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Age Old Question I've had with TEW...

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If I have a worker who is too over for the title he is currently holding... Is there any sort of damage that is done? I can't imagine there would be and I've tried to overlook the process however I'm not really sure what to think. My tag titles are dropping (midcard title) which is being held by two Upper Midcarders but that could be because the've had it for 8 defenses and have had pretty "decent" matches since the rest of my tag roster is dismal. The reason I ask is mostly because I have a lower level title in the SWF that is being defended by Enforcer Roberts who is acting as a "gatekeeper" champion on my "B" show. He's a C+ overall in overness and I didn't know if this would mess anything up. I know you have the ability to push anyone you want into any title picture however I didn't know if there was a positive/nothing/negative indication on the belt and the champion.
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As far as my experiences go no negative effects on having a belt on someone who is too over for it but it negates the positive effects a belt brings with someone who is just right for it. Low level belt= ET to Lower Mid, Midcard = Lower Mid too Upper Mid, Main Event = Main event. So no no direct negative effect more of a negating of a possible positiv effect aaltough having someone who is too over for the belt wil increase the belts prestige faster so that kinda cancels it out.
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Ok I have another question to go with this. Ok I am MAW and some how I ended signing Steve Flash who is a ranked as a National Worker. NOw he is holding the Main Event title in a small fed. Would he be too over to hold this title or no?
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I haven't had any ill effects from it, although the worker's tend to wonder why they are holding it... "I hold the US Tag Team championship. It's a low level title, so I don't know why I am holding it." I wish we could tell them why... "It's because all my lower level guys that could get something from it, can get a whole bunch more by feuding YOU! That's right, I plan on jobbing you right down to where that belt fits you nicely, then letting rid yourself of it to someone that I'm planning on NOT holding it for more then a couple months, as they shoot up past the level you were in the first place! Then I plan on having you feud them again as the 'Thorn' in thier side, and bring you right back up to where you were again, and then some... But don't worry, that's only so you can get the belt back, and I can do it again for someone else! So your stuck as my MAIN MAN for Giving my lower levels that much needed win for Taking your place!" Do you think that would be hard to implement?
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[QUOTE=Hyde Hill;466672]As far as my experiences go no negative effects on having a belt on someone who is too over for it but it negates the positive effects a belt brings with someone who is just right for it. Low level belt= ET to Lower Mid, Midcard = Lower Mid too Upper Mid, Main Event = Main event. So no no direct negative effect more of a negating of a possible positiv effect aaltough having someone who is too over for the belt wil increase the belts prestige faster so that kinda cancels it out.[/QUOTE] I like this guy. :) Realistically speaking, there's no reason to give an enhancement talent a belt of any kind, unless your goal is to make them more than an enhancement talent. By the first defense of even a low level title, that worker's likely to be a lower midcarder minimum. As chris illustrates, the only real reason to have someone "too over" for a title (and let's face it, we're only talking about midcard and low level titles here for the obvious reason) is to give someone else the rub for taking it from them. Yes, sometimes a worker rises up the card "too fast" (i.e. faster than planned) but in that instance, a triple threat (or four-way or five-way or six-way) match can easily get the title off them without too much damage to their overness or momentum. That is, if that's the goal (not jobbing them but getting the title off them anyway). Of course, this time around, you can just run an angle and use the 'replace' option to take the title off that worker and put it on another.
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[QUOTE=NickC13573;466937]but what is the fun if you just "replace" your champion with someone else.[/QUOTE] When I say "replace" I am talking about him losing it to another. The fun is building their overness up, as well as momentum, as your company grows in overness as well. You don't want someone going up too fast, as Remi said. But you do want people to move up and down. Keeping everyone as they are can lead to stagnation in development on all ends. Example: Wrestler "A" is a Main Eventer. I slap a Midcard title on him, and have him keep the title for a few defence's, only to have an up and comer take it from him. This up and comer actually tells me, "I think the Cruiserweight Title would be the best one for me to get involved in." A quick look at his momentum tells me he's ready for it, and "Presto"... I go from a Main Eventer to a Midcard holder (or sometimes he becomes an Upper Midcard), although before he was just an enhanced talent. I like to build from the bottum up. This ensure's that the main event *workers stay within' grasp of my company, while setting the standards of "Push" a bit higher as the lower end's popularity increase's. When I start a new game, I ussually have people that are up to D+ or even C in overness for main eventer's, and I ussually have quite a few in the F's, or F-. I consistantly use the automatic Push after each main "EVENT", which is ussually every three of four months to start. At least till I can get a PPV carrier. Anyways, If I have same push (Main Event, Lower Mid, whatever) go against each other, I end up with everyone bassically staying in the same place, and no one really cares about the low end of my promotion. If I scatter it a bit though, having match's where an Enhanced talent might job to a Main Eventer every now and then, they get the "rub". They go up in overness, and my auto push get's tighter and tighter. The tighter my push is, the more clearly I can see the overness with each of my worker's, as it ussually ends up something like "Main Eventer's = C+, Upper Mid C, Mid D+" and sometimes I have people that are lower or higher in overness, but because of my product, they are pushed up or down a bit more then the other's... SO I might have a C+ upper mid, or a D+ Main Eventer, but they are their because of other reasons (automation does this). I like to start with a good historical mod, and work my way from local to as high as I can get. The first goal is to get to national for signing written contracts. The second goal is to get ahold of some of my favorite wrestler's going today, and not only have them the way I would want them, but to see where the promotion that would have used them goes for getting the same effects.
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