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HGC (Cverse97): Hollyweird meets Hollywood!

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[B]Robert Oxford[/B] vs. Dusty Streets- [I]By cheating, Dusty to be kept strong. Gotta keep the feud interesting.[/I] The Demons of Rage & Fumihiro Ota vs. [B]The Blazin' Flames & Dark EAGLE[/B]-[I] I don't really know if the Flames will be taking the titles soon, but it's doesn't hurt to make them seem legit.[/I] [B]Romeo Hearthrob[/B] vs. Cowboy Ricky Dale for the HGC International Title- [I]Via botched interference from his angry wife, Nikki Power.[/I] [B]Dread and Duane Stone[/B] vs. The Vessey Brothers- [I]I bet this gets a pretty good rating. That's a strong lineup. I gotta think Dread enters the title picture soon, and it might be worth it to bring the Vessey Bros. down a bit to give them an extended tag title run.[/I] [B]Rip Chord & ??? [/B]vs.Liberty & ??? - [I]Rip hires BLZ Bubb to take Strong out earlier in the show, and Chord ekes out a win when Giant Redwood runs down to the ring in a banana hammock, causing Liberty to flee and eat the countout.[/I]
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[B]Robert Oxford[/B] vs. Dusty Streets [B]The Demons of Rage & Fumihiro Ota[/B] vs. The Blazin' Flames & Dark EAGLE Romeo Hearthrob vs. [B]Cowboy Ricky Dale[/B] for the HGC International Title [B]Dread and Duane Stone[/B] vs. The Vessey Brothers [B]Rip Chord & ???[/B] vs. Liberty & ???
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[B]Robert Oxford[/B] vs. Dusty Streets [B]The Demons of Rage & Fumihiro Ota[/B] vs. The Blazin' Flames & Dark EAGLE [B]Romeo Hearthrob[/B] vs. Cowboy Ricky Dale for the HGC International Title Dread and Duane Stone vs. [B]The Vessey Brothers[/B] Rip Chord & ??? vs. [B]Liberty & ???[/B]
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[INDENT][CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/HGC.jpg[/IMG] [B]HGC Hollyweird TV[/B] Tuesday, Week 4, February 1997 Held at the Shakeshaft Auditorium in the Great Lakes Attendance: 5,000 (Sold out!) [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/JKStalkingsJr.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/Liberty.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] We open this week backstage in J.K. Stallings Jr.'s office, where he sits at a desk across from Liberty. [COLOR="Green"]“[B]I'm sorry Liberty, but Rip Chord really does have a point.[/B]”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“[B]No worries, dude. If this is the way that the waves tumble, then this is the way that the waves tumble.[/B]” [/COLOR] Stallings is surprised at Liberty's acceptance of tonight's match. [COLOR="Green"]“[B]So, tonight, you need to pick a partner, and you will square off against Rip Chord and a partner of his choice. But, here's the deal. You can't pick Sam Strong. It just doesn't seem right, given that it's his title that's at stake. Plus, he's got a match tonight against Chris Rockwell and all.[/B]”[/COLOR] Liberty responds with a thumbs-up. [COLOR="Blue"]“[B]It's cool, dude. I'll find another tandem partner.[/B]”[/COLOR] [B][I]Stallings tells Liberty to find a partner.[/I] [U]Rating: C+[/U][/B] [QUOTE][CENTER][B]Match #1: Robert Oxford vs. Dusty Streets[/B] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/RobertOxfordyoung.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/DustyStreets.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] In the opening match tonight, Robert Oxford squared off against Dusty Streets, in our never ending midcard feud over.... something? The match was kept short for the usual reasons, with Streets unloading on Oxford, apparently eager to get even with the evil leader of the Untouchables. Oxford couldn't get things rolling on his end, until Joel Bryant came out to the ring. His presence distracted Dusty, who was then caught with an inverted DDT. [B][I]Robert Oxford defeated Dusty Streets in 5:45 by pinfall following interference from Joel Bryant.[/I] [U]Rating: C-[/U][/B] [/QUOTE] [CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/RobertOxfordyoung.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/JoelBryant.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/PaulSteadyfast.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/DustyStreets.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] And, in usual fashion, Oxford and Bryant attack Streets after the match. Paul Steadyfast then runs out to the ring, to join the attack. But, he doesn't. He pauses. Unsure of whether he should lay the boots to Dusty. Robert Oxford and Joel Bryant then pause, staring at Steadyfast. Bryant yells at Steadyfast and tells him to attack Streets. Oxford merely points at their downed foe. But Streadyfast doesn't attack Streets. Instead, he clotheslines Oxford and Bryant, sending them out of the ring. Pettle helps a stunned Oxford and Bryant up outside the ring. Confused by the attack, the pair attempt to get back into the ring. By this point, Streets is back up, and Oxford and Bryant shy away from an even conflict. In the ring, Streets stares at Steadyfast, not sure whether or not he should trust him. [B][I]Oxford and Bryant attack Dusty Streets in the ring, and leave him down and out. Steadyfast saves Streets. The turn went pretty well.[/I] [U]Rating: D+ (for the attack), D+ (for the save)[/U][/B] Backstage... [CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/Liberty.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Liberty is standing in a pre-staged interview area. [COLOR="Blue"]“[B]When treading where legends tread, you need a legend by your side. And tonight, I have found a legendary partner, one that will ride the waves of destiny with me tonight.[/B]”[/COLOR] Then, Mr. Lucha steps out and nods. [CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/MrLuchaIII.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Lucha and Liberty shake hands. [COLOR="Blue"]“[B]Tonight, Rip Chord, with Mr. Lucha by my side, I will prevail! And at the War to Settle the Score, there will only be two wave riders, and that'll be me and Sam Strong! Isn't that right, Mr. Lucha?[/B]”[/COLOR] Mr. Lucha nods. [B][I]Liberty is teaming with Mr. Lucha tonight.[/I] [U]Rating: B-[/U][/B] [QUOTE][CENTER][B]Match #2: The Demons of Rage and Fumihiro Ota vs. The Blazin' Flames and Dark EAGLE[/B] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/DemonAnger.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/DemonSpite.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/FumihiroOta.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/TeddyFlame.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/JoeyFlame.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/DarkEagle.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Next, we had the HGC Tag Team champions, the Demons of Rage, teaming with Fumihiro Ota to face the Blazin' Flames and the HGC Cruiserweight champion, Dark EAGLE. The Flames and the Demons were eager to go after each other, while Ota and EAGLE were eager to jump off of things and do flips. Accordingly, the referee quickly lost control of the match, which turned into a huge three on three brawl. As the brawl progressed, Demon Spite pressed Joey Flame and tossed him to the outside. Teddy Flame then connected with a spinning heel kick to the back of Spite's head, which sent him to the outside. As Teddy turned around, Demon Anger clotheslined him to the outside of the ring. Dark EAGLE then hit Anger with a flying sidekick from the top rope, which sent him barreling to the outside. As he turned around, however, he ran into a Ninja Strike from Ota. [B][I]Demon Anger, Demon Spite and Fumihiro Ota defeated Joey Flame, Teddy Flame and Dark EAGLE in 5:55 when Fumihiro Ota defeated Dark EAGLE by pinfall with a Ninja Strike.[/I] [U]Rating: C-[/U][/B] [/QUOTE] Backstage.. [CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/LobsterWarrior_alt2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/SamStrong.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Chris Rockwell walks up to Sam Strong, who is busy taping his wrists. [COLOR="Teal"]“[B]Hey Sam![/B]”[/COLOR] Sam looks up. [COLOR="Blue"]“[B]Hey brother! It's Chris, right?[/B]”[/COLOR] Chris holds his hand out. Sam shakes it. [COLOR="Teal"]“[B]That's right, it's Chris. I just wanted to thank you for giving me the opportunity to wrestle against you tonight. It's a real honor Sam. This is a big opportunity for me, to step into the ring with someone of your stature. I think I can learn a lot out there tonight![/B]”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“[B]Hey, happy to give you the match, brother! And good luck![/B]” [/COLOR] [B][I]Rockwell says it's an honor to take on Sam tonight.[/I] [U]Rating: B-[/U][/B] Elsewhere... [CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/JKStalkingsJr.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/RipChord.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] We're back in Stallings office. Stallings is sitting at his desk. Rip Chord is there as well, walking around the desk, obviously intimidating the poor teenage owner of the HGC. [COLOR="Red"]“[B]So, a tag match. And if I win, the main event at the War to Settle the Score is changed to a triangle match.[/B]” [/COLOR] Stallings nervously nods. [COLOR="Red"]“[B]Seems like, if I win, it should just be me and Strong. Not some contrived triangle match.[/B]” [/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“[B]Well, Liberty won the match at Malice in Wonderland. And, well...[/B]” [/COLOR] Chord slams his hand down. [COLOR="Red"]“[B]That's fine, you pimple-faced little punk. I'll jump through your hoops, for now. But boy, at some point, you need to wise up to what's really going on. You need to wise up, and realize that you aren't pulling the strings.[/B]”[/COLOR] [B][I]Stallings and Rip Chord have a nice chat.[/I] [U]Rating: B-[/U][/B] [QUOTE][CENTER][B]Match #3: Romeo Heartthrob vs. Cowboy Ricky Dale for the HGC International title[/B] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/RomeoHeartthrob.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/RickyDaleJohnson.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Next up, we have Romeo Heartthrob squaring off Cowboy Ricky Dale for the HGC International Title. There was a bit of extra intrigue behind this match, as we saw Romeo's wife, named Nikki, make her introduction last week. Romeo, even at this age, is a solid in-ring competitor (largely due to steroids) and Cowboy Ricky Dale is solid, with a ton of potential. The match went back and forth, with both men putting on a solid brawling performance. Cowboy RDJ had the match under control and was looking to put Romeo away with the Southern Justice. Then, Nikki Heartthrob, Romeo's wife (which you would have known if you had read our most recent newsletter), came down to the ring and distracted Cowboy RDJ and the referee. This allowed Romeo to land a low blow, then lock in the Cupid's Clutch. RDJ held out in the submission maneuver for quite awhile, but couldn't manage to escape and, eventually, had to submit. [B][I]Romeo Heartthrob defeated Cowboy Ricky Dale in 13:33 by submission with a Cupid's Clutch, following interference from Nikki Heartthrob. Romeo Heartthrob makes defence number 1 of his HGC International title. [/I] [U]Rating: B-[/U][/B] [/QUOTE] Backstage... [CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/RipChord.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/TysonBaine.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/KarenKiller_alt.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] BLZ Bubb and Karen Killer are marching down the hall, looking very busy. Rip Chord then bursts in the scene and grabs BLZ Bubb by the wrist. [COLOR="Red"]“[B]Come on. You're with me tonight.[/B]” [/COLOR] Rip Chord starts to walk away, holding BLZ Bubb's arm. BLZ doesn't budge. Karen speaks up. [COLOR="Magenta"]“[B]The Demon Lord, BLZ Bubb does not take orders from common laymen. Now step aside, as we have important business to attend to.[/B]”[/COLOR] Rip Chord shoots Karen Killer a confused look. [COLOR="Red"]“[B]No, you misunderstand. BLZ Bubb is with me tonight.[/B]”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]“[B]No, you misunderstand, [I]insect[/I]. BLZ Bubb is a Demon Lord and has business of a higher order to address. Now, move away.[/B]” [/COLOR] Rip Chord shoots Karen another confused look. He then lets go of BLZ Bubb, grabs Karen by the hand, pulls her down the hall, opens a door, and forces her into a closet. [COLOR="Red"]“[B]Now, that's enough out of you.[/B]”[/COLOR] He then places a chair against the doorknob, preventing her from getting out. Rip then walks down the hall toward BLZ Bubb. BLZ Bubb grabs him by the throat and shoves him against the wall. [COLOR="DarkRed"]“[B]You... do...not... touch...[/B]”[/COLOR] Rip wheezes, as he's being choked. [COLOR="Red"]“[B]That's...[/B]”[/COLOR] Huff, puff. [COLOR="Red"]“[B]...great.[/B]”[/COLOR] BLZ Bubb now lifts Rip Chord up off the group. Rip continues to speak. [COLOR="Red"]“[B]Title...shot.[/B]”[/COLOR] BLZ Bubb lowers Rip to the ground and releases his throat. Rip Chord coughs. [COLOR="Red"][COLOR="Red"]“[B]I win... you get the first shot.[/B]”[/COLOR][/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]“[B]Then... it... is... so.[/B]” [/COLOR] And then, Rip Chord and BLZ Bubb walk down the hall together. At the other end, Karen can be heard saying [COLOR="Magenta"]“[B]Hello?[/B]”[/COLOR] [B][I]Rip Chord selects BLZ as his partner.[/I] [U]Rating: B[/U][/B] [QUOTE][CENTER][B]Match #4: Chris Rockwell vs. Sam Strong[/B] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/LobsterWarrior_alt2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/SamStrong.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Back in the ring, Chris Rockwell gets his wish and takes on Sam Strong. Rockwell gives it his best, but he's no where near Strong's level. After a brief spurt of offense from Rockwell, Strong got Strong, then took over. He then beat Rockwell from pillar to post, before finishing the young wrestler off with a Strong Arm Tactic. In terms of technical wrestler, the match wasn't great. But the crowd loved it, of course, as it involved Sam Strong. [B][I]Sam Strong defeated Chris Rockwell in 6:42 by pinfall with a Strong Arm Tactic.[/I] [U]Rating: C+[/U][/B] [/QUOTE] [CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/Dread_alt1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] After Strong clears the ring, Dread's music plays, and he enters the ring. And yes, apparently someone pooped in his cereal. He then grabs a microphone. The crowd boos him. [COLOR="Red"]“[B]Quiet down, chumps.[/B]”[/COLOR] This, of course, doesn't quiet the crowd down. [COLOR="Red"]“[B]At the War to Settle the Score, I'm going to stomp Larry Vessey into the ground. Just for giggles. But tonight, Stallings thought it'd be a great idea to put me in a tag match with Duane Stone against Larry Vessey and his pimple-faced brother, Bryan.[/B]” [/COLOR] And, suddenly, Dread looks even more disgusted than usual. [COLOR="Red"]“[B]Duane, I'll keep this short and sweet. I don't lose. Ever. And if you get pinned tonight, I'll send you back to Canada in a box, got it? And Vesseys, you punks are dead.[/B]”[/COLOR] [B][I]Dread on the Vesseys and Stone.[/I] [U]Rating: B+[/U][/B] [QUOTE][CENTER][B]Match #5: Dread and Duane Stone vs. The Vessey Brothers[/B] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/Dread_alt1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/DuaneStone.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/LarryVessey.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/BryanVessey.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Duane Stone came out and tried to shake Dread's hand. Dread stared a hole into Duane, sending him the message that they wasn't going to be a functional tag team. The Vesseys then came out, as a much more cohesive unit, and the match was under way. The match started with some pretty typical back and forth action. Eventually, the Vesseys took over and started working Stone over. They literally took turns, using Stone as their personal crash test dummy. Eventually, Stone countered a move and managed to tag Dread in. And, then Dread destroyed the Vesseys, in a very one-sided two on one affair, which one wouldn't think was possible. Then, Dread tagged Duane back in, and shoved him into the center of the ring, and walked to the back, leaving Stone to fend for himself. Duane looked confused and yelled at Dread, which gave the Vesseys a chance to recover. This lead to Duane turning around, getting kicked in the stomach, and taking a Vessey Driver from Bryan. [B][I]The Vessey Brothers defeated Dread and Duane Stone in 10:01 when Bryan Vessey defeated Duane Stone by pinfall with a Vessey Driver.[/I] [U]Rating: B-[/U][/B] [/QUOTE] Next... [CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/RipChord.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/TysonBaine.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/Liberty.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/MrLuchaIII.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] We show a video hyping our main event, featuring Rip Chord and BLZ Bubb squaring off against Liberty and Mr. Lucha. If Rip Chord's team wins, the main event at the War to Settle the Score is a triangle match, where Sam Strong will defend against Liberty and Rip Chord. If Liberty's team wins, the main event is Sam Strong against Liberty. [B][I]A video plays hyping tonight's main event.[/I] [U]Rating: B+[/U][/B] [QUOTE][CENTER][B]Match #6: Rip Chord and BLZ Bubb vs. Liberty and Mr. Lucha[/B] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/RipChord.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/TysonBaine.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/Liberty.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/MrLuchaIII.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The main event of the evening lived up to the hype, with all four men getting in an equal amount of offense. Specific directions were given to make sure that Mr. Lucha looked strong, as he's taken a lot of losses lately, and he's simply too good to move down the card. BLZ Bubb turned out to be a great partner for Rip Chord, as he was able to effectively use his power and size to control the match for his team. Liberty is the unfortunate victim here, as Rip and BLZ took turns beating Liberty up. As usual, with tag team matches, Liberty eventually made the hot tag to bring Mr. Lucha in. Mr. Lucha came in on fire, and actually managed to keep Rip and BLZ off balance. For a while. Eventually, BLZ Bubb and Rip Chord got the upper hand, which brought Liberty back into the ring. At this point, all four competitors were in the ring, and the poor referee had no real say in what happened. Liberty clotheslined BLZ Bubb out of the ring, then made the mistake of leaping through the middle ropes and tackling the big guy on the outside. Sure, it was a great move, but it left Mr. Lucha in the ring with Rip Chord, where the crafty American veteran managed to catch the crafty Mexican veteran with a nasty DDT. [B][I]Rip Chord and BLZ Bubb defeated Liberty and Mr Lucha in 12:15 when Rip Chord defeated Mr Lucha by pinfall with a Rip Chord DDT.[/I] [U]Rating: B[/U][/B] [/QUOTE] After the match... [CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/RipChord.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/Liberty.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Rip Chord celebrated in the ring, which seemed to push Liberty over the edge. He slid into the ring and soon was trading blows with Rip Chord. Neither man seemed to have the advantage, as they literally stood in the ring holding each other's heads with their left hands, while they beat on each other with their rights. [B][I]Liberty and Rip Chord get into a brawl. [/I] [U]Rating: A[/U][/B] And then... [CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/SamStrong.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Sam Strong burst through the curtain, much to the crowd's pleasure. He stomped toward the ring, pulling his shirt off and pointing to the crowd. Then, Strong slid into the ring. At this point, Rip had already used the infamous finger poke to the eye to gain the advantage in the brawl with Liberty. Strong pulled Rip off of Liberty, then laid into him with a series of huge right hands. Liberty recovered and joined in, and soon Rip was sent out of the ring by Strong and Liberty. There was no celebrating for the good guys, however, as they apparently did not trust each other. And thus, the show faded, as Sam Strong and Liberty brawled in the center of the ring. [B][I]Sam Strong, Liberty, and Rip Chord get into a crazy brawl.[/I] [U]Rating: A*[/U][/B] [/INDENT]
[QUOTE] [SIZE="1"][B]Summary:[/B] Robert Oxford defeated Dusty Streets (C-) The Demons of Rage and Fumihiro Ota vs. The Blazin' Flames and Dark EAGLE (C-) Romeo Heartthrob defeated Cowboy Ricky Dale to retain the HGC International Title (B-) Sam Strong defeated Chris Rockwell (C+) The Vessey Brothers defeated Dread and Duane Stone (B-) Rip Chord and BLZ Bubb defeated Liberty and Mr. Lucha (B) [B]Overall: B[/B][/SIZE][/QUOTE]
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[INDENT][CENTER][U][B]Kelsey vs. Sam, part 1[/B][/U] [/CENTER] Click-clack. Click-clack. My heels made a tapping noise as I walked atop the asphalt toward my 1997 Acura NSX (Yes, I'm [i]that[/i]vain.). The tapping noise is practically music to my ears, providing me with a relaxingly repetitive pattern to focus on, as I try to decompress from another stressful show. Sadly, there would be no peace for me. I could hear the yelling from across the parking lot. A huge crowd had gathered outside of the arena's exit. Despite my throbbing headache, I stopped and power walked back to the crowd. And what did I see? Rip Chord, the great veteran and friend, and Freddie Datsun, a young wrestler that is well on his way to becoming a locker room leader, holding back an enraged Sam Strong back. Across from Sam Strong, a drunk young male, presumably a fan, being pulled away by the shirt by a calm, yet still menacing, Dread. [COLOR="Red"]“[B]Beat it, kid![/B]”[/COLOR] Dread tells the young man, as he shoves him away from Sam. [COLOR="Purple"]“[B]What's going on?[/B]”[/COLOR], I ask. Sam walks away with Rip Chord, obviously still fuming at whatever evernt just set him off. Datsun approached me. [COLOR="Green"]“[B]It was nothing, some drunk fan made an off color comment to Sam. He got upset, things got heated, but cooler heads prevailed.[/B]”[/COLOR] I look around. Half of the roster is standing around. [COLOR="Purple"]“[B]By cooler heads, you mean yours and Rip's, and not Sam's, right?[/B]”[/COLOR] Datsun shrugs, obviously not comfortable with incriminating Sam. He was probably one of his childhood heroes, after all. I put my hand on Freddie's shoulder. [COLOR="Purple"]“[B]It's okay Freddie, you don't have to say anything.[/B]”[/COLOR] I follow Sam Strong. Rip and Sam are still standing there. Sam is obviously venting, while Rip nods, apparently accustomed to calming his good buddy. [COLOR="Purple"]“[B]Sam, what's going on?[/B]”[/COLOR] Rip nods to Sam, hands him a gym bag, then walks away. Sam looks at me, obviously not that interested in talking to me. [COLOR="Blue"]“[B]Not now, Kelsey.[/B]” [/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“[B]Hey, I'm not trying to start anything. Just trying to figure out what's going on.[/B]”[/COLOR] Sam tosses the gym bag over his shoulder. He then turns and starts to walk away from me. [COLOR="Blue"]“[B]Just a drunk fan. He said some things, I got pissed. Not a big deal, Kels.[/B]”[/COLOR] I'm following Sam. He's walking surprisingly fast and it's not terribly easy to keep up with him in these heels. [COLOR="Purple"]“[B]Not a big deal? You had to be restrained![/B]”[/COLOR] Sam stops and jerks around. I practically walk into him. He points his finger at me. [COLOR="Blue"]“[B]I can't believe you're making this such a big deal![/B]”[/COLOR] I push his finger down. [COLOR="Purple"]“[B]Of course it's a big deal! My name is tied to this company, Sam![/B]”[/COLOR] Sam puts his finger up, eager to respond. But, he does not. He takes a deep breath. [COLOR="Blue"]“[B]Just drop it. Okay, brother?[/B]”[/COLOR] I roll my eyes. [COLOR="Purple"]“[B]Fine. And I'm not your brother.[/B]”[/COLOR][/INDENT]
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[CENTER][B][U]Prediction standings[/U][/B][/CENTER] This week: [INDENT]Dragonmack 3/6 Actarus 1/6 Apupunchau@optonline 2/6 Midnightnick 1/6 Nightshadeex 4/6 MrOnu 2/6 maskedpropaganda 3/6 Liamo 2/6 Tigerkinney 3/6 Imarevenant 2/6 Tommy J. 3/6 Mr T Jobs to Me 3/6 [/INDENT] Congrats to Nightshadeex! February after 4 shows (4 points possible): [INDENT]Mr T Jobs to Me 3.33 Nightshadeex 3.17 Tommy J. 3.17 Apupunchau@optonline 3 maskedpropaganda 3 Midnightnick 3 Tigerkinney 3 Imarevenant 2.83 Liamo 2.83 Actarus 2.5 Dragonmack 2.5 MrOnu 1.33 derek_b 1 foolinc 0.83 [/INDENT] So, the PPV is left. As mentioned in an earlier post, it is worth double the points, so the winner for February is still up in the air. Preview for the PPV coming up ... hopefully a little later on tonight.
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[QUOTE=Midnightnick;466031]Brilliant show, but there went me winning the contest again this month. Only one match guessed right sadly.[/QUOTE] Thanks! You could still win again, given the PPV is worth double. And, well, given that the card seemed hard to predict for most people. Oh yeah - the second part of your January prize will probably get pushed back until April/May, due to a screw-up on my part.
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[INDENT][CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/HGC.jpg[/IMG] [B]HGC Presents... HGC: The War to Settle the Score[/B] Sunday, Week 4, February 1997 To be held at Plum Park in the Tri-State Area[/CENTER] [B]Match #1: Fumihiro Ota vs. Dark EAGLE (C) for the HGC Cruiserweight Title[/B] The opening bout of the evening sees Dark EAGLE defend his title against Fumihiro Ota. In February, Ota has held on to the CZCW SoCal Championship, successfully defending his title against Taylor Morton in week 2. In the HGC, Ota scored a pinfall victory over Grunt in week 3 and pinned Dark EAGLE in a six man match during week 4. In week 2, Ota squared off against Bryan Vessey and came up short in a close match, which most would consider to be his best in-ring performance of the month. Dark EAGLE defeated Crash Lewis in a dark match during week 2, but was pinned by Ota during a six man tag match where EAGLE teamed with the Blazin' Flames and Ota teamed with the Demons of Rage. After the six man match, Stallings Jr. signed this match, as Ota had shown himself capable of pinning of the HGC Cruiserweight Champion. [B]Match #2: Romeo and Nikki Heartthrob vs. Cowboy Ricky Dale and Kelsey Campbell[/B] Romeo Hearthrob has had an up-and-down month. In the ring, he's looked solid, taking legendary wrestler Sam Strong to the limit and successfully defending his HGC International Title against Cowboy Ricky Dale. Outside of the ring, things haven't been as great for Romeo. His date with actress Kelsey Campbell didn't go as far as he planned and, to top things off, his wife, Nikki Heartthrob showed up at Hollyweird TV during week 3. Her appearance seems to have at least temporarily squashed his attempts to bed Kelsey Campbell. Cowboy Ricky Dale started the month off on the right foot, picking up a pinfall victory of the menacing Giant Redwood. Since then, however, things have been all down hill. He had to endure watching footage of Romeo and Kelsey's date, then was forced to submit to Romeo's Cupid Clutch in a match later in the month. While RDJ is certainly still in contention for the HGC International Title, a win in this mixed tag match would probably be a welcome boost to his momentum. Speaking of this tag team match, this is the first match in which female competitors will enter an HGC ring. Insiders say that Kelsey Campbell requested to face Nikki Heartthrob in a one-on-one match at this event, but was placed into a mixed tag team match by HGC owner J.K. Stallings Jr. Most analysts agree that if this was any female but Kelsey, Stallings probably would have nixed the match altogether, and simply opted for a rematch between RDJ and Hearthrob. No one really knows what to expect form Kelsey and Nikki in this match. While Kelsey's background includes her much discussed experience in amateur wrestling and various other martial arts, sources backstage claim that she is very green in the ring and it's not clear that her natural athletic ability and acting background will translate into solid wrestling performance. Nikki is also a question mark. She's very large and extremely well-built (and quite obviously stronger than Kelsey), but she's also apparently pretty raw in the ring. Nikki, wrestling under the name Nikki Power, has had some experience wrestling in Canada, although this will be the first match that she's worked in 1997. [B]Match #3: Robert Oxford vs. Dusty Streets[/B] Robert Oxford, self proclaimed leader of the stable known as the Untouchables, has had a very busy February. He, along with Joel Bryant, toured with GCG throughout the month, performing for the Japanese company as the Tag Team Specialists on each Monday during the month. Oxford and Bryant have been very successful in the GCG this month, picking up three tag team victories. Oxford has also been successful in the HGC this month, scoring a victory over Eléctrico in week 2 and a win over Dusty Streets in week 4. Speaking of Streets - Oxford, along with Joel Bryant and Paul Steadyfast, have taken the time to assault the veteran on numerous occasions over the last two months. While the exact reason for the Untouchable/Streets feud is not certain, it is clear that this rivalry is driven primarily by Oxford. Paul Steadyfast apparently grew tired of assaulting Streets, and, in week 4, turned his back on Oxford and Bryant, as he defended Streets from one of their attacks. This action by Steadyfast basically resulted in the disbanding of the Untouchables, as word in the back has it that Oxford and Bryant will now go by their standard tag team name, the Tag Team Specialists. As for Streets, he seemed unsure of Steadyfast's motives during week 4. But still, he has to welcome this change, as he's been on the wrong side of many Oxford-lead assaults. At Malice in Wonderland last month, Streets was able to even the score with an alliance with the Vessey brothers. The Vesseys have been tied up with other issues this month, so the veteran may have to rely on Streadyfast to even the odds. Inside the ring this month, in addition to losing a tainted match to Oxford in week 4, Streets has picked up victories over Super Joshuya and Giant Redwood. [B]Match #4: The Demons of Rage (C) vs. The Blazin' Flames for the HGC World Tag Team Titles[/B] The second championship match of the evening is a rematch from Malice in Wonderland, as the Demons of Rage try to defend the HGC World Tag Team Titles against the Blazin' Flames. Following their victory at Malice in Wonderland, the Demons of Rage have looked solid in tag team action, successfully defending their titles against the young tag team of Freddie Datsun and Chris Rockwell and picking up a win over the Blazin' Flames in a six man match. The Demons have been far less impressive in singles action, with Demon Anger losing a match to Teddy Flame and Demon Spite losing a match to Liberty earlier in the month. The Demons of Rage have also been seen attempting to engage in some sneaky backstage business, although the specific content and results of these dealings are yet to be revealed. The Blazin' Flames started the month by picking up a hard fought victory over the powerhouse team Savage Fury, but then went on to be on the losing side during the six man tag match described above. In singles action, however, Joey Flame picked up an impressive victory over Demon Anger and had a very strong outing in a losing effort in a match against Rip Chord. With both teams seeing ups and downs in the month of February, it's difficult to state which team has the momentum on their side. Regardless, the fans are certainly in for a treat when these two legendary tag teams square off once again. [B]Match #5: Duane Stone vs. Bryan Vessey[/B] In week 2 of February, HGC Owner J.K. Stallings Jr. announced that he signed a working agreement with NOTBPW. Furthermore, he announced that a special Vessey vs. Stone match would take place at the War to Settle the Score. Duane Stone entered the HGC in week 3, picking up a hard fought victory over the very talented Mr. Lucha, then lost to the Vesseys in a tag team match, when his partner (Dread) abandoned him. His home promotion, NOTBPW, only ran a single show for the month. In that show, Duane Stone drew with Craig Prince, after both men were counted out of the ring. Bryan Vessey, many have argued, is right on the cusp of stardom in the HGC. His only loss this year was in a close, tough match with Rip Chord. Bryan is undefeated this month, picking up a singles win over Fumihiro Ota and a tag team win over Dread and Duane Stone. Word backstage is that if Bryan can pickup this win over Stone, he might be in line for a title shot in the near future. [B]Match #6: Dread vs. Larry Vessey[/B] Dread, following an impressive victory over Mr. Lucha at Malice in Wonderland, continued to disrupt HGC programming in the month of February. It is clear that Dread has a massive chip on his shoulder and that he feels as though HGC owner, J.K. Stallings Jr., has been doing everything in his power to keep him down. If Stallings is attempting to hold Dread down, it hasn't been terribly successful, as Dread has been absolutely dominant in the month of February, even during his tag team loss to the Vessey brothers. Larry Vessey, much to everyone's surprise, requested this match with Dread in the hopes that distracting Dread would give his younger brother the chance to receive some spotlight in his cross-promotional match with Duane Stone. There has been no comment from Larry regarding the fact that his match is, in fact, higher on the card than his brothers. Larry has not seen a ton of time in the ring this year, but a victory over Dread would certainly catapult the elder Vessey right into World Heavyweight Title contention. [B]Match #7: Rip Chord vs. Liberty vs. Sam Strong (C) in a Triangle match for the HGC World Heavyweight Title[/B] After Liberty scored the pinfall victory over BLZ Bubb, he was named the number one contender for Sam Strong's World Heavyweight Title. This didn't go over well with Rip Chord, who felt as though he deserved another opportunity to wrestle for the HGC's top gold. Rip Chord pushed this point, picking up wins over Blue Sky, BLZ Bubb, and Teddy Flame. Eventually, J.K. Stallings Jr. caved in to Rip Chord's demands and gave him the opportunity to enter the main event at the War to Settle the Score - provided that he and a tag team partner of his choice could beat Liberty and a partner of his choice in a match during week 4. Rip Chord picked the monstrous BLZ Bubb and was victorious, thus changing the main event to a triangle match. Liberty took Rip's month-long hissy fit in good stride, as he picked up a singles win over Demon Spite and a tag team win with Sam Strong over Savage Fury. He finally seemed to snap, however, when Rip Chord and BLZ Bubb beat him and Mr. Lucha in a tag team match. Following the match, the normally good natured Liberty slid into the ring and started brawling with Rip Chord. Eventually, HGC World Heavyweight Champion Sam Strong entered the fray, leading to a wild three man brawl at the end of HGC Hollyweird TV during week 4. Speaking of Strong, he's spent the month picking up singles wins over Romeo Hearththrob and Chris Rockwell and a tag team victory (along with Liberty) over Savage Fury. Strong appears to be riding an unstoppable wave of momentum, as he has yet to see defeat in an HGC ring. Some commentators have stated that Sam Strong literally could not be more popular than he currently is in the U.S. However, triangle matches are dangerous for champions, as the champion can lose the belt without actually losing the match. Will Strong's massive momentum and popularity be enough to carry him to a successful title defense? [/INDENT]
[B]Matches Announced:[/B][QUOTE] Fumihiro Ota vs. Dark EAGLE (C) for the HGC Cruiserweight Title Romeo and Nikki Heartthrob vs. Cowboy Ricky Dale and Kelsey Campbell Robert Oxford vs. Dusty Streets The Demons of Rage (C) vs. The Blazin' Flames for the HGC World Tag Team Titles Duane Stone vs. Bryan Vessey Dread vs. Larry Vessey Rip Chord vs. Liberty vs. Sam Strong (C) in a Triangle match for the HGC World Heavyweight Title[/QUOTE]
[SIZE="1"] Predictions welcome! Comments too! And even complaints, but just this once... Oh, and I'm too lazy to proofread this. Maybe I'll do it when I'm at work tomorrow. [/SIZE]
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Fumihiro Ota vs. [B]Dark EAGLE (C)[/B] for the HGC Cruiserweight Title [I]My brain says Ota, but my gut says Eagle.[/I] Romeo and Nikki Heartthrob vs. [B]Cowboy Ricky Dale and Kelsey Campbell[/B] [I]I respect you booker(wo)man.[/I] Robert Oxford vs. [B]Dusty Streets[/B] [I]Finally one for Streets?[/I] [B]The Demons of Rage (C)[/B] vs. The Blazin' Flames for the HGC World Tag Team Titles [I]See Eagle/Ota.[/I] Duane Stone vs.[B] Bryan Vessey[/B] [I]One Vessey Wins[/I] [B]Dread [/B]vs. Larry Vessey [I]One Vessey Loses[/I] Rip Chord vs. Liberty vs. [B]Sam Strong (C)[/B] in a Triangle match for the HGC World Heavyweight Title [I]I suppose Strong is a stronger bet than Alchy.[/I]
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There are some tough choices here. I'll have to go with my gut. Fumihiro Ota vs. [B]Dark EAGLE[/B] (C) for the HGC Cruiserweight Title Romeo and Nikki Heartthrob vs. [B]Cowboy Ricky Dale and Kelsey Campbell[/B] [B]Robert Oxford[/B] vs. Dusty Streets [B]The Demons of Rage[/B] (C) vs. The Blazin' Flames for the HGC World Tag Team Titles Duane Stone vs. [B]Bryan Vessey[/B] [B]Dread[/B] vs. Larry Vessey Rip Chord vs. Liberty vs. [B]Sam Strong[/B] (C) in a Triangle match for the HGC World Heavyweight Title I don't see any belts changing hands tonight, but I do see an upset or two otherwise.
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Fumihiro Ota vs. [B]Dark EAGLE (C)[/B] for the HGC Cruiserweight Title Romeo and Nikki Heartthrob vs. [B]Cowboy Ricky Dale and Kelsey Campbell[/B] [B]Robert Oxford [/B]vs. Dusty Streets [B]The Demons of Rage (C)[/B] vs. The Blazin' Flames for the HGC World Tag Team Titles Duane Stone vs. [B]Bryan Vessey[/B] [B]Dread[/B] vs. Larry Vessey Rip Chord vs. Liberty vs. [B]Sam Strong (C[/B]) in a Triangle match for the HGC World Heavyweight Title
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Fumihiro Ota vs. [B]Dark EAGLE[/B] (C) for the HGC Cruiserweight Title [B]Romeo and Nikki Heartthrob[/B] vs. Cowboy Ricky Dale and Kelsey Campbell Robert Oxford vs. [B]Dusty Streets[/B] [B]The Demons of Rage[/B] (C) vs. The Blazin' Flames for the HGC World Tag Team Titles Duane Stone vs.[B] Bryan Vessey[/B] [B]Dread[/B] vs. Larry Vessey Rip Chord vs. Liberty vs. [B]Sam Strong[/B] (C) in a Triangle match for the HGC World Heavyweight Title
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Fumihiro Ota vs. [B]Dark EAGLE (C)[/B] for the HGC Cruiserweight Title [I]Eagle to hold onto his title for now[/I] Romeo and Nikki Heartthrob vs. [B]Cowboy Ricky Dale and Kelsey Campbell[/B] [I]Can I just say that Kelsey Campbell is hot, also Ricky needs the win to strengthen his claims for another shot at the International Title[/I] Robert Oxford vs. [B]Dusty Streets[/B] [I]Dusty finally gets the win, with a little help from old enemy Paul Steadyfast. The remainder of the Untouchables move on to feuding with their former member.[/I] The Demons of Rage (C) vs. [B]The Blazin' Flames[/B] for the HGC World Tag Team Titles [I]I see the classic DQ win to extend the feud scenario happening with this one.[/I] [B]Duane Stone[/B] vs. Bryan Vessey [I]I take it Duane is only around on loan, and as the Vessey's are a permanant part of your roster I expect one of them to win and Bryan is the one with more long term potential[/I] [B]Dread[/B] vs. Larry Vessey [I]Larry will lose though, as it looks like you are keeping Dread looking strong[/I] Rip Chord vs. Liberty vs. [B]Sam Strong (C)[/B] in a Triangle match for the HGC World Heavyweight Title [I]I'd like to see Chord sneak away with the victory, but I think it's too early in Strong's run for him to drop the title.[/I]
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[B]Fumihiro Ota[/B] vs. Dark EAGLE (C) for the HGC Cruiserweight Title [B]Romeo and Nikki Heartthrob[/B] vs. Cowboy Ricky Dale and Kelsey Campbell [B]Robert Oxford [/B]vs. Dusty Streets The Demons of Rage (C) vs. [B]The Blazin' Flames[/B] for the HGC World Tag Team Titles Duane Stone vs.[B] Bryan Vessey[/B] [B]Dread[/B] vs. Larry Vessey Rip Chord vs. Liberty vs. [B]Sam Strong[/B] (C) in a Triangle match for the HGC World Heavyweight Title
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Fumihiro Ota vs. [b]Dark EAGLE[/b] (C) for the HGC Cruiserweight Title Romeo and Nikki Heartthrob vs. [b]Cowboy Ricky Dale and Kelsey Campbell[/b] Robert Oxford vs. [b]Dusty Streets[/b] [b]The Demons of Rage[/b] (C) vs. The Blazin' Flames for the HGC World Tag Team Titles Duane Stone vs. [b]Bryan Vessey[/b] [b]Dread[/b] vs. Larry Vessey Rip Chord vs. Liberty vs. [b]Sam Strong[/b] (C) in a Triangle match for the HGC World Heavyweight Title
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[B]Fumihiro Ota[/B] vs. Dark EAGLE (C) for the HGC Cruiserweight Title [B]Romeo and Nikki Heartthrob[/B] vs. Cowboy Ricky Dale and Kelsey Campbell [B]Robert Oxford[/B] vs. Dusty Streets The Demons of Rage (C) vs. [B]The Blazin' Flames[/B] for the HGC World Tag Team Titles [B]Duane Stone[/B] vs. Bryan Vessey [B]Dread [/B]vs. Larry Vessey Rip Chord vs. Liberty vs. [B]Sam Strong (C)[/B] in a Triangle match for the HGC World Heavyweight Title
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Phew, managed to sneak under the wire Fumihiro Ota vs. [b]Dark EAGLE (C)[/b] for the HGC Cruiserweight Title Romeo and Nikki Heartthrob vs. [b]Cowboy Ricky Dale and Kelsey Campbell[/b] [b]Robert Oxford[/b] vs. Dusty Streets The Demons of Rage (C) vs. [b]The Blazin' Flames[/b] for the HGC World Tag Team Titles Duane Stone vs. [b]Bryan Vessey[/b] [b]Dread[/b] vs. Larry Vessey Rip Chord vs. Liberty vs. [b]Sam Strong (C)[/b] in a Triangle match for the HGC World Heavyweight Title BTW Is Duane Stone under contract or just on loan? I missed that and it confuses the hell out of me.
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[QUOTE=Tigerkinney;467311] [B]Duane Stone[/B] vs. Bryan Vessey [I]I take it Duane is only around on loan, and as the Vessey's are a permanant part of your roster I expect one of them to win and Bryan is the one with more long term potential[/I] [/QUOTE] Quick clarification point - Did you mean to pick Bryan here? [QUOTE=Tommy J.;469140]Phew, managed to sneak under the wire Fumihiro Ota vs. [b]Dark EAGLE (C)[/b] for the HGC Cruiserweight Title Romeo and Nikki Heartthrob vs. [b]Cowboy Ricky Dale and Kelsey Campbell[/b] [b]Robert Oxford[/b] vs. Dusty Streets The Demons of Rage (C) vs. [b]The Blazin' Flames[/b] for the HGC World Tag Team Titles Duane Stone vs. [b]Bryan Vessey[/b] [b]Dread[/b] vs. Larry Vessey Rip Chord vs. Liberty vs. [b]Sam Strong (C)[/b] in a Triangle match for the HGC World Heavyweight Title BTW Is Duane Stone under contract or just on loan? I missed that and it confuses the hell out of me.[/QUOTE] And yep, Duane is on loan. In truth, I probably won't put this show up until Monday. :( Have to run around and do errands this afternoon, and I'm only done with the first three segments, so I'm guessing that I won't finish the rest of the show tomorrow.
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[B]Fumihiro Ota[/B] vs. Dark EAGLE (C) for the HGC Cruiserweight Title Romeo and Nikki Heartthrob vs. [B]Cowboy Ricky Dale and Kelsey Campbell[/B] Robert Oxford vs. [B]Dusty Streets[/B] The Demons of Rage (C) vs. T[B]he Blazin' Flames[/B] for the HGC World Tag Team Titles Duane Stone vs. [B]Bryan Vessey[/B] [B]Dread[/B] vs. Larry Vessey Rip Chord vs. Liberty vs. [B]Sam Strong[/B] (C) in a Triangle match for the HGC World Heavyweight Title Yeah, I could be a wuss and try to preserve my lead. But the "T" don't roll like that.
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I'm still not really around yet but I'm hoping to be around more soon. And when I am, you had better believe that I'm going to win the prediction contest. :) [b]Fumihiro Ota[/b] vs. Dark EAGLE (C) for the HGC Cruiserweight Title Romeo and Nikki Heartthrob vs. [b]Cowboy Ricky Dale and Kelsey Campbell[/b] Robert Oxford vs. [b]Dusty Streets[/b] [b]The Demons of Rage[/b] (C) vs. The Blazin' Flames for the HGC World Tag Team Titles Duane Stone vs. [b]Bryan Vessey[/b] [b]Dread[/b] vs. Larry Vessey Rip Chord vs. Liberty vs. [b]Sam Strong[/b] (C) in a Triangle match for the HGC World Heavyweight Title
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[SIZE="1"]About the delayed show... I blame it all on the mafia game. :rolleyes:[/SIZE]
[INDENT][CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/HGC.jpg[/IMG] [B]HGC Presents..[/B] [B]HGC: The War to Settle the Score[/B] Held at Plum Park in the Tri-State Attendance: 15,000 (Sold out!) [/CENTER][QUOTE] [CENTER][B]Match #1: Fumihiro Ota vs. Dark EAGLE for the HGC Cruiserweight title[/B] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/FumihiroOta.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/DarkEagle.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The night starts off with a cruiser weight showdown for the HGC Cruiserweight Title. Despite the fact that both the champion, Dark EAGLE, and the challenger, Fumihiro Ota, are very athletic and capable of longer matches, we had them keep this one fairly short, as both wrestlers are considered to be somewhere lower on the card. It turns out and is definitely worth nothing, however, that Dark EAGLE and Fumihiro Ota have great chemistry. This probably is not the last time that we'll see these two square off. As for the actual match, it's pretty typical cruiser weight stuff. EAGLE and Ota start the match off trading and countering holds, until Ota finally takes the advantage with a sharp thrust to the throat. With Ota in control, he shows off a variety of his high flying maneuvers, including the flying side kick and a springboard karate chop. His offense doesn't quite finish EAGLE off, however, and so Ota tries for a moonsault. The champ rolls out of the way, then scores with the Eagle Shock to pick up the win and successfully defend his title. [B][I]Dark EAGLE defeated Fumihiro Ota in 7:54 by pinfall with an Eagle Shock. Dark EAGLE makes defence number 1 of his HGC Cruiserweight title.[/I] [U]Rating: C-[/U][/B] [/QUOTE] Next... [CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/kels.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/NikkiPower.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] We show a video that features footage of Nikki and I working out and training (obviously in different locations), in an attempt to drive home the point that the following match would feature, for the first time ever, female competitors in an HGC ring. Apparently, we probably should have just featured me in this video, as the footage of Nikki didn't go over very well. [B][I]A video plays showing Kelsey Campbell and Nikki Heartthrob training for their upcoming match.[/I] [U]Rating: D[/U][/B] [QUOTE][CENTER][B]Match #2: Romeo Heartthrob and Nikki Heartthrob vs. Cowboy Ricky Dale and Kelsey Campbell[/B] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/RomeoHeartthrob.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/NikkiPower.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/RickyDaleJohnson.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/kels.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Fortunately, the actual match involving Nikki and I is better than the video segment we used to hype the match. I'm not going to lie, I'm still very raw in the ring and Nikki isn't exactly a technical master, or anything. And so, we have Cowboy Ricky Dale and Romeo Heartthrob carry the match. In fact, Nikki and I only enter the ring once. During this exchange, Nikki bursts across the ring and spears me to the mat. Atop of me, she then proceeds to pummel with me a series of rights and lefts. I manage to hook my left leg around her neck, catch a right hand, then lock in a triangle choke. Of course, I'm wrestling in a skirt, so this receives extra applause from the male section of the audience. At this point, Nikki is hopelessly trapped in the maneuver, and it looks like I'm going to pick up the win. Of course, this wasn't to be so, as Nikki is a very large and strong woman. She powered me up, walked me across the ring, and powerbombed me in her corner. The impact of the move forces me to release the triangle. Exhausted from the triangle, Nikki collapsed into the corner, where her husband tagged himself in. Now, by the rules of the match, the male competitors have to face the male competitors and the female have to the face the female, so Romeo's self-tag also brought RDJ into the ring. The two guys went at it again. After a short back and forth, RDJ landed a Southern Justice. Nikki scrambled to try to break up the win, but I stopped her with a running clothesline, which allowed RDJ to successfully score the pinfall victory. [B][I]Cowboy Ricky Dale and Kelsey Campbell defeated Romeo Heartthrob and Nikki Heartthrob in 5:42 when Cowboy Ricky Dale defeated Romeo Heartthrob by pinfall with a Southern Justice.[/I] [U]Rating: C-[/U][/B] [/QUOTE][QUOTE] [CENTER][B]Match #3: Robert Oxford vs. Dusty Streets[/B] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/RobertOxfordyoung.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/DustyStreets.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Next up, Dusty Streets and Robert Oxford met up in a rematch from last week's confrontation, which saw Oxford pick up the win and Steadyfast turn his back on the Untouchables. Streets immediately went after Oxford, and showed a degree of intensity that we haven't seen from the veteran in some time. Oxford couldn't seem to match Dusty's intensity, so he did the next best thing, and kept himself in the match using dirty tactics. Eventually, the match spilled to the outside, where Oxford decided to ring the bell... on Dusty's head. The referee didn't really have a choice at this point, and disqualified Oxford. Despite the fact that both wrestlers are still solid in the ring and the fact that Dusty is fairly popular, the match was something of a disappointment. [B][I]Dusty Streets defeated Robert Oxford in 9:35 by disqualification.[/I] [U]Rating: D+[/U][/B] [/QUOTE] [CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/RobertOxfordyoung.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/JoelBryant.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/DustyStreets.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/PaulSteadyfast.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Following the DQ, Joel Bryant made his way to the ring, and the duo known as the Tag Team Specialists pulled Dusty into the ring and started to work over the veteran. Predictably, this brought Paul Steadyfast running out to the ring. As Steadyfast slid in the ring, his former Untouchable allies bailed, feeling as though their beating on Streets was enough for the night. It's clear, however, that this feud isn't quite over yet. [B][I]Dusty Streets is being attacked by The Tag Team Specialists in the ring. Seeing the assault, Paul Steadyfast comes running in and fights them both off, saving Dusty from a serious beating.[/I] [U]Rating: D[/U][/B] [QUOTE] [CENTER][B]Match #4: The Demons of Rage (C) vs. The Blazin' Flames for the HGC World Tag Team titles[/B] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/DemonAnger.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/DemonSpite.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/TeddyFlame.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/JoeyFlame.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Next, in what was the best HGC tag team match (between regular teams) so far this year, the Demons of Rage defended their tag team gold against the Blazin' Flames. The competitors were told to give their all and they apparently did, as this was the best work that we've seen out of these teams this year, and given their status as veterans, probably some of the best work that they've done in a few years. This match was a fairly typical tag team affair, as that's what both teams know best. The Blazin' Flames came out on fire and controlled the opening portion of the match, while the Demons controlled the middle, using typical heel tag team tactics (cutting off the ring, doing double team maneuvers after tags, distracting the referee so the Demon in the corner could take cheap shots at Joey Flame, and so forth). All of this, of course, was in preparation of the hot tag, which the Blazin' Flames were famous for during their SWF days. To build suspense, we had the workers add a few spots where it looked like Joey would make the tag, yet fell just short. Eventually, however, Joey did hit the tag, which brought his fresh brother, Teddy, into the ring. Teddy cleaned house at first, but before long, this turned into a wild 4 man melee. The Flames got the better of the melee, as Joey clotheslined himself and Demon Spite out of the ring. Meanwhile, inside the ring, Teddy caught Demon Anger with a Flame On and scored a victory for the challengers. And with that, the Blazin' Flames won the HGC Tag Team titles. For those curious, this decision was made for a couple of reasons. The first of which being that we don't really have any other developed face tag teams with momentum and popularity, meaning that the Flames were the only viable team outside of the Vesseys (who are both written into singles storylines) available to challenge for the belts. Conversely, we have a couple of different heel tag teams that are capable of challenging the Flames, with a few more on the way. The second reason, however, is a secret. And I'm not telling. [B][I]The Blazin' Flames defeated The Demons Of Rage in 9:58 when Teddy Flame defeated Demon Anger by pinfall with a Flame On. The Blazin' Flames win the HGC World Tag Team titles. [/I] [U]Rating: C[/U][/B] [/QUOTE][QUOTE] [CENTER][B]Match #5: Duane Stone vs. Bryan Vessey[/B] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/DuaneStone.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/BryanVessey.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Next, we saw Duane Stone take on Bryan Vessey in a NOTBPW versus HGC special attraction match. Both wrestlers are young and talented, which is not something that we can say about the majority of the roster. As expected, the young workers put on a wrestling clinic, mixing stiff brawling and technical wrestling. Given that there are still two more matches to follow, we pulled the reigns in on the young wrestlers, which might have been for the best, as they put on a spectacular show. Toward the end of the match, Duane Stone managed to hook the Alabaster Agony on Bryan Vessey. Things looked bleak for the younger Vessey and the crowd was on its feet, in anticipation of the submission finish. Vessey fought and fought and then fought some more, however, and managed to reach the ropes. The referee called for a break to the submission, and Duane jumped up, assuming that he had won the match. The referee chased Duane around the ring, trying to explain that he hadn't called an end to the match. This upset Duane and he shoved the HGC referee. Well, our referees aren't going to take gruff from some NOTBPW wrestlers, so he shoved him back... right into a recovering Byran Vessey. Duane turned around, realizing that his opponent was up, but he was too late, as he took a kick to the midsection and a Vessey Driver. [B][I]Bryan Vessey defeated Duane Stone in 15:37 by pinfall with a Vessey Driver.[/I] [U]Rating: B-[/U][/B][/QUOTE] Backstage... [CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/kels.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/RickyDaleJohnson.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Cowboy Ricky Dale and I are walking backstage, still in our wrestling gear. I've attached myself to his arm, and we're obviously quite happy with ourselves, as we both wear large smiles on our faces. [COLOR="Blue"]“[B]That was great![/B]”[/COLOR], RDJ explains. [COLOR="Blue"]“[B]We really showed those curs what for![/B]”[/COLOR] I look up at Ricky and give a slightly confused look. If one were to interpret my look, it would probably say: What does it mean to show someone “what for” and what the heck is a cur? I'm a city-girl, honey. But, only my face says that. My mouth says: [COLOR="Purple"]“[B]Yeah, it was great Ricky Dale. You were great out there, you're sure to get another match with Romeo now![/B]” [/COLOR] RDJ stops and turns me around. [COLOR="Blue"]“[B]Darlin', when I said that it was great, I wasn't talking about me. I was talking 'bout you.[/B]”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“[B]Me?[/B]”[/COLOR] RDJ nods. [COLOR="Blue"]“[B]Yeah, you. You were great out there Kelsey. You really took it too Nikki, and she ain't no joke.[/B]”[/COLOR] I smile, obviously happy to receive the praise. Ah, attention, how I missed thee. [COLOR="Purple"]“[B]Thanks Ricky. I was doing my best to not let you down.[/B]”[/COLOR] Ricky and I stare at each other, with a good deal of tension obviously present. Nothing happens, however, as the camera fades to the next scene and prematurely cuts our tension. [B][I]Cowboy Ricky Dale and Kelsey Campbell are together backstage and talk.[/I] [U]Rating: C[/U][/B] [QUOTE][CENTER][B]Match #6: Dread vs. Larry Vessey[/B] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/Dread_alt1.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/LarryVessey.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Next, the monster known as Dread took the ring. Larry Vessey came out to meet him, holding up his end of the deal with Stallings to keep Dread under control. Dread and Larry Vessey are two of the most popular wrestlers in the HGC, only behind Sam Strong, Rip Chord, and possibly Liberty, and the crowd was pumped to see the match. As with the last match, we told the competitors to hold back a little, as we didn't want this match overshadowing the main event. Again this seemed to be a good decision, as the only complaint about this match was regarding Dread's selling, which seems silly, given that the monster-deal is part of his gimmick. Regardless, the crowd was really lifted by this match. As for the match, it consisted mostly Dread punishing Larry Vessey with a variety of brawling and power moves. For the first half of the match, Larry really couldn't get off any substantial offense, as Dread simply ate his moves and pushed forward with his methodical, violent attack. As the match progressed, however, it became clear that Larry Vessey could not be simply squashed. Dread hit the elder Vessey with a number of serious power moves, including a tombstone piledriver, a running powerslam, and an exploder suplex. Each time, however, Vessey kicked out. And fought back, much to Dread's surprise. Dread's surprise grew, however, when he planted Larry with a Dread Bomb... and the match did not end. Vessey kicked out at 2.99. However, at this point, Larry was beaten and broken, and there would be no more fighting back. Dread stood up, then climbed to the top rope. He then sailed backwards, flipping over and landing on Larry Vessey with an amazing Dreadsault. [B][I]Dread defeated Larry Vessey in 10:09 by pinfall with a Dreadsault.[/I] [U]Rating: B-[/U][/B] [/QUOTE] [CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/Dread_alt1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/LarryVessey.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] Following the match, Dread celebrates (in his own way, which consists mostly of giving fans dirty looks and snarling). He walks half way up the ramp to the back when the crowd cheers. Dread stops and turns around. As he does so, he sees that a groggy Larry Vessey has pulled himself to his feet. Dread shakes his head in disbelief. He then shrugs as he walks back to the ring. Dread proceeds to beats Larry to the ground again, delivering another Dread Bomb to Larry. [B][I]The match is over, and Larry Vessey is left down. Dread is celebrating, but then stops and sees his opponent still on the ground. He attacks, and beats him into the canvas.[/I] [U]Rating: B[/U][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/BryanVessey.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The Vessey Brothers stick together, however, and Bryan Vessey soon bursts from the back and rushed to the ring. Bryan attacks Dread, peppering him with a series of rights and lefts. Dread fights back, but the younger, more agile Vessey brother dodges and blocks all of Dreads attacks. Eventually, Dread shoves Bryan away, then tries to plant him with a running clothesline. Bryan ducks the clothesline and Dread's momentum practically sends him out of the ring. Bryan turns “practically” into “actually”, as he places a solid dropkick between Dread's shoulder blades, which sent the monster over the top rope and to the outside. Surprisingly, Dread landed on his feet. He turned, ready to enter the ring and reengage Bryan, but waved him off, and said that he'll handle him later. Byran then checked on his brother, Larry. [B][I]Larry Vessey is being attacked by Dread in the ring. Seeing the assault, Bryan Vessey comes running in and chases Dread off, saving Larry Vessey from a serious beating.[/I] [U]Rating: B-[/U][/B] Next... [CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/RipChord.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/Liberty.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/SamStrong.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] We show a video package highlighting tonight's triangle match main event, featuring Rip Chord, Liberty and the HGC World Heavyweight Champion, Sam Strong. The package includes footage of Sam Strong beating Rip Chord for the belt last month, Liberty beating BLZ Bubb to become the #1 contender, Rip Chord demanding to be in the match, Rip Chord and BLZ Bubb defeating Liberty and Mr. Lucha, and all three men brawling at the end of last week's edition of HGC Hollyweird TV. And the crowd goes wild. [B][I]A video plays hyping Sam Strong vs. Rip Chord vs. Liberty.[/I] [U]Rating: A[/U][/B] [QUOTE][CENTER][B]Match #7: Rip Chord vs. Liberty vs. Sam Strong (c) for the HGC World Heavyweight title[/B] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/RipChord.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/Liberty.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/SamStrong.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Unfortunately, matches don't always live up to the hype. This wasn't one of those cases. This was everything that we expected it to be and more. Now technically, the singles match between Rip Chord and Liberty in week 3 of January (on free TV...) is considered to be a slightly better match than this triangle match, but regardless, this was still one of the most impressive efforts that we've seen in an HGC ring in the company's short history. Triangle matches are often confusing for the competitors, as there are only so many spots that can involve all three wrestlers. This match started off with all three men brawling, with neither man seeming to be capable of picking up the advantage. Rip Chord brought the Three Stooges into the ring, as he poked both Sam Strong and Liberty in the eye. You'd think that this was would have given him the advantage, but you'd be wrong. Strong and Liberty walked around the ring, holding their eyes, while Rip Chord rested against the ropes. Strong then looked up at Liberty and Liberty looked up at Strong. They then nodded and went to work on Rip Chord, taking turns clubbing the cagey veteran with a series of right hands, then proceeded to use a double clothesline to remove him from the ring. This left Strong and Liberty in the ring, and, accordingly, they then went at each other. And so the match went, with 80% of the match being fought between 2 men, while the third was disposed of somehow (typically by being spilled out of the ring). Strong spent a bit more time out of the ring than Rip and Liberty, mostly as an attempt to protect the legendary wrestler and to give him the chance to stretch out his thin stamina as far as possible. As the match progressed, the third man out became a more and more important figure. Liberty hit a Liberty Slam on Sam Strong. He looked ready to pick up the win, but Rip entered the ring and broke up the pinfall in the nick of time. Rip then ejected Strong from the ring, and drilled Liberty with a Rip Chord DDT. Unbelievably, Liberty kicked out after a long, long, long... 2 count. Rip Chord flipped out and thought about punching the referee's teeth down his throat. He eventually opted against it and pulled Liberty to his feet, and drilled him with another Rip Chord DDT. Liberty would not kick out of this one. However, he wouldn't have to, as Strong saved him at 2.99999, breaking up the count by pulling Rip Chord off of Liberty. Strong then covered Liberty, looking to pick up the win using Rip's work. Rip was having none of this, however, and he kicked a Sam Strong were it counts, breaking up the pin. Rip then rolled Liberty out of the ring, and turned, obviously ready to finish Strong off. As he turned however, he realized that things weren't looking so good. Strong was marching around the ring in small circles, flexing and shaking as he went. Yes, Sam Strong got Strong. Rip Chord immediately went to work, realizing that his only chance was with a quick attack. He kicked Strong in the stomach and tried to pull him down for a DDT. But he couldn't, as Sam was having none of that. Strong pointed at Rip, then unloaded him with a series of right hands, then slammed down his old enemy with a massive body slam. Strong then called for the Strong Arm Tactic... and connected, just as Rip Chord made it to his feet. Strong then made the cover, as Liberty pulled himself into the ring. However, Liberty came up just short, as the referee hit the three count, just a split second before Liberty broke up the count. And with that, Sam Strong successfully defended the HGC World Heavyweight title. [B][I]Sam Strong defeated Rip Chord and Liberty in 12:50 when Sam Strong defeated Rip Chord by pinfall with a Strong Arm Tactic. Sam Strong makes defence number 1 of his HGC World Heavyweight title.[/I] [U]Rating: A[/U][/B] [/QUOTE] [CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/SamStrong.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Following the pinfall, Rip Chord rolled out of the ring, dazed and confused. Liberty sat on his knees in the middle of the ring, obviously disappointed at not making the save at the end. Eventually, he stood up and shook Strong's hand. And then, it was the Sam Strong show. Posing and fan interaction o-plenty. And again, the crowd went wild. [B][I]Sam Strong celebrates his victory.[/I] [U]Rating: A*[/U][/B][/INDENT]
[QUOTE][SIZE="1"] [B]Summary:[/B] Dark EAGLE defeated Fumihiro Ota to retain the HGC Cruiserweight title (C-) Cowboy Ricky Dale and Kelsey Campbell defeated Romeo Heartthrob and Nikki Hearthrob (C-) Dusty Streets defeated Robert Oxford (D+) The Blazin' Flames defeated the Demons of Rage to win the HGC World Tag Team titles (C) Bryan Vessey defeated Duane Stone (B-) Dread defeated Larry Vessey (B-) Sam Strong defeated Liberty and Rip Chord to retain the HGC World Heavyweight title (A) [B]Overall: B[/B][/SIZE][/QUOTE]
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