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July 21st RAW Discussion & Spoilers


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Punk's making me a fan real fast. Inside the mind of my girl wathcing Raw: HBK/Y2J fued "This is complex, involving human emotions..." Lance Cade "Ew, look at his man boobs jiggle" Paul London "Back in my day shorts were short."
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[QUOTE=Eisen-verse;465432]Is anyone else kind of annoyed that we are getting the same main event as last week? (Team JBL vs. Team Cena)[/QUOTE] It's not the main event though. I am annoyed that the main event is the same one I watched less than 24 hours ago.
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[QUOTE]It's not the main event though. I am annoyed that the main event is the same one I watched less than 24 hours ago.[/QUOTE] Oh that's right. My bad. Still in some way it's kind of sad to see the same thing pretty much. I wasn't expecting anything crazy but maybe something a little different? I would even settle for something like JBL/Kane vs. Cena/Batista.
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[QUOTE=NickC13573;465474]Dlo Brown!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/QUOTE] My thoughts exactly. I'll admit I geeked out a bit. Brought back memories. Santino. . .and Beth. . .? It'll either be comedy gold or absolutely wretched.
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Bad Finish The 3rd time is not a charm, thought Dave and CM had some magic last night it just isn't going to keep working while everyone knows interference is coming. I understand that they aren't ready to have Batista look at the lights for punk but he needs a clean win to look legitimate as champ real bad. We may be building to some crazy 4 way or something at Summerslam...
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[QUOTE=lordprimeau25;465494]The 3rd time is not a charm, thought Dave and CM had some magic last night it just isn't going to keep working while everyone knows interference is coming. I understand that they aren't ready to have Batista look at the lights for punk but [B]he needs a clean win to look legitimate as champ real bad.[/B] We may be building to some crazy 4 way or something at Summerslam...[/QUOTE] JBL at Summerslam.
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I didn't watch GAB, actually I never watch the PPVs so I'm not upset about an immediate punk/batista rematch. And as for the 6 man tag rematch if it wasn't for story purposes I might have been annoyed but it definitely moved the story along so it wasn't bad. My favorite part of the show, the Vince McMahon, John Cena commercial for the Gillette razor.
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[QUOTE=djthefunkchris;465516]JBL at Summerslam.[/QUOTE] I hope you are right. If that is the case which it surely could be it will be very interesting to see how they weed JBL out with Batista, Cena, and Kane all in the mix. I am just under the impression that nobody is willing to do the job for Punk, and I am extremely worried the crowd will turn on him if they continue stacking him against top faces. I still have the outside hopes that Mr. Orton will be sticking his nose into the picture but I fear that may have to wait until after Slam.
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That was a fine RAW. Considering that I'm watching it while doing paperwork, I found it to be perfectly acceptable entertainment. - Good opening segment. I'm definitely in Punk's corner when it comes to the World Title picture, not because of his indy cred, but because he's an underdog champion. If he started beating folks left and right, I don't think I would care. - The Beth Phoenix-Santino Marella thing was AWESOME. I was practically giddy watching it. SOmething about their personallities make this incredibly unlikely, and they know it. Beth's facial expression was so damned cute. Great stuff. Nice to see D'Lo too. - Jericho's promo was great, and Lance Cade was comfortable of the microphone too. Good for him. - Hacksaw Jim Duggan was also awesome. A really good night for promo's. Very cool segment. - Again, the matches weren't anything that really interested me. I only really paid attention to D'Lo/Santino, purely for nostalgia reasons. I thought Kelly Kelly did absolutely fine. I like hearing the wrestler's when they fight, it makes it feel more like they aren't going silently going through the motions. - Punk doesn't win again, which bums me out, but if he beats Batista, the only thing I find interesting about him is out of the window (although I'd pop for it) What I liked about the ending was Cena/Batista getting it on. They've been on separate shows since I returned to watching wrestling, and I've always put them on the same "I don't care" level. However, seeing them fight, it's clear to me that I like Cena WAY more. I popped hard when he picked up Big Dave for the FU. That realisation made the show worth watching.
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