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American Gladiators


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[QUOTE=Tyler Gadzinski;466435]Yes, that and all the reports of him being in American Gladiators gave it away.[/QUOTE] Um yeah, sorry didn't see it on here. Don't get my wrestling news from anywhere else sorry if every one else already new it. [QUOTE=Moe Hunter;466611]Has the new season started up yet? If so, I gotta get to some downloadin'![/QUOTE] yep just started the semi finals, time to catch up. (that should take about 10 hours of downloading and 20 minutes to watch :D)
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I watch pieces of it here and there. It's not bad, it's just not as captivating as I remember as a kid. (When Adamle mattered on a mic.) I had a soft spot for Crush until I watched her fight in the cage, and realized I shouldn't feel that warm and fuzzy for a woman who could snap my neck with a thought if I didn't pick up my laundry. lol
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Hogan's okay as a presenter. He's not a judge at all (I think things only went to the judges once in Season 1, and IMO it was a bad call). Basically he says "Dude Brother, that was Heavy" and that's about it. Ali's daughter isn't much better, but really half the contestants are stupid enough on their own. It's all about the games as far as I'm concerned. Don't let anyone near a mic unless they're the Hebrew Hammer or the Priest of Pain, those guys were awesome. And away I go!
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