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I create a new Company in USA in Cornvelle verse. y Company is not rich (only $10,000) so I try to have with me all low level and no famous worker (i.e. Xavier Rekless, Fearless Blue, Mark Smart) I don't know why, even if they are USA worker, they ask me travel expenses!! So, of course, my costs grow up too much! Could you someone explain what I have to do for this problem? It TEW 07 it wasn't. Thanks
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I could be completely wrong, but i kind of got the impression from reading it during negotiations that if the worker has not worked in that area before they want travel expenses. Once again I could be totally wrong but in PSW Hell's Bouncer did not ask for travel expenses (he has C overness in the region PSW is based) but workers with no overness in the region asked for expenses. Could be totally wrong, it could just be based on the workers personality.
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Generally, a worker who's quite popular in a region is assumed to be affluent enough to buy his own plane ticket, and will be earning enough to be able to still bring home enough money even if he does have to pay for his own travel. A guy who lives in his car and eats cold tins of beans three meals a day, however, isn't going to be able to afford it, especially if you're only paying him $100, so you have to pay it for him. Of course, some workers will probably live next door to the arena, but there's no guarantee you'll be at the same arena next week. Foreign workers (workers not [i]based in[/i] your country) pretty much always ask for travel expenses, as you'd expect as they have to fly Internationally so it's going to cost them more. Then there's relocation costs, which are mainly for workers signing Written contracts with foreign promotions (like when Koshiro Ino signed for TCW. He'd probably have had to move house completely), or who're totally unemployed and signing for foreign promotions.
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OK, but in Data base, for the worker there is only the "based in" (USA/Euope ecc.) info.. so I can't understand wich worker can work for me without asking for travel expenses... and then it's REALLY important to understand how much I will pay. No more than $2,000 t' too much generic I think. I can't decide to sign a contract for $200 ppa and than maybe i will pay 1,200!! Sorry Adam, I think it' necessary to specify better this point or it will cause a lot of financial problem for all who play with small and Indie!!
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That's what he is saying is the problem, is that you don't know how far away the worker lives. As he said at the beginning, if you live in the USA you could operate in the on the east coast and the worker could live on the west coast but you don't know that or how much the cost is going to be.
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Instead of paying travel expenses, try offering the next level or two in salary ,i.e. instead of offering $250, try $300 or $350 instead. So far, this has worked 99% of the time. They drop all travel and merchandise requests. The only person so far this did not work for was Simon Flemmigway.
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[QUOTE=Sammartino;435761]Ok, I will try offering more ppa money. But the problem in this way is not in theory resolved. Nobody can understand how much travel expenses is.[/QUOTE] I agree, it would be great to know.
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  • 2 weeks later...
I think that a system should've been created to divide each country into regions, and each region a user crosses, costs x dollars in travel expenses. For example - if a west cost US worker is booked on an east cost US card, they might cross 3 regions, costing 1/3 of their normal per night pay per region or something. That would make everything a lot more standardized, and easy to follow. TEW tries to simulate real-life, and IRL no promoter would pay an "unknown travel expense". The promoter would be able to at the very least, jump on the Internet and quickly get an idea of what a plane ticket would cost. Of course, some wrestlers might demand first class accommodations, so it'd be nice if each wrestler told you what their travel expenses were when negotiating. What I thought would also be a great feature, is if promotions with a Working Relationship could split travel costs. For example - I am playing as a promotion that I created that runs out of Calgary, Alberta, Canada. I have a working agreement with a company in Vancouver. Now, it'd be cool, if we both decided to hire the same worker from Japan, split the cost of getting him to Canada, and then just paid the expense to move him from venue to venue.
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Not sure if this will be what you want but everytime someone asks for travel expenses is because they feel the trip to where ever to only make 100 dollars or what not is not worth it. Increase the pay a little bit. Maybe an extra hundred and then you don't have to worry about the travel expenses and not knowing how much it is going to cost you.
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[QUOTE=mattg71;435650]Instead of paying travel expenses, try offering the next level or two in salary ,i.e. instead of offering $250, try $300 or $350 instead. So far, this has worked 99% of the time. They drop all travel and merchandise requests. The only person so far this did not work for was Simon Flemmigway.[/QUOTE] i kept on getting my contracts rejected after going up 1 or 2 levels in base salary as a substitute for travel expenses. so......maybe it has something to do with your fed's rep? I was using NYCW at the time...
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[QUOTE=Blasphemywebleed;435632]Thats the point of playing a small promotion, you have to budget. In reality an indie promotion isnt going to book a guy that lives 500 miles away as they couldnt afford his travel.[/QUOTE] Right. But you know that better in reality than you do in game. The notations of which characters are from which states and provinces was pulled out of the game going into 05. So if I'm playing World Class in DOTT and I need a jobber, I might want Jim Powers. I was always kinda partial to the guy. But at the same time in 04 I knew it might cost more to hire Jim in travel expenses than say Art Crews. Powers would be coming into Dallas to work from Delaware while Crews was based out of Kansas. Now both are just American workers and its a roll of the dice which one to choose if you want to mind your pennies. In the CVerse, some guys may have their home states mentioned in their profiles a la The Guru being from Maine. Or it might be in their character name like The Idaho Punisher. But in most cases they might as all well be from the same street in Lincoln, Nebraska for all the player is capable of knowing. I hadn't considered this angle before in discussions of why we need the state and province level based-ins back. But it does take a useful budgeting tools away from players trying to budget for low-level indies.
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I think it would make sense if the worker said during negotiations how much he'd expect his travel costs to be. For example 'Worker X has rejected contract negotiations as he wants you to pay his travel expenses, he estimates that these will be in the region of $XXX per show.' So then you'll at least have an idea of how much extra it's going to cost you to hire the worker.
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I think thre's something we all are missing from this discussion. Everyone assumes that travel expenses mean just moving a worker to our venue, or having a worker commute to and from our HQ/gym/venue for shows and what-not. Which can be very specifically figured expenses, sure. What is a HUGE unknown is what you, as a promoter, are going to do [I]after[/I] the hire. Since it's not stated, perhaps your promotion's HQ is in another part of town, or even another city, from where you'll hold shows. I know for my AAA diary, I've placed AAA's HQ not far across town from where they mostly 'play', but the game has no way of knowing that. And then, what about various other venues, as your promotion grows? What about house shows, that [I]could[/I] conceivably travel around a significant portion of the state. Or country. Or even continent! Even in my AAA diary, with them based in Seattle, I'd thought about where the other venues are in the North West list. And even considered 'playing' shows in other states, or even Canada. Who pays for that then? Would the workers have to pay for unanticipated travel back and forth from Seattle to Las Vegas out of their own pocket, for example? I hadn't even thought of that as a promoter earlier in my game, when I'd hired some workers. But it's conceivable, and maybe even expected. Heck, I've pretty much decided recently that AAA is going to hold a show in the future in Vegas. That decision after I'd hired my first slew of workers. Trying to get over in another region and all that. If you want to grow in pop, travel like that almost can't be exactly figured. But is a [B][I]given[/I][/B]! The upshot is, there are so many unknowns as to what [I]could[/I] happen travel-wise, that even if we knew exactly down to what street our promotion's HQ and venue were on, as well as the worker, we still wouldn't be able to anticipate it all. Nor can Adam. Hence, it would actually be quite [I]schrewd[/I] for a worker to also realise that, and ask travel expenses to be paid by the promotion. Just in case. That would also prevent some idiot promoter from going, "Hey ladies, I just decided on a lark we're going to play in Singapore next week. Your travel tab. Sorry, travel's not in your contracts..." I can imagine the promoter would have to be quick to duck knotted towels, water bottles, wrestling boots and a variety of other objects hastilly thrown his or her way. Another thing is, this is, after all, now TEW200[B][I]8[/I][/B]. Look at your neighborhood gas pump prices, and ask whether a worker wanting to have travel expenses paid, even just across town, is so unreaasonable. Hell, I'm not a wrestler, and I damn sure would want that in [B][I]my[/I][/B] contract! Besides... I already anticipated that in my diary, though I have yet to actually write it into a scene, nor are any of my workers in-game actually on paid travel expenses. When it's time for a show, even in Seattle, the girls all meet at the HQ. And pile into a bus. And get taken to the Portland Center. Paid for, of course, by the promotion. And that, I don't think, is so very unreasonable at all.
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Relocation costs Thinking Long term if I offer a worker who demands travel expenses relocation costs even tough he can work in USA too and he accepts wil he ask for travel expenses again when renegotiating? I tend to do this with TCW for the Canadian and East Coast workers. Also When they can work in USA and demand travel expenses and i offer relocation cost payment wich I think is a better deal then just travel expenses they always, always want travel expenses paid too, on the first contract i offer them. Havent played long enough if also relocating them will remove the travel expenses. Yhese are written deals with TCW. And yes getting a split up in regional location of a worker would be nice specially for the smaller feds (playing TCW as training, thanks for all the tips on this forum up to International in 1 month!)
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NordVolf, I see what you're saying about gas prices and such. I spoke to a local promoter the other day, and asked him what he did about travel expenses. He said that he and a talent will agree on a fixed price - say $200 (this number will change based on which talent it is, and where they are coming from, but is always agreed well in advance). That covers travel to the first show. The promotion busses the workers from show to show, it's just getting talent to the first show that he's concerned about. Even if gas prices were to change, the talent and him had already agreed on a fixed price for travel, and so unless it's a huge change in price, he won't offer them more. Makes sense to me. So by this logic, there should be a fixed cost (perhaps negotiable) for travel, depending on where the talent is coming from. It could be a cost to get the talent to the promotion's home region, or it could be a price to the venue, either way.
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Nordfolk, I think the problem is to have some fixed point: I agree, if I'm a USA Fed from Texas and I decide to have a show in Europe, surely my travel expenses will be higher than not simply have a show in Florida. Otherwise, you must consider this is a game and what I need is simply something that is quite real even if not perfect. So i.e. Worker is in your own area and show is in your own area: $ 200 Worker is in your area and show is in near area (you Fed is based in South east and your show is in South west): $ 400 And so on.... I think it could be a something quite real and it can work, And everibody can understand how much he will pay for every show..
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With the number of replies this thread has received, with everyone being unsure, it'd be nice to hear from Adam about the algorithm used to calculate the travel expenses, and maybe if he could add in a fixed price system in a future patch.
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[QUOTE=Iceman90;449749]With the number of replies this thread has received, with everyone being unsure, it'd be nice to hear from Adam about the algorithm used to calculate the travel expenses, and maybe if he could add in a fixed price system in a future patch.[/QUOTE] I agree.. Pleeeaaasseeeee!!! Adaaaaammm!!
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