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SmackDown Spoilers


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He finally debuted, with a heel gimmick and a big black bodyguard named Ezekiel. JR and Foley are talking about how everyone in the locker room says he reminds them of an Attitude-era HBK. Needless to say, I'm still marking out a little. Weird how they decided to push all the HBK Academy graduates at once though.
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[QUOTE] He finally debuted, with a heel gimmick and a big black bodyguard named Ezekiel. JR and Foley are talking about how everyone in the locker room says he reminds them of an Attitude-era HBK. Needless to say, I'm still marking out a little. Weird how they decided to push all the HBK Academy graduates at once though.[/QUOTE] Oooooo... Bad ass! I can't wait to see this one. :)
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[QUOTE=G-Prime;463374]He finally debuted, with a heel gimmick and a big black bodyguard named Ezekiel. JR and Foley are talking about how everyone in the locker room says he reminds them of an Attitude-era HBK. Needless to say, I'm still marking out a little. Weird how they decided to push all the HBK Academy graduates at once though.[/QUOTE] I hope London does get a good push. He's one of my favorites.
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[QUOTE=G-Prime;463422]Ok, just watched the end of the episode (I had to go out), and I just wanted to say, I totally saw that coming.[/QUOTE] If you mean the ending, yeah as soon as 'Aitch came out I knew what was coming next but overall I'd say that last segment was good enough. I do wonder if Edge and Victoria Crawford will be a storyline item or just feel the wrath of Vickie individualy.
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[QUOTE=G-Prime;463374]He finally debuted, with a heel gimmick and a big black bodyguard named Ezekiel. JR and Foley are talking about how everyone in the locker room says he reminds them of an Attitude-era HBK. Needless to say, I'm still marking out a little. Weird how they decided to push all the HBK Academy graduates at once though.[/QUOTE] I would pretty sweet to see what they do with Kendrick and Ezekiel=Rycklon Stephens
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A good episode overall but a few things didn't make sense. For example Shelton and MVP both had a bit of momentum from last week with Shelton having beaten Matt and MVP having beef with Kennedy, but for some reason they're thrown in the match against Big Show where their presence was pointless. Sure MVP's big boot was amazing but it'd have made Koslov and Khali look much better to have just those two go over. At least now there's something personal between Edge and Triple H but it's still awfully confusing with regards to who's on who's side going into the Bash. Guess that's a good thing, I'm just not a fan of the lack of real build for both title matches (but in three weeks what do you expect). Oh and Kendrick = awesome.
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You know, I've heard a lot about how they never feuded the Hardys against each other because "[I]no one wants to see them fight[/I]" and I've always disagreed. As a twin, oft overpowered by my golden boy sibling, I've always had an invested interest in Brother vs Brother feuds. Apparently I'm the only one, because no one in that arena had any interest in seeing them fight. At all. The crowd was dead until the finish. It didn't help that there wasn't any chemistry, any intensity, any [I]personality[/I] to the fight. I'm a Hardyz mark, but that was a poor main event. I would have liked Kendrick to have been given the mic for about... 30 seconds, just to explain wtf was going on with his new gimmick, but J.R and Foley covered it pretty well for the TV audience. My favourite part was when Foely ret-conned Kendrick by saying that backstage "[I]He had always been a jerk[/I]". If the Cruiserweight title still existed, Kendrick would be set. The ending. I knew it was coming, but only because someone had told me. I wouldn't have figured it out myself. They ruined Koslov for me, although to be fair, he was part ruined when they gave him music. I liked Umaga/Kennedy. I've always been resistant to joining the Kennedy fan club, but the guy has personality in the ring. I think Miz won clean... All in all, a pretty 'meh' show, but it's not like I have anything else to do on a Saturday morning. I'm not buying this PPV.
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[QUOTE=Self;463930]They ruined Koslov for me, although to be fair, he was part ruined when they gave him music.[/QUOTE] Have to agree there...I wanted him to beat people up, no music, no finishing move, just get in there and fight lol. I wouldn't buy GAB either, luckily it's on sky sports xD
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Re: Kendrick In my opinion, not really sure what's so mark-worthy about his turn/new gimmick. Very little was done to set it up (if you recall, he and London did argue a bit before they split). His new package is, well, generic. His bodygurard? We just did this with the Bam Neeley character. To be honest, I'm left scratching my head. I like his in-ring skills, but I don't see where he can go. Re: Hardy v Hardy If there was a reason for them to fight, I think we'd be all over it. A girl, a title, who gets the top bunk, SOMETHING. Self is right, there' lots of ways to do a brother v brother feud that people will identify with. Throwing them together by decree of the GM in front of a hometown crowd (which, by the way, just saw them as a tag team beat Miz and Morrison in the ECW part of the taping)? Of course there's no crowd heat.
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Just realised what my main problem with the Kendrick thing is. He didn't turn. He's now a heel, sure, but there wasn't a turning point. If he'd picked up the microphone, said some things about being glad to be back on Smackdown, where his talents could be properly appreciated. How he's glad to be away from London, who was holding him back. Then point out his personal security, hired to stop all of his female fans from getting a piece of him... Maybe a cheap insult to the hometown fans. Then I'd have dug it. Happy to see him with a character, but... Can Kendrick not talk or something?
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[QUOTE=Self;463996]Just realised what my main problem with the Kendrick thing is. He didn't turn. He's now a heel, sure, but there wasn't a turning point. If he'd picked up the microphone, said some things about being glad to be back on Smackdown, where his talents could be properly appreciated. How he's glad to be away from London, who was holding him back. Then point out his personal security, hired to stop all of his female fans from getting a piece of him... Maybe a cheap insult to the hometown fans. Then I'd have dug it. Happy to see him with a character, but... Can Kendrick not talk or something?[/QUOTE] I'd have to aggree a bit here. I'm not with this change right now, maybe they can win me over later though. I think sometimes they "try" things at the development or something, then just "Make it so" without realising what's been left out. Also, probably has a time thing going with it as well... Hurry up and get them to know what's going on real fast, so we can get on with the storyline (the main storyline) with his push.
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There's still time for Kendrick's turn to be explained. He could start interupting other matches which have 'Cruiserweights' involved and eventually explain his actions. Not so sure about the whole bodyguard things because as somebody has pointed out they've done this with Chavo, and wasn't there talk of doing it with Santino, too?
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