage right now): Kirk Jameson vs Ultimate Phoenix (E), Fumihiro Ota vs Rod Remus (E), and Fox Mask vs Donnie J, which will be for the title if either of them holds it by then (E+) MAIN EVENT: CZCW Title Mean Jean Cattley def. Fox Mask(c) via count-out after Donnie J attacks him and keeps him out of the ring (D+) Show rating: D+ Now that's what we're talking about! As an added bonus, Fox and Cattley have good chemistry. Pity Cattley keeps pulling his creative control clause on us. A clean win over him could get into the C range. But it was enough. You know why? WE'RE BACK TO REGIONAL SIZE! And now, let's take a look at the damage we've done to the Zone during our reign... Before we fell, the Zone had made roughly $57k. Right now, we're about $92k in the hole. In theory, we can make that back in six months or so. But I'm starting to think the Xtreme Title is curses. Frankie Perez just got an offer from NOTBPW. Apparently, he's their pick to replace Dan Stone Jr, who just left them. We made an offer to Jack Griffeth, who should mesh well with who we have on the roster. CZCW Coastal Tour November 2008, week 2, Sunday Colorado Springs Bar, Midsouth USA OPENING MATCH The Big Problem def. Mikey James in six minutes via Chokeslam (D-) Fox Mask hypes his match at Christmas Chaos (D-) MATCH #2 Jack Griffeth de.f Mean Jean Cattley in eighteen minutes via finisher (E+) Rod Remus hypes his match with Ota (E) MAIN EVENT: Team vs Team Team Emily def. Team Farrah in twenty-two minutes after Death On Miami Beach on Ota (D) Show rating: D We knew Griffeth would be rusty, but it turns out he doesn't click with Cattley... bummer for us. That should have been at least a D match. The show was still higher than we expected tho, so we won't complain too much. On the next Coastal Zone: Someone's ego is too big for their contract... or is their contract too big for our Zone?
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Where we wish 'Cee-Zee-Cee-Dub' chants occured on a regular basis, but I think you neeed a B- match to get a chant going... Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Donnie J refused to re-sign for less than $1,500 a show with a $1,000 downside. Oy. But we was our biggest American name, so... yeah, we agreed to pay it. NOTBPW made Kirk an offer as well; we made an offer to Ace Youngblood to shore up our undercard. It's the cirrrrrrrrrcle of liiiiife.... CZCW Coastal Tour November 2008, week 3, Sunday Colorado Springs Bar, Midstouh USA (SOLD OUT!) We open with the Young Guns doing the customary open challenge; this time they're answered by Remmy Skye and a new face, Ace Youngblood (E+) OPENING MATCH: Xtreme Ladder Frankie PErez(C) def. Snap Dragon in fourteen minutes (D-) Fox Mask hypes his match with Donnie J as Christmas Chaos (E+) MATCH #2: CZCW Title Fox Mask(c) def. The Big Problem in six minutes via finisher (E) Ultimate Phoenix tosses threats at Kirk Jameson (D-) MAIN EVENT: Tag Titles Skye & Youndlood def. The Young Guns(c) in sixteen minutes after Ultimate PHoenix shows up and hits a Burning Phoenix on Kirk (D-) Show Rating: E+ That's okay, it wasn't in the Southwest... but we should be careful with these guys... Today's radio report: California Love Machine likes Mikey James. Well... okay, sure. Time for the go-home show. CZCW Coastal Tour November 2008, week 4, Sunday Colorado Springs Bar, MidSouth USA OPENING MATCH: Xtreme Title Frankie Perez(c) def. Donnie J in thirteen minutes when Fox Mask interferes (D-) Donnie J then cuts an anger-filled promo on Fox (D) MATCH #2 The Big Problem totally squashes Rex Reeves in under a minute (E) Fumihiro Ota has an interview about Rod Remus that leaves some peopl ewishing gthe last match had gone longer (E+) MATCH #3 Mikey James def. Lauren Easter in eleven minutes after using a foreign object (D-) Hype video for Pheonix vs Jameson (E-) MAIN EVENT Jack Griffith def. Fumihiro Ota in seventeen minutes via Jack In The Box after Rod Remus does a run-in (D) Show Rating: D Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Christmas Cage Chaos! Who will win: Team Emily or Team Farrah?
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[QUOTE=D-Lyrium;453996]Mikey needed a weapon to beat a girl. Hah.[/QUOTE] Actually, it said 'foreign object'. And we all know what THAT means... ...it means he picked Champagne Lover up and dropped him on her.:p
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CZCW Christmas Cage Chaos 2008! December 2008, week 1, Monday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA We open with Emily and Farrah running down the three cage matches for tonight and reminding us that the losing girl will have to do whateer the winning girl says. (D-) OPENING MATCH: Cage Kirk Jameson def. Ultimate Phoenix in eighteen minutes via pinfall (D-) Donnie J cuts a promo, saying that even Team Farrah wins the second match, he doesn't care... becasue he still gets a title shot tonight, regardless, and he plans on winning. (D-) MATCH #2: Battle Royale Lauren Easter def. pretty much every non-main-eventer not on the card in fourteen minutes (D) MATCH #3: Cage Rod Remus def. Fumihiro Ota in fifteen minutes via escape (E-) Fox Mask ccuts a promo on Donnie J, saying this is for the title, this is for Farrah, and most importantly, this is for fun. (D) MATCH #4: Xtreme Ladder Frankie Perez(c) def. Jack Griffith in nineteen minutes (D+) MAIN EVENT: CZCW Title Cage Fox Mask (c) def. Donnie J in nineteen minutes via Fox Hunter. (E+) Show Rating: D- ... my god... what happened there? Did the fans not want to see cage matches at Christmas Cage Chaos? On the next Coastal Zone: We begin to have second thoughts on a few things.
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Feverishly awaiting the release of LEGO Batman.. although in-game we've had it for a month or two now... Welcome to the Coastal Zone! CLM's contract was coming due, and we hadn't gotten very good results out of him... but still, we wanted to keep people on the roster, so we renewed him. We also sent out feelers to a few new people. CZCW Coastal Tour Decembet 2008, week 1, Sunday Colorado Springs Bar, Midsouth USA OPENING MATCH Lauren Easter def. Masked Cougar in twelve minutes vis Figure Four Leglock (E+) Lauren then challenges Frankie Perez to an Xtreme Title Match at Revolution. (D-) MATCH #2 Jack Griffith def. Donnie J in fourteen minutes via finisher (D) MAIN EVENT: CZCW Title Fox Mask(c) def. Ultimate Phoenix in eighteen minutes via finisher (D) Jack then comes out and says he's tired of playing with midcarders who aren't worth his effort and main eventers who can't hold his jock. He wants Fox, and he wants him at Revolution (D) Show rating: D There. Nice, simple, effective. Now, why is it everyone we try to sign lately goes on tour instead? We feel like the ugly girl the night of junior prom -- everyone's found something better to do. CZCW Coastal Tour December 2008, week 2, Sunday Colorado Springs Bar, Midsouth USA Frankie Perez cuts a promo about Lauren Easter and reveals tonight's main event: Champion vs Champion, non-title match (D) DONNIE J GAUNTLET Donnie J def. Flying Jimmy Foxx via finisher in six minutes (E) Def. The American Flash via finisher in three minutes (E-) Def. Marc Speed in seven minutes via finisher (D-) Jack Griffith def. Donnie J in thirteen minutes via finisher (D-) Jack then cuts a promo on Fox Mask (D), which is answered by Fox as he comes down for the main event (E+) MAIN EVENT: Non-Title Fox Mask def. Frankie Perez in eleven minutes via DQ as Jack Griffith does the run-in and gets caught at it (D) Show rating: D On the next Coastal Zone: The last two shows of the year, and you know what that means for the post after that...
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Tonight we're gonna party like it's 2008... which it is... and isn't really a reason to party... but, oh well. WElcome to the Coastal Zone! As the year winds to a close, the wrestling world is shocked by the drug overdose of Super Joshuya. While it doesn't kill him, it's definately a wake-up call for the industry. And, something that happened sooner than expected: TCW has just poached from us again, taking Mikey James. We didn't have anything planned for him beyond a Young Guns belated breakup feud, so that was okay with us. But now we really needed to find people to recruit, especially if the "We Just Went International" promotion kept poaching from us. CZCW Coastal Tour Decembet 2008, week 3, Sunday Colorado Springs Bar, Midsouth USA OPENING MATCH Lauren Easter def. Remmy Skye via submission in twelve minutes (D-) Lauren then cuts a promo on P-Dawg (E+) wich he answers on the way to the ring (D-) MATCH #2: Xtreme Ladder P-Dawg(c) def. Mikey James in fifteen minutes (E+) Fox cuts a promo on Griffith (D) MAIN EVENT: CZCW Title Fox Mask (c) def. Rod Remus in fifteen minutes (E+) Show Rating: E+ Ow. Let's... hope that was an off week. Well, Plague didn't last long at NYCW, but not for the reasons we thought... yeap, he went to TCW, too. CZCW Coastal Tour December 2008, week 4, Sunday Colorado Springs Bar, Midsouth USA We open with a hype video about Stevie Grayson, saying he'll be here -- tonight (D) OPENING MATCH Marc Speed def. MArk Smart in eleven minutes via submission (E) MATCH #2 Stevie Grayson def. Fumihiro Ota in eighteen minutes via pinfall (D-) Fox cuts a promo for tomorrow night's match against Jack (D-) MAIN EVENT: CZCW Title Fox Mask(c) def. Ultimate Phoenix in seventeen minutes via finisher (D) Show rating: D Next time, on the Coastal ZOne: CZCW YEAR IN REVIEW 2008! Followed by Revolution 2008!
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