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MoSC: The Worst Of British Wrestling

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"Geordie" Jimmy Morris vs. [B]Harley Neill the Gnarly Heel[/B] "Lord" Byron vs. [B]JD "Boring" Morgan[/B] Ultra-Violence vs. [B]Larry "Got" Wood(c)[/B] [B]The Highland Warrior[/B] vs. Hot Stuff Jeffery McPeterson vs. [B]Danny Patterson(c)[/B]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MOSCint.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Saturday, week 2, May[/B] Live in front of 231 fans at the "Phoneix Nights" Men's Working Club [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MannyMorhan.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/CharliePag.jpg[/IMG] [B]Manny:[/B] Hello wrestling fans. Allow me to, once again, welcome you to teh Combat Zone. [B]Pag:[/B] I'm your host and vastly superior of the two announcers and this schmuck next to me is Manny Moron. [B]Manny:[/B] MORHAN! [B]Pag:[/B] What's that moron? [B]Manny:[/B] You bloody child! [B]Pag:[/B] At least I can call a match. [B]Manny:[/B] Is there reason you never do then? 'Cos last I checked all you do is bitch and moan about the "foreigners" around here. [B]Pag:[/B] As well I should... f**king hundreds of the buggers. [B]Manny:[/B] On a more serious note but still on the subject of aliens, it appears we have an "outside threat" in MoSC! Tonight we will hopefully find out exactly what the new stable working for a certain Mister Nova actually want here in the combat zone. [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/GeordieJimmyMorris.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CANeillandGarcia.jpg[/IMG] The veteran Geordie puts up a decent fight but, frankly, everone knew he didn't have much of a chance here. After five minutes of solid pummeling, Neill hits the East End Piledriver for the pin. [B]Match Rating:[/B] D- [I]As the bell rings, JD Morgan makes his way to the ring to chants of "BORING! BORING! BORING!" and joins his associates. "Lord" Byron comes out to face his opponent.[/I] [B]Pag:[/B] That's 21st Century Alliance one; Northern Inbreds nil. I hope you're keeping score Manny. [B]Manny:[/B] I hope you'll shut up but, alas, I feel it's unlikely. [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/Byron.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CAMorganandGarcia.jpg[/IMG] As the match starts, Morgan wastes no time in utilising the shooter's takedown. He the follows up with a Body Scissors. [I]"BORRRRRRRING! BORRRRRRRRRING! BORRRRRRRRRING!"[/I] Randy Garcia shouts some profanities back at the crowd as Morgan transitions the move perfectly into a Rear Naked Chinlock. [I]Green Lantern fan leads the chants as he does so well. "If you hate rest holds, stand up!" "IF YOU HATE REST HOLDS, STAND UP! IF YOU HATE REST HOLDS, STAND UP!" The whole audience seemingly stands to attention.[/I] After Byron finally breaks the hold, the two men rise and the match continues in slightly more even fashion. However, before long, Garcia is up on the apron with his gavel, which he uses to twat Byron in the back of the head. Morgan follows up with a Snap Suplex. [I]It is now the big biker's turn to lead the chants. "Ole, Ole, Ole... Randy Garcia is gay!" "OLE, OLE, OLE, RANDY GARCIA IS GAY!"[/I] It's no matter, though. Morgan applies the Cross Atlantic Stretch and Byron is forced to tap. [B]Match Rating:[/B] E+ [I]After the match, as the three members of "Mr Nova's alliance" celebrate, Byron gets to his feet and strides straight up to Morgan. After a brief staredown, he realises the odds are against him and decides to head to the back, much to the crowd's disgust.[/I] [B]Pag:[/B] Thats two-nil and there ain't a damn thing that Lord Manwhore can do about it. [B]Manny:[/B] While I don't agrre with your petty name calling, I must say that I'm disappointed with Byron. That was his opportunity to prove something to these fans. [B]Pag:[/B] In fairness, it was the right thing to do. Her'd have just had the crap kicked out of him! [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/UVandSimona.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/LarryWood_alt.jpg[/IMG] Once more Larry Wood is led to the ring on his gurney by security. Once again he kicks arse. After very little time has passed, he's hit U-V with the Running Big Foot. 1...2...3! [B]Match Rating:[/B] E+ [I]After the match as Larry Wood is chained up and led out of the arena, Colourful Jesus, who sits in the front row, kicks up his usual chant. "ULTRA VOMIT!" *Clap Clap Clap Clap-Clap-Clap* As usual, the whole crowd has joined in with no need for a second invitation. However, unlike usual, Simona heads over to the vocal fan. She seductively beckons with her finger for him to "come closer" as she puckers up.[/I] [B]Pag:[/B] Simona... what the hell? Why would a fitty like her want to pulla F**king deadbeat? [I]As Colourful Jesus obliges, Simona grabs him by his hair and, catching him completely unaware, pulls him over the barricade. Ultra-Violence ducks out of the ring in order to drag the poor fan in.[/I] [B]Manny:[/B] My god, what are they doing? He paid to watch wrestling not to get involved! [B]Pag:[/B] He should have thought about that before letting out such boloocks chants! [I]Simona bends down and removes the shoe laces from the fan's shoes which she then uses to die either of hands to the top rope (so that he faces up the aisle-way with his back towards the centre of the ring) as U-V subdues him. She then steps out to the apron to slap him across the face and shout abuse into his face as U-V grabs his cane from ringside.[/I] [B]Manny:[/B] Oh, god no! [B]Pag:[/B] Oh, hell yes! [I]In a shocking display, Ultra-Violence removes the t-shirt from Colourful Jesus' back and proceeds to torture the poor guy with several cane shots.[/I] [CENTER][I]But the disturbing scene is interrupted by the familiar sound of bagpipes.[/I] [/CENTER] [B]Manny:[/B] Here comes the cavalry! [B]Pag:[/B] Ahem, I believe you mean "Here comes the fat, Scottish twat!" [I]U-V and Simona make their escape before they can suffer the reprocussions of their actions. The icon of MoSC unties Jesus' hands to deafening chants of "WARRIOR!".[/I] [I]However, suddenly the face-painted hero is blindsided by the Tag Team Champions.[/I] [B]Manny:[/B] And it looks like we have a match on our hands. [B]Pag:[/B] No sh*t, Sherlock! [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/TheHighlandWarrior2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/BuffMartinez.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/JayB.jpg[/IMG] The eraly minutes of the match belong to Hot Stuff as the two brash youngsters capitalise on their ambush. In the third minute, Jay B hits the B-Bopper (Shining Wizard). 1...2...Kickout! [B]Manny:[/B] He kicked out! He kicked out! [B]Pag:[/B] God damn it! Buff Martinez follows up with the El K.O. (Stunner). 1...2... Power out! [B]Manny:[/B] What strength! What strength! [B]Pag:[/B] Is there a reason you have to say everything twice? Jay B lands a punch. Warrior no sells. Martinez hits a haymaker. Still it's no-sold. Warrior shakes his head and flexes his arms. Jay B tries again. Warrior shakes his head as both tag champs look extremely worried. He motions to the crowd and the old Scottish guy in the front row throws him a bottle of Glenfiddich. He downs it in just three gulps and points at his opponents. [I]"YOU!"[/I] [B]Manny:[/B] He's scotching up! [B]Pag:[/B] You've got to be kidding me! Warrior nearly knocks both tag champs out of their boots with a Double Clothesline. Powerslam to Jay B. Backbreaker to Martinez. As the tag champions stagger to their feet, Warrior grabs them both by the waist. [B]Pag:[/B] Now you really must be kidding! The face-painted Scot then throws them both over his head in a "Double Highland Fling" AKA the crappest spot you've ever seen. 1...2...3! [B]Match Rating:[/B] D [B]Pag:[/B] Well, what a load of sh*t that was. [I]As Warrior stays in the ring and celebrates for the fans, Hot Stuff recover. Once again, they jump Warrior from behind and lay the boots in.[/I] [CENTER][I]But the champions are stopped in their tracks.[/I] [/CENTER] [B]Manny:[/B] It's Thug and Bruiser! The UK Wrecking Crew are here! [B]Pag:[/B] They'e back together? [B]Manny:[/B] They must be! [I]The two powerhouses slide into the ring and simply plough through Hot Stuff. Bruiser hits the Gutwrench Powerbomb on Martinez. Thug hits the Clothesline From Hull on on Jay B. ...and the tag champs go crashing to the outside.[/I] [B]Manny:[/B] Thug may have lost his Blood & Beer Title but there is still no tag team better than the UK Wrecking Crew! [B]Pag:[/B] *Cough* C0ckney Rebels *Cough* [I]Thug and Bruiser head to the back and The Highland Warrior follows not too far behind them.[/I] [CENTER][I]Nova's alliance heads to the ring.[/I] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CAPatterson.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CANeill.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CAMorgan.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CAGarcia.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Garcia:[/B] It's time for you reprobates to listen to the subtle tones of "The Sexy Solicitor" Randy "Dandy" Garcia. [B]Manny:[/B] Talk about up himself! [B]Pag:[/B] Well better his head up his own arse than kissing that of a drunk Scotsman I say! [B]Garcia:[/B] We are the 21st Century Alliance and we are here on behalf of one Mr Nova! [I]BOOO HISS[/I] [B]Garcia:[/B] Now, as Mister Nova's solicitor, I have some extremely exciting news to share with you all which regards his future assets. [I]"IF YA CAN'T TALK PROPA SHUT YER MOWF! IF YA CAN'T TALK PROPA SHUT YER MOWF! IF YA CAN'T TALK PROPA, CAN'T TALK PROPA, CAN'T TALK TALK PROPA SHUT YER MOWF!"[/I] [B]Garcia:[/B] Believe me, you might just want to hear this one. You s... [CENTER][/CENTER] [B]Manny:[/B] Thank god someone shut him up! [B]Pag:[/B] I wish someone would shut you up! [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MOSC_UK.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/JefferyMcPeterson.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CAPattersonandGarcia.jpg[/IMG] Unlike recent title matches, thanks to help from his associates, the champion remains largely in charge throughout. In the sixth minute, McPeterson seizes the opportunity for a comeback but it is soon quashed by the interference of Harley Neill. In the seventh minute, Danny Patterson hits the Chokeslam! 1...2...3! [B]Match Rating:[/B] D+ [B]Pag:[/B] God save our gracious Patterson! Long live our noble Patterson! [B]Manny:[/B] I can't believe we have such scum for a champion! [CENTER][I]As the 21CA celebrate, Kevin Jones appears at the entrance-way with a mic.[/I] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/KevinJones.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Jones:[/B] I wouldn't celebrate too soon, chaps! [I]"KEEEEVIIIIN JOOOOOONES!"[/I] [B]Pag:[/B] God damn it, kid! [B]Jones:[/B] You see, you may have got one over on Jeff but you haven't seen the back of me just yet! [I]Garcia takes a microphone to respond.[/I] [B]Garcia:[/B] Hey, in case you haven't noticed, Kev, Danny's beaten you... twice! Once for the title and once in a rematch. [B]Jones:[/B] ...and both times through interference. [B]Garcia:[/B] Well, what can you do, eh? [B]Jones:[/B] Oh, I can do plenty! You see, I'm from Wales... [B]Pag:[/B] Oh, god, here we f**king go! I'm from Wales, I suck sheep testicles, blah-de-f**king-blah. [B]Manny:[/B] Shut up, I'm trying to listen. [B]Jones:[/B] ...and in Wales there are a lot of farmers. [B]Pag:[/B] ...who f**k sheep. [B]Manny:[/B] SHUT UP! [B]Jones:[/B] Those farmers have a lot of trouble keeping their animals on their own land and, equally, keeping predators out. But there is a device they use for just that purpose and I plan to use the same logic with you, Danny boy. [I]Patterson arrogantly takes the microphone.[/I] [B]Patterson:[/B] Hey, Kev, me ol' china, I know you sheep f**kers find it hard to speak propa English but try and translate a tad, eh? [B]Jones:[/B] Oh, okay. How's this... BARBED WIRE! BARBED F**KING WIRE! [I]The internet feed cuts out as Jones slams down the microphone while the entire 21st Century Alliance look distraught.[/I] [SIZE="4"][B][COLOR="Red"]Show Rating:[/COLOR][/B] D[/SIZE]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MOSCint.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="7"][B][COLOR="Red"]MoSC Bought Out?[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] [I]Article copied from eurocablesports-online.com[/I][/CENTER] [QUOTE][I]02/06/08[/I] [SIZE="3"]A short but cataclysmic series of events has shaken the UK wretling scene to its very core. The country's longest standing promotion, Men Of Steel Combat, has hit financial hardship. The exact circumstances are unknown but rumours are emerging. It is thought that MoSC is being sued by the UK athletic commission after one of their workers, who for legal reasons shall remain nameless, assaulted a member of the crowd at their last show. The rules regarding wrestler/fan interaction are, of course, very strict and there for a good reason. Thus, it is difficult to see what defence the promotion could possibly have and, as a result, The Highland Warrior has filed for bankcruptcy and put his dream into administration.[/SIZE][/QUOTE] [SIZE="3"]That was the news that sent shivers down our spines and, as much as we wish this bulletin is to tell you it was all a joke, it is not. The fact remains that our beloved promotion is, indeed, in administration, The Highland Warrior unable to pay the talent due to mounting legal bills and the likelihood of a pricey out-of-court settlement. However, the news may not be so bleak... maybe. Word has recently been received that an entrepeuner has put in a bid to buy out MoSC and, in the process, claim responsibility for all legal fees. While this may be exactly what we need to survive, we have no idea whether this potential owner will run the company as we would hope. Only time will tell. For the moment, though, we can confirm that shows will continue to run, at least in the short-term. May hope remain during what is, perhaps, the most distressing time in our twenty eight year history.[/SIZE]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/logoletters.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="7"][B]Presents...[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/KT.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="5"][B]Jeffery McPeterson vs. JD "Boring" Morgan[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/JefferyMcPeterson.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CAMorganandGarcia.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]Jeff McPeterson couldn't defeat the 21st Century Alliance's champion last month. However, he has still challenged JD Morgan to a rematch from Clash Of The Tartans. Jeff has now suffered losses to all three active members of the 21CA; can he really turn things around with Randy Garcia on the scene?[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]MoSC Blood & Beer Championship Match[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE="5"][B]Arthur T. Turtle vs. Larry "Got" Wood(c)[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MOSC_BloodAndBeer.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/ArthurTTurtle.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/LarryWood_alt.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]"The Turtle Package" debuted two months ago at Fyffe In Cold Blood and, whilst he suffered a loss to "Boring" Morgan, he certainly proved that he's tough enough for the combat zone. However, toughness alone will not guarantee that he can "get wood".[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]MoSC UK Tag Team Championship Match[/COLOR][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MOSC_UKTag.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="5"][B]The UK Wrecking Crew vs. Hot Stuff(c)[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/Thug.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/Bruiser.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/BuffMartinez.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/JayB.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]Thug and Bruiser will compete for the first time as a team in over a year. While they may suffer some tag team ring rust, as it were, there is no doubting that, on their day, they are one of the best teams the country has to offer. Hot Stuff aren't exactly going down without a fight, though. They've been reigning strong as tag champs and, if any team has it in them to match the UKWC, it's Buff and Jay![/SIZE] [SIZE="5"][B]The Highland Warrior vs. Ultra-Violence[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/TheHighlandWarrior2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/UVandSimona.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]The Highland Warrior wants to teach Ultra-Violence a lesson for assaulting a fan, particularly in view of the financial strife in which it has placed MoSC. U-V wants to end his losing streak and get some retribution for the scotch-and-porridge-puke episode. Who's your money on?[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]Barbed Wire Match for the MoSC UK Championship[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE="5"][B]Kevin Jones vs. Danny Patterson(c)[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MOSC_UK.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/KevinJones.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CAPattersonandGarcia.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]We all anxiously await MoSC's first Barbed Wire Match for nearly four years. In the words of Randy Garcia, Jones has already lost to Patterson... twice. But, this time, Jones means business and there will be 140ft of jagged metal specifically designed to keep the champion in and his associates out. Can Nova's monster really survive this one?[/SIZE] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All predictions welcomed. I'll actually start counting them all up soon and see who is embarrasing who :D.[/CENTER]
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[B]Jeffery McPeterson[/B] vs. JD "Boring" Morgan [I]Rugby Guy loves Jeffery. Simple as that.[/I] Arthur T. Turtle vs.[B] Larry "Got" Wood(c)[/B] [I]He's behind having Wood as his champion too.[/I] [B]The UK Wrecking Crew [/B]vs. Hot Stuff(c) [I]They're just better.[/I] [B]The Highland Warrior [/B]vs. Ultra-Violence [I]HIGHLAND FLING[/I] Kevin Jones vs. [B]Danny Patterson(c)[/B] [I]Jonesy can't win can he?[/I]
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Jeffery McPeterson vs. [B]JD "Boring" Morgan[/B] Arthur T. Turtle vs. [B]Larry "Got" Wood(c)[/B] [B]The UK Wrecking Crew[/B] vs. Hot Stuff(c) [B]The Highland Warrior[/B] vs. Ultra-Violence Kevin Jones vs. [B]Danny Patterson(c)[/B]
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[QUOTE=Phantom Stranger;456628]...so you're giving Ultra-Violence the Jesus push? I'm sorry! I'm sorry![/QUOTE] Ha, that line is somewhat ambiguous given the current circumstances but, assuming you mean what I think you mean, maybe. I'd like U-V to become a top player at some point but his skills have to develop a lot before that happens. Particularly now that the roster has actually got some talent :p. Quote The Raven Nevermore
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[QUOTE=Nevermore;456715]Ha, that line is somewhat ambiguous given the current circumstances but, assuming you mean what I think you mean, maybe. I'd like U-V to become a top player at some point but his skills have to develop a lot before that happens. Particularly now that the roster has actually got some talent :p. Quote The Raven Nevermore[/QUOTE] The Jesuses will be displeased! (I predict Pag to call them Jesuses and Manny to go with Jesi.)
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Jeffery McPeterson vs. JD "Boring" Morgan -- no winner/double DQ/double countout due to interference on both sides Arthur T. Turtle vs. [B]Larry "Got" Wood(c)[/B] The UK Wrecking Crew vs. [B]Hot Stuff(c)[/B] [B]The Highland Warrior[/B] vs. Ultra-Violence Kevin Jones vs. [B]Danny Patterson(c)[/B] -- It's possible Jones may win in a cheap finish, but I don't see you hotshotting the belt.
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[QUOTE=Phantom Stranger;456721]The Jesuses will be displeased! (I predict Pag to call them Jesuses and Manny to go with Jesi.)[/QUOTE] You do realise you're giving me ample ammunition to insinuate that you're a gay couple :D. Quote The Raven Nevermore
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[QUOTE=Phantom Stranger;456740]I got the impression that Pag would do that anyway, frankly.[/QUOTE] Would I be that harsh? Yeah, okay, I probably would. Any more predictions to come? Show should be up later today. Quote The Raven Nevermore
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[B]Jeffery McPeterson[/B] vs. JD "Boring" Morgan - Jobbing to two members of the Nova Alliance in two months wouldn't be great :P Arthur T. Turtle vs. [B]Larry "Got" Wood[/B](c) [B]The UK Wrecking Crew vs. Hot Stuff(c)[/B] - Their big reunion would be kinda spoilt if they lost. [B]The Highland Warrior[/B] vs. Ultra-Violence - There's a Jesus push, then there's just plain stupid ¬_¬ [B]Kevin Jones[/B] vs. Danny Patterson(c) - I don't see how it's hot-shotting after four months ¬_¬. Besides, Jones has all the experience in this match type, isn't it?
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Jeffery McPeterson vs. [B]JD "Boring" Morgan[/B] Oddly Morgan is not that boring in the ring. He's got an A in selling he's just bland as a character. Arthur T. Turtle vs. [B]Larry "Got" Wood(c)[/B] Where' my "Got Wood" T-Shirt and it it official MOSC 2x4 day The Combat Zone. [B]The UK Wrecking Crew[/B] vs. Hot Stuff(c) Not on their first try back together as a team [B]The Highland Warrior[/B] vs. Ultra-Violence With interference by Los Jesuses Kevin Jones vs. [B]Danny Patterson(c)[/B] I like Jones but you have a hot story going with the 21st Century thing and they need to keep the title
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[B]Jeffery McPeterson[/B] vs. JD "Boring" Morgan [I]By DQ after shenanigans on the part of the 21st Century alliance.[/I] Arthur T. Turtle vs. [B]Larry "Got" Wood(c)[/B] [I]Wood's yet to hit his stride in MoSC, but ATT has very ooor hardcore, I think, so 'Got' Wood gets it[/I] [B]The UK Wrecking Crew[/B] vs. Hot Stuff(c) [I]The Wrecking Crew have all the storyline momentum going their way, plus Hot Stuff kinda suck[/I] [B]The Highland Warrior[/B] vs. Ultra-Violence [I]UV just doesn't win. Ever.[/I] [B]Kevin Jones[/B] vs. Danny Patterson(c) [I]Why? Cos he's KEVIN JONES!!!!![/I]
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[QUOTE=Phantom Stranger;456628]...so you're giving Ultra-Violence the Jesus push? I'm sorry! I'm sorry![/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Nevermore;456715]Ha, that line is somewhat ambiguous given the current circumstances but, assuming you mean what I think you mean, maybe. I'd like U-V to become a top player at some point but his skills have to develop a lot before that happens. Particularly now that the roster has actually got some talent :p. Quote The Raven Nevermore[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Phantom Stranger;456721]The Jesuses will be displeased! (I predict Pag to call them Jesuses and Manny to go with Jesi.)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Nevermore;456739]You do realise you're giving me ample ammunition to insinuate that you're a gay couple :D. Quote The Raven Nevermore[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Phantom Stranger;456740]I got the impression that Pag would do that anyway, frankly.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Nevermore;457690]Would I be that harsh? Yeah, okay, I probably would. Any more predictions to come? Show should be up later today. Quote The Raven Nevermore[/QUOTE] Why oh why oh why are you dragging me into this Stanger.
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