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Championship Wrestling from Boston Lives Again (A C-Verse 08 Diary)

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[I]I was seriously considering not doing a diary for 08 but I really enjoyed goofing around with CWB so I figured I'd give it another go. I'm going to start this game off in June 2008...I can't promise fight posters for every card :) [/I] To recap.... [QUOTE]There aren't many things I remember from my childhood. Sure, there are the stories that my mom brings up over the holidays to embarrass me in front of my wife. For some reason, they usually involve me being naked. Overall, though I don't have many memories of my younger days. I don't remember who my best friend in first grade was or remember why I ever bought that Quiet Riot album... ...but I do remember wrestling. I was 8 years old in 1975 when I first got turned onto Championship Wrestling from Boston. I cheered on the Boston Bomber and Iron Mike Milligan as they battled to gain the Boston Championship from the uncontrollable Wild Man Sullivan. My dad even took me to the matches a few times at The Den, which was certainly not a place for little kids now that I look back at it. I lived and breathed with my heroes from Championship Wrestling from Boston until one day in 1978, much like the Brooklyn Dodgers of the past, it just vanished. The Supreme Wrestling Federation moved in and pretty much killed the smaller territories of the area. I watched for awhile but fell out with their emphasis on entertainment over sports. I longed for the smashmouth wrestling, the technical battles and the wild brawls of my days spent glued to the set watching the CWB. What if there was a way to get it back? What if there was a way to present wrestling how I enjoyed it? What if that meant I could get other people back into it as well and create a small promotion for the Boston fans to rally around once again? What if...? I came into some money recently on a few stock trades. Nothing much. $5,000 at most but it was something. I sat down with my wife and after a long talk she gave me her blessing. I wasn't going to quit my day job just yet but it was something she could tell I really wanted to do. I had to give it a shot. It turned out that Gene Plumelli, the promotion's founder, had transferred the rights to Charles "The Boston Bomber" Davison. It took a month or so but I finally tracked down Mr. Davison (he was working security at a college in Cambridge). I bought the rights off him for a little under $3,000 leaving me with $2,500 to get things started. I offered him a spot with the company but said he'd have to think about it. After the toll the business took on him, I understood. My name is Andy Hartigan. I'm the new owner of Championship Wrestling from Boston...this is where my story begins....[/QUOTE]
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[QUOTE]I was seriously considering not doing a diary for 08 but I really enjoyed goofing around with CWB so I figured I'd give it another go. I'm going to start this game off in June 2008...I can't promise fight posters for every card [/QUOTE] I hadn't planned to do a diary for a while either, but that old bug starts as soon as you get a decent game going, and you just can't stay away! :D :p
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Assembling the Team OK, now what? Isn't that always the feeling when you set off to do something that you dreamed about for so long. You finally come to the point where you say "I'm going to do this!" You get all excited and you step out the front door to.... ...yeah, I don't know what I'm supposed to do first either. It's June 1st 2008 and a friend of mine who works the bar at Biker's Paradise said they have an opening on the last Saturday of the month. I told him to book it for me...I needed something to kick me in the ass to get me going...I needed that deadline or I would never get this thing off the ground. Some wrestlers to work the show would be nice. In an effort to show my ties to the past I wanted a gesture, something to say "we know where we came from and this is where we're going". I wanted to honor those who came before me... Thus, the Gene Plumelli Memorial Cup was born. I was going to have to crown a Boston Heavyweight Champion at some point so what better than to combine it with that very tie to the past I was searching for. The Gene Plumelli Cup could be a yearly destination point, similar to the Rip Chord Invitational but different...ok, maybe not that different but it's in Boston instead of the Carolinas. Thankfully, in the day of the internet, a lot of these independent wrestlers have websites for booking info...I sent out some emails with my business plan and sat back and waited for the response. This was exciting, I'm actually going to do this! I really hope I don't screw this up...
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I got some responses back...fourteen to be exact and I think I have a really strong starting roster. I'm pretty happy with how this turned out: [U] [B]Main Eventers[/U][/B] [COLOR="Blue"]The Masked Patriot (this character has a long legacy in the area) Roderick Remus Brady Prince[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Bradford Peverell[/COLOR] [U][B]Upper Midcarders[/B][/U][COLOR="Red"] Primus Allen Ash Campbell Air Attack Weasel Kirk Jameson (mgd by Kristen Pearce)[/COLOR][COLOR="Blue"] Daredevil Aero Duberry Excess (playing the part of hometown hero)[/COLOR] [U][B] Midcarders[/B][/U] [COLOR="Red"]Davis Wayne Newton Thomas Morgan[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Keith Vegas[/COLOR] [U][B] Lowercard[/B][/U] [COLOR="Blue"]Ben "Bump Machine" Williams[/COLOR] The negotiations went pretty well. The only snag we hit was with Morgan and Newton wanting their trans taken care of. After going back and forth, I decided that even with paying their trans costs it still put them on average with everyone else on the roster. **EDIT** I put some feelers out and was actually, thanks to the connections the guys who signed onto this promotion had, to sign some working arrangements with the following companies: FREEDOM Carribean Wrestling Mid Atlantic Wrestling Coastal Zone Championship Wrestling Rhode Island Pro Wrestling and thankfully, the juggernaut that is Supreme Wrestling Federation signed a non aggression contract with me. I guess they were afraid I might steal some of their big names...or something... **EDIT** We're only really a Local promotion at best so I'll have to try to swing some sponsorship deals. I've worked in software development long enough to at least have a few friends who will be looking to advertise. My plan is to set up a website and then show portions of the shows on there to spread the word that Championship Wrestling from Boston is back! So now all I got to do is book my first show....
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r219/jkeats/CWB_heading_logo.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Impact"][SIZE="6"]THE GENE PLUMELLI MEMORIAL CUP TOURNAMENT 2008[/SIZE][/FONT] Saturday, Week 4 June 2008 56 fans at Biker's Paradise in Boston, MA [I]Be sure to check out the show at [URL="http://www.johnkeating.biz"]www.cwb.com[/URL]!![/I][/CENTER] [I]The first show...after one night of intense dreaming and a lifetime of being a fan, I was putting on my first real show. I spent all day handing out flyers, trying to let people know about the show. I was a mixture of anxious and exhilarated. This was actually happening![/I] The fans are milling about as there's not a bad seat in the house (literally, since there's under 60 people here including the bar staff). Andy Hartigan climbs into the ring, almost tripping on the bottom rope in the process: [COLOR="Purple"]"Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you so much for coming out and welcome to the first annual Gene Plumelli Memorial Cup Tournament!! [COLOR="Black"](smattering of applause)[/COLOR] I'm sure you, the same as me, were big fans of Championship Wrestling from Boston growing up. What I plan to do is bring that name back to prominence, back to it's former glory and in the process build something we Bostonians can call our own! I hope you'll come along for the ride and bring a few friends, too. OK, enough blabbering from me, lets get this tournament underway with our first match..." [/COLOR] [B]D Roderick Remus d. Davis Wayne Newton in 11:45 to advance[/B] Remus has a little name value in Boston so he went over. Newton, though, has the makings of someone who could be a promotion carrying champion and I'll definitely be keeping an eye on him as he builds his name here. Remus wins with the Remus Clutch. [B]E+ Ash Campbell d. Daredevil Aero in 10:30 to advance[/B] A very mediocre match and I was hoping for a little better aerial display. Aero is really green and Ash wasn't the guy to carry him. Campbell with the SSP. [B]E- The Masked Patriot d. Thomas Morgan in 12:24 to advance[/B] Patriot got some recognition applause as the gimmick has a long legacy in Boston. He's also working over in MAW and getting some praise there as well. Morgan is playing a flashy, spoiled athelte gimmick complete with eyebrow ring. Best match of the night so far with Morgan's technical prowess working well with Patriot's power attack. MP wins with a belly to belly suplex. [B]D- Bradford Peverell d. Ben Williams in 5:02 to advance[/B] Peverell is playing a degenerate gimmick and really just beat the hell out of Ben. KO punch at the five minute mark ended this one. Still a better match than Ash-Aero. [B]E[/B] The Masked Patriot comes over to the announce table and Hartigan hands him the mic: Hartigan: [COLOR="Purple"]"Congratulations on a big win, there but you've still got to get through two more matches to win the tournament and be named the first Boston Heavyweight Champion."[/COLOR] TMP: [COLOR="Blue"]"Thank you Mr. Hartigan. I know the road is going to be tough but I'm up for the challenge. The Masked Patriot has a long history here in Boston, where the country truly began. I'm not about to tarnish that legacy or let these fans down. You're going to get all I have."[/COLOR] [B]E+ Ash Campbell d. Roderick Remus in 16:03 to advance[/B] Very strong match between these two and I can envision a solid feud down the line. They work together very well. Remus really had the crowd behind him with Ash playing a chicken**** opportunist. Remus looked to have the match won with a moonsault bodyblock but Ash turned it over and yanked the tights for the win. [B]D Masked Patriot d. Bradford Peverell in 13:43 to advance[/B] Another strong match for Patriot as he's really stepping up here. Peverell is a fun character and he's a strong addition to this roster. Good brawl here with the story being Patriot had to avoid Peverell's deadly knockout power. Patriot slips in with a Backdrop Driver for the win. [B]D[/B] Ash Campbell comes to the ring: [COLOR="Red"]"Masked Patriot, you are nothing but an old school corny ass throwback. If you had any guys you'd take me on right now. I can't wait to beat you and rip that stupid mask off your head!!"[/COLOR] [B]D-[/B] Patriot motions Campbell into the ring as we head to the finals.... [B]Masked Patriot d. Ash Campbell to win the Gene Plumelli Cup and the Boston Heavyweight Championship[/B] These two lived up to the faith I had in them by putting on a strong finals to the tournament and really bringing up the quality of the show. It wasn't Match of the Year but it was a solidly worked, exciting finale to the tourney. Ash cheated every chance he got and looked to put the Patriot away after a chairshot during a ref bump. The Patriot summoned all of his strength and kicked out. From there it was all Patriot and he takes the tournament and becomes the first champion with a thunderous Backdrop Driver. [B]D[/B] A jubilant Patriot is handed the championship belt and tournament trophy. he goes into the "crowd" to celebrate with the CWB fans. [B]E[/B] Overall Show: [B]D-[/B] Notes: The feedback I got was that some of the fans wanted the matches to be more "intense". I can adjust that next show. Patriot was a little weak on the stick but definitely not horrible. Ash is great on the mic and will be getting more time to show that off in the upcoming months. Overall, I was thrilled with the first show, even if I did lose $235. Next month I'll headline Patriot vs. Campbell and only showcase two other matches to keep costs down.
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[QUOTE=SHaynes23;457040]Really looking forward to following along with this one. I really enjoyed the last one but wasn't able to keep up with it on a regular basis, so I hope this time around I can give it the time it deserves.[/QUOTE] Thanks! I hope you do stick around! [QUOTE=Dragonmack;457025]I hadn't planned to do a diary for a while either, but that old bug starts as soon as you get a decent game going, and you just can't stay away! :D :p[/QUOTE] I know, right?! It's like a drug...or that bag of M&Ms I have in the back of my fridge. [QUOTE=buck44f;457388]Wasn't really paying attention during the incarnation in 07, but I'm really interested and really liked the first showfor this, can't wait for more.[/QUOTE] Nice! I'm glad I could hook you this time around buck.
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[QUOTE=James Casey;457915] And it's nice to be in at the start of one of your diaries - rather than playing catch up. Looking forward to seeing how you get on.[/QUOTE] Yeah, I'm going to try to slow down the content, especially at the start to allow people to hop on early instead of getting 12 pages deep in a week or so like I have before :)
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[QUOTE=foolinc;457989]Glad to see you re-starting the CWB diary. Hopefully this one is as successful as every other one you have done! ^_^[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=praguepride;458218]Wow, I step away from the forums for a couple days and bam...shipshirt comes outta nowhere for another round of CWB. Welcome back![/QUOTE] Thanks guys...welcome back to YOU! I'm really glad to have the familiar faces back for the ride :)
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r219/jkeats/CWB_heading_logo.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Impact"][SIZE="6"]THE WHITES OF THEIR EYES[/SIZE][/FONT] Saturday, Week 4 July 2008 57 fans at Biker's Paradise in Boston, MA [I]Check out show highlights at [URL="http://www.johnkeating.biz"]www.cwb.com[/URL][/CENTER][/I] We open the show with Kristen Pearce leading Kirk Jameson to the ring. The ring announcer announces him as from Boston, MA and the crowd pops. Pearce quickly grabs the mic: [COLOR="Red"]"Although Kirk Jameson may have been born in this stinkhole of a city, he is most certainly not living here now. He's moved on people, to bigger and better things. My name is Krsiten Pearce and he is under my management now...Mr. Jameson now hails from The Greatest City on Earth...The City That Never Sleeps...New York, New York!!!"[/COLOR] [B]D- Kirk Jameson d. Keith Vegas in 8:27[/B] An ok match. Vegas is not very good but Jameson has some serious mat wrestling skills. He made this one watchable and put away the Sprout Faced Boy with the Bullseye. [B]E+[/B] Thomas Morgan comes to the ring, decked in a warm up suit: [COLOR="Red"]"That's right, feast your eyes on "Trademark" Thomas Morgan. You are looking at one of the most highly skilled and sought after wrestlers in the entire world. Brady Prince, do you really think you stand a chance against this modern marvel of athletic prowess?"[/COLOR] [B]E- Brady Prince d. Thomas Morgan in 13:38[/B] I was hoping for at least a D- from these two. Prince is a decent wrestler and Morgan has some skills as well but the crowd wasn't into it. Prince is being pushed at the top of the card for a run and we'll see how he does. [B]E+[/B] Ash Campbell: [COLOR="Red"]"Masked Patriot, last month you were lucky. I was exhausted from my two matches while you got cake walks to the finals. Who did you pay off, huh? Well tonight you're facing a fresh Ash Campbell. You are in for a surprise, you masked idiot!"[/COLOR] [B]D- The Masked Patriot d. Ash Campbell in 20:02 to retain the Boston Hvywt. Championship[/B] An excellent match and these two really seem to work well together. Ash bumps a lot for Patriot's power game and then cheats to take the advantage. Patriot wins it cleanly via his backdrop driver. [B]D[/B] As Patriot is handed his belt and he celebrates a hard fought win, [B]Primus Allen[/B] charges the ring and blindsides him!! Ash is screaming into the microphone "take him out!! Take him out!!" as Allen pummels the masked champion. [B]E-[/B] From out of the back, weilding a steel chair, comes Brady Prince!! Ash decides discretion is the better part of a 2 on 1 attack that just became even sides and pulls Primus out of the ring. Allen has an intense staredown with Prince as the show ends. [B]E[/B] Overall Show: [B]D-[/B] Notes: Another solid show with a very good main event. We only lost $35 on this show so we are really close to making a profit. I was a little worried after last month but I think we can weather this as the audience grows. Kristen Pearce was surprisingly very good on the mic. I was impressed with her promo. Morgan, on the other hand, wasn't so great and his mic time will most likely be curtailed unless he has something important to talk about.
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Is it just me or is Primus Allen just made to be a bodyguard? I put him in that role in my 0/0/0 challenge game, only he was protecting the Champion, Cameron Vessey from Dazzling Dave Diamond. Oh and are you using the same product as your last run with CWB?
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[QUOTE=foolinc;458928]Is it just me or is Primus Allen just made to be a bodyguard? I put him in that role in my 0/0/0 challenge game, only he was protecting the Champion, Cameron Vessey from Dazzling Dave Diamond. Oh and are you using the same product as your last run with CWB?[/QUOTE] I know right? I think he's a pretty decent worker as well so he won't just be watching Ash's back. I've always loved the chicken **** wiseass heel with the giant guy backing him up (ala HBK & Diesel, Hayes & Gordy...etc) [QUOTE=Sudo_Nym;458356]Yeah, shipshirt, thanks for taking my call... I'm a long time reader, first time caller, I just wanted to say WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! *click*[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=MrOnu;458410]It's nice to see this diary coming back. I like how you picked a different cast, it makes things less confusing. Not that I would mind seeing Rhino Umaga again ;)[/QUOTE] Thanks guys! Glad to have you along. Yeah I definitely wanted to shake up the lineup although I'm sure you'll be seeing some familiar faces along the way. The reason I started it in June, if anyone is wondering, is because I wanted to have the Plumelli Cup as the first event and didn't want it to be in January as that's when the Rip Chord Tourney is. I figured it would work better as a summer event for my lineup with the year end Brawlapalooza being the signature show. Gives me two tent poles. [QUOTE=praguepride;458969]Are you planning on using written storylines or just using unchained ones?[/QUOTE] I've always used a mix of both. It's tough when you're only doing monthly shows to do a full fledged storyline but I have used them in the past. I wrote about 6 or so new storylines for the DOTT mod and I'm sure those will be getting used here at some point. I use a mix of DOTT and Default storylines in my games.
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[QUOTE=shipshirt;459140]I know right? I think he's a pretty decent worker as well so he won't just be watching Ash's back. I've always loved the chicken **** wiseass heel with the giant guy backing him up (ala HBK & Diesel, Hayes & Gordy...etc)[/quote] I was also taking about a Diesel or Batista style bodyguard. Someone who is good enough to wrestle in the main event and even could possibly win the title if he stopped following the champion blindly. [quote=shipshirt;459140] I've always used a mix of both. It's tough when you're only doing monthly shows to do a full fledged storyline but I have used them in the past. I wrote about 6 or so new storylines for the DOTT mod and I'm sure those will be getting used here at some point. I use a mix of DOTT and Default storylines in my games.[/quote] Yeah, IMO the best way for small companies is to run two BIG storylines (whether or not it is chained or unchained) and then have a couple of minor storylines (that may or may not be storylines at all) that you can mix and match from month to month.
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[QUOTE=Showtime4Lajf;459191]Yes! It's back! Living up to prior incarnations so far. :)[/QUOTE] Showtime my man! Glad to see YOU back! I may have to make a Mr. Olympia character in the c-verse :) [QUOTE=maskedpropaganda;459201]Championship Wrestling from the best city on the planet is BACK BABY! YESSSSSSSSS! I am reading! [I]I must admit you being from Los Angeles running a wrestling promotion from the home of the NBA CHAMPIONS!!!!... is quite funny![/I][/QUOTE] I'm Boston born and bred my friend. :D Born in Woburn and lived in MA until I moved out here 6 years ago :)
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