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I'm working on a match file that will include some of the weirder match types I've seen and heard about in addition to some of the funkier match types that have run through my head in the past. Here's what I've got so far, but if anyone has suggestions I'm all ears. Blindfold Boiler Room Catch-As-Catch-Can Double Jeopardy Flag Flaming Table Hangman I Quit Junkyard Lighttube Log Cabin Luchas de Apuestas (Standard lucha libre match with something on the line) No DQ Out Your House (Victory through countout) Parking Lot Pole Capture (Victory through grabbing the item) Pole Weapon (Weapon is legal when taken from pole) Scaffold Scaffold Cage Singapore Cane Stairway To Hell Submission Ladder Taped Fist TLX (Tables, Ladders and something else)
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how about the triple cage (the one where macho man and hulk hogan beat the deaguns of doom in)? Bar room Brawl tables match tlc inferno match hair for hair mask for hair hair for mask mask for title hair for title would be nice to see multiple battle royals thats not just plain has something like hardcore or something else to do with it world war cage matchs with handcuffs i could probably go on and on so im gonna stop here now lol
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[QUOTE=rodzillahotrod;467003]how about the triple cage (the one where macho man and hulk hogan beat the deaguns of doom in)?[/quote] Considering it. [quote]Bar room Brawl[/quote] Will be in, as well as a variation I've conceived called "The Beer Match." It's a cross between an iron man match and "I'm going to break this bottle over your head." [quote]tables match tlc inferno match[/quote] Tables and Inferno are already included, TLC is TLX as explained in the original post. [quote]hair for hair mask for hair hair for mask mask for title hair for title[/quote] All covered under Luchas de Apuestas. [quote]would be nice to see multiple battle royals thats not just plain has something like hardcore or something else to do with it[/quote] Thought of something I'm calling the "Top Ten" match, but it's a little complicated. Basically a Royal Rumble in which the top ten contenders for a title enter in reverse order, i.e. the #1 contender is the last man in. [quote]world war[/quote] Impossible to book that many workers in one match. Thanks for the ideas, everyone.
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[QUOTE=NickC13573;467005]what the hell is a submission ladder match?[/QUOTE] It was a pretty ridiculous concept TNA came up with for a Shamrock/Sabu match. It's a match contested under both ladder and submission rules, so you win by submission or grabbing the belt hanging over the ring. Naturally, Shamrock went for the belt instead of the submission and there was a screwjob ending in which neither guy won. Still think the concept could be kind of interesting for the whole technician versus spot monkey angle.
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Piñata on a pole match? :p :D Raven's Rules Marquis of Queensbury Match ( [url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marquess_of_Queensberry_rules[/url] . I seem to remember Regal challenging somebody to one of these matches, or being in the No Mercy storymode) Bloodbath (Opponent must be bleeding before the pinfall can occur)
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[QUOTE=ColtCabana;467065]Marquis of Queensbury Match ( [url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marquess_of_Queensberry_rules[/url] . I seem to remember Regal challenging somebody to one of these matches, or being in the No Mercy storymode) [/QUOTE] It was against Jericho and it was freakin' awesome!
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[QUOTE=Ellis Dee;467127]It was against Jericho and it was freakin' awesome![/QUOTE] That was Duchess of Queensbury Rules, and as awesome a concept as it was I'm afraid that you can't even come close to simulating it in TEW. I'm not including a dozen different matches rather than what could very simply be put under the heading of Luchas de Apuestas, especially when the only difference between Luchas de Apuestas and a regular lucha libre match is name value and prestige. And I'll be the first to admit that it takes a little... imagination for some of these matches to work (Double Jeopardy in particular), but others work well. A Boiler Room match, for example, is just a cage match on a special set with weapons allowed.
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The Dutchess of Queensbury Rules Match was Regal vs. Jericho and it was what ever rules Regal wanted to happen as the match went on, i believe he lost by DQ and Count Out and changed the match so he couldnt lose that way, and the duchess was a dude in drag if i remember correctly :)
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[quote=Woodsmeister;468010]The Dutchess of Queensbury Rules Match was Regal vs. Jericho and it was what ever rules Regal wanted to happen as the match went on, i believe he lost by DQ and Count Out and changed the match so he couldnt lose that way, and the duchess was a dude in drag if i remember correctly :)[/quote] I can vaguely remember the match myself. I was reading through some old Observers/F4W's the other day on their website and Jericho hit a lionsault on Regal and as the ref was counting the bell got rang and it was announced that it was the end of round one. In round two Jericho made Regal tap out and we where then told there isn't any submission finishes. Regal then hit Jericho with I think it was the sculpture for the DQ but then it was announced No DQ's. Regal eventually pinned Jericho after hitting him a few times with a steel chair. And to quote a bit from the article. [quote][FONT=Arial][FONT=Arial]Basically, it was Lance Storm vs. Mike Awesome at New Blood Rising all over again.[/quote] [/FONT][/FONT]
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[QUOTE=shamelessposer;467026]It was a pretty ridiculous concept TNA came up with for a Shamrock/Sabu match. It's a match contested under both ladder and submission rules, so you win by submission or grabbing the belt hanging over the ring. Naturally, Shamrock went for the belt instead of the submission and there was a screwjob ending in which neither guy won. Still think the concept could be kind of interesting for the whole technician versus spot monkey angle.[/QUOTE] For the finish they could have somebody do a submission move over the top of the ladder (Boston Crab?) and grab the belt at the same time. No probs TNA, I'm happy to come and book your fed.
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[QUOTE=rodzillahotrod;467180]can't u do a 60-man world war? for the lucha stuff wouldn't it be better to have more the matchs then just having one for all of them? i always like more matchs thats just my opinion though[/QUOTE] I have a 60 man battle royal in my current database right now. It is possible. I have it in several variations, standard br, pinfall/sub br, royal rumble, steel cell pinfall/sub br. It is possible.
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[QUOTE=rodzillahotrod;473117]any update on this?[/QUOTE] I haven't worked on it too much, but this match file will make its debut in C2, my alternate Cornellverse database, whenever that comes out. I'm waiting on the updated Cornellverse data before anymore work goes into that, but I might add some more matches in the meantime.
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