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[I]OOC: Along with Jean Cattley, Westybrook gets the 'five years past his best...' line. Short term booking for those two, I guess...[/I] [B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: Nationwide Friday, 5th December 2013[/CENTER] KC Glenn vs. Rudy Velasquez[/B] Rudy Velasquez has recently been told that his contract will not be renewed at this time. He wanted a guaranteed title run, plus main event money and at present time he’s not a priority so he won’t be getting it. In short, he’s inspecting the ceiling on his way out of the door – but he’d be welcome back in a year or so. He did a professional enough job in this match, lying down to the up-and-coming KC Glenn in our first match on Arcadia 2. Winner: KC Glenn (C) * Before Glenn could even celebrate his win, Raphael and Ernest Youngman had vaulted the crowd barriers on either side of the ring. However, Glenn seemed ready for the attack and was on his way to the timekeeper’s table before they had time to enter the ring. He grabbed a folding chair and brandished it at the two men, who backed off cautiously, allowing Glenn to make his way back to the locker room. * [B]Eddie Powell vs. Raphael (c)[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW All Action title[/COLOR] Rip Chord had insisted on this match – but blocked Powell from naming a stipulation. It soon became clear why, as after only a few minutes of action, Chord tripped Powell as he was going to the ropes, drawing the DQ. Raphael, Chord, Ruin and Youngman all fell on Powell, the latter two clearly having been lying in wait, and Powell had no chance to defend himself. In the time it took Jean Cattley, KC Glenn, Tim Westybrook and El Heroe Mexicano to make their way to the ring for a rescue, Powell had been beaten into insensibility and like Ota before him, had to be stretchered out of the ring. Winner: Eddie Powell (D+) * Lauren Easter was backstage, talking on her phone. It was clear that she was talking to Joanne Rodriguez, and was reasoning with her. From Easter’s half of the conversation, it seemed that Rodriguez felt that she was being overlooked in some way. Easter soothed her as best she could, but then had to cut her off to have a match. With Alicia Strong. It was clear from Easter’s reaction that J-Ro did not take kindly to this revelation. Easter sighed, and eventually shut her phone, cutting J-Ro off before Easter stormed out of the room, looking moody. * [B]El Heroe Mexicano and Alicia Strong vs. Sean Deeley and Lauren Easter[/B] With a title shot on the line, Strong had every reason to give of her best. Heroe, for his part, was clearly looking for someone to pummel to vent his frustration over the recent attacks. Deeley and Easter proved to be a stern test of their abilities, with the four wrestlers being pretty evenly matched. The difference maker proved to be Strong’s resilience, as she took everything Easter threw at her, before coming back strongly and scoring with an Angel Driver to score the pin – and earn herself a title shot at End Of Days. Winners: Heroe and Strong (C+) * Backstage, Tim Westybrook was working out. Jean Cattley stood in the foreground, looking sombre as he announced that Powell had joined Ota in hospital, where they were undergoing treatment for concussions. The chance of either Firm member competing anytime soon, he confirmed, was slim. [COLOR="Navy"]“Chord, if you’re trying to take us down one by one then forget it. From now on, The Firm work as a unit – these sneak attacks have hurt two of us now. From here on in, it’s The Cult Of Chord that will suffer.”[/COLOR] * [B]Tim Westybrook and “Machine” Jean Cattley vs. Ernest Youngman and Ruin[/B] Youngman and Ruin struggled to match the ferocity of their opponents in the early going of this match, with Youngman in particular taking a fierce beating from the big Westybrook. The Cult members luck turned when Youngman was able to bring Ruin in against Cattley, as the former champ was unable to keep control of the man he lost the belt to. However, Rip at ringside got a bit too ****y, as he ordered Ruin to let his partner into the match to finish things off – an advantage Cattley took full advantage of as he dived to make the tag, allowing Westybrook to tear into Youngman. The youngster did his best, but wasn’t able to stand against Westybrook’s immense power, eventually falling to a TNT Whirlwind. After the bell, Westybrook glared at Ruin, who once more refrained from getting into a physical confrontation with the Iron Man as the show went off the air. Winners: Westybrook and Cattley (C-) [B]Overall: C-[/B] [I]Next: Booking On Tour for actual ratings. The horror![/I]
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[QUOTE=James Casey;672333][I]OOC: Along with Jean Cattley, Westybrook gets the 'five years past his best...' line. Short term booking for those two, I guess...[/I][/QUOTE] Heh, I have someone on my roster (Helen Bach) who is [B][I]eleven years[/I][/B] past her prime and still going. When I signed her, my eyes popped out at that. So under the circumstances, your pair might hold out a year or two. Good show. I'm guessing you have reinforcements for the Firm because they're getting decimated.
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[QUOTE=Remianen;672569]Heh, I have someone on my roster (Helen Bach) who is [B][I]eleven years[/I][/B] past her prime and still going. When I signed her, my eyes popped out at that. So under the circumstances, your pair might hold out a year or two. Good show. I'm guessing you have reinforcements for the Firm because they're getting decimated.[/QUOTE] Sam Keith is 18 past his prime in my TCW game.
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I was going to ask if his stats had dropped - then I realised this must be your diary game. It does seem odd to be thinking short-term for workers only in their mid/late thirties, but ultimately as much as I want MAW to grow, I'm equally happy to see them develop and move on. It's why Kirk Jameson leaving sucked for me because of [I]timing[/I] - he was only unavailable for me on one day of his last week, but it was the day we shot TV. As much as I may make in-diary of losing workers (and, yes, sometimes I feel targeted) I know that it's a testament to the workers and, in some case, what I've managed to do with them (Jameson being the main case in point) that the big guys want them. Oh, and incidentally, I'm bringing someone back for End Of Days who I think will be a popular sight in this diary...
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[quote=Phantom Stranger;672581]Sam Keith is 18 past his prime in my TCW game.[/quote] Bah. I thought for a second I had you beat, but alas, Danger Kumasaka is only 16 years past his prime. I love him so much. He basically runs the dark matches in my diary game. I hope he never retires. EDIT: Actually, I may sorta have you beat. Sam Strong wrestled on my last PPV, and he's 23 years past his prime. Got a 'B' rated match too. Stick that in your age-ist pipe and smoke it!
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It’s full speed ahead for End Of Days but Reese dropped into my office the other day with an idea that gave me pause for thought. [COLOR="Magenta"]“We’re hitting Ontario for the next On Tour, right?”[/COLOR] I nodded distractedly. I was still trying to put together a cheap show. We’d noticed a recent spike in popularity in that one region, and wanted to go there occasionally to capitalise. [COLOR="Magenta"]“Well look, I know you’re always looking for new blood. Why not bring in a couple cheap of loaners who’re popular up there and throw them into the main event? It’s no different to how things worked back in the territorial days, and we can see who’s worth considering for a longer term investment for just a few hundred bucks.”[/COLOR] She was right – she usually is. Between Katie at home, and Reese at work, I don’t get to be right very often any more. Anyway, the long and the short of it is that FCW have loaned us Damian Carvill and Nate Johnson for a show, in return for The Second Sons doing a one-off guest shot. Both men have worked for the Canadian feds and are a lot more over up there than anyone we were looking to put on the card from our own roster. It’s funny how talent trades work. I could, for example, get Sam Keith from TCW for $2,500 a show nowadays. He’s just as popular as Rip, but he’s an announcer. I though about it for a long time, and am not about to count it out completely. That’s good money for Sam Keith. Elsewhere, Puerto Rican Power’d set me back about $1,500 – so next time we hit the islands, I may look into it. CGC used to be great for this – Rich Money, Remo, and a string of others. Unfortunately, companies don’t lend out workers with titles – so the likes of the Bumfholes and other very popular American workers who could be traded for mildly over Canadian workers at their Canadian value were often not available. Sadly, TCW snapped up their whole ex-SWF club a couple of years back, and we haven’t been able to tap that vein since. Still, if the odd new name pops up On Tour in the coming weeks, that’s why – they’re likely cheaper than almost anyone we have available, and they’re right for the site... * [QUOTE] [CENTER][I]MAW.com Show Report – On Tour in Ontario Thursday 11th December 2013[/CENTER] Hello, everyone. This is Reese Paige, coming to you from Ontario, eh? MAW have spread our wings northwards for only the second time in our existence to bring a little traditional light to the lives of our maple-loving neighbours. Windsor Arena Hall was the site, and the first match featured Jorge Wilkes in a rare singles outing against GB Wood. The young Wilkes did his best, with Ann Lee Kubrick cheering him on the whole while, but in the end he was overwhelmed by Wood’s technical expertise and forced to submit to a Stretch Plum. Next, Dazzling Dave Diamond threw out an open challenge that was answered by Felipe Caballero, a Mexican youngster making his debut for an American company in Canada. I bet he had some issues with passport control... But I digress, as the kid but forward a decent showing before falling to the experienced veteran after a Diamond Mine. Michael Wilkes then took on Raphael for the All Action title. For reasons known only to the eccentric youngster, he chose a 10 Minute Time Limit as his specialty match – and paid for it as the time expired with Raphael on the defensive. The Second Sons then defended Tag Team their titles against their hand chosen opponents: Bradford Peverell and Justin Sensitive. The challengers had never teamed together before, but the champions still claimed they were a major threat. In the match, however, the smooth tag work of the champions was enough to pick up the win, with Peverell falling to a Valentine Heart Breaker. The night’s main event featured guest stars Damian Carvill and Nate Johnson, whose feud in Canada and Puerto Rico has spilled over into MAW. The two exchanged barbed words before the match, before they tore into one another before the delighted Ontario crowd, who lapped up their ferocious exchanges. It was a fast-paced match, featuring technical excellence and wild brawling, and in the end Carvill edged the win with a Nature Calls. Fans, I think we’ll be back in Ontario soon enough after tonight’s excellent welcome. In the meantime, I’ve been Reese Paige On Tour! GB Wood def. Jorge Wilkes – D- Dave Diamond def. Felipe Caballero – E+ Michael Wilkes drew with Raphael – D- The Second Sons def. Peverell and Sensitive – E+ Damian Carvill def. Nate Johnson – C Overall: D+ [/I][/QUOTE] [CENTER][B]MAW Nationwide[/B] “Machine” Jean Cattley vs. Sean Deeley Alicia Strong vs. Nadia Snow Remmy Skye vs. Ruin (c) – MAW World title Tim Westybrook vs. Ernest Youngman[/CENTER]
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[B]“Machine” Jean Cattley[/B] vs. Sean Deeley [I]Deeley winning here is not totally unfathomable but I see Cattley being kept strong.[/I] [B]Alicia Strong[/B] vs. Nadia Snow [I]Just better, sometimes that's all the reason you need.[/I] Remmy Skye vs. [B]Ruin (c)[/B] – MAW World title [I]This match again ? Because it was hardly a hit the first time round, there's better options for who should end Ruin's reign as champion.[/I] [B]Tim Westybrook[/B] vs. Ernest Youngman [I]Westybrook is beginning to look really strong again, after perhaps having some of his thunder as the resident bad-ass in MAW taken by the arrival of Ruin.[/I]
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[QUOTE=Self;672753]Bah. I thought for a second I had you beat, but alas, Danger Kumasaka is only 16 years past his prime. I love him so much. He basically runs the dark matches in my diary game. I hope he never retires. EDIT: Actually, I may sorta have you beat. Sam Strong wrestled on my last PPV, and he's 23 years past his prime. Got a 'B' rated match too. Stick that in your age-ist pipe and smoke it![/QUOTE] Sorry for continuing off-topic, but I just had to post this: Uroko Saki is 31 years past his prime. Suck that :p
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[QUOTE=FlameSnoopy;673336]Uroko Saki is 31 years past his prime. Suck that :p[/QUOTE] [I]:eek: That is all... (Actually, I just checked, and if you edit Rip to Active Wrestler than he comes up as 30 years past his prime...)[/I] * [B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: Nationwide Friday, 12th December 2013[/CENTER] Tim Westybrook vs. Ernest Youngman[/B] To start a show this strongly can surely only lead to disappointment – but equally it’s not to be sneezed at, either. The two men had an immediate understanding of each other’s technique, having clashed on various occasions in recent weeks and learned a little more each time. They put on a tremendous display, with Westybrook bringing out his underrated technical skills to try and fend off Youngman at times – but eventually resorting to sheer thunderous power to blast the younger fighter into the mat with a TNT Whirlwind to pick up the hard fought victory. Winner: Tim Westybrook (B) * Westybrook rose to his feet, but before he could walk away he realised that Youngman was clamped on tight to his foot. He tried to shake him off, but as he did so Ruin and Raphael slid into the ring. However, before they could attack, a fan at ringside shed the sunglasses and hat he had been wearing to reveal Jean Cattley. Cattley vaulted the guardrail, chair in hand, and followed the Cult members into the ring, swinging the chair to put Raphael down, and driving Ruin back. Westybrook broke Youngman’s hold by the simple expedient of hauling him upright, one mammoth hand around his throat, before pitching him into one corner. As Cattley drove Ruin out of the ring, Westybrook picked up the slight form of Raphael and pressed him above his head. Flashbulbs popped as Westybrook held Raphael high in the air, seemingly effortlessly, before taking two steps forward and pitching him over the top rope to the arena floor some ten feet below. Cattley and Westybrook stood tall as Ruin and Youngman backed up the ramp, Youngman glaring daggers, Ruin’s impassive gaze fixed on Westybrook. The crowd, however, were mostly watching Raphael as the All Action champion was tended to by medics – and for the first time a member of The Cult Of Chord was wheeled from the ringside area on a stretcher. * Before her match, Alicia Strong picked up a microphone and warned Lauren Easter to enjoy her time with the Women’s title – Alicia was coming for it, and she was willing to push herself to the limit to take it from her. * [B]Alicia Strong vs. Nadia Snow[/B] This was somewhat of breathing space following the intense opening minutes. Neither woman had any great personal stake in this match, although as Rock noted, Snow was the first Women’s champion, and therefore a victory for Strong would further consolidate her position as #1 contender. The victory followed, as Snow tried to surprise Strong with a Strong Arm Tactic, only to have the move reversed into an Angel Driver as Strong made a clear statement to the reigning champion. Winner: Alicia Strong (D+) * A short video clip played to promote a special match that would be held at End Of Days: A North vs. South challenge featuring Angel de Mexico of OLLIE representing the South... [CENTER][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/ngelDeMxico.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] ...while the North would be represented by a former MAW star who was, fittingly, a member of the NOTBPW roster. None other than the Triple Threat... [CENTER][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/DavisWayneNewton.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] ...Davis Wayne Newton! The crowd popped at the sight of the former MAW worker, who’s since gone on to very big things in Canada. * Prior to his match with Sean Deeley, Jean Cattley took a mic and stared out of the ring at Rip, who was sitting at the announcers’ table, affecting a look of unconcern. [COLOR="Navy"]“That’s two of my associates who’ve been taken to the hospital, and one of yours,”[/COLOR] Cattley said. [COLOR="Navy"]“This could get very messy, Rip. It’s clear that tensions are boiling between our two sides, our two points of view. We’ve got every right to be here – you don’t need to be fresh out of school to work in this business, although I suppose that every young kid who leaves here and goes on to stardom is someone you can claim owes it all to you. “You see, there’s no need for us to be beaten out of the business, Rip. Fighters like Ota and myself, well, we’re nearer forty than thirty. We don’t have too much time left here, so maybe we’re fighting for our legacy, or for a last moment in the sun. But we’ve been all over, Rip. Myself, Ota, Powell – even Westybrook. We’ve fought all over the country, all over the world even. We know what it takes to make it in this business. Heroe and KC listen to us, they seem to think that what we have to say makes sense. “On the other hand, there’s someone like you. Someone who’s been all over the world – like us. Who’s wrestled everywhere that’s important – like us. You think you can show the kids you’ve gathered around you the way to success. You’ve been able to guide them to gold here in this company. That’s great, Rip. But you’re shortchanging them. Giving them the ‘Rip Chord rub’ is no substitute for the experience they need. Maybe your name will open doors. Maybe they’ll be welcome places they would never have gone without you... But they will sink or swim on their own merits, Rip, and if they can’t do the business on their own, they’ll sink. Antonio and Casey Valentine, Raphael and Ruin, even Ernest, who I’ll admit is a real talent... Are they really the people you want to bear your name after you retire? Or are they just using you for your name, to get the big money deals now that they’ve never earned, the way that I have – the way that you did. “There’s only one way to see if your way is worth it, Rip, and that’s in this ring. But whenever The Firm and The Cult Of Chord face off, there’s outside interference – during the match, or after it. There’s no way of knowing whether you have to worry more about the man in front of you – or an attack from behind. “So here’s my suggestion, Rip. At End Of Days, let’s lead our forces into battle. The five members of The Firm against your five protégés... in a War Games match. That way, it will be clear.”[/COLOR] * [B]“Machine” Jean Cattley vs. Sean Deeley[/B] This match was something of a technical clinic as Cattley proved himself capable of keeping up with the seasoned and talented Deeley. The younger man brought his A-game against the former champion, but found himself, to his clear horror, on the back foot as Cattley reminded everyone where his ‘Machine’ nickname came from – relentlessly breaking Deeley’s attempts to trap him, and in turn trapping him in painful holds. Deeley was able to score some points, but Rock noted that Cattley was fighting like a man possessed. At that, Rip left the commentary table, and in doing so caught Cattley’s eye. Deeley saw the opportunity and pounced, wrapping Cattley up in a Seated Stretch Armbar, wrenching and torquing on Cattley’s arm until he was forced to submit, giving Deeley a huge win, although the assist has to be credited to Chord. Winner: Sean Deeley (C+) * Rip stood over Jean in the centre of the ring, watching as he struggled to his feet. [COLOR="Purple"]“War Games? Fine. But your hired monster put one of my men in the hospital tonight. He won’t be fit for next Monday night. “So I guess I’ll have to do it myself. I’ll lead Ruin, Youngman and The Second Sons against your five... Oh, wait. You only have four members now, don’t you? Because Powell and Ota are in hospital too. “I hope you can find a fifth team member, Jean. You see, in Ruin I’ve found the most fearsome wrestler in the business today. Under my guidance, he’s damn near impervious to pain. He can wrestle all night, and not feel tired or hurt. And he can take anything you can throw at him, and give it back a lot, lot worse. “Casey Valentine and Antonio are my true successors. They have real talent, Jean. They’re cunning, and devious – and gifted. But you never know how they’ll beat you, because they think on their feet. “Ernest Youngman is as good a technician as any in this company – and he’s only going to get better. That kid knows so many ways to tie you up in knots that frankly I’m glad he wasn’t around twenty or thirty years ago to get in my way. “And then there’s me. I may not be as strong or as fast as I once was, but believe me, kid, I’ve only got tougher with age. You may have convinced James to pay for Westybrook’s contract, and I’ll grant you that was a smooth move, but go back to him and ask him what it was like getting in the ring with me. I kicked his ass, just like I’ll kick yours all around that cage. “Of course, that’s assuming you can even find someone who’s prepared to step in the ring with us. If you can’t find a fifth team member... well, I think you lose that match by forfeit.”[/COLOR] Rip dropped the mic and left the ring, smirking. Slowly, Jean picked it up and raised it to his mouth. [COLOR="Navy"]“We found a fifth member,”[/COLOR] he said, smiling despite the pain. [COLOR="Navy"]“And he’ll be here next week. There’ll be five of us and five of you. Rip, we’ll see you in the cage.”[/COLOR] * Before the main event, Remmy Skye was shown backstage. He spoke briefly about his desire to be the best. Even if he lost again tonight, he was willing to take on anyone to show that people were wrong to discount him – he was ready to take on any challenge at any time, and he would emerge victorious. * [B]Remmy Skye vs. Ruin (c)[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW World title[/COLOR] Skye’s approach to this match was a deliberate change of pace from the high impact, full-throttle style he’d quickly made his own since his debut. He was more cautious in his approach to tackling Ruin, and Rock noted that his familiarity with the champ’s moves was evident as he seemed at times to be outthinking him. Rip scoffed at this, saying that Ruin didn’t think in the ring – he acted on pure primal instinct. However, as Skye picked away at the champion with precise and timely attacks, Rip grew quieter, and Rock grew more excited at the prospect of the Cult losing the World title. Skye seemed to feel the excitement growing as well, and began to turn up the adrenaline, going to the top rope and getting some serious air time as he nailed Ruin with stunning – and varied – assaults from three turnbuckles. As he went for the fourth, though, Ruin raised one massive boot, catching Skye full in the face and driving him down and into the mat. The match was as good as over, although Skye struggled on for a time to his considerable credit, and shortly after, Ruin planted him into the mat with a Descent Into Hell to secure another successful defence. Winner: Ruin (C) [B]Overall: C[/B] [I]Next: The perfect card, and the perfect referee...[/I]
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[I]OOC: I can confirm that there's going to be a second coming, at least... :p[/I] Reese, Rip and I had discussed for some time before the show which match would go on last. Reese had wanted Strong and Snow to go in the main event, arguing that Strong/Easter was likely to be the show stealer come End Of Days. Rip and I had disagreed on the match placement – although we knew full well that she was right about the match quality. Rip had wanted Deeley and Jean in the main event, but I had pointed out that it would mean a show closing promo. I wasn’t completely adverse to that – Jean and Rip could certainly deliver the goods on the mic. However, two things stopped me – firstly, we were locked into a final segment promo the following week anyway, and secondly, we were Mid Atlantic Wrestling, not Mid Atlantic Talking. Rip had smiled wryly at this. Reese had shaken her head, but accepted that I was going to get my way. We went with Remmy/Ruin II. I figured that their previous match had been a blip – that with hindsight, we could find a way around the problems to deliver a main event calibre match. However, we were unanimous that Westybrook and Youngman would go on first. And then they took what was supposed to be nothing more than a setup for the angle that followed, and delivered the best match we’d put on in months. It spoiled the rest of the show – although Jean and Sean almost did enough to turn things around. In an odd way, I was cross – I’d hoped that a show as stacked as this one had been would be a classic. Equally, though, I was delighted that the two could deliver on that level. It was a nice problem to have, being able to throw two guys out there who could perform like that. But for the purposes of the storylines we were trying to tell – that Remmy deserved another shot at the title, that Westybrook was past it, that workers like Antonio and Casey could be considered among the company’s elite – it didn’t do a lot to help the fans suspend disbelief. Still, what was I going to do, pan them for showing up everyone else? * The time has come to move Dwight Kumas on to bigger and better things. Already head referee for the cult-level AAA, Dwight has been with MAW for two years. In that time, he’s gone from being a fairly talented ref on the indy scene to being one of the best referees in America – indeed, in the world [I](OOC: 99.7% refereeing skill!)[/I]. Sadly, that means that Dwight is now looking for $1,500 a show – meaning $13,500 a month as he’s our only referee. That’s just not tenable for a company our size. Jonathan Taylor heads up the shortlist for Dwight’s replacement, a list that also comprises Xander Summer and Dale Kenney. * [QUOTE][I] [CENTER]MAW.com Show Report – On Tour in Great lakes Thursday 18th December 2013[/CENTER] Fans, I’m Reese Paige and this is your On Tour report. Tonight’s action kicked off with Swoop McCarthy putting his Traditional title on the line against noted tag competitor Jared Johnson. The doubles worker seemed to relish a rare chance to show off his skills with his usual partner unavailable, and pushed McCarthy all the way, before falling to a Running Powerslam. After the bell, McCarthy threw open a challenge to anyone who wanted to face him at End Of Days, and said that he was looking forward to ending 2013 the way he’d begun it in MAW – as a winner. Next up, it was six man action as three teams set out to improve their status in MAW’s tag team division. Two Smoking Barrels, The Wilkes Brothers and The West Texas Lawmakers went at it, with all six men showing real skill in the ring. Each team was also well guided by their managers, respectively Mr. Ernest Forthdyke-Hume, Anne Lee Kubrick and Haley Buck, whose guidance allowed the Lawmakers to control long spells of the fight. However, Forthdyke-Hume eventually took matters into his own hands, chasing Buck around the ring and disrupting communications, allowing his charge Quentin Queen to catch Marshall Dillon with a Q-Ball for the win. Jefferson Stardust welcomed us all to the Stardust Express, a ride that, he assured us, had nirvana as its final stop, via glory, exultation and glee. He was brought crashing back to earth by Bradford Peverell, however, whose Dream Left Hook allowed him to pick up the win in a closely contested match. Before the next match, Haley Buck issued a challenge on behalf of her client, Sean Deeley: “Remmy Skye, my client is most bitterly disappointed that you have received two title shots since debuting, whereas he has not. He feels that defeating you this Monday for a second time would be the most efficient way of remedying this situation, and therefore extends to you the challenge of a rematch. We shall await your response by tomorrow night.” KC Glenn and Marc Speed then clashed. Both men seemed to struggle, as they use very different styles of fighting. However, Glenn was able to break down Speed’s defences before scoring with a Tune Up The Sunshine Band for the impressive win. El Heroe Mexicano and Ernest Youngman then came face to face in the ring ahead of their part in the War Games match this Monday. The two argued, before getting down to business in the ring. Youngman seemed particularly offended by any suggestion that he was only a part of The Cult Of Chord to benefit from Rip’s name, and was the more aggressive of the two in the opening exchanges. Heroe fought back, showing off his impressive resilience, but in the end Youngman caught him with a low blow before scoring The Hit to take the win and give the Cult a momentum boost going into the last few days before War Games. Fans, I’m Reese Paige. Next week we’ll be back among the Great Lakes so be sure to join us for more On Tour! Swoop McCarthy def. Jared Johnson – D+ Two Smoking Barrels def. The Wilkes Brothers and The West Texas Lawmakers – D- Bradford Peverell def. Jefferson Stardust – D- KC Glenn def. Marc Speed – D Ernest Youngman def. El Heroe Mexicano – C+ Overall: C- [/I][/QUOTE] * [COLOR="Purple"]“So, kid, when are you going to spill?”[/COLOR] Rip demanded. It was Friday afternoon, six hours from showtime. We were sat in Rip’s office, a litre bottle of Coke sat between us with a couple of half-full glasses sat beside it. [COLOR="Green"]“Spill what?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“Who you’ve got to be The Firm’s fifth man.”[/COLOR] I smiled, toothily. Rip sighed. [COLOR="Purple"]“This is going to be bad, isn’t it? Who’d you bring in, Giant Tana?”[/COLOR] I looked affronted. [COLOR="Green"]“As if. I’m not saying that Tana isn’t a good worker on his day, but he’s not the right man for the spot. No, I had someone else in mind, and now we have the TV money, I’ve been able to splash out a bit.”[/COLOR] Rip raised an eyebrow, inquisitively, but I shook my head. [COLOR="Green"]“All in good time, Rip. In fact, you’ll find out when everyone else does. It just so happens that I’ve arranged things so The Firm’s guest arrives after the show starts.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“So, who does know?”[/COLOR] Rip asked, a little petulantly. [COLOR="Green"]“Me, Jean and Katie,”[/COLOR] I said. [COLOR="Green"]“Jean had to know to introduce him. And Katie... well, to be frank, I ran the idea past her when I got it. She’s worked with him before. She likes the idea, for what it’s worth.”[/COLOR] He narrowed his eyes, and grinned. [COLOR="Purple"]“It’s Jacob Jett. You brought back your girlfriend’s ex!”[/COLOR] I scowled. [COLOR="Green"]“Don’t even joke about it.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“It is! Do you want me to rough him up a bit in the cage? I imagine I could get away with pretending to be less safe these days...”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“Rip-“[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“Or was it Katie that asked you to bring him back? What’s that saying? ‘The grass is always greener when absence makes the heart grow fonder’?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“Rip!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“Well, you could just tell me. Although, now that I think about it, doesn’t little Patrick have Jett’s eyes?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“Rip, I’m warning you...”[/COLOR] * [CENTER][B]MAW Nationwide[/B] “Bulldozer” Brandon Smith vs. Rudy Velasquez Alicia Strong and Kristabel Plum vs. Joanne Rodriguez and Brooke Tyler Remmy Skye vs. Ernest Youngman Tim Westybrook, El Heroe Mexicano and “Machine” Jean Cattley vs. Ruin and The Second Sons[/CENTER]
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First time predictor, so these might be way off.. :rolleyes: [CENTER][B]MAW Nationwide[/B] [B]“Bulldozer” Brandon Smith[/B] vs. Rudy Velasquez [I]Juuust guueessiing[/I] Alicia Strong and Kristabel Plum vs. [B]Joanne Rodriguez and Brooke Tyler[/B] [I]I like J'Ro better to be honest.[/I] Remmy Skye vs. [B]Ernest Youngman[/B] [I]Flipped a coin :o[/I] [B]Tim Westybrook, El Heroe Mexicano and “Machine” Jean Cattley[/B] vs. Ruin and The Second Sons [I]Westybrook seems to be collecting some momentum..[/I][/CENTER]
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[B]MAW Nationwide[/B] [B]“Bulldozer” Brandon Smith[/B] vs. Rudy Velasquez [B]Alicia Strong and Kristabel Plum[/B] vs. Joanne Rodriguez and Brooke Tyler Remmy Skye vs. [B]Ernest Youngman[/B] Tim Westybrook, El Heroe Mexicano and “Machine” Jean Cattley vs. [B]Ruin and The Second Sons[/B]
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[B]“Bulldozer” Brandon Smith[/B] vs. Rudy Velasquez Alicia Strong and Kristabel Plum vs. [B]Joanne Rodriguez and Brooke Tyler[/B] Remmy Skye vs. [B]Ernest Youngman[/B] Tim Westybrook, El Heroe Mexicano and “Machine” Jean Cattley vs. [B]Ruin and The Second Sons[/B]
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“Bulldozer” Brandon Smith vs. [B]Rudy Velasquez[/B] [B]Alicia Strong and Kristabel Plum[/B] vs. Joanne Rodriguez and Brooke Tyler Remmy Skye vs. [B]Ernest Youngman[/B] [B]Tim Westybrook, El Heroe Mexicano and “Machine” Jean Cattley[/B] vs. Ruin and The Second Sons
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[QUOTE=James Casey;673932][COLOR="Purple"]“So, kid, when are you going to spill?”[/COLOR] Rip demanded. It was Friday afternoon, six hours from showtime. We were sat in Rip’s office, a litre bottle of Coke sat between us with a couple of half-full glasses sat beside it. [COLOR="Green"]“Spill what?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“Who you’ve got to be The Firm’s fifth man.”[/COLOR] I smiled, toothily. Rip sighed. [COLOR="Purple"]“This is going to be bad, isn’t it? Who’d you bring in, Giant Tana?”[/COLOR] I looked affronted. [COLOR="Green"]“As if. I’m not saying that Tana isn’t a good worker on his day, but he’s not the right man for the spot. No, I had someone else in mind, and now we have the TV money, I’ve been able to splash out a bit.”[/COLOR] Rip raised an eyebrow, inquisitively, but I shook my head. [COLOR="Green"]“All in good time, Rip. In fact, you’ll find out when everyone else does. It just so happens that I’ve arranged things so The Firm’s guest arrives after the show starts.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“So, who does know?”[/COLOR] Rip asked, a little petulantly. [COLOR="Green"]“Me, Jean and Katie,”[/COLOR] I said. [COLOR="Green"]“Jean had to know to introduce him. And Katie... well, to be frank, I ran the idea past her when I got it. She’s worked with him before. She likes the idea, for what it’s worth.”[/COLOR] He narrowed his eyes, and grinned. [COLOR="Purple"]“It’s Jacob Jett. You brought back your girlfriend’s ex!”[/COLOR] I scowled. [COLOR="Green"]“Don’t even joke about it.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“It is! Do you want me to rough him up a bit in the cage? I imagine I could get away with pretending to be less safe these days...”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“Rip-“[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“Or was it Katie that asked you to bring him back? What’s that saying? ‘The grass is always greener when absence makes the heart grow fonder’?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“Rip!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“Well, you could just tell me. Although, now that I think about it, doesn’t little Patrick have Jett’s eyes?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“Rip, I’m warning you...”[/COLOR][/QUOTE] OH MY GAWD! This is comedy gold, right here. You are NOT the father! (/Maury) I am gonna be SO burnt if it's Jesus Chavez. :(
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[B]“Bulldozer” Brandon Smith[/B] vs. Rudy Velasquez [B]Alicia Strong and Kristabel Plum[/B] vs. Joanne Rodriguez and Brooke Tyler [B]Remmy Skye[/B] vs. Ernest Youngman [B]Tim Westybrook, El Heroe Mexicano and “Machine” Jean Cattley[/B] vs. Ruin and The Second Sons Because the left side rules!
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